@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ import time
import sys
import timeit
from timeit import default_timer as best_timer
#file modified time etc:
import time
#copyfile etc:
import shutil
#best_timer = timeit.default_timer
#if sys.platform == "win32":
@ -16,7 +20,7 @@ from timeit import default_timer as best_timer
# on most other platforms, the best timer is time.time()
# best_timer = time.time
# The way to do a full render is deleting all files from the folder self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"] such as /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata (or chunkymap in current directory on Windows)
# The way to do a full render is deleting all files from the folder www_minetest_path/chunkymapdata such as /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata (or chunkymap in current directory on Windows)
#minetestmapper-numpy.py calculates the region as follows:
#(XMIN','XMAX','ZMIN','ZMAX'), default = (-2000,2000,-2000,2000)
@ -42,6 +46,16 @@ from timeit import default_timer as best_timer
#def size(self):
#return len(self.items)
class InstalledFile :
source_dir_path = None
dest_dir_path = None
file_name = None
def __init__ ( self , file_name , source_dir_path , dest_dir_path ) :
self . file_name = file_name
self . source_dir_path = source_dir_path
self . dest_dir_path = dest_dir_path
def get_dict_from_conf_file ( path , assignment_operator = " = " ) :
results = None
results = get_dict_modified_by_conf_file ( results , path , assignment_operator )
@ -180,11 +194,11 @@ def is_same_fvec3(list_a, list_b):
class MTChunk :
x = None
z = None
#x = None
#z = None
metadata = None
is_fresh = None
luid = None
#luid = None
def __init__ ( self ) :
# NOTE: variables that need to be saved (and only they) should be stored in dict
@ -324,7 +338,6 @@ class MTChunks:
todo_index = None
yaml_name = None
world_yaml_path = None
chunkymap_data_path = None
preload_all_enable = None
chunk_yaml_name_opener_string = None
chunk_yaml_name_dotext_string = None
@ -339,6 +352,7 @@ class MTChunks:
config = None
config_name = None
config_path = None
data_16px_path = None
def __init__ ( self ) : #formerly checkpaths() in global scope
os_name = " linux "
@ -409,24 +423,30 @@ class MTChunks:
else :
profile_path = os . environ [ ' HOME ' ]
if " user _minetest_path" not in self . config . keys ( ) :
self . config [ " user _minetest_path" ] = os . path . join ( profile_path , " .minetest " )
if " profile _minetest_path" not in self . config . keys ( ) :
self . config [ " profile _minetest_path" ] = os . path . join ( profile_path , " .minetest " )
if ( os_name == " windows " ) :
self . config [ " user _minetest_path" ] = " C: \\ games \\ Minetest "
input_string = raw_input ( " user minetest path containing worlds folder (blank for [ " + self . config [ " user _minetest_path" ] + " ]): " )
self . config [ " profile _minetest_path" ] = " C: \\ games \\ Minetest "
input_string = raw_input ( " user minetest path containing worlds folder (blank for [ " + self . config [ " profile _minetest_path" ] + " ]): " )
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . config [ " user _minetest_path" ] = input_string
self . config [ " profile _minetest_path" ] = input_string
is_config_changed = True
print ( " Using user_minetest_path ' " + self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] + " ' " )
print ( " Using profile_minetest_path ' " + self . config [ " profile_minetest_path " ] + " ' " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . config [ " profile_minetest_path " ] ) :
print ( " (WARNING: missing, so please close and update profile_minetest_path in ' " + self . config_path + " ' before next run) " )
print ( " " )
if " worlds_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) :
self . config [ " worlds_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . config [ " user _minetest_path" ] , " worlds " )
self . config [ " worlds_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . config [ " profile _minetest_path" ] , " worlds " )
is_config_changed = True
auto_chosen_world = False
if " world_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) :
is_missing_world = False
if " world_path " in self . config . keys ( ) :
if not os . path . isdir ( self . config [ " world_path " ] ) :
is_missing_world = True
if ( " world_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) ) or is_missing_world :
print ( " LOOKING FOR WORLDS IN " + self . config [ " worlds_path " ] )
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( self . config [ " worlds_path " ] ) :
for base_path , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( self . config [ " worlds_path " ] ) :
#for j in range(0,len(dirnames)):
# i = len(dirnames) - 0 - 1
# if dirnames[i][0] == ".":
@ -444,7 +464,7 @@ class MTChunks:
if subdirname [ 0 ] != " . " :
#if (index == len(dirnames)-1): # skip first one because the one on my computer is big
if ( subdirname != " world " ) or ( world_number == ( world_count - 1 ) ) :
self . config [ " world_path " ] = os . path . join ( dirname , subdirname ) # os.path.join(self.config["worlds_path"], "try7amber")
self . config [ " world_path " ] = os . path . join ( base_path , subdirname ) # os.path.join(self.config["worlds_path"], "try7amber")
auto_chosen_world = True
world_number + = 1
@ -452,12 +472,21 @@ class MTChunks:
if auto_chosen_world :
is_config_changed = True
if is_missing_world :
print ( " MISSING WORLD ' " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " ' " )
if auto_chosen_world :
print ( " (so a default was picked below that you can change) " )
else :
print ( " (and no world could be found in worlds_path ' " + self . config [ " worlds_path " ] + " ' ) " )
input_string = raw_input ( " World path (blank for [ " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " ]): " )
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . config [ " world_path " ] = input_string
auto_chosen_world = False
is_config_changed = True
print ( " Using world_path ' " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " ' " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . config [ " world_path " ] ) :
print ( " (ERROR: missing, so please close immediately and update world_path in ' " + self . config_path + " ' before next run) " )
print ( " " )
self . python_exe_path = " python "
@ -491,7 +520,7 @@ class MTChunks:
else :
print ( " ERROR: failed to read ' " + worldmt_path + " ' " )
self . is_save_output_ok = Tru e # Keeping output after analyzing it is no longer necessary since results are saved to YAML, but keeping output provides debug info since is the output of minetestmapper-numpy.py
self . is_save_output_ok = Fals e # Keeping output after analyzing it is no longer necessary since results are saved to YAML, but keeping output provides debug info since is the output of minetestmapper-numpy.py
if self . is_backend_detected :
print ( " Detected backend ' " + self . backend_string + " ' from ' " + worldmt_path + " ' " )
else :
@ -512,18 +541,32 @@ class MTChunks:
print ( " ERROR: missing ' " + self . colors_path + " ' , so exiting " + __file__ + " . " )
sys . exit ( )
self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] , " chunkymapdata " )
print ( " Using chunkymap_data_path ' " + self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] + " ' " )
#if not os.path.isdir(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"]):
# os.mkdir(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"])
htaccess_path = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , " .htaccess " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] ) :
os . makedirs ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] )
self . chunkymap_data_path = os . path . join ( self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] , " chunkymapdata " )
print ( " Using chunkymap_data_path ' " + self . chunkymap_data_path + " ' " )
#if not os.path.isdir(self.chunkymap_data_path):
# os.mkdir(self.chunkymap_data_path)
htaccess_path = os . path . join ( self . chunkymap_data_path , " .htaccess " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . chunkymap_data_path ) :
os . makedirs ( self . chunkymap_data_path )
print ( " Created ' " + self . chunkymap_data_path + " ' " )
if not os . path . isfile ( htaccess_path ) :
self . deny_http_access ( self . chunkymap_data_path )
print ( " (created .htaccess) " )
self . data_16px_path = os . path . join ( self . chunkymap_data_path , " 16px " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . data_16px_path ) :
os . makedirs ( self . data_16px_path )
print ( " Created ' " + self . data_16px_path + " ' " )
if not os . path . isfile ( htaccess_path ) :
self . deny_http_access ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] )
self . deny_http_access ( self . data_16px_path )
print ( " (created .htaccess) " )
#TODO: deny access to each hundreds folder under self.data_16px_path? doesn't seem that important for security so maybe not.
self . install_website ( )
self . chunkymap_players_name = " players "
self . chunkymap_players_path = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , self . chunkymap_players_name )
self . chunkymap_players_path = os . path . join ( self . chunkymap_data_path , self . chunkymap_players_name )
htaccess_path = os . path . join ( self . chunkymap_players_path , " .htaccess " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . chunkymap_players_path ) :
os . makedirs ( self . chunkymap_players_path )
@ -532,7 +575,7 @@ class MTChunks:
self . yaml_name = " generated.yml "
self . world_yaml_path = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path" ] , self . yaml_name )
self . world_yaml_path = os . path . join ( self . chunkymap_data_path , self . yaml_name )
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] = 0
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] = 0
@ -543,8 +586,10 @@ class MTChunks:
self . mapvars [ " minheight " ] = - 32
self . mapvars [ " pixelspernode " ] = 1
self . saved_mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file ( self . world_yaml_path , " : " )
is_mapvars_changed = False
if self . saved_mapvars is None :
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
is_mapvars_changed = True
#self.mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file(self.world_yaml_path,":")
#NOTE: do not save or load self.mapvars yet, because if world name is different than saved, chunks must all be redone
if self . saved_mapvars is not None :
@ -582,9 +627,42 @@ class MTChunks:
except :
print ( " WARNING: chunkz_max was not int so set to 0 " )
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] = 0
if is_mapvars_changed :
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
if is_config_changed :
self . save_config ( )
def install_website ( self ) :
this_source_dir_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( self . minetestmapper_py_path ) ) , " web " )
this_dest_dir_path = self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ]
install_list = list ( )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " browser.php " , this_source_dir_path , this_dest_dir_path ) )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " chunkymap.php " , this_source_dir_path , this_dest_dir_path ) )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " example.php " , this_source_dir_path , this_dest_dir_path ) )
source_web_images_path = os . path . join ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( self . minetestmapper_py_path ) ) , " web " ) , " images " )
dest_web_images_path = os . path . join ( self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] , " images " )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " chunkymap_zoom-in.png " , source_web_images_path , dest_web_images_path ) )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " chunkymap_zoom-out.png " , source_web_images_path , dest_web_images_path ) )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " chunkymap_zoom-in_disabled.png " , source_web_images_path , dest_web_images_path ) )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " chunkymap_zoom-out_disabled.png " , source_web_images_path , dest_web_images_path ) )
source_chunkymapdata = os . path . join ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( self . minetestmapper_py_path ) ) , " web " ) , " chunkymapdata_default " )
source_chunkymapdata_players = os . path . join ( source_chunkymapdata , " players " )
dest_chunkymapdata_players = os . path . join ( self . chunkymap_data_path , " players " )
install_list . append ( InstalledFile ( " singleplayer.png " , source_chunkymapdata_players , dest_chunkymapdata_players ) )
for this_object in install_list :
source_path = os . path . join ( this_object . source_dir_path , this_object . file_name )
installed_path = os . path . join ( this_object . dest_dir_path , this_object . file_name )
if not os . path . isdir ( this_object . dest_dir_path ) :
os . makedirs ( this_object . dest_dir_path )
if not os . path . isfile ( installed_path ) :
shutil . copyfile ( source_path , installed_path ) # DOES replace destination file
else :
source_mtime_seconds = time . ctime ( os . path . getmtime ( source_path ) )
installed_mtime_seconds = time . ctime ( os . path . getmtime ( installed_path ) )
if source_mtime_seconds > installed_mtime_seconds :
shutil . copyfile ( source_path , installed_path ) # DOES replace destination file
def deny_http_access ( self , dir_path ) :
htaccess_name = " .htaccess "
htaccess_path = os . path . join ( dir_path , htaccess_name )
@ -604,14 +682,14 @@ class MTChunks:
save_conf_from_dict ( self . config_path , self . config , " : " )
#locally unique identifier (unique to world only)
def get_chunk_luid ( self , x , z ) :
return " x " + str ( x ) + " z " + str ( z )
def get_chunk_luid ( self , chunky_ x, chunky_ z) :
return " x " + str ( chunky_ x) + " z " + str ( chunky_ z)
def get_chunk_image_name ( self , chunk_luid ) :
return " chunk_ " + chunk_luid + " .png "
def get_chunk_image_name ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
return " chunk_ " + self . get_ chunk_luid( chunky_x , chunky_z ) + " .png "
def get_chunk_image_tmp_path ( self , chunk_luid ) :
return os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , self . get_chunk_image_name ( chunk_luid ) )
def get_chunk_image_tmp_path ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
return os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , self . get_chunk_image_name ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
def get_signal_name ( self ) :
return " chunkymap-signals.txt "
@ -619,8 +697,29 @@ class MTChunks:
def get_signal_path ( self ) :
return os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , self . get_signal_name ( ) )
def get_chunk_image_path ( self , chunk_luid ) :
return os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , self . get_chunk_image_name ( chunk_luid ) )
def get_chunk_folder_path ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = None
decachunk_x = None
decachunk_z = None
if chunky_x < 0 :
decachunk_x = chunky_x + chunky_x % 10
else :
decachunk_x = chunky_x - chunky_x % 10
if chunky_z < 0 :
decachunk_z = chunky_z + chunky_z % 10
else :
decachunk_z = chunky_z - chunky_z % 10
result = os . path . join ( os . path . join ( self . data_16px_path , str ( decachunk_x ) ) , str ( decachunk_z ) )
return result
def create_chunk_folder ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
path = self . get_chunk_folder_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if not os . path . isdir ( path ) :
os . makedirs ( path )
def get_chunk_image_path ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
return os . path . join ( self . get_chunk_folder_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) , self . get_chunk_image_name ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
def get_chunk_genresult_name ( self , chunk_luid ) :
return " chunk_ " + chunk_luid + " _mapper_result.txt "
@ -634,17 +733,18 @@ class MTChunks:
def get_chunk_luid_from_yaml_name ( self , yml_name ) :
return yml_name [ len ( self . chunk_yaml_name_opener_string ) : - 1 * len ( self . chunk_yaml_name_dotext_string ) ]
def get_chunk_yaml_name ( self , chunk_luid ) :
def get_chunk_yaml_name ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
return self . chunk_yaml_name_opener_string + chunk_luid + self . chunk_yaml_name_dotext_string
def is_chunk_yaml_present ( self , chunk_luid ) :
return os . path . isfile ( self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid ) )
def is_chunk_yaml_present ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
return os . path . isfile ( self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
def get_chunk_yaml_path ( self , chunk_luid ) :
return os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , self . get_chunk_yaml_name ( chunk_luid ) )
def get_chunk_yaml_path ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
return os . path . join ( self . get_chunk_folder_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) , self . get_chunk_yaml_name ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
def is_chunk_yaml_marked ( self , chunk_luid ) :
yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
def is_chunk_yaml_marked ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
result = False
if os . path . isfile ( yaml_path ) :
result = True
@ -660,29 +760,31 @@ class MTChunks:
return result
def is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( self , chunk_luid ) :
def is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = False
yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( yaml_path ) :
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES get existing data if any file exists
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) # DOES get existing data if any file exists
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if " is_empty " in self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata . keys ( ) :
result = self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_empty " ]
return result
def remove_chunk_image ( self , chunk_luid ) :
def remove_chunk_image ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = False
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( tmp_png_path ) :
result = True
os . remove ( tmp_png_path )
return result
def remove_chunk ( self , chunk_luid ) :
def remove_chunk ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result = False
chunk_luid = get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
out_path = self . get_chunk_genresult_tmp_path ( chunk_luid )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
yml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
yml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( tmp_png_path ) :
os . remove ( tmp_png_path )
result = True
@ -694,40 +796,41 @@ class MTChunks:
result = True
return result
def is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( self , chunk_luid ) : #formerly is_chunk_empty_on_dest (reversed)
def is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) : #formerly is_chunk_empty_on_dest (reversed)
is_rendered = False
dest_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
dest_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( dest_png_path ) :
is_rendered = True
return is_rendered
def prepare_chunk_meta ( self , chunk_luid ) :
def prepare_chunk_meta ( self , chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if chunk_luid not in self . chunks . keys ( ) :
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] = MTChunk ( )
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . luid = chunk_luid
yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
#self.chunks[chunk_luid].luid = chunk_luid
yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
if os . path . isfile ( yaml_path ) :
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . load_yaml ( yaml_path )
# normally call check_chunk instead, which renders chunk only if necessary
def _render_chunk ( self , x , z ) :
def _render_chunk ( self , chunky_ x, chunky_ z) :
min_indent = " " # increased below
result = False
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( x , z )
png_name = self . get_chunk_image_name ( chunk_luid )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_tmp_path ( chunk_luid )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
png_name = self . get_chunk_image_name ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_tmp_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
genresult_name = self . get_chunk_genresult_name ( chunk_luid )
genresult_tmp_folder_path = self . get_chunk_genresults_tmp_folder ( chunk_luid )
if not os . path . isdir ( genresult_tmp_folder_path ) :
os . makedirs ( genresult_tmp_folder_path )
genresult_path = self . get_chunk_genresult_tmp_path ( chunk_luid )
x_min = x * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ]
x_max = x * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] + self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] - 1
z_min = z * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ]
z_max = z * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] + self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] - 1
x_min = chunky_ x * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ]
x_max = chunky_ x * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] + self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] - 1
z_min = chunky_ z * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ]
z_max = chunky_ z * self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] + self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] - 1
#print (min_indent+"generating x = " + str(x_min) + " to " + str(x_max) + " , z = " + str(z_min) + " to " + str(z_max))
#print (min_indent+"generating chunky_ x = " + str(x_min) + " to " + str(x_max) + " , chunky_ z = " + str(z_min) + " to " + str(z_max))
geometry_value_string = str ( x_min ) + " : " + str ( z_min ) + " + " + str ( int ( x_max ) - int ( x_min ) + 1 ) + " + " + str ( int ( z_max ) - int ( z_min ) + 1 ) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for minetestmapper.py
cmd_suffix = " "
cmd_suffix = " > \" " + genresult_path + " \" "
@ -761,13 +864,13 @@ class MTChunks:
#sudo python /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap/minetestmapper.py --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry 0:0+16+16 --output /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata/chunk_x0z0.png > /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap-genresults/chunk_x0z0_mapper_result.txt
# sudo mv entire-mtmresult.txt /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap-genresults/
dest_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
#is_empty_chunk = is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid) and is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(chunk_luid )
dest_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
#is_empty_chunk = is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunky_x, chunky_z) and is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(chunky_x, chunky_z )
#if self.verbose_enable:
# #print(min_indent+"")
# print(min_indent+"Running '"+cmd_string+"'...")
print ( min_indent + " Calling map tile renderer for: " + str ( ( x , z ) ) )
print ( min_indent + " Calling map tile renderer for: " + str ( ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z) ) )
min_indent + = " "
try :
if os . path . isfile ( tmp_png_path ) :
@ -779,7 +882,7 @@ class MTChunks:
is_marked_before = True
if ( self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata is not None ) and ( " is_empty " in self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata ) :
is_empty_before = self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_empty " ]
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
this_chunk = self . chunks [ chunk_luid ]
if os . path . isfile ( tmp_png_path ) :
result = True
@ -790,9 +893,10 @@ class MTChunks:
except :
print ( min_indent + " Could not finish deleting ' " + dest_png_path + " ' " )
try :
self . create_chunk_folder ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
os . rename ( tmp_png_path , dest_png_path )
print ( min_indent + " (moved to ' " + dest_png_path + " ' ) " )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . is_fresh = True
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_empty " ] = False
except :
@ -825,7 +929,8 @@ class MTChunks:
print ( " ERROR: chunk changed from nonempty to empty (may happen if output of mapper was not recognized) " )
elif this_chunk . metadata [ " is_empty " ] and os . path . isfile ( dest_png_path ) :
print ( " ERROR: chunk marked empty though has data (may happen if output of mapper was not recognized) " )
chunk_yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
chunk_yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
self . create_chunk_folder ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
this_chunk . save_yaml ( chunk_yaml_path )
print ( min_indent + " (saved yaml to ' " + chunk_yaml_path + " ' ) " )
if not self . is_save_output_ok :
@ -852,7 +957,7 @@ class MTChunks:
players_moved_count = 0
players_didntmove_count = 0
players_saved_count = 0
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( players_path ) :
for base_path , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( players_path ) :
for filename in filenames :
file_fullname = os . path . join ( players_path , filename )
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
@ -889,20 +994,21 @@ class MTChunks:
player_position_tuple = get_tuple_from_notation ( player_position , filename )
if player_position_tuple is not None :
#Divide by 10 because I don't know why (minetest issue)
#Divide by 10 because I don't know why (minetest issue, maybe to avoid float rounding errors upon save/load )
player_position_tuple = player_position_tuple [ 0 ] / 10.0 , player_position_tuple [ 1 ] / 10.0 , player_position_tuple [ 2 ] / 10.0
player_x , player_y , player_z = player_position_tuple
player_x = float ( player_x )
player_y = float ( player_y )
player_z = float ( player_z )
chunk_x = int ( ( int ( player_x ) / self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) )
chunk_y = int ( ( int ( player_y ) / self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) )
chunk_z = int ( ( int ( player_z ) / self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunk_x , chunk_z )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
chunky _x = int ( ( int ( player_x ) / self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) )
chunky _y = int ( ( int ( player_y ) / self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) )
chunky _z = int ( ( int ( player_z ) / self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky _x , chunky _z )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
if not self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_traversed " ] :
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_traversed " ] = True
chunk_yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid )
chunk_yaml_path = self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
self . create_chunk_folder ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . save_yaml ( chunk_yaml_path )
#if is_enough_data:
@ -971,13 +1077,13 @@ class MTChunks:
#Returns: (boolean) whether the chunk image is present on dest (rendered now or earlier)--only possible if there is chunk data at the given location
def check_chunk ( self , x , z ) :
def check_chunk ( self , chunky_ x, chunky_ z) :
min_indent = " "
result = [ False , " " ]
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( x , z )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
#if (is_different_world): #instead, see above where all chunk files and player files are deleted
# self.remove_chunk(chunk_luid )
# self.remove_chunk(chunky_x, chunky_z )
is_traversed_by_player = self . is_chunk_traversed_by_player ( chunk_luid ) #ok if stale, since is only used for whether empty chunk should be regenerated
@ -985,8 +1091,8 @@ class MTChunks:
if not self . is_chunk_fresh ( chunk_luid ) :
if is_traversed_by_player :
if self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunk_luid ) :
if self . is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( chunk_luid ) :
if self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
if self . is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
is_render_needed = True
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since nonfresh empty traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
@ -994,7 +1100,7 @@ class MTChunks:
else :
if self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
if self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since RENDERED nonfresh nonempty traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
@ -1002,7 +1108,7 @@ class MTChunks:
is_render_needed = True
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since NONRENDERED nonfresh nonempty traversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
theoretical_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
theoretical_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
print ( min_indent + " { dest_png_path: " + theoretical_path + " } " )
#end if marked
@ -1015,19 +1121,19 @@ class MTChunks:
#end if traversed
else :
if ( self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunk_luid ) ) :
if ( self . is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( chunk_luid ) ) :
if ( self . is_chunk_yaml_marked ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) ) :
if ( self . is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) ) :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since nonfresh empty nontraversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
if ( self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) ) :
if ( self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) ) :
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since RENDERED nonfresh nonempty nontraversed (delete png to re-render) "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
else :
is_render_needed = True
theoretical_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
theoretical_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
result [ 1 ] = " RENDERING since NONRENDRERED nonfresh nonempty nontraversed "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
@ -1043,16 +1149,17 @@ class MTChunks:
result [ 1 ] = " SKIPPING since RENDERED fresh "
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] + " (rendered after starting " + __file__ + " ) " )
#if (not self.is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid )):
#if (not self.is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunky_x, chunky_z )):
#is_render_needed = True
# This should never happen since keeping the output of minetestmapper-numpy.py (after analyzing that output) is deprecated:
#if self.is_genresult_marked(chunk_luid) and not self.is_chunk_yaml_present(chunk_luid ):
#if self.is_genresult_marked(chunk_luid) and not self.is_chunk_yaml_present(chunky_x, chunky_z ):
# tmp_chunk = MTChunk()
# tmp_chunk.luid = chunk_luid
# genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_tmp_path(chunk_luid)
# tmp_chunk.set_from_genresult(genresult_path)
# chunk_yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid)
# chunk_yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunky_x, chunky_z)
# self.create_chunk_folder(chunky_x, chunky_z)
# tmp_chunk.save_yaml(chunk_yaml_path)
# print(min_indent+"(saved yaml to '"+chunk_yaml_path+"')")
@ -1061,12 +1168,12 @@ class MTChunks:
self . rendered_count + = 1
if not self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : " + result [ 1 ] )
if ( self . _render_chunk ( x , z ) ) :
if ( self . _render_chunk ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z) ) :
result [ 0 ] = True
else :
if self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
if self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
result [ 0 ] = True
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunk_luid )
tmp_png_path = self . get_chunk_image_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
#NOTE: do NOT set result[1] since specific reason was already set above
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + chunk_luid + " : Skipping existing map tile file " + tmp_png_path + " (delete it to re-render) " )
@ -1076,19 +1183,19 @@ class MTChunks:
#print(min_indent+chunk_luid+": Not rendered on dest.")
return result
def _check_map_pseudorecursion_branchfrom ( self , x , z ) :
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( x , z )
branched_pos = x - 1 , z
def _check_map_pseudorecursion_branchfrom ( self , chunky_ x, chunky_ z) :
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
branched_pos = chunky_ x- 1 , chunky_ z
#only add if not in list already, to prevent infinite re-branching
if branched_pos not in self . todo_positions :
self . todo_positions . append ( branched_pos )
branched_pos = x + 1 , z
branched_pos = chunky_ x+ 1 , chunky_ z
if branched_pos not in self . todo_positions :
self . todo_positions . append ( branched_pos )
branched_pos = x , z - 1
branched_pos = chunky_ x, chunky_ z- 1
if branched_pos not in self . todo_positions :
self . todo_positions . append ( branched_pos )
branched_pos = x , z + 1
branched_pos = chunky_ x, chunky_ z+ 1
if branched_pos not in self . todo_positions :
self . todo_positions . append ( branched_pos )
@ -1101,29 +1208,29 @@ class MTChunks:
if self . todo_index > = 0 :
if self . todo_index < len ( self . todo_positions ) :
this_pos = self . todo_positions [ self . todo_index ]
x , z = this_pos
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( x , z )
is_present , reason_string = self . check_chunk ( x , z )
chunky_ x, chunky_ z = this_pos
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
is_present , reason_string = self . check_chunk ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
if is_present :
self . mapvars [ " total_generated_count " ] + = 1
if x < self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] = x
if x > self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] = x
if z < self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] = z
if z > self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] = z
if chunky_ x< self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] = chunky_ x
if chunky_ x> self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] = chunky_ x
if chunky_ z< self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] = chunky_ z
if chunky_ z> self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] :
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] = chunky_ z
#end while square outline (1-chunk-thick outline) generated any png files
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
prev_len = len ( self . todo_positions )
self . _check_map_pseudorecursion_branchfrom ( x , z )
self . _check_map_pseudorecursion_branchfrom ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + " [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] branching from " + str ( ( x , z ) ) + " (added " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) - prev_len ) + " ) " )
print ( min_indent + " [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] branching from " + str ( ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z) ) + " (added " + str ( len ( self . todo_positions ) - prev_len ) + " ) " )
else :
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( min_indent + " [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] not branching from " + str ( ( x , z ) ) )
print ( min_indent + " [ " + str ( self . todo_index ) + " ] not branching from " + str ( ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z) ) )
self . todo_index + = 1
if self . todo_index > = len ( self . todo_positions ) : # check again since may have branched above, making this untrue
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
@ -1141,10 +1248,10 @@ class MTChunks:
x_string = chunk_luid [ xopener_index + 1 : zopener_index ]
z_string = chunk_luid [ zopener_index + 1 : ]
try :
x = int ( x_string )
chunky_ x = int ( x_string )
try :
z = int ( z_string )
result = x , z
chunky_ z = int ( z_string )
result = chunky_ x, chunky_ z
except :
except :
@ -1158,28 +1265,47 @@ class MTChunks:
self . rendered_count = 0
self . todo_positions = list ( )
self . todo_positions . append ( ( 0 , 0 ) )
self . mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file ( self . world_yaml_path , " : " )
#self.mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file(self.world_yaml_path,":" )
self . verify_correct_map ( )
if self . preload_all_enable :
self . preload_all_enable = False
minlen = len ( self . chunk_yaml_name_opener_string ) + 4 + len ( self . chunk_yaml_name_dotext_string ) # +4 for luid, such as x1z2
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] ) :
for filename in filenames :
file_fullname = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , filename )
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
badstart_string = " . "
if ( filename [ : len ( badstart_string ) ] != badstart_string ) :
if len ( filename ) > minlen :
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid_from_yaml_name ( filename )
coords = self . get_coords_from_luid ( chunk_luid )
if coords is not None :
print ( " Checking chunk " + str ( coords ) + " * " + str ( self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) + " " )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid )
minlen = len ( self . chunk_yaml_name_opener_string ) + 4 + len ( self . chunk_yaml_name_dotext_string ) # +4 for luid, such as x1z2 (ok since just a minimum)
#for base_path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.data_16px_path):
#for dirname in dirnames:
#for decachunk_x_basepath, decachunk_x_dirnames, decachunk_x_filenames in os.walk(self.data_16px_path):
for decachunk_x_name in os . listdir ( self . data_16px_path ) :
decachunk_x_path = os . path . join ( self . data_16px_path , decachunk_x_name )
#for decachunk_z_basepath, decachunk_z_dirnames, decachunk_z_filenames in os.walk(decachunk_x_dirnames):
if decachunk_x_path [ : 1 ] != " . " and os . path . isdir ( decachunk_x_path ) :
for decachunk_z_name in os . listdir ( decachunk_x_path ) :
decachunk_z_path = os . path . join ( decachunk_x_path , decachunk_z_name )
if decachunk_z_path [ : 1 ] != " . " and os . path . isdir ( decachunk_z_path ) :
#for chunk_filename in decachunk_z_filenames:
for chunk_filename in os . listdir ( decachunk_z_path ) :
chunk_path = os . path . join ( decachunk_z_path , chunk_filename )
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path,filename)
if chunk_filename [ : 1 ] != " . " and os . path . isfile ( chunk_path ) :
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
#badstart_string = "."
#if (filename[:len(badstart_string)]!=badstart_string):
if len ( chunk_filename ) > minlen :
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid_from_yaml_name ( chunk_filename )
coords = self . get_coords_from_luid ( chunk_luid )
if coords is not None :
chunky_x , chunky_z = coords
if " chunk_size " not in self . mapvars :
print ( " ERROR: ' " + chunk_luid + " ' has missing mapvars among { " + str ( self . mapvars ) + " } " )
print ( " Checking chunk " + str ( coords ) + " * " + str ( self . mapvars [ " chunk_size " ] ) + " " )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
for chunk_luid in self . chunks . keys ( ) :
if self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_traversed " ] and not self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunk_luid ) :
coords = self . get_coords_from_luid ( chunk_luid )
chunky_x , chunky_z = coords
if self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_traversed " ] and not self . is_chunk_rendered_on_dest ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) :
if self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_empty " ] :
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . metadata [ " is_empty " ] = False
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . save_yaml ( self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunk_luid ) )
self . create_chunk_folder ( chunky_x , chunky_z )
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . save_yaml ( self . get_chunk_yaml_path ( chunky_x , chunky_z ) )
coords = self . get_coords_from_luid ( chunk_luid )
if coords is not None :
self . todo_positions . append ( coords )
@ -1209,11 +1335,11 @@ class MTChunks:
#print ("Removing ALL map data since from WORLD NAME is different (map '"+str(self.config["world_name"])+"' is not '"+str(self.config["world_name"])+"')...")
#if os.path.isdir(self.mapvars[" chunkymap_data_path"] ):
#for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"] ):
#if os.path.isdir(self.chunkymap_data_path):
#for base_path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.chunkymap_data_path ):
#for filename in filenames:
#if filename[0] != ".":
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.mapvars[" chunkymap_data_path"] ,filename)
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path,filename)
#if self.verbose_enable:
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
#badstart_string = "chunk"
@ -1221,12 +1347,12 @@ class MTChunks:
#elif filename==self.yaml_name:
#players_path = os.path.join(self.mapvars[" chunkymap_data_path"] , "players")
#players_path = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, "players")
#if os.path.isdir(players_path):
#for dirname , dirnames, filenames in os.walk(players_path):
#for base_path , dirnames, filenames in os.walk(players_path):
#for filename in filenames:
#if filename[0] != ".":
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.mapvars[" chunkymap_data_path"] ,filename)
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path,filename)
#if self.verbose_enable:
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
#badend_string = ".yml"
@ -1301,11 +1427,11 @@ class MTChunks:
self . read_then_remove_signals ( )
if not self . refresh_map_enable :
for z in range ( self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] , self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] + 1 ) :
for chunky_ z in range ( self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] , self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] + 1 ) :
self . read_then_remove_signals ( )
if not self . refresh_map_enable :
for x in range ( self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] , self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] + 1 ) :
for chunky_ x in range ( self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] , self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] + 1 ) :
self . read_then_remove_signals ( )
if not self . refresh_map_enable :
@ -1313,14 +1439,14 @@ class MTChunks:
#sudo mv ~/map.png /var/www/html/minetest/images/map.png
#only generate the edges (since started with region 0 0 0 0) and expanding from there until no png is created:
is_outline = ( x == self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] ) or ( x == self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] ) or ( z == self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] ) or ( z == self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] )
is_outline = ( chunky_ x== self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] ) or ( chunky_ x== self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] ) or ( chunky_ z== self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] ) or ( chunky_ z== self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] )
if is_outline :
is_present , reason_string = self . check_chunk ( x , z )
is_present , reason_string = self . check_chunk ( chunky_ x, chunky_ z)
if is_present :
this_iteration_generates_count + = 1
self . mapvars [ " total_generated_count " ] + = 1
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " " ) # blank line before next z so output is more readable
print ( " " ) # blank line before next chunky_ z so output is more readable
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] - = 1
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] - = 1
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] + = 1