(NOTE: spawners makes pyramids now, so tsm_pyramids )
* Recommend your users download the minetest.conf from this folder and put it in their minetest folder for better graphics (opengl 3.0 shaders, smooth lighting)
### Customization
#### Customization
* Before using anything in the change_world_name_manually_first and subfolders, change the values of the variables in the folder name as noted before using.
* If you have a dedicated server, the value server_dedicated = false should be changed to server_dedicated = true in your SERVER's minetest.conf in the ENLIVEN folder that the installer creates.
### Security and Performance Notes
#### Security and Performance Notes
* The installer script changes owner and group for ENLIVEN's world.mt and world.mt.1st if present to $USER
* The included minetest.conf recommended for your clients includes the line enable_local_map_saving = true, which will cache the world locally on their machines. You can feel free to change that according to your preference.