8 years ago | |
etc | 8 years ago | |
games/ENLIVEN | 8 years ago | |
LICENSE.txt | 8 years ago | |
README.md | 8 years ago | |
minetest.conf | 8 years ago |
EnlivenMinetest is a subgame for minetest with the goals of providing immersion and lessons for humanity. This collection of scripts includes some scripts to help install and manage your git version of Minetest Server on Ubuntu Server or various *buntu flavors (a gui distro neither required nor recommended). EnlivenMinetest project assists you in setting up ENLIVEN subgame and provides scripts to run it on minetestserver as current user (must be sudoer).
- Please see included LICENSE.txt (MIT license normally). The license in the file is the fallback license for everything included where license is not otherwise specified.
- The original EnlivenMinetest project is found at https://github.com/expertmm/EnlivenMinetest
- Any script code related to redis has not been successfully tested.
- Make sure you convert your world to leveldb and place it in your server's worlds folder $HOME/.minetest/worlds/, as this set of scripts hasn't been tested with any other database nor worlds folder location, and nightly backup scripts cater to leveldb.
How to use:
(requires GNU/Linux System and only tested on Ubuntu Server [14.04 to 16.04] and Lubuntu [14.04 to 16.04]) The installer script (in the "etc/change_world_name_manually_first" folder) downloads the git versions of all of the mods to the ENLIVEN folder which will be placed in your minetest games folder (one of the two folders listed below, otherwise fails)--but change the world name to the name of your world first.
- (optionally) place the enliven folder in the games folder here into the games folder on your server such as: /usr/local/share/minetest/games/ (If you're not using the git version of Minetest on Ubuntu Server, try something like: /usr/share/games/minetest/games/ ) although the installer script should create the initial version of the minetest.conf in there (NOTE: there is a different version of minetest.conf for clients, as described below)
- BEFORE running game-install-enliven.sh, make sure you FIRST CHANGE the value after "MT_MYWORLD_NAME=" Do not expect the mods from game-install-enliven-testing.sh to work. Also, do not run the file directly -- instead, paste the variables (before backup process) in game-install-enliven.sh into a terminal window, then paste the contents of game-install-enliven-test.sh
- mts-ENLIVEN starts server (place it in $HOME normally), but requires you to FIRST CHANGE the value after worldname to the name of your world
- If you have used cme or tsm_pyramids is your world before, fix issue where cme is required by certain mods by manually placing the folders from etc\Mods,WIP into your mods folder (this may be automated in the future), so mobs (including spawners:mummy) will be used instead. (There are also WIP TRMs in there to go with the ENLIVEN subgame) Otherwise just install everything EXCEPT cme_to_spawners & tsm_pyramids_to_spawners. (NOTE: spawners makes pyramids now, so tsm_pyramids )
- Recommend your users download the minetest.conf from this folder and put it in their minetest folder for better graphics (opengl 3.0 shaders, smooth lighting)
- Before using anything in the change_world_name_manually_first and subfolders, change the values of the variables in the folder name as noted before using.
- If you have a dedicated server, the value server_dedicated = false should be changed to server_dedicated = true in your SERVER's minetest.conf in the ENLIVEN folder that the installer creates.
Security and Performance Notes
- The installer script changes owner and group for ENLIVEN's world.mt and world.mt.1st if present to $USER
- The included minetest.conf recommended for your clients includes the line enable_local_map_saving = true, which will cache the world locally on their machines. You can feel free to change that according to your preference.
(2017-02-15) (change homedecor_modpack/homedecor) Add optional non-adult beverage version of homedecor in homedecor_modpack (just changes display name & variable name of Wine rack and Beer tap and beer mug, and textures for beer mug)
(2017-02-15) (change protector) Avoid crash by not allowing non-player to dig protected area (may only happen when one of the owners of an area does it--that was the crash scenario) changed return protector.can_dig(1, pos, player:get_player_name(), true, 1) to return player and protector.can_dig(1, pos, player:get_player_name(), true, 1) or false
(2017-02-15) (change bones) Show player (and print to server console) where died (and say bones remain or why not) -- with this addition, you can search your server log for "player's bones" where player is playername whether bones remain or not.
(2017-02-14) (change mobs) Added some nonviolent textures that could be used in a school to the ENLIVEN/mods folder (they can be manually installed after ENLIVEN by copying them to the same place in your games/ENLIVEN folder on your installation of Minetest)
(2017-02-06) Added installation of trmp_minetest_game to the installer script, since treasurer requires one or more trms in order to work (tested and working now on tsm_railcorridors)
(2017-02-06) Added optional trm_compassgps so that treasure could include a compass or map from the compassgps mod
(2017-02-06) Added optional mods for migrating from cme and from tsm_pyramids to spawners (should allow mods that depend on cme to be installed, and use mobs instead, though no mods in ENLIVEN are known to require cme currently)
Naming conventions:
- The filenames without extensions
- The abbreviation "mts" is for minetest server-specific scripts or variables
- du-show-big searches your hard drive for big files, in case $HOME/.minetest/debug.txt fills your drive, or a log rotate utility fails (going into a cumulative copy loop, or not) in regard to debug.txt, filling up your drive
- The network folder contains some stuff for networks, which is usually only useful for using Minetest in a network cafe or school. (The purpose of minetest_userscript_localENLIVEN_server_only.vbs is to make sure the user only uses the hostname localENLIVEN, however this only changes the default, and cannot be enforced in any way as far as I know without recompiling the client.)
Known issues:
- Preciousness in trm_compassgps has not been audited
- Installer script does not copy certain stuff to the config files due to permissions unless runs as root (the rest is designed to run as sudoer, and use sudo only as needed)
- minetestserver-update-from-git.sh usually doesn't work right. Normally just rename your minetest folder then clone it from git instead.
- make sure always cd $HOME/Downloads before downloading stuff (double check installer script)
- minetest_userscript_localENLIVEN_server_only.vbs logon script in network folder only works if you make C:\games\Minetest writable to Authenticated Users, in order for minetest.conf to be created via this script (feel free to offer comments on how to avoid making the entire Minetest folder writable to Authenticated Users [I haven't experimented with which of the files and subfolders can be set to do not inherit])
- minetest_userscript_localENLIVEN_server_only.vbs does not read the recommended minetest.conf, so it echoes the lines manually. Ideally it would analyze the recommended one and change the server settings.
- minetest_game mods and modpacks are owned by root in the end, for some reason. This may cause serious problems on your server. Change the owner to your current user.
Planned Features
- Log where bones were placed to debug.txt, possibly by way of the following chat message: after the existing line: minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "bones:bones", param2 = param2}) add the new line (not sure if the format call is really ok--it was copied from compassgps: minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), S("Bones placed at %s."):format(pos))
Known issues in mods:
- unpriveleged players can pick up spawners and then place them (and, spawners catch things on fire)
- compassgps crashes server for some players upon use--see yelby in etc/debugging (wrap sorting in "if player~=nil then...end" in mods/compassgps/init.lua to avoid):
function compassgps.sort_by_distance(table,a,b,player)
--print("sort_by_distance a="..compassgps.pos_to_string(table[a]).." b="..pos_to_string(table[b]))
if player ~= nil then
local playerpos = player:getpos()
local name=player:get_player_name()
--return compassgps.distance3d(playerpos,table[a]) < compassgps.distance3d(playerpos,table[b])
if distance_function[name] then
return distance_function[name](playerpos,table[a]) <
return false --this should NEVER happen
end --sort_by_distance
- And more: 2017-02-13 18:15:32: WARNING[Main]: NodeDefManager: Ignoring CONTENT_IGNORE redefinition 2017-02-13 18:15:32: WARNING[Main]: Field "tile_images": Deprecated; new name is "tiles". 2017-02-13 18:15:32: WARNING[Main]: Field "metadata_name": Deprecated; use on_add and metadata callbacks 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'taiga' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'snowy_grassland' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'grassland' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'coniferous_forest' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'deciduous_forest' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'savanna' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: get_biome_list: failed to get biome 'rainforest' 2017-02-13 18:15:32: ERROR[Main]: register_ore: couldn't get all biomes 2017-02-13 18:15:33: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: mushroom:brown_natural -> flowers:mushroom_fertile_brown 2017-02-13 18:15:33: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: mushroom:red_natural -> flowers:mushroom_fertile_red 2017-02-13 18:15:33: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: farming_plus:orange -> ethereal:orange 2017-02-13 18:15:34: WARNING[Main]: Field "noise_threshhold": Deprecated: new name is "noise_threshold". 2017-02-13 18:15:34: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "HUD_ENABLE_HUNGER" accessed at ...e/minetest/games/ENLIVEN/mods/hud_hunger/hud/builtin.lua:41 2017-02-13 18:15:35: WARNING[Main]: Field "maxwear" is deprecated; replace with uses=1/maxwear 2017-02-13 18:15:35: ACTION[Main]: [Mod] Fishing - Crabman77's (MFF team) version [1.0.0] [fishing] Loaded... 2017-02-13 18:15:35: WARNING[Main]: Field "noise_threshhold": Deprecated: new name is "noise_threshold". 2017-02-13 18:15:36: WARNING[Main]: Node 'light_source' value exceeds maximum, limiting to maximum: technic:forcefield 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: tsm_pyramids:mummy -> spawners:mummy 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: creatures:chicken -> mobs_animal:chicken 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: creatures:sheep -> mobs_animal:sheep_white 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: mobs_animal:sheep -> mobs_animal:sheep_white 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: creatures:ghost -> mobs_monster:spider 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: creatures:mummy -> spawners:mummy 2017-02-13 18:15:37: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: creatures:zombie -> mobs_monster:stone_monster
- The following issues may be caused by having cme enabled on the server before server was updated to ENLIVEN latest (mobs only): 2017-02-13 18:20:59: ERROR[Server]: LuaEntity name "creatures:zombie_spawner_dummy" not defined 2017-02-13 18:21:15: WARNING[Emerge-0]: Map::getNodeMetadata(): Block not found 2017-02-13 18:21:15: WARNING[Emerge-0]: Map::removeNodeMetadata(): Block not found 2017-02-13 18:44:02: ACTION[Server]: thefox963 digs mesecons:wire_11010000_on at (-340,16,60) 2017-02-13 18:44:02: WARNING[Server]: Undeclared global variable "digiline" accessed at ...es/ENLIVEN/mods/mesecons/mesecons_luacontroller/init.lua:274