@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if (!isset($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier)) {
$chunkymapdata_path = "chunkymapdata";
$chunkymap_16px_path = "chunkymapdata/16px" ;
$chunkymapdata_thisworld_path = null ;
@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ function get_dict_from_conf($path, $assignment_operator) {
return $result;
}//end get_dict_from_conf
$map_dict = get_dict_from_conf($chunkymapdata_path."/generated.yml",":");
$map_dict = null;
//startsWith and endsWith are from:
//Salmon A. stackoverflow. < http: / / stackoverflow . com / questions / 834303 / startswith-and-endswith-functions-in-php > . 5 Feb 2016. 19 Feb, 2016.
@ -209,8 +208,17 @@ function echo_chunkymap_controls($callback_php_path) {
$in_html="< img src = \"images/$in_img_name\" style = \"width:16pt; height:16pt \ " / > ";
$out_html="< img src = \"images/$out_img_name\" style = \"width:16pt; height:16pt \ " / > ";
if ($is_in) $in_html="< a href = \"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$in_zoom#$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > $in_html< / a > ";
if ($is_out) $out_html="< a href = \"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$out_zoom#$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > $out_html< / a > ";
global $world_name;
if (isset($world_name)) {
$prefix = "";
if (strlen($append_vars)>0 & & !endsWith($append_vars,"& ") ) {
$prefix = "&";
if ($is_in) $in_html="< a href = \"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$in_zoom"."$append_vars"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > $in_html< / a > ";
if ($is_out) $out_html="< a href = \"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$out_zoom"."$append_vars"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > $out_html< / a > ";
echo $in_html;
echo $out_html;
@ -243,7 +251,7 @@ function echo_map_heading_text() {
// else echo "< span style = \"color:red\" > (missing world name)< / span > ";
// }
function get_chunk_folder_path($x, $z) {
global $chunkymapdata_path;
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_ path;
//NOTE: floor converts -.5 to -1 (and -1.5 to -2) but .5 to 0
$decachunk_x = intval(floor($x/10));
$decachunk_z = intval(floor($z/10));
@ -251,16 +259,16 @@ function get_chunk_folder_path($x, $z) {
//else { $decachunk_x = $x - $x%10; }
//if ($z< 0 ) { $ decachunk_z = $z + $ z % 10 ; }
//else { $decachunk_z = $z - $z%10; }
$result = $chunkymapdata_path.'/16px/'.$decachunk_x.'/'.$decachunk_z;
$result = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_ path.'/16px/'.$decachunk_x.'/'.$decachunk_z;
return $result;
function get_superchunk_folder_path($x, $z) {
global $chunkymapdata_path;
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_ path;
//NOTE: floor converts -.5 to -1 (and -1.5 to -2) but .5 to 0
$hectochunk_x = intval(floor($x/100));
$hectochunk_z = intval(floor($z/100));
$result = $chunkymapdata_path.'/160px/'.$hectochunk_x.'/'.$hectochunk_z;
$result = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_ path.'/160px/'.$hectochunk_x.'/'.$hectochunk_z;
return $result;
@ -284,6 +292,8 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
global $chunkymap_tile_original_w;
global $chunkymap_tile_original_h;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
global $world_name;
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier< $chunkymap_view_zoom_min) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_zoom_min;
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier>$chunkymap_view_zoom_max) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
//$zoom_divisor = (int)(100/$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier);
@ -301,8 +311,18 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
$player_count = 0;
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
if (isset($world_name)) {
$chunkymapdata_thisworld_path = $chunkymapdata_path."/".$world_name;
$generated_yml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/generated.yml";
if (is_file($generated_yml_path)) {
$map_dict = get_dict_from_conf($generated_yml_path,":");
else {
echo_error("Missing '".$generated_yml_path."'");
if ($showplayers==true) {
$chunkymap_players_path = $chunkymapdata_path."/players";
$chunkymap_players_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld _path."/players";
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymap_players_path)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") {
@ -310,7 +330,12 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
if (endsWith($file_lower, ".yml")) {
$player_id=substr($file,0,strlen($file)-4); //-4 for .yml
$file_path = $chunkymap_players_path."/".$file;
if (is_file($file_path)) {
$player_dict = get_dict_from_conf($file_path,":");
else {
echo_error("Missing '$player_dict'");
@ -379,7 +404,7 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
//else {
//echo "calculating range...";
//NOTE: even though *min and *max could be known from $map_dict, build a dict of chunks in order to align images properly since they are not all the same size:
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_path.'/'."16px";
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld _path.'/'."16px";
if ($chunks_16px_handle = opendir($chunks_16px_path)) {
while (false !== ($decachunk_x_name = readdir($chunks_16px_handle))) {
$decachunk_x_path = $chunks_16px_path."/".$decachunk_x_name;
@ -454,7 +479,7 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_path.'/'."16px";
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld _path.'/'."16px";
while ($z >= $chunkz_min) {
echo_hold( " < tr > \r\n");
$x = (int)$chunkx_min;
@ -463,11 +488,11 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
$this_zoomed_h = $zoomed_h;
$chunk_yaml_name = $x_opener.$x.$z_opener.$z.$dot_yaml;
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunkymapdata _path.'/'.$chunk_yaml_name;
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld _path.'/'.$chunk_yaml_name;
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunks_16px_path.'/'.
$chunk_yaml_path = get_chunk_folder_path($x, $z).'/'.$chunk_yaml_name;
//$chunk_genresult_name = $x_opener.$x.$z_opener.$z.$genresult_suffix_then_dot_then_ext;
//$chunk_genresult_path = $chunkymapdata _path.'/'.$chunk_img_name;
//$chunk_genresult_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld _path.'/'.$chunk_img_name;
@ -625,4 +650,35 @@ function echo_entire_chunkymap_as_chunk_table() {
echo " < / table > \r\n";
echo "< / center > \r\n";
else { //not isset($world_name)
echo "< h4 > Choose world:< / h4 > ";
echo "< ul > ";
if ($chunkymapdata_handle = opendir($chunkymapdata_path)) {
if (isset($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier)) {
$prefix = "";
if (strlen($append_vars)>0 and !endsWith($append_vars,"& ")) {
$prefix = "&";
if (isset($chunkymap_anchor_name)) {
$prefix = "";
if (strlen($append_vars)>0) {
$prefix = "&";
global $chunkymap_anchor_name;
while (false !== ($this_world_name = readdir($chunkymapdata_handle))) {
if (substr($this_world_name, 0, 1) != ".") {
$this_world_path = $chunkymapdata_path."/".$this_world_name;
echo "< li > < a href = \"?world_name=$this_world_name"."$append_vars#$chunkymap_anchor_name"."\" > $this_world_name< / a > < / li > ";
echo "< / ul > ";