7 years ago
committed by
Jacob Gustafson
3 changed files with 162 additions and 181 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ |
var tzElement = document.getElementById("tzArea"); |
var tz_offset = tzElement.innerHTML; |
var dateElement = document.getElementById("dateArea"); |
var date_s = dateElement.innerHTML; |
var start_hour = 0; |
var start_m = start_hour*60; |
var start_s = start_m*60; |
var endbefore_hour = 24; |
var hour_count = endbefore_hour - start_hour; |
var hour_width = 60; // 60 pixels per hour
var pixels_per_m = hour_width/60.0; |
var pixels_per_s = pixels_per_m/60.0; |
var player_name_width = 100; |
var text_size = 16.0; |
var row_y_offset = text_size * (22.0/16.0); // if 16px font is drawn at (x,16), line at (x,21) is one pixel away from the bottom of the descenders
var border_y = 0.5; //canvas uses 0.5 as middle of pixel
var border_start_x = 0.5+player_name_width; |
var border_x = border_start_x; |
var text_y = text_size; |
var text_start_x = 3.5; |
var players = []; |
var stats_html = ""; |
var time_area_width = hour_width*hour_count; |
var canvas_w = player_name_width + time_area_width; |
stats_html += '<div>' + hour_count + "hrs * " + hour_width + "px = " + time_area_width + '</div>' |
stats_html += '<div>' + time_area_width + "px + " + player_name_width + "px player name = " + canvas_w + 'px canvas width</div>' |
var outputElement = document.getElementById("outputArea"); |
var statusElement = document.getElementById("statusArea"); |
statusElement.innerHTML="..."; |
function draw_players() { |
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); |
canvas.width = canvas_w; |
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
ctx.font = text_size+"px Arial"; |
var arrayLength = players.length; |
var text_x; |
var index = -1; |
for (var i = 0; index < arrayLength; i++) { |
ctx.font = text_size+"px Arial"; |
text_x = text_start_x; |
ctx.fillStyle = "#dce5ea"; |
ctx.fillRect(0, border_y+1.0, player_name_width, row_y_offset-1.0); |
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; |
ctx.moveTo(0, border_y); |
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; |
ctx.lineTo(canvas_w, border_y); |
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; |
if (index==-1) { |
ctx.font = "bold "+text_size+"px Arial"; |
ctx.fillText("Name", text_x, text_y); |
ctx.font = text_size+"px Arial"; |
text_x = player_name_width+0.5; |
//ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#008000"; |
for (var hour=0; hour<endbefore_hour; hour++) { |
ctx.fillStyle = "#B0B0B0"; |
ctx.moveTo(text_x, border_y); |
ctx.lineTo(text_x, border_y+row_y_offset-0.5); |
ctx.fillText(hour+":00", text_x+3, text_y); |
text_x += hour_width; |
} |
} |
else { |
ctx.fillText(players[index].display_name, text_x, text_y); |
var border_x = border_start_x; |
var playsLength = 0; |
var plays = null; |
if (date_s!=null) { |
if (players[index].plays != undefined) { |
if (players[index].plays.hasOwnProperty(date_s)) { |
plays = players[index].plays[date_s]; |
playsLength = plays.length; |
} |
} |
} |
for (var s_i = 0; s_i < playsLength; s_i++) { |
if (!plays[s_i].hasOwnProperty("login_time")) { |
plays[s_i].login_time = "00:00:00"; |
} |
var login_places = plays[s_i].login_time.split(':'); |
if (login_places.length>=3) { |
login_places[0] -= Math.floor(tz_offset/60); |
} |
if (!plays[s_i].hasOwnProperty("logout_time")) { |
plays[s_i].logout_time = "23:59:59"; |
} |
var logout_places = plays[s_i].logout_time.split(':'); |
if (logout_places.length>=3) { |
logout_places[0] -= Math.floor(tz_offset/60); |
} |
var login_second = (+login_places[0]) * 60 * 60 + (+login_places[1]) * 60 + (+login_places[2]); |
var login_m = login_second / 60.0; |
var logout_second = (+logout_places[0]) * 60 * 60 + (+logout_places[1]) * 60 + (+logout_places[2]); |
var logout_m = logout_second / 60.0; |
var left_x = border_x + (login_m-start_m)*pixels_per_m; |
var right_x = border_x + (logout_m-start_m)*pixels_per_m; |
if (right_x<left_x) { |
right_x = canvas_w; //not logged out yet, so end of bar is at end
} |
ctx.fillStyle = "#008000"; |
ctx.fillRect(left_x, border_y+(row_y_offset/3.0), right_x-left_x, row_y_offset/3.0); |
ctx.font = (text_size*.66)+"px Arial"; |
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; |
ctx.fillText(login_places[0]+":"+login_places[1], left_x, text_y-(row_y_offset/3.0)); |
ctx.fillStyle = "#808080"; |
var logout_s = logout_places[0]+":"+logout_places[1]; |
ctx.fillText(logout_s, right_x-ctx.measureText(logout_s).width, text_y+(row_y_offset/3.0)); |
} |
} |
ctx.stroke(); |
text_y += row_y_offset; |
border_y += row_y_offset; |
index++; |
} |
} |
outputElement.innerHTML = stats_html; |
//NOTE: window.location.href is the entire address including query params!
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
var getUrl = window.location; |
var request_href = getUrl.protocol + "//" + getUrl.host + "/"+'get-players'; |
statusElement.innerHTML = request_href+"..."; |
request.open('GET', request_href, true); |
request.onload = function() { |
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { |
// Success!
statusElement.innerHTML = "loaded player(s)"; |
if (!statusElement.classList.contains('alert') ) { |
statusElement.classList.add('alert'); |
} |
try { |
players = JSON.parse(this.response); |
statusElement.classList.add('alert-success'); |
statusElement.innerHTML = "loaded " + players.length + ' player(s) <span style="color:white">from "'+this.responseURL+'"</span>'; |
draw_players(); |
} |
catch(e) { |
statusElement.classList.add('alert-warning'); |
statusElement.innerHTML = e + " for URL '"+request_href+"'"; |
} |
} else { |
// We reached our target server, but it returned an error
statusElement.innerHTML = "Error " + this.status + " accessing " + request_href; |
} |
}; |
request.onerror = function() { |
// There was a connection error of some sort
}; |
request.send(); |
Reference in new issue