@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
SET CHUNKYMAPDATA_PATH=C:\wamp\www\chunkymapdata |
if NOT ["%errorlevel%"]==["0"] pause |
@ -0,0 +1,766 @@ |
<?php |
$is_echo_never_held=false; |
$held_echos=""; |
function echo_hold($val) { |
global $is_echo_never_held; |
global $held_echos; |
if (!$is_echo_never_held) $held_echos.="$val"; |
else echo "$val"; |
} |
function echo_release() { |
global $held_echos; |
global $is_echo_never_held; |
if (!$is_echo_never_held) echo "$held_echos"; |
$held_echos=""; |
} |
function echo_chunkymap_anchor() { |
global $chunkymap_anchor_name; |
echo "<a name=\"$chunkymap_anchor_name\"></a>"; |
} |
function echo_chunkymap_controls() { |
global $chunkymap_view_x; |
global $chunkymap_view_z; |
global $chunkymap_view_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_anchor_name; |
global $chunkymap_change_zoom_multiplier; |
$is_in=false; |
$is_out=false; |
$in_img_name = "zoom_in.png"; |
$out_img_name = "zoom_out.png"; |
$in_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom; |
if ($in_zoom<$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) { |
$is_in=true; |
$in_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom*$chunkymap_change_zoom_multiplier; |
//echo "in:$in_zoom "; |
} |
else $in_img_name = "zoom_in_disabled.png"; |
$out_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom; |
if ($out_zoom>$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) { |
$is_out=true; |
$out_zoom = ($chunkymap_view_zoom/$chunkymap_change_zoom_multiplier); |
} |
else $out_img_name = "zoom_out_disabled.png"; |
$zoom_clip = $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
$found=false; |
while ($zoom_clip>=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) { |
if ($out_zoom>$zoom_clip) { |
$out_zoom=$zoom_clip*2; |
$found=true; |
break; |
} |
$zoom_clip = $zoom_clip/2; |
} |
if (!$found) { |
$out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
} |
//if ($in_zoom>$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) { |
// $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
// echo "<!--clipping to max $chunkymap_view_max_zoom-->"; |
//} |
//elseif ($in_zoom>200) $in_zoom=400; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>100) $in_zoom=200; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>75) $in_zoom=100; |
//if ($in_zoom>50) $in_zoom=75; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>25) $in_zoom=50; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>12) $in_zoom=25; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>4) $in_zoom=12; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>2) $in_zoom=4; |
//elseif ($in_zoom>1) $in_zoom=2; |
//else $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom; // if ($in_zoom>1) $in_zoom=5; |
//echo "in:$in_zoom "; |
// if ($out_zoom<$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) $out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<2) $out_zoom=1; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<4) $out_zoom=2; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<12) $out_zoom=4; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<25) $out_zoom=12; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<50) $out_zoom=25; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<75) $out_zoom=50; |
// elseif ($out_zoom<100) $out_zoom=75; |
//elseif ($out_zoom<200) $out_zoom=100; |
//elseif ($out_zoom<$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) $out_zoom=(int)($chunkymap_view_max_zoom/2); |
//else $out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom; //if ($out_zoom>76) $out_zoom=100; |
$zoom_clip=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
$found=false; |
while ($zoom_clip<=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) { |
if ($in_zoom<($zoom_clip*2)) { |
$in_zoom=$zoom_clip; |
$found=true; |
break; |
} |
$zoom_clip = $zoom_clip * 2; |
} |
if (!$found) $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
$in_html="<img src=\"chunkymapdata/images/$in_img_name\" style=\"width:0.5in; height:0.5in\" />"; |
$out_html="<img src=\"chunkymapdata/images/$out_img_name\" style=\"width:0.5in; height:0.5in\" />"; |
global $world_name; |
$append_vars=""; |
if (isset($world_name)) { |
$append_vars.="&"."world_name=$world_name"; |
} |
if ($is_in) $in_html="<a href=\"?chunkymap_view_zoom=$in_zoom"."$append_vars"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name\">$in_html</a>"; |
if ($is_out) $out_html="<a href=\"?chunkymap_view_zoom=$out_zoom"."$append_vars"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name\">$out_html</a>"; |
echo $in_html; |
echo $out_html; |
} |
function echo_decachunk_table() { |
global $chunkymap_view_x; |
global $chunkymap_view_z; |
global $chunkymap_view_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
global $showplayers; |
global $decachunk_dot_and_ext; |
global $decachunk_prefix_then_x_string; |
global $td_decachunk_placeholder_content; |
global $td_1px_placeholder_content; |
global $chunkymap_camera_pan_delta; |
check_world(); |
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path; |
global $world_name; |
global $chunkymapdata_worlds_path; |
global $z_opener; |
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom<$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom = $chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom>$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom = $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
$decachunks_per_page = intval(6.0/$chunkymap_view_zoom); |
if ($decachunks_per_page<1) { |
$decachunks_per_page = 1; |
} |
$viewer_ratio = 16.0/9.0; |
$world_camera_w = 6.0 * (1.0/$chunkymap_view_zoom); |
$world_camera_h = $world_camera_w; |
//$world_camera_w = (($decachunks_per_page*160.0)); |
//$world_camera_h = (($decachunks_per_page*160.0)); |
$view_left = (($chunkymap_view_x)) - (($world_camera_w/2.0)); |
$view_right = $view_left + $world_camera_w; |
//z is cartesian still: |
$view_top = (($chunkymap_view_z)) + (($world_camera_h/2.0)); |
$view_bottom = $view_top - $world_camera_h; |
echo_chunkymap_anchor(); |
echo_chunkymap_controls(); |
echo "\r\n"; |
echo " ".($chunkymap_view_zoom*100.0)."%\r\n";//(string)((int)($chunkymap_view_zoom*100+.5)); |
//"chunkymapdata/images/compass_rose.png" |
//"chunkymapdata/images/start.png" |
$decachunky_min_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_left); |
$decachunky_min_z = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_bottom); |
$decachunky_max_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_right); |
$decachunky_max_z = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_top); |
$decachunky_count_x = $decachunky_max_x-$decachunky_min_x+1; |
$decachunky_count_z = $decachunky_max_z-$decachunky_min_z+1; |
//#region local vars |
$generated_yml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/generated.yml"; |
//#endregion local vars |
$decachunky_z=$decachunky_max_z; |
//echo "<br/>"; |
//echo "$decachunky_min_x:$decachunky_max_x,$decachunky_min_z:$decachunky_max_z<br/>"; |
echo '<table id="chunkymap_table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%">'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <tr>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <td style="width:5%">'."$td_decachunk_placeholder_content".'</td>'."\r\n"; |
echo " <td style=\"width:95%\"><a href=\"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom&chunkymap_view_x=$chunkymap_view_x&chunkymap_view_z=".($chunkymap_view_z+($world_camera_h*$chunkymap_camera_pan_delta))."#chunkymap_top\">".'<img src="chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-up.png" style="width:90%"/>'.'</a></td>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <td style="width:5%">'."$td_decachunk_placeholder_content".'</td>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' </tr>'."\r\n"; |
$cell_perc=intval(round(100.0/$decachunky_count_x)); |
echo ' <tr>'."\r\n"; |
echo " <td style=\"width:5%\"><a href=\"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom&chunkymap_view_x=".($chunkymap_view_x-($world_camera_w*$chunkymap_camera_pan_delta))."&chunkymap_view_z=$chunkymap_view_z#chunkymap_top\">".'<img src="chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-left.png" style="width:90%"/>'.'</a></td>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <td style="width:95%">'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <table id="decachunk_table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%; background-color:black">'."\r\n"; |
while ($decachunky_z>=$decachunky_min_z) { |
echo ' <tr>'."\r\n"; |
$decachunky_x=$decachunky_min_x; |
$cell_perc_remaining=100; |
while ($decachunky_x<=$decachunky_max_x) { |
$decachunk_file_name=get_decachunk_image_name_from_decachunk($decachunky_x, $decachunky_z); |
$decachunk_file_path=get_decachunk_folder_path_from_decachunk($decachunky_x, $decachunky_z).'/'.$decachunk_file_name; |
$td_content="<!--no decachunk $decachunk_file_path--><img src=\"chunkymapdata/images/decachunk-blank.jpg\" style=\"width:100%\"/>"; |
if (is_file($decachunk_file_path)) { |
$td_content="<img src=\"$decachunk_file_path\" style=\"width:100%\"/>"; |
} |
$this_cell_perc=$cell_perc; |
if ($cell_perc_remaining>=$this_cell_perc) { |
echo " <td style=\"width:$this_cell_perc%\">"."$td_content".'</td>'."\r\n"; |
//echo ' <td>'."$decachunky_x,$decachunky_z".'</td>'."\r\n"; |
$cell_perc_remaining-=$this_cell_perc; |
} |
$decachunky_x+=1; |
} |
if ($cell_perc_remaining>0) { |
$td_content=$td_1px_placeholder_content; |
echo " <td>$td_content</td>"."\r\n"; |
} |
echo ' </tr>'."\r\n"; |
$decachunky_z-=1; |
} |
echo ' </table>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' </td>'."\r\n"; |
echo " <td style=\"width:5%\"><a href=\"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom&chunkymap_view_x=".($chunkymap_view_x+($world_camera_w*$chunkymap_camera_pan_delta))."&chunkymap_view_z=$chunkymap_view_z#chunkymap_top\">".'<img src="chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-right.png" style="width:100%"/>'.'</a></td>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' </tr>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <tr>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <td style="width:5%">'."$td_decachunk_placeholder_content".'</td>'."\r\n"; |
echo " <td style=\"width:90%\"><a href=\"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom&chunkymap_view_x=$chunkymap_view_x&chunkymap_view_z=".($chunkymap_view_z-($world_camera_h*$chunkymap_camera_pan_delta))."#chunkymap_top\">".'<img src="chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-down.png" style="width:100%"/>'.'</a></td>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' <td style="width:5%">'."$td_decachunk_placeholder_content".'</td>'."\r\n"; |
echo ' </tr>'."\r\n"; |
echo '</table>'."\r\n"; |
} |
//formerly echo_chunkymap_table |
function echo_chunkymap_as_chunk_table($show_all_enable) { |
ini_set('display_errors', 1); |
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); |
error_reporting(E_ALL); |
//error_reporting(-1); |
global $is_echo_never_held; |
$is_echo_never_held=true; |
global $chunkymap_view_x; |
global $chunkymap_view_z; |
global $chunkymap_view_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
global $chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
global $chunkymapdata_path; |
global $chunkymapdata_worlds_path; |
global $map_dict; |
global $is_verbose; |
global $chunkymap_tile_original_w; |
global $chunkymap_tile_original_h; |
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
global $world_name; |
global $chunk_dot_and_ext; |
global $z_opener; |
global $dot_yaml; |
echo_chunkymap_anchor(); |
echo_chunkymap_controls(); |
echo " ".($chunkymap_view_zoom*100.0)."%";//(string)((int)($chunkymap_view_zoom*100+.5)); |
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom<$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom = $chunkymap_view_min_zoom; |
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom>$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom = $chunkymap_view_max_zoom; |
//$zoom_divisor = (int)(100/$chunkymap_view_zoom); |
$chunk_assoc = array(); // used for storing players; and used for determining which chunks are on the edge, since not all generated map tiles are the same size (edge tile images are smaller and corner ones are smaller yet) |
$chunk_count = 0; |
$chunk_prefix_then_x_string="chunk_x"; |
$min_chunkx = 0; |
$min_chunkz = 0; |
$max_chunkx = 0; |
$max_chunkz = 0; |
$chunks_per_page = (1.0/$chunkymap_view_zoom)*10; |
$world_camera_w = (($chunks_per_page*16.0)); |
$world_camera_h = (($chunks_per_page*16.0)); |
$view_left = (($chunkymap_view_x)) - (($world_camera_w/2.0)); |
$view_right = $view_left + $world_camera_w; |
//z is cartesian still: |
$view_top = (($chunkymap_view_z)) + (($world_camera_h/2.0)); |
$view_bottom = $view_top - $world_camera_h; |
if (!$show_all_enable) { |
$min_chunkx=intval($view_left/$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
$max_chunkx=intval($view_right/$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
$min_chunkz=intval($view_bottom/$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
$max_chunkz=intval($view_top/$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
} |
global $showplayers; |
$players = array(); |
$player_count = 0; |
$character_icon_w=8; |
$character_icon_h=8; |
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path; |
check_world(); |
if (isset($world_name)) { |
$generated_yml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/generated.yml"; |
if (is_file($generated_yml_path)) { |
$map_dict = get_dict_from_conf($generated_yml_path,":"); |
} |
else { |
echo_error("Missing '".$generated_yml_path."'"); |
} |
if ($showplayers==true) { |
$chunkymap_players_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/players"; |
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymap_players_path)) { |
while (false !== ($file_name = readdir($handle))) { |
if (substr($file_name, 0, 1) != ".") { |
$file_lower = strtolower($file_name); |
if (endsWith($file_lower, ".yml")) { |
$player_id=substr($file_name,0,strlen($file_name)-4); //-4 for .yml |
$file_path = $chunkymap_players_path."/".$file_name; |
if (is_file($file_path)) { |
$player_dict = get_dict_from_conf($file_path,":"); |
} |
else { |
echo_error("Missing '$player_dict'"); |
} |
$player_dict["id"]=$player_id; |
//$players[$player_count]=get_dict_from_conf($file_path); |
//$players[$player_count]["id"]=$player_id; |
//if (isset($player_dict["position"])) { |
if (isset($player_dict["x"]) and isset($player_dict["z"])) { |
//$tuple_string=trim($player_dict["position"]); |
//if ( startsWith($tuple_string, "(") and endsWith($tuple_string, ")") ) { |
// $tuple_string=substr($tuple_string,1,strlen($tuple_string)-2); |
//} |
//$coordinates = explode(",", $tuple_string); |
//if (count($coordinates)==3) { |
//$nonchunky_x=(int)$coordinates[0]; |
//$nonchunky_z=(int)$coordinates[2]; |
$nonchunky_x=(int)$player_dict["x"]; |
$nonchunky_z=(int)$player_dict["z"]; |
$x = (int)( $nonchunky_x/$chunkymap_tile_original_w ); |
$z = (int)( $nonchunky_z/$chunkymap_tile_original_h ); |
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z; |
$rel_x = $nonchunky_x - ($x*$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
$rel_z = $nonchunky_z - ($z*$chunkymap_tile_original_h); |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = array(); |
} |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"] = array(); |
} |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] = 0; |
} |
//already checked for position in outer case |
//DEPRECATED: $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "position" ] = $player_dict["position"]; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "x" ] = $player_dict["x"]; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "z" ] = $player_dict["z"]; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "rel_x" ] = $rel_x; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "rel_z" ] = $rel_z; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "file_path" ] = $file_path; |
if (isset($player_dict["name"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "text" ] = $player_dict["name"]; |
} |
else { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "text" ] = $player_dict["id"]; |
} |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] += 1; |
//} |
//else { |
// echo_error("Bad coordinates $tuple_string for player."); |
//} |
} |
else { |
echo_error("Missing player location in data: ".implode(" ",$player_dict)); |
} |
//$player_count++; |
} |
} |
} |
closedir($handle); |
} |
} |
$chunkymap_markers_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/markers"; |
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymap_markers_path)) { |
while (false !== ($file_name = readdir($handle))) { |
if (substr($file_name, 0, 1) != ".") { |
$file_name_lower = strtolower($file_name); |
if (endsWith($file_name_lower, ".yml")) { |
$file_path = $chunkymap_markers_path."/".$file_name; |
$marker_vars = get_dict_from_conf($file_path, ":"); |
$abs_pos = explode(",",$marker_vars["location"]); |
if (count($abs_pos)==3) { |
//convert from 3d to 2d: |
$abs_pos[1]=$abs_pos[3]; |
} |
//$text = ""; |
//if (isset($marker_vars["text"])) { |
// $text = $marker_vars["text"]; |
//} |
if (count($abs_pos)>=2) { |
$chunky_x = intval($abs_pos[0]/$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
$chunky_z = intval($abs_pos[1]/$chunkymap_tile_original_h); |
$rel_x = intval($abs_pos[0]) - ($chunky_x*$chunkymap_tile_original_w); |
$rel_z = intval($abs_pos[1]) - ($chunky_z*$chunkymap_tile_original_h); |
$chunk_luid = 'x'.$chunky_x.'z'.$chunky_z; |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = array(); |
} |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"] = array(); |
} |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] = 0; |
} |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "x" ] = $abs_pos[0]; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "z" ] = $abs_pos[1]; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "rel_x" ] = $rel_x; |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "rel_z" ] = $rel_z; |
if (isset($marker_vars["image"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "image" ] = $marker_vars["image"]; |
} |
if (isset($marker_vars["text"])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "text" ] = $marker_vars["text"]; |
} |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] += 1; |
} |
else { |
echo_error("Bad location in marker file '$file_path'"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
//if ($map_dict != null) { |
// $min_chunkx = $map_dict["min_chunkx"]; |
// $min_chunkz = $map_dict["min_chunkz"]; |
// $max_chunkx = $map_dict["max_chunkx"]; |
// $max_chunkz = $map_dict["max_chunkz"]; |
//} |
//else { |
//echo "calculating range..."; |
//NOTE: even though *min and *max could be known from $map_dict, build a dict of chunks in order to align images properly since they are not all the same size: |
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'."16px"; |
if ($chunks_16px_handle = opendir($chunks_16px_path)) { |
while (false !== ($decachunk_x_name = readdir($chunks_16px_handle))) { |
$decachunk_x_path = $chunks_16px_path."/".$decachunk_x_name; |
if ((substr($decachunk_x_name, 0, 1) != ".") and is_dir($decachunk_x_path)) { |
$decachunk_x_handle = opendir($decachunk_x_path); |
while (false !== ($decachunk_z_name = readdir($decachunk_x_handle))) { |
$decachunk_folder_path = $decachunk_x_path."/".$decachunk_z_name; |
if ((substr($decachunk_z_name, 0, 1) != ".") and is_dir($decachunk_folder_path)) { |
$decachunk_z_handle = opendir($decachunk_folder_path); |
while (false !== ($chunk_name = readdir($decachunk_z_handle))) { |
$file_lower = strtolower($chunk_name); |
if (endsWith($file_lower, $chunk_dot_and_ext) and startsWith($file_lower, $chunk_prefix_then_x_string)) { |
$z_opener_index = strpos($file_lower, $z_opener, strlen($chunk_prefix_then_x_string)); |
if ($z_opener_index !== false) { |
$x_len = $z_opener_index - strlen($chunk_prefix_then_x_string); |
$remaining_len = strlen($file_lower) - strlen($chunk_prefix_then_x_string) - $x_len - strlen($z_opener) - strlen($chunk_dot_and_ext); |
$x = substr($file_lower, strlen($chunk_prefix_then_x_string), $x_len); |
$z = substr($file_lower, $z_opener_index + strlen($z_opener), $remaining_len); |
if (is_int_string($x) and is_int_string($z)) { |
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z; |
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid])) { |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = array(); |
} |
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["is_rendered"] = true; |
if ($is_verbose) echo "$chunk_luid,"; |
if ($show_all_enable) { |
if ($x<$min_chunkx) { |
$min_chunkx=(int)$x; |
} |
if ($x>$max_chunkx) { |
$max_chunkx=(int)$x; |
} |
if ($z<$min_chunkz) { |
$min_chunkz=(int)$z; |
} |
if ($z>$max_chunkz) { |
$max_chunkz=(int)$z; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
echo "misnamed chunk tile image '$chunk_name' had coordinates ".$x.",".$z." for x,z."; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
closedir($decachunk_z_handle); |
} |
} |
closedir($decachunk_x_handle); |
} |
} |
if ($is_verbose) echo "checked all chunks."; |
echo "<!--found chunks in x $min_chunkx to $max_chunkx and z $min_chunkz to $max_chunkz.-->"; |
closedir($chunks_16px_handle); |
} |
else { |
echo_error("could not open $chunks_16px_path"); |
} |
//} |
$x_count = $max_chunkx - $min_chunkx; |
$z_count = $max_chunkz - $min_chunkz; |
echo "\r\n"; |
echo "<center>\r\n"; |
//cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" still needed for IE |
echo_hold( " <table id=\"chunkymapstatictable\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-spacing: 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:gray; border-width:0px\">\r\n"); |
$z = (int)$max_chunkz; |
$scale=(float)$chunkymap_view_zoom; // no longer /100 |
$zoomed_w=(int)((float)$chunkymap_tile_original_w*$scale+.5); |
$zoomed_h=(int)((float)$chunkymap_tile_original_h*$scale+.5); |
$genresult_suffix_then_dot_then_ext="_mapper_result.txt"; |
$minute=60; |
$player_file_age_expired_max_seconds=20*$minute-1; |
$player_file_age_idle_max_seconds=5*$minute-1; |
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'."16px"; |
while ($z >= $min_chunkz) { |
echo_hold( " <tr>\r\n"); |
$x = (int)$min_chunkx; |
while ($x <= $max_chunkx) { |
$this_zoomed_w = $zoomed_w; |
$this_zoomed_h = $zoomed_h; |
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'.$chunk_yaml_name; |
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunks_16px_path.'/'. |
$chunk_yaml_path = get_chunk_yaml_path_from_chunky_coords($x,$z); |
//$chunk_genresult_name = $chunk_prefix_then_x_string.$x.$z_opener.$z.$genresult_suffix_then_dot_then_ext; |
//$chunk_genresult_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'.$chunk_img_name; |
$td_style_suffix=""; |
$element_align_style_suffix=""; |
$alignment_comment=""; |
//if (is_file($chunk_genresult_path)) { |
// contains lines such as: |
// Result image (w=80 h=64) will be written to chunk_x0z1.png |
// ('PNG Region: ', [0, 64, 80, 128]) |
// ('Pixels PerNode: ', 1) |
// where PNG Region's list value is an exclusive rect ordered as x1, y1, x2, y2 |
//$found_original_w = null; |
//$found_original_h = null; |
//$this_zoomed_w=(int)((float)$found_original_w*$scale+.5); |
//this_zoomed_h=(int)((float)$found_original_h*$scale+.5); |
//} |
if (is_file($chunk_yaml_path)) { |
// contains lines such as: |
//is_marked_empty:False |
//is_marked:True |
//image_w:80 |
//image_h:80 |
//image_left:0 |
//image_top:64 |
//image_right:-80 |
//image_bottom:-16 |
// where if is_marked_empty, the remaining values don't exist |
$expected_left = (int)$x * (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_w; |
$expected_top = (int)$z * (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_h; |
$expected_right = (int)$x + (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_w; |
$expected_bottom = (int)$z + (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_h; |
$chunk_dict = get_dict_from_conf($chunk_yaml_path,":"); |
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_w"])) { |
$this_zoomed_w=(int)((float)$chunk_dict["image_w"]*$scale+.5); |
} |
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_h"])) { |
$this_zoomed_h=(int)((float)$chunk_dict["image_h"]*$scale+.5); |
} |
//TODO: use image_* to determine (if the doesn't touch certain sides of image_w x image_h rect, change the following accordingly) |
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_left"])) { |
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_right"])) { |
if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_left"] > $expected_left ) { |
$td_style_suffix.="text-align:right;"; |
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_left:".$chunk_dict["image_left"]." is greater than expected $expected_left-->"; |
} |
//elseif ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_right"] < $expected_right ) { |
// $td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;"; |
//} |
else { |
$td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;"; |
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_left:".$chunk_dict["image_left"]." was the expected $expected_left-->"; |
} |
} |
} |
//if (isset($chunk_dict["image_right"])) { |
// if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_right"] != $expected_right ) { |
// $td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;"; |
// } |
// //else { |
// // $td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;"; |
// //} |
//} |
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_top"])) { |
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_bottom"])) { |
if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_top"] > $expected_top) { |
$element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:bottom;"; |
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_top:".$chunk_dict["image_top"]." is greater than expected $expected_top-->"; |
} |
//elseif ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_bottom"] < $expected_bottom) { |
// $element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:top;"; |
//} |
else { |
$element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:top;"; |
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_top:".$chunk_dict["image_top"]." was the expected $expected_top-->"; |
} |
} |
} |
//if (isset($chunk_dict["image_bottom"])) { |
// if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_bottom"] != $expected_bottom) { |
// $element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:top;"; |
// } |
// //else { |
// // $element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:bottom;"; |
// //} |
//} |
//$element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:left;"; |
} |
echo_hold( " <td width=\"1\" style=\"padding:0px; background-color:lightgray; $td_style_suffix $element_align_style_suffix\">"); |
echo_hold("<div style=\"position: relative\">"); //causes child's absolute position to be relative to this div's location, as per http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_position_absolute |
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z; |
$chunk_img_path = get_chunk_image_path_from_chunky_coords($x, $z); |
if (is_file($chunk_img_path)) { |
echo_hold( "<img class=\"maptileimg\" style=\"width:$this_zoomed_w; height:$this_zoomed_h;\" src=\"$chunk_img_path\"/>"); |
} |
else { |
//echo_hold( "<span style=\"font-size:1px\"> </span>"); |
} |
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"])) { |
echo "<!--CHUNK $chunk_luid: players_count=".$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"]."-->"; |
$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count = 20; |
for ($player_count=0; $player_count<$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"]; $player_count++) { |
$rel_x = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["rel_x"]; |
$rel_z = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["rel_z"]; |
$is_expired=false; |
$is_idle=false; |
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["file_path"])) { |
$last_player_update_time=filemtime($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["file_path"]); |
if (time()-$last_player_update_time > $player_file_age_expired_max_seconds) { |
$is_expired=true; |
} |
elseif (time()-$last_player_update_time > $player_file_age_idle_max_seconds) { |
$is_idle=true; |
} |
} |
$text = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"][$player_count]["text"]; |
if (strlen($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"][$player_count]["text"])>$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count) { |
$text = substr($text, 0, $nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count)."*"; |
} |
//show head full size (not zoomed): |
$zoomed_head_w=$character_icon_w;//(int)((float)$character_icon_w*$scale+.5); |
$zoomed_head_h=$character_icon_h;//(int)((float)$character_icon_h*$scale+.5); |
$rel_x -= (int)($zoomed_head_w/2); |
$rel_z -= (int)($zoomed_head_h/2); |
//$img_style="position:absolute; "; |
$img_style=""; |
$img_border_style="border: 1px solid white;"; |
$text_style="color:white;"; |
if ($is_expired==false) { |
if ($is_idle==true) { |
$img_border_style="border: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,.5);"; |
$img_style.="opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below |
$text_style="color:white; opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below |
} |
echo_hold( "<div style=\"position:absolute; z-index:999; left:$rel_x; top:$rel_z; width: $zoomed_head_w; height: $zoomed_head_h; $img_border_style\"><img src=\"$chunkymapdata_thisworld_path/players/singleplayer.png\" style=\"$img_style\"/><span style=\"$text_style\">$text</span></div>" ); |
} |
//$position_offset_x+=$character_icon_w; |
} |
} |
else echo "<!--CHUNK $chunk_luid: no player count-->"; |
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"])) { |
echo "<!--CHUNK $chunk_luid: markers_count=".$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"]."-->"; |
$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count = 20; |
for ($marker_count=0; $marker_count<$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"]; $marker_count++) { |
$rel_x = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["rel_x"]; |
$rel_z = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["rel_z"]; |
$is_expired=false; |
$is_idle=false; |
// if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["file_path"])) { |
// $last_marker_update_time=filemtime($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["file_path"]); |
// if (time()-$last_marker_update_time > $marker_file_age_expired_max_seconds) { |
// $is_expired=true; |
// } |
// elseif (time()-$last_marker_update_time > $marker_file_age_idle_max_seconds) { |
// $is_idle=true; |
// } |
// } |
$text = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["text"]; |
$image_path = ""; |
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["image"])) { |
$image_path = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["image"]; |
} |
if (strlen($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["text"])>$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count) { |
$text = substr($text, 0, $nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count)."*"; |
} |
//show head full size (not zoomed): |
//$zoomed_head_w=$character_icon_w;//(int)((float)$character_icon_w*$scale+.5); |
//$zoomed_head_h=$character_icon_h;//(int)((float)$character_icon_h*$scale+.5); |
$zoomed_image_w=16; |
$zoomed_image_h=16; |
$rel_x -= (int)($zoomed_image_w/2); |
$rel_z -= (int)($zoomed_image_h/2); |
//$img_style="position:absolute; "; |
$img_style=""; |
$img_border_style=""; |
//$img_border_style="border: 1px solid white;"; |
$text_style="color:white;"; |
if ($is_expired==false) { |
if ($is_idle==true) { |
$img_border_style=""; |
//$img_border_style="border: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,.5);"; |
$img_style.="opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below |
$text_style="color:white; opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below |
} |
echo_hold( "<div style=\"position:absolute; z-index:999; left:$rel_x; top:$rel_z; width: $zoomed_image_w; height: $zoomed_image_h; $img_border_style\"><img src=\"$image_path\" style=\"$img_style\"/><span style=\"$text_style\">$text</span></div>" ); |
} |
//$position_offset_x+=$character_icon_w; |
} |
} |
else echo "<!--CHUNK $chunk_luid: no player count-->"; |
//echo " <br/>".$x.",0,".$z; |
echo_hold($alignment_comment); |
echo_hold("</div>"); |
echo_hold( "</td>\r\n"); |
$x++; |
} |
echo_hold( " </tr>\r\n"); |
echo_release(); |
$z--; |
} |
echo " </table>\r\n"; |
echo "</center>\r\n"; |
} |
else { //not isset($world_name) |
echo "<h4>Choose world:</h4>"; |
echo "<ul>"; |
if ($chunkymapdata_handle = opendir($chunkymapdata_worlds_path)) { |
$append_vars="&"; |
if (isset($chunkymap_view_zoom)) { |
$prefix = ""; |
if (strlen($append_vars)>0 and !endsWith($append_vars,"&")) { |
$prefix = "&"; |
} |
$append_vars.="$prefix"."&chunkymap_view_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom"; |
} |
if (isset($chunkymap_anchor_name)) { |
$prefix = ""; |
if (strlen($append_vars)>0) { |
$prefix = "&"; |
} |
$append_vars.="$prefix"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name"; |
} |
global $chunkymap_anchor_name; |
while (false !== ($this_world_name = readdir($chunkymapdata_handle))) { |
if (substr($this_world_name, 0, 1) != ".") { |
$this_world_path = $chunkymapdata_worlds_path."/".$this_world_name; |
echo "<li><a href=\"?world_name=$this_world_name"."$append_vars#$chunkymap_anchor_name"."\">$this_world_name</a></li>"; |
} |
} |
closedir($chunkymapdata_handle); |
} |
echo "</ul>"; |
} |
} |
?> |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
rename zoom-in.png zoom_in.png |
rename zoom-out.png zoom_out.png |
rename zoom-in_disabled.png zoom_in_disabled.png |
rename zoom-out_disabled.png zoom_out_disabled.png |
rename compass-rose.png compass_rose.png |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 190 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 190 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 195 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 195 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 175 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 175 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 182 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 182 B |