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Add some Lua language notes to modding

poikilos 6 years ago
committed by Jacob Gustafson
  1. 39


@ -144,6 +144,45 @@ Remember, you can always look at examples as well. You can find a mod
that does something similar to what you want, looking at all of the .lua
files in a mod like that may help.
<p>Knowing the Lua language well means you can make more advanced mods.
Even if you know the API perfectly, you still need to understand both
programming concepts and the Lua language to do well. If you don't yet
know any languages, a software development concepts course on YouTube or
in book or formal education will help you greatly, Lua or not. If you
already know programming concepts, here are some Lua caveats that can
help you get started:
<li>Everything other than primitive value types are tables. Tables
are what all other languages call associative arrays or dictionaries.</li>
<li>The concatenation operator (for adding strings together) is <code>..</code></li>
<li>You can send self as the first param for function automatically
using <code>obj:do_something</code> instead of
<code>obj.do_something</code>. This is helpful for functions used as
object methods, which make use of the <code>self</code>
<li><code>#</code> is the length operator.
<code>if #minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos0, pos1, "group:flora") > 3 then</code>
is legitimate code: it will cause the case to happen if the count of
flora nodes in the 3D box is greater than 3.</li>
<li>Though lua guides will tell you there is no ternary operator,
and that is technically true, you can do a ternary operation as
<code>local gender = texture_name:find("_female") and "female" or "male"</code>
The code sets gender to either "female" or "male".</li>
<li>0 is true in lua, but nil is false. This behavior is helpful when checking whether a setting is present:
<code>local radius = (tonumber(minetest.setting_get("protector_radius")) or 5)</code>
The code allows a zero value.</li>
<li>Lua's tostring method does not have an underscore, and is a global function</li>
<li>Lua can represent an object as a unique hash using tostring (for
an example, see owner of arrow projectile object in mobs redo), but
trying to append an object to a string will result in a fatal "not
serializeable" error</li>
Minetest Lua functions unrelated to the engine's functionality:
<li><code>dump</code> can convert a table to a string (a list of methods of an object, usually)</li>
<h2>Changing Existing Mods</h2>
<p>A public license allows you to change and rerelease the mod,
in addition to just being "open source." Many
