@ -625,14 +625,14 @@ class MTChunks:
geometry_value_string = str ( x_min ) + " : " + str ( z_min ) + " + " + str ( int ( x_max ) - int ( x_min ) + 1 ) + " + " + str ( int ( z_max ) - int ( z_min ) + 1 ) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for minetestmapper.py
geometry_value_string = str ( x_min ) + " : " + str ( z_min ) + " + " + str ( int ( x_max ) - int ( x_min ) + 1 ) + " + " + str ( int ( z_max ) - int ( z_min ) + 1 ) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for minetestmapper.py
cmd_suffix = " "
cmd_suffix = " "
cmd_suffix = " > \" " + genresult_path + " \" "
cmd_suffix = " > \" " + genresult_path + " \" "
output_type_string = " minetestmapper-numpy "
self . mapper_id = " minetestmapper-numpy "
cmd_string = self . python_exe_path + " \" " + self . mtmn_path + " \" --region " + str ( x_min ) + " " + str ( x_max ) + " " + str ( z_min ) + " " + str ( z_max ) + " --maxheight " + str ( self . maxheight ) + " --minheight " + str ( self . minheight ) + " --pixelspernode " + str ( self . pixelspernode ) + " \" " + self . world_path + " \" \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" " + cmd_suffix
cmd_string = self . python_exe_path + " \" " + self . mtmn_path + " \" --region " + str ( x_min ) + " " + str ( x_max ) + " " + str ( z_min ) + " " + str ( z_max ) + " --maxheight " + str ( self . maxheight ) + " --minheight " + str ( self . minheight ) + " --pixelspernode " + str ( self . pixelspernode ) + " \" " + self . world_path + " \" \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" " + cmd_suffix
if self . os_name != " windows " : #since windows client doesn't normally have minetest-mapper
if self . mapper_id == " minetestmapper-region " : #if self.os_name!="windows": #since windows client doesn't normally have minetest-mapper
# Since minetestmapper-numpy has trouble with leveldb:
# Since minetestmapper-numpy has trouble with leveldb:
# such as sudo minetest-mapper --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry -32:-32+64+64 --output /var/www/html/minetest/try1.png
# such as sudo minetest-mapper --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry -32:-32+64+64 --output /var/www/html/minetest/try1.png
# where geometry option is like --geometry x:y+w+h
# where geometry option is like --geometry x:y+w+h
# output_type_string = "minetest-mapper"
# mapper_id = "minetest-mapper"
# NOTE: minetest-mapper is part of the minetest-data package, which can be installed alongside the git version of minetestserver
# NOTE: minetest-mapper is part of the minetest-data package, which can be installed alongside the git version of minetestserver
# BUT *buntu Trusty version of it does NOT have geometry option
# BUT *buntu Trusty version of it does NOT have geometry option
# cmd_string = "/usr/games/minetest-mapper --input \""+self.world_path+"\" --draworigin --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix
# cmd_string = "/usr/games/minetest-mapper --input \""+self.world_path+"\" --draworigin --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix