@ -108,7 +108,11 @@ def save_conf_from_dict(path, this_dict, assignment_operator="=", save_nulls_ena
outs . write ( this_key + assignment_operator + str ( this_dict [ this_key ] ) + " \n " )
outs . close ( )
except :
print ( " Could not finish saving chunk metadata to ' " + str ( yml_path ) + " ' : " + str ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) )
print ( " Could not finish saving chunk metadata to ' " + str ( path ) + " ' : " + str ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) )
try :
outs . close ( )
except :
def get_tuple_from_notation ( line , debug_src_name = " <unknown object> " ) :
result = None
@ -712,11 +716,14 @@ class MTChunks:
dest_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
#is_empty_chunk = is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid) and is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(chunk_luid)
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " " )
print ( " Running ' " + cmd_string + " ' ... " )
else :
print ( " Calling map tile renderer for: " + str ( ( x , z ) ) )
#if self.verbose_enable:
# #print("")
# print(" Running '"+cmd_string+"'...")
print ( " Calling map tile renderer for: " + str ( ( x , z ) ) )
try :
if os . path . isfile ( tmp_png_path ) :
os . remove ( tmp_png_path )
subprocess . call ( cmd_string , shell = True ) # TODO: remember not to allow arbitrary command execution, which could happen if input contains ';' when using shell=True
if os . path . isfile ( tmp_png_path ) :
result = True
@ -724,15 +731,16 @@ class MTChunks:
if ( os . path . isfile ( dest_png_path ) ) :
os . remove ( dest_png_path )
except :
print ( " Could not finish deleting ' " + dest_png_path + " ' " )
print ( " Could not finish deleting ' " + dest_png_path + " ' " )
try :
os . rename ( tmp_png_path , dest_png_path )
print ( " (moved to ' " + dest_png_path + " ' ) " )
print ( " (moved to ' " + dest_png_path + " ' ) " )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . is_fresh = True
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_empty " ] = False
except :
print ( " Could not finish moving ' " + tmp_png_path + " ' to ' " + dest_png_path + " ' " )
print ( " Could not finish moving ' " + tmp_png_path + " ' to ' " + dest_png_path + " ' " )
try :
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
this_chunk = self . chunks [ chunk_luid ]
@ -741,14 +749,15 @@ class MTChunks:
this_chunk . set_from_genresult ( genresult_path )
chunk_yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
this_chunk . save_yaml ( chunk_yaml_path )
print ( " (saved yaml to ' " + chunk_yaml_path + " ' ) " )
print ( " (saved yaml to ' " + chunk_yaml_path + " ' ) " )
if not self . is_save_output_ok :
if os . path . isfile ( genresult_path ) :
os . remove ( genresult_path )
except :
print ( " Could not finish deleting/moving output " )
print ( " Could not finish deleting/moving output " )
except :
print ( " Could not finish deleting/moving temp files " )
return result
@ -877,7 +886,7 @@ class MTChunks:
print ( " saved: " + str ( player_written_count ) + " (moved: " + str ( players_moved_count ) + " ; new: " + str ( players_saved_count ) + " ) " )
print ( " didn ' t move: " + str ( players_didntmove_count ) )
def is_player_at_luid ( self , chunk_luid ) :
def is_chunk_traversed_by_ player ( self , chunk_luid ) :
result = False
if chunk_luid in self . chunks . keys ( ) :
result = self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_traversed " ]
@ -892,61 +901,77 @@ class MTChunks:
#Returns: (boolean) whether the chunk image is present on dest (rendered now or earlier)--only possible if there is chunk data at the given location
def check_chunk ( self , x , z ) :
result = False
min_indent = " "
result = [ False , " " ]
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( x , z )
#if (is_different_world): #instead, see above where all chunk files and player files are deleted
# self.remove_chunk(chunk_luid)
is_player_in_this_chunk = self . is_player_at_luid ( chunk_luid ) #ok if stale, since is only used for whether empty chunk should be regenerated
is_traversed_by_ player = self . is_chunk_traversed_by_ player ( chunk_luid ) #ok if stale, since is only used for whether empty chunk should be regenerated
is_render_needed = False
if not self . is_chunk_fresh ( chunk_luid ) :
if is_player_in_this_chunk :
if is_traversed_by_ player :
if self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunk_luid ) :
if self . is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( chunk_luid ) :
is_render_needed = True
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since nonfresh empty traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : RENDERING nonfresh previously marked empty (player in it) " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
sys . stdout . write ( ' . ' )
if self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since RENDERED nonfresh nonempty traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
if not self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
is_render_needed = True
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since NONRENDERED nonfresh nonempty traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
theoretical_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
print ( chunk_luid + " : RENDERING where missing image on marked nonempty chunk (player in it) { dest_png_path: " + theoretical_path + " } " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
print ( min_indent + " { dest_png_path: " + theoretical_path + " } " )
#end if marked
else :
is_render_needed = True
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since nonfresh unmarked traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : SKIPPING nonfresh previously marked nonempty (player in it) " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
#end if traversed
else :
is_render_needed = True
if ( self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunk_luid ) ) :
if ( self . is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( chunk_luid ) ) :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since nonfresh empty nontraversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : RENDERING nonfresh unmarked (player in it) " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
sys . stdout . write ( ' . ' )
else :
if ( not self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunk_luid ) ) :
is_render_needed = True
if ( self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) ) :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since RENDERED nonfresh nonempty nontraversed (delete png to re-render) "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : RENDERING nonfresh unmarked (simple check since has no player) " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
sys . stdout . write ( ' . ' )
else :
if not self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
is_render_needed = True
theoretical_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since NONRENDRERED nonfresh nonempty nontraversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : RENDERING where missing image on nonfresh previously marked (simple check since has no player) { dest_png_path: " + theoretical_path + " } " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
print ( min_indent + " { dest_png_path: " + theoretical_path + " } " )
else :
is_render_needed = True
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since nonfresh unmarked nontraversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : SKIPPING nonfresh previously marked (simple check since has no player) " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since RENDERED fresh "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : SKIPPING fresh chunk " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] + " (rendered after starting " + __file__ + " ) " )
#if (not self.is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid)):
#is_render_needed = True
@ -958,24 +983,26 @@ class MTChunks:
# tmp_chunk.set_from_genresult(genresult_path)
# chunk_yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid)
# tmp_chunk.save_yaml(chunk_yaml_path)
# print("(saved yaml to '"+chunk_yaml_path+"')")
# print(min_indent+ "(saved yaml to '"+chunk_yaml_path+"')")
if is_render_needed :
self . rendered_count + = 1
if not self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
if ( self . _render_chunk ( x , z ) ) :
result = True
result [ 0 ] = True
else :
if self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
result = True
result [ 0 ] = True
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
#NOTE: do NOT set result[1] since specific reason was already set above
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( chunk_luid + " : Skipping existing map tile file " + tmp_png_path + " (delete it to re-render) " )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : Skipping existing map tile file " + tmp_png_path + " (delete it to re-render) " )
#elif is_empty_chunk:
#print("Skipping empty chunk " + chunk_luid)
#print(chunk_luid+": Not rendered on dest.")
#print(min_indent+ chunk_luid+": Not rendered on dest.")
return result
def _check_map_pseudorecursion_branchfrom ( self , x , z ) :
@ -995,16 +1022,17 @@ class MTChunks:
self . todo_positions . append ( branched_pos )
def check_map_pseudorecursion_iterate ( self ) : # , redo_empty_enable=False):
min_indent = " "
if self . todo_index < 0 :
self . check_map_pseudorecursion_start ( )
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " (initialized " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) ) + " branche(s)) " )
print ( min_indent + " (initialized " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) ) + " branche(s)) " )
if self . todo_index > = 0 :
if self . todo_index < len ( self . todo_positions ) :
this_pos = self . todo_positions [ self . todo_index ]
x , z = this_pos
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( x , z )
is_present = self . check_chunk ( x , z )
is_present , reason_string = self . check_chunk ( x , z )
if is_present :
self . total_generated_count + = 1
@ -1014,24 +1042,24 @@ class MTChunks:
self . chunkx_max = x
if z < self . chunkz_min :
self . chunkz_min = z
if z > self . chunkx _max :
if z > self . chunkz _max :
self . chunkz_max = z
#end while square outline (1-chunk-thick outline) generated any png files
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
prev_len = len ( self . todo_positions )
self . _check_map_pseudorecursion_branchfrom ( x , z )
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " [" + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] branching from " + str ( ( x , z ) ) + " (added " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) - prev_len ) + " ) " )
print ( min_indent + " [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] branching from " + str ( ( x , z ) ) + " (added " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) - prev_len ) + " ) " )
else :
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " [" + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] not branching from " + str ( ( x , z ) ) )
print ( min_indent + " [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] not branching from " + str ( ( x , z ) ) )
self . todo_index + = 1
if self . todo_index > = len ( self . todo_positions ) : # check again since may have branched above, making this untrue
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
self . todo_index = - 1
else :
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " (no branches) " )
print ( min_indent + " (no branches) " )
def get_coords_from_luid ( self , chunk_luid ) :
result = None
@ -1141,6 +1169,11 @@ class MTChunks:
badend_string = " .yml "
if ( len ( filename ) > = len ( badend_string ) ) and ( filename [ len ( filename ) - len ( badend_string ) : ] == badend_string ) :
os . remove ( file_fullname )
self . chunkx_min = 0
self . chunkx_max = 0
self . chunkz_min = 0
self . chunkz_max = 0
#do not neet to run self.save_mapvars_if_changed() since already removed the yml
def save_mapvars_if_changed ( self ) :
is_changed = False
@ -1173,23 +1206,24 @@ class MTChunks:
print ( " SAVING ' " + self . world_yaml_path + " ' since new " + this_key + " value " + str ( new_map_dict [ this_key ] ) + " not same as saved value " + str ( self . mapvars [ this_key ] ) + " " )
if is_changed :
outs = open ( self . world_yaml_path , ' w ' )
outs . write ( " world_name: " + str ( self . world_name ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " chunk_size: " + str ( self . chunk_size ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " pixelspernode: " + str ( self . pixelspernode ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " chunkx_min: " + str ( self . chunkx_min ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " chunkx_max: " + str ( self . chunkx_max ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " chunkz_min: " + str ( self . chunkz_min ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " chunkz_max: " + str ( self . chunkz_max ) + " \n " )
#values for command arguments:
outs . write ( " maxheight: " + str ( self . maxheight ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " minheight: " + str ( self . minheight ) + " \n " )
#ALSO save to YAML:
outs . write ( " world_path: " + str ( self . world_path ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " chunkymap_data_path: " + str ( self . chunkymap_data_path ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " total_generated_count: " + str ( self . total_generated_count ) + " \n " )
outs . close ( )
self . mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file ( self . world_yaml_path , " : " )
save_conf_from_dict ( self . world_yaml_path , new_map_dict , " : " )
#outs = open(self.world_yaml_path, 'w')
#outs.write("world_name:"+str(self.world_name) + "\n")
#outs.write("chunk_size:"+str(self.chunk_size) + "\n")
#outs.write("pixelspernode:"+str(self.pixelspernode) + "\n")
#outs.write("chunkx_min:"+str(self.chunkx_min) + "\n")
#outs.write("chunkx_max:"+str(self.chunkx_max) + "\n")
#outs.write("chunkz_min:"+str(self.chunkz_min) + "\n")
#outs.write("chunkz_max:"+str(self.chunkz_max) + "\n")
##values for command arguments:
#outs.write("maxheight:"+str(self.maxheight) + "\n")
#outs.write("minheight:"+str(self.minheight) + "\n")
##ALSO save to YAML:
#outs.write("world_path:"+str(self.world_path) + "\n")
#outs.write("chunkymap_data_path:"+str(self.chunkymap_data_path) + "\n")
#outs.write("total_generated_count:"+str(self.total_generated_count) + "\n")
#self.mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file(self.world_yaml_path,":")
else :
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " (Not saving ' " + self . world_yaml_path + " ' since same value of each current variable is already in file as loaded) " )
@ -1251,7 +1285,8 @@ class MTChunks:
#only generate the edges (since started with region 0 0 0 0) and expanding from there until no png is created:
is_outline = ( x == self . chunkx_min ) or ( x == self . chunkx_max ) or ( z == self . chunkz_min ) or ( z == self . chunkz_max )
if is_outline :
if self . check_chunk ( x , z ) :
is_present , reason_string = self . check_chunk ( x , z )
if is_present :
this_iteration_generates_count + = 1
self . total_generated_count + = 1
if self . verbose_enable :