@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from minetestinfo import *
from expertmm import *
from PIL import Image , ImageDraw , ImageFont , ImageColor
mode_to_bpp = { ' 1 ' : 1 , ' L ' : 8 , ' P ' : 8 , ' RGB ' : 24 , ' RGBA ' : 32 , ' CMYK ' : 32 , ' YCbCr ' : 24 , ' I ' : 32 , ' F ' : 32 }
#best_timer = timeit.default_timer
#if sys.platform == "win32":
# on Windows, the best timer is time.clock()
@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ class MTChunks:
data_16px_path = None
data_160px_path = None
world_name = None
chunkymap_thisworld_data_path = None
genresult_name_opener_string = " chunk_ "
@ -251,7 +252,12 @@ class MTChunks:
def __init__ ( self ) : #formerly checkpaths() in global scope
#self.force_rerender_decachunks_enable = True
self . min_indent = " "
self . FLAG_COLORS_LIST = list ( )
self . FLAG_COLOR_CHANNELS = get_list_from_hex ( self . FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR )
self . FLAG_COLORS_LIST . append ( self . FLAG_COLOR_CHANNELS )
self . FLAG_COLORS_LIST . append ( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) #for compatibility with maps generated by earlier versions ONLY
self . FLAG_COLORS_LIST . append ( ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) #for compatibility with maps generated by earlier versions ONLY
min_indent = " "
self . decachunks = { }
self . rendered_this_session_count = 0
self . is_backend_detected = False
@ -585,24 +591,27 @@ class MTChunks:
#-1 becomes -10
return int ( decachunky_x * 10 )
def is_worldborder_chunk ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = False
image_path = get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
image_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
border_pixel_count = 0
if os . path . isfile ( image_path ) :
original_im = Image . open ( image_path )
im = original_im
if im . bits < 24 :
bit_count = 24
try :
bit_count = mode_to_bpp [ im . mode ]
except :
print ( " ERROR in is_worldborder_chunk: unknown image mode " + str ( im . mode ) + " so can ' t get bitdepth of chunk " )
if bit_count < 24 : #if im.bits<24:
im = original_im . convert ( ' RGB ' )
width , height = im . size
pixel_count = width * height
pixel_count_f = float ( pixel_count )
border_count = 0
FLAG_COLOR_CHANNELS = get_list_from_hex ( self . FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR )
FLAG_COLORS_LIST . append ( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) #for compatibility with maps generated by earlier versions ONLY
FLAG_COLORS_LIST . append ( ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) #for compatibility with maps generated by earlier versions ONLY
if len ( FLAG_COLOR ) == 3 or len ( FLAG_COLOR ) == 4 :
for y in range ( 0 , height ) :
for x in range ( 0 , width ) :
@ -616,167 +625,177 @@ class MTChunks:
raw_input ( " ERROR: FLAG_COLOR (obtained from FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR) has " + len ( FLAG_COLOR ) + " element(s) (3 or 4 expected) " )
return result
def is _chunk_on_todo_list( self , chunky_pos ) :
def get_index_of _chunk_on_todo_list( self , chunky_pos ) :
result = - 1
if self . todo_index < len ( self . todo_positions ) :
for index in range ( self . todo_index , len ( self . todo_positions ) ) :
if ivec2_equals ( self . todo_positions [ index ] , chunky_pos ) :
result = index
if self . todo_index > - 1 :
if self . todo_index < len ( self . todo_positions ) :
for index in range ( self . todo_index , len ( self . todo_positions ) ) :
if ivec2_equals ( self . todo_positions [ index ] , chunky_pos ) :
result = index
return result
def check_decachunk_containing_chunk ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
chunky_coord_list = list ( )
decachunky_x = self . get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord ( chunky_x )
decachunky_z = self . get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord ( chunky_z )
chunky_min_x = decachunky_x * 10
chunky_max_x = chunky_min_x + 9 # NOTE: ADD even if negative since originally, floor was used
chunky_min_z = decachunky_z * 10
chunky_max_z = chunky_min_z + 9 # NOTE: ADD even if negative since originally, floor was used
x_chunky_count = chunky_max_x - chunky_min_x + 1
z_chunky_count = chunky_max_z - chunky_min_z + 1
is_any_part_queued = False
preview_strings = z_chunky_count * [ None ]
queued_chunk_coords = None
chunky_offset_z = 0
chunky_z = chunky_min_z
queued_index = None
is_chunk_complete = False
while chunky_z < = chunky_max_z :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] = " "
chunky_x = chunky_min_x
while chunky_x < = chunky_max_x :
coords = ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
chunky_coord_list . append ( coords )
is_any_part_queued = is_chunk_on_todo_list ( coords )
try :
chunky_coord_list = list ( )
decachunky_x = self . get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord ( chunky_x )
decachunky_z = self . get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord ( chunky_z )
chunky_min_x = decachunky_x * 10
chunky_max_x = chunky_min_x + 9 # NOTE: ADD even if negative since originally, floor was used
chunky_min_z = decachunky_z * 10
chunky_max_z = chunky_min_z + 9 # NOTE: ADD even if negative since originally, floor was used
x_chunky_count = chunky_max_x - chunky_min_x + 1
z_chunky_count = chunky_max_z - chunky_min_z + 1
is_any_part_queued = False
preview_strings = z_chunky_count * [ None ]
queued_chunk_coords = None
chunky_offset_z = 0
chunky_z = chunky_min_z
queued_index = None
is_chunk_complete = False
while chunky_z < = chunky_max_z :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] = " "
chunky_x = chunky_min_x
while chunky_x < = chunky_max_x :
coords = ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
chunky_coord_list . append ( coords )
queued_index = self . get_index_of_chunk_on_todo_list ( coords )
is_any_part_queued = queued_index > - 1
if is_any_part_queued :
if queued_chunk_coords is None :
queued_chunk_coords = list ( )
queued_chunk_coords . append ( coords )
chunky_x + = 1
if is_any_part_queued :
if queued_chunk_coords is None :
queued_chunk_coords = list ( )
queued_chunk_coords . append ( coords )
chunky_x + = 1
if is_any_part_queued :
chunky_z + = 1
chunky_offset_z + = 1
if not is_any_part_queued :
is_chunk_complete = True
if is_chunk_complete :
### NOTE: a chunk is incomplete if any rendered nonworldborder chunk touches a nonrendered chunk
for chunky_pos in chunky_coord_list :
this_chunky_x , this_chunky_z = chunky_pos
if not self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( this_chunky_x , this_chunky_z ) :
outline_coords_list = self . get_outline_coords_list ( this_chunky_x , this_chunky_z , True )
if outline_coords_list is not None :
for nearby_chunky_pos in outline_coords_list :
nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z = nearby_chunky_pos
nearby_chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z )
if ( nearby_chunk_luid in self . chunks and self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . is_fresh ) or self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z ) :
this_is_worldborder_chunk = False
if ( nearby_chunk_luid in self . chunks and " is_worldborder " in self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata and self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_worldborder " ] ) :
this_is_worldborder_chunk = True
elif self . is_worldborder_chunk ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z ) :
this_is_worldborder_chunk = True
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z )
if " is_worldborder " not in self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata or ( self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_worldborder " ] != True )
self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_worldborder " ] = True
self . save_chunk_meta ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z )
if not this_is_worldborder_chunk :
#empty chunk would not touch NON-worldborder chunk if decachunk was complete
is_chunk_complete = False
else :
print ( self . min_indent + " ERROR in check_decachunk_containing_chunk: no outline of chunks could be found around " + str ( chunky_pos ) )
if not is_chunk_complete :
chunky_z + = 1
chunky_offset_z + = 1
if not is_any_part_queued :
is_chunk_complete = True
unfinished_chunky_coord = None
if is_chunk_complete :
### NOTE: a chunk is incomplete if any rendered nonworldborder chunk touches a nonrendered chunk
for chunky_pos in chunky_coord_list :
this_chunky_x , this_chunky_z = chunky_pos
if not self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( this_chunky_x , this_chunky_z ) :
outline_coords_list = self . get_outline_coords_list ( this_chunky_x , this_chunky_z , True )
if outline_coords_list is not None :
for nearby_chunky_pos in outline_coords_list :
nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z = nearby_chunky_pos
nearby_chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z )
if ( nearby_chunk_luid in self . chunks and self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . is_fresh ) or self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z ) :
this_is_worldborder_chunk = False
if ( nearby_chunk_luid in self . chunks and " is_worldborder " in self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata and self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_worldborder " ] ) :
this_is_worldborder_chunk = True
elif self . is_worldborder_chunk ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z ) :
this_is_worldborder_chunk = True
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z )
if ( " is_worldborder " not in self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata ) or ( self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_worldborder " ] != True ) :
self . chunks [ nearby_chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_worldborder " ] = True
self . save_chunk_meta ( nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z )
if not this_is_worldborder_chunk :
#empty chunk would not touch NON-worldborder chunk if decachunk was complete
is_chunk_complete = False
unfinished_chunky_coord = nearby_chunky_x , nearby_chunky_z
else :
print ( min_indent + " ERROR in check_decachunk_containing_chunk: no outline of chunks could be found around " + str ( chunky_pos ) )
if not is_chunk_complete :
#if not is_any_part_queued:
#if queued_chunk_coords is None:
if is_chunk_complete and not is_any_part_queued :
print ( " " )
print ( " " )
print ( " Rendering 160px decachunk " + str ( ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z ) ) )
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " USING ( " + str ( len ( chunky_coord_list ) ) + " ) chunks (region " + str ( chunky_min_x ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_x ) + " , " + str ( chunky_min_z ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_z ) + " ): " + str ( chunky_coord_list ) )
#if not is_any_part_queued:
#if queued_chunk_coords is None:
if is_chunk_complete and not is_any_part_queued :
print ( " " )
else :
print ( " USING ( " + str ( len ( chunky_coord_list ) ) + " ) chunks (region " + str ( chunky_min_x ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_x ) + " , " + str ( chunky_min_z ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_z ) + " ) " )
decachunk_global_coords = decachunky_x * 160 , decachunky_z * 160
im = Image . new ( " RGB " , ( 160 , 160 ) , self . FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR )
decachunk_yaml_path = self . get_decachunk_yaml_path_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
decachunk_image_path = self . get_decachunk_image_path_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
combined_count = 0
contains_chunk_luids = list ( )
for coord in chunky_coord_list :
chunky_x , chunky_z = coord
chunky_offset_x = chunky_x - chunky_min_x
chunky_offset_z = chunky_z - chunky_min_z
chunk_image_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( chunk_image_path ) :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] + = " 1 "
participle = " initializing "
try :
participle = " opening path "
chunk_im = Image . open ( open ( chunk_image_path , ' rb ' ) ) # double-open to make sure file is finished writing
#NOTE: PIL automatically closes, otherwise you can do something like https://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/24308-pil-do-i-need-close
#fp = open(file_name, "rb")
#im = Image.open(fp) # open from file object
#im.load() # make sure PIL has read the data
chunk_global_coords = chunky_x * 16 , chunky_z * 16
chunk_local_coords = chunk_global_coords [ 0 ] - decachunk_global_coords [ 0 ] , chunk_global_coords [ 1 ] - decachunk_global_coords [ 1 ]
offset = chunk_local_coords [ 0 ] , 160 - chunk_local_coords [ 1 ] # convert to inverted cartesian since that's the coordinate system of images
im . paste ( chunk_im , offset )
contains_chunk_luids . append ( self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
except :
print ( self . min_indent + " Could not finish " + participle + " in check_decachunk_containing_chunk: " )
view_traceback ( )
print ( " " )
print ( " Rendering 160px decachunk " + str ( ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z ) ) )
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " USING ( " + str ( len ( chunky_coord_list ) ) + " ) chunks (region " + str ( chunky_min_x ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_x ) + " , " + str ( chunky_min_z ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_z ) + " ): " + str ( chunky_coord_list ) )
print ( " " )
else :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] + = " 0 "
chunky_offset_z = z_chunky_count - 1
try :
print ( self . min_indent + " Usable chunk images mask (height: " + str ( z_chunky_count ) + " ): " )
while chunky_offset_z > = 0 :
if preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] is None :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] = " <None> "
print ( self . min_indent + " " + str ( chunky_offset_z ) + " : " + preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] )
chunky_offset_z - = 1
except :
print ( self . min_indent + " Could not finish showing mask (this should never happen) " )
print ( self . min_indent + " z_chunky_count: " + str ( z_chunky_count ) )
print ( self . min_indent + " len(preview_strings): " + str ( len ( preview_strings ) ) )
print ( self . min_indent + " chunky_min_x: " + str ( chunky_min_x ) )
print ( self . min_indent + " chunky_max_x: " + str ( chunky_max_x ) )
print ( self . min_indent + " chunky_min_z: " + str ( chunky_min_z ) )
print ( self . min_indent + " chunky_max_z: " + str ( chunky_max_z ) )
view_traceback ( )
print ( " " )
decachunk_folder_path = self . get_decachunk_folder_path_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
if not os . path . isdir ( decachunk_folder_path ) :
os . makedirs ( decachunk_folder_path )
print ( self . min_indent + " Made folder ' " + decachunk_folder_path + " ' " )
else :
print ( self . min_indent + " Found folder ' " + decachunk_folder_path + " ' " )
print ( self . min_indent + " Saving ' " + decachunk_image_path + " ' " )
im . save ( decachunk_image_path )
decachunk_luid = self . get_decachunk_luid_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
self . prepare_decachunk_meta_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
this_second = int ( time . time ( ) )
#if int(self.decachunks[decachunk_luid].metadata["last_saved_utc_second"]) != this_second:
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . metadata [ " last_saved_utc_second " ] = this_second # time.time() returns float even if OS doesn't give a time in increments smaller than seconds
if len ( contains_chunk_luids ) > 0 :
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . metadata [ " contains_chunk_luids " ] = ' , ' . join ( contains_chunk_luids )
print ( " USING ( " + str ( len ( chunky_coord_list ) ) + " ) chunks (region " + str ( chunky_min_x ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_x ) + " , " + str ( chunky_min_z ) + " : " + str ( chunky_max_z ) + " ) " )
decachunk_global_coords = decachunky_x * 160 , decachunky_z * 160
im = Image . new ( " RGB " , ( 160 , 160 ) , self . FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR )
decachunk_yaml_path = self . get_decachunk_yaml_path_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
decachunk_image_path = self . get_decachunk_image_path_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
combined_count = 0
contains_chunk_luids = list ( )
for coord in chunky_coord_list :
chunky_x , chunky_z = coord
chunky_offset_x = chunky_x - chunky_min_x
chunky_offset_z = chunky_z - chunky_min_z
chunk_image_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( chunk_image_path ) :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] + = " 1 "
participle = " initializing "
try :
participle = " opening path "
chunk_im = Image . open ( open ( chunk_image_path , ' rb ' ) ) # double-open to make sure file is finished writing
#NOTE: PIL automatically closes, otherwise you can do something like https://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/24308-pil-do-i-need-close
#fp = open(file_name, "rb")
#im = Image.open(fp) # open from file object
#im.load() # make sure PIL has read the data
chunk_global_coords = chunky_x * 16 , chunky_z * 16
chunk_local_coords = chunk_global_coords [ 0 ] - decachunk_global_coords [ 0 ] , chunk_global_coords [ 1 ] - decachunk_global_coords [ 1 ]
offset = chunk_local_coords [ 0 ] , 160 - chunk_local_coords [ 1 ] # convert to inverted cartesian since that's the coordinate system of images
im . paste ( chunk_im , offset )
contains_chunk_luids . append ( self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
except :
print ( min_indent + " Could not finish " + participle + " in check_decachunk_containing_chunk: " )
view_traceback ( )
else :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] + = " 0 "
chunky_offset_z = z_chunky_count - 1
try :
print ( min_indent + " Decachunk available chunk mask (height: " + str ( z_chunky_count ) + " ): " )
while chunky_offset_z > = 0 :
if preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] is None :
preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] = " <None> "
print ( min_indent + " " + str ( chunky_offset_z ) + " : " + preview_strings [ chunky_offset_z ] )
chunky_offset_z - = 1
except :
print ( min_indent + " Could not finish showing mask (this should never happen) " )
print ( min_indent + " z_chunky_count: " + str ( z_chunky_count ) )
print ( min_indent + " len(preview_strings): " + str ( len ( preview_strings ) ) )
print ( min_indent + " chunky_min_x: " + str ( chunky_min_x ) )
print ( min_indent + " chunky_max_x: " + str ( chunky_max_x ) )
print ( min_indent + " chunky_min_z: " + str ( chunky_min_z ) )
print ( min_indent + " chunky_max_z: " + str ( chunky_max_z ) )
view_traceback ( )
print ( " " )
decachunk_folder_path = self . get_decachunk_folder_path_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
if not os . path . isdir ( decachunk_folder_path ) :
os . makedirs ( decachunk_folder_path )
print ( min_indent + " Made folder ' " + decachunk_folder_path + " ' " )
else :
print ( min_indent + " Found folder ' " + decachunk_folder_path + " ' " )
print ( min_indent + " Saving ' " + decachunk_image_path + " ' " )
im . save ( decachunk_image_path )
decachunk_luid = self . get_decachunk_luid_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
self . prepare_decachunk_meta_from_decachunk ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z )
this_second = int ( time . time ( ) )
#if int(self.decachunks[decachunk_luid].metadata["last_saved_utc_second"]) != this_second:
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . metadata [ " last_saved_utc_second " ] = this_second # time.time() returns float even if OS doesn't give a time in increments smaller than seconds
if len ( contains_chunk_luids ) > 0 :
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . metadata [ " contains_chunk_luids " ] = ' , ' . join ( contains_chunk_luids )
else :
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . metadata [ " contains_chunk_luids " ] = None
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . save_yaml ( decachunk_yaml_path )
else :
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . metadata [ " contains_chunk_luids " ] = None
self . decachunks [ decachunk_luid ] . save_yaml ( decachunk_yaml_path )
else :
print ( self . min_indent + " Not rendering decachunk " + str ( ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z ) ) + " yet since contains queued chunk " + str ( queued_chunk_coords ) )
print ( self . min_indent + " (index:[ " + str ( queued_index ) + " ]; len: " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) ) + " ) . " )
if is_any_part_queued :
print ( min_indent + " Not rendering decachunk " + str ( ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z ) ) + " yet since contains queued chunk { found_index:[ " + str ( queued_index ) + " ]; current_index:[ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ]; len(todo_positions): " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) ) + " ; chunky_position: " + str ( queued_chunk_coords ) + " } " )
else :
print ( min_indent + " Not rendering decachunk " + str ( ( decachunky_x , decachunky_z ) ) + " yet since unfinished chunks (world border not between empty and closed area) such as empty chunk " + str ( unfinished_chunky_coord ) )
print ( min_indent + " (index:[ " + str ( queued_index ) + " ]; len: " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) ) + " ) . " )
except :
print ( min_indent + " Could not finish check_decachunk_containing_chunk: " )
view_traceback ( min_indent )
def get_chunk_folder_path ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = None
@ -900,7 +919,7 @@ class MTChunks:
def remove_chunk ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = False
chunk_luid = get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
out_path = self . get_chunk_genresult_tmp_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
yml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
@ -1109,7 +1128,7 @@ class MTChunks:
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
self . create_chunk_folder ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . save_yaml ( chunk_yaml_path )
print ( self . min_indent + " (saved yaml to ' " + chunk_yaml_path + " ' ) " )
print ( min_indent + " (saved yaml to ' " + chunk_yaml_path + " ' ) " )
def check_players ( self ) :
@ -1405,7 +1424,7 @@ class MTChunks:
#check_decachunk_containing_chunk AFTER incrementing todo_index so that self being queued doesn't prevent decachunk render:
self . check_decachunk_containing_chunk ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if self . todo_index > = len ( self . todo_positions ) : # check again since may have branched above, making this untrue
if self . todo_index > = len ( self . todo_positions ) : # check again since may have branched above, making this untrue
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
self . todo_index = - 1
self . todo_positions = list ( )
@ -1519,7 +1538,7 @@ class MTChunks:
results = tmp
return results
def get_outline_coords_list ( x_int , y_int , restrict_to_decachunk_enable = False ) :
def get_outline_coords_list ( self , x_int , y_int , restrict_to_decachunk_enable = False ) :
results = None
if x_int is not None and y_int is not None :
tmp = list ( )
@ -1569,6 +1588,9 @@ class MTChunks:
return result
def check_map_pseudorecursion_start ( self ) :
if self . todo_positions is not None and self . todo_index > = len ( self . todo_positions ) :
print ( " WARNING in check_map_pseudorecursion_start: todo index was [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] in " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) ) + " -length list, so resetting todo_list " )
self . todo_index = - 1
if self . todo_index < 0 :
if os . path . isfile ( self . minetestmapper_py_path ) and os . path . isfile ( self . colors_path ) :