@ -26,21 +26,21 @@ from timeit import default_timer as best_timer
#region server-specific options
#as per http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/BasicDS/ImplementingaQueueinPython.html
class SimpleQueue :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . items = [ ]
#class SimpleQueue :
#def __init__(self) :
#self.items = [ ]
def isEmpty ( self ) :
return self . items == [ ]
#def isEmpty(self) :
#return self.items == [ ]
def enqueue ( self , item ) :
self . items . insert ( 0 , item )
#def enqueue(self, item) :
#self.items.insert(0,item )
def dequeue ( self ) :
return self . items . pop ( )
#def dequeue(self) :
#return self.items.pop( )
def size ( self ) :
return len ( self . items )
#def size(self) :
#return len(self.items )
def get_dict_from_conf_file ( path , assignment_operator = " = " ) :
results = None
@ -99,12 +99,11 @@ def print_file(path, min_indent=""):
return line_count
def get_dict_modified_by_conf_file ( this_dict , path , assignment_operator = " = " ) :
results = None
results = this_dict
#print ("Checking "+str(path)+" for settings...")
if ( results is None ) or ( type ( results ) is not dict ) :
results = { }
if os . path . isfile ( path ) :
results = this_dict
if ( results is None ) or ( type ( results ) is not dict ) :
results = { }
ins = open ( path , ' r ' )
line = True
while line :
@ -307,13 +306,10 @@ class MTChunk:
class MTChunks :
website_root = None
username = None
os_name = None
chunkymap_data_path = None
profiles_path = None
profile_path = None
worlds_path = None
#profiles_path = None
#profile_path = None
#worlds_path = None
is_save_output_ok = None
mt_util_path = None
minetestmapper_fast_sqlite_path = None
@ -323,9 +319,7 @@ class MTChunks:
python_exe_path = None
chunks = None
#region values to save to YAML
world_name = None
world_path = None
#world_path = None
chunkx_min = 0
chunkz_min = 0
chunkx_max = 0
@ -341,14 +335,12 @@ class MTChunks:
refresh_players_seconds = None
last_players_refresh_second = None
last_map_refresh_second = None
#ALSO save to YAML:
total_generated_count = None
#endregion values to save to YAML
loop_enable = None
verbose_enable = None
world_blacklist = None
#world_blacklist = None
run_count = None
todo_positions = None # list of tuples (locations) to render next (for fake recursion)
todo_index = None
@ -366,10 +358,25 @@ class MTChunks:
is_backend_detected = None
chunkymap_players_name = None
chunkymap_players_path = None
config = None
config_name = None
config_path = None
def __init__ ( self ) : #formerly checkpaths() in global scope
os_name = " linux "
if ( os . path . sep != " / " ) :
os_name = " windows "
print ( " Windows detected " )
self . is_backend_detected = False
self . mapvars = { }
self . config = { }
self . config_name = " chunkymap.yml "
self . config_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , self . config_name )
self . config = get_dict_modified_by_conf_file ( self . config , self . config_path , " : " )
is_config_changed = False
if not os . path . isfile ( self . config_path ) :
is_config_changed = True
#if self.config is None:
self . mapvars [ " total_generated_count " ] = 0
self . rendered_count = 0
self . preload_all_enable = True
@ -381,11 +388,35 @@ class MTChunks:
self . refresh_map_enable = True
self . refresh_players_enable = True
self . chunks = { }
#self.username = "owner"
self . website_root = " /var/www/html/minetest "
if " www_minetest_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) :
self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] = " /var/www/html/minetest "
if os_name == " windows " :
self . colors_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , " colors.txt " )
self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] = None
prioritized_try_paths = list ( )
prioritized_try_paths . append ( " C: \\ wamp \\ www " )
prioritized_try_paths . append ( " C: \\ www " )
prioritized_try_paths . append ( " C: \\ Program Files \\ Apache Software Foundation \\ Apache2.2 \\ htdocs " )
#prioritized_try_paths.append("C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\htdocs\\folder_test\\website")
for try_path in prioritized_try_paths :
try :
if os . path . isdir ( try_path ) :
self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] = try_path
except :
if self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] is None :
self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
input_string = raw_input ( " Minetest website (blank for [ " + self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] + " ]): " )
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] = input_string
is_config_changed = True
#print("Set www_minetest_path to '"+self.config["www_minetest_path"]+"'")
print ( " Using www_minetest_path ' " + self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] + " ' " )
print ( " " )
self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] = " FCAGameAWorld "
self . os_name = " linux "
self . refresh_map_seconds = 30 #does one chunk at a time so as not to interrupt player updates too often
self . refresh_players_seconds = 5
self . chunk_yaml_name_opener_string = " chunk_ "
@ -393,50 +424,38 @@ class MTChunks:
#self.region_separators = [" "," "," "]
input_string = " "
if ( os . path . sep != " / " ) :
self . os_name = " windows "
print ( " Windows detected " )
#input_string = input("Which self.username contains minetest/util/minetestmapper-numpy.py (minetest not .minetest) ["+self.username+"]?")
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . username = input_string
#input_string = input("What is the root folder of your minetest website ["+self.website_root+"]?")
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . website_root = input_string
#input_string = input("What is the game name ["+self.mapvars["world_name"]+"]")
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] = input_string
#region server-specific options
self . profiles_path = " /home "
if self . os_name == " windows " :
self . profiles_path = " C: \\ Users "
if self . username is not None :
self . profile_path = os . path . join ( self . profiles_path , self . username )
else :
if self . os_name == " windows " :
self . profiles_path = " C: \\ Users "
self . profile_path = os . environ [ ' USERPROFILE ' ]
else :
self . profile_path = os . environ [ ' HOME ' ]
#if (not os.path.isdir(self.profile_path)):
# self.profile_path = os.path.join(self.profiles_path, "jgustafson")
self . dotminetest_path = os . path . join ( self . profile_path , " .minetest " )
if ( self . os_name == " windows " ) :
self . dotminetest_path = " C: \\ games \\ Minetest "
print ( " Using dotminetest_path ' " + self . dotminetest_path + " ' " )
self . worlds_path = os . path . join ( self . dotminetest_path , " worlds " )
self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . worlds_path , self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] )
profile_path = None
if os_name == " windows " :
#self.profiles_path = "C:\\Users"
profile_path = os . environ [ ' USERPROFILE ' ]
else :
profile_path = os . environ [ ' HOME ' ]
#if (not os.path.isdir(profile_path)):
# profile_path = os.path.join(self.profiles_path, "jgustafson")
if " user_minetest_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) :
self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] = os . path . join ( profile_path , " .minetest " )
if ( os_name == " windows " ) :
self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] = " C: \\ games \\ Minetest "
input_string = raw_input ( " user minetest path containing worlds folder (blank for [ " + self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] + " ]): " )
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] = input_string
is_config_changed = True
print ( " Using user_minetest_path ' " + self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] + " ' " )
print ( " " )
if " worlds_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) :
self . config [ " worlds_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . config [ " user_minetest_path " ] , " worlds " )
is_config_changed = True
auto_chosen_world = False
self . world_blacklist = list ( )
self . world_blacklist . append ( " CarbonUnit " )
self . world_blacklist . append ( " abiyahhgamebv7world1 " )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] ) :
#for item in os.walk(self.worlds_path):
print ( " LOOKING FOR WORLDS IN " + self . worlds_path )
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( self . worlds_path ) :
if " world_path " not in self . config . keys ( ) :
#self.world_blacklist = list()
#if not os.path.isdir(self.config["world_path"]):
#for item in os.walk(self.config["worlds_path"]):
print ( " LOOKING FOR WORLDS IN " + self . config [ " worlds_path " ] )
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( self . config [ " worlds_path " ] ) :
#index = 0
#for j in range(0,len(dirnames)):
# i = len(dirnames) - 0 - 1
@ -447,17 +466,24 @@ class MTChunks:
print ( " EXAMINING " + subdirname )
if subdirname [ 0 ] != " . " :
#if (index == len(dirnames)-1): # skip first one because the one on my computer is big
if subdirname not in self . world_blacklist :
self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] = subdirname
self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] = os . path . join ( dirname , subdirname ) # os.path.join(self.worlds_path, "try7amber")
print ( " CHOSE " + self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] )
auto_chosen_world = True
#if subdirname not in self.world_blacklist:
#world_name = subdirname
self . config [ " world_path " ] = os . path . join ( dirname , subdirname ) # os.path.join(self.config["worlds_path"], "try7amber")
auto_chosen_world = True
#index += 1
if auto_chosen_world :
is_config_changed = True
input_string = raw_input ( " World path (blank for [ " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " ]): " )
if ( len ( input_string ) > 0 ) :
self . config [ " world_path " ] = input_string
is_config_changed = True
print ( " Using world_path ' " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " ' " )
print ( " " )
self . python_exe_path = " python "
worldmt_path = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] , " world.mt " )
worldmt_path = os . path . join ( self . config [ " world_path " ] , " world.mt " )
self . backend_string = " sqlite3 "
if ( os . path . isfile ( worldmt_path ) ) :
ins = open ( worldmt_path , ' r ' )
@ -489,10 +515,10 @@ class MTChunks:
#else may be in path--assume installer worked
except :
pass # do nothing, probably linux
mt_path = os . path . join ( self . profile_path , " minetest " )
self . mt_util_path = os . path . join ( mt_path , " util " )
mine test_program _path = os . path . join ( profile_path , " minetest " )
self . mt_util_path = os . path . join ( mine test_program _path , " util " )
self . minetestmapper_fast_sqlite_path = os . path . join ( self . mt_util_path , " minetestmapper-numpy.py " )
if self . os_name == " windows " :
if os_name == " windows " :
self . minetestmapper_fast_sqlite_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , " minetestmapper-numpy.py " )
#self.minetestmapper_custom_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "minetestmapper.py")
@ -509,27 +535,8 @@ class MTChunks:
print ( " ERROR: script does not exist, exiting " + __file__ + " . " )
sys . exit ( )
self . colors_path = os . path . join ( self . mt_util_path , " colors.txt " )
if self . os_name == " windows " :
self . colors_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , " colors.txt " )
self . website_root = None
prioritized_try_paths = list ( )
prioritized_try_paths . append ( " C: \\ wamp \\ www " )
prioritized_try_paths . append ( " C: \\ www " )
prioritized_try_paths . append ( " C: \\ Program Files \\ Apache Software Foundation \\ Apache2.2 \\ htdocs " )
#prioritized_try_paths.append("C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\htdocs\\folder_test\\website")
for try_path in prioritized_try_paths :
try :
if os . path . isdir ( try_path ) :
self . website_root = try_path
except :
if self . website_root is None :
self . website_root = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
print ( " Set website_root to " + self . website_root )
self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . website_root , " chunkymapdata " )
self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] = os . path . join ( self . config [ " www_minetest_path " ] , " chunkymapdata " )
print ( " Using chunkymap_data_path ' " + self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] + " ' " )
#if not os.path.isdir(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"]):
# os.mkdir(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"])
@ -599,6 +606,8 @@ class MTChunks:
except :
print ( " WARNING: chunkz_max was not int so set to 0 " )
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] = 0
if is_config_changed :
self . save_config ( )
def deny_http_access ( self , dir_path ) :
htaccess_name = " .htaccess "
@ -615,6 +624,8 @@ class MTChunks:
outs . write ( " </Files> " + " \n " )
outs . close ( )
def save_config ( self ) :
save_conf_from_dict ( self . config_path , self . config , " : " )
#locally unique identifier (unique to world only)
def get_chunk_luid ( self , x , z ) :
@ -745,22 +756,21 @@ class MTChunks:
cmd_suffix = " "
cmd_suffix = " > \" " + genresult_path + " \" "
#self.mapper_id = "minetestmapper-region"
cmd_no_out_string = self . python_exe_path + " \" " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " \" --region " + str ( x_min ) + " " + str ( x_max ) + " " + str ( z_min ) + " " + str ( z_max ) + " --maxheight " + str ( self . mapvars [ " maxheight " ] ) + " --minheight " + str ( self . mapvars [ " minheight " ] ) + " --pixelspernode " + str ( self . mapvars [ " pixelspernode " ] ) + " \" " + self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] + " \" \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" "
cmd_no_out_string = self . python_exe_path + " \" " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " \" --region " + str ( x_min ) + " " + str ( x_max ) + " " + str ( z_min ) + " " + str ( z_max ) + " --maxheight " + str ( self . mapvars [ " maxheight " ] ) + " --minheight " + str ( self . mapvars [ " minheight " ] ) + " --pixelspernode " + str ( self . mapvars [ " pixelspernode " ] ) + " \" " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " \" \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" "
cmd_string = cmd_no_out_string + cmd_suffix
if self . minetestmapper_py_path == self . minetestmapper_custom_path : #if self.backend_string!="sqlite3": #if self.mapper_id=="minetestmapper-region": #if self.os_name!="windows": #since windows client doesn't normally have minetest-mapper
if self . minetestmapper_py_path == self . minetestmapper_custom_path : #if self.backend_string!="sqlite3": #if self.mapper_id=="minetestmapper-region":
# Since minetestmapper-numpy has trouble with leveldb:
# such as sudo minetest-mapper --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry -32:-32+64+64 --output /var/www/html/minetest/try1.png
# where geometry option is like --geometry x:y+w+h
# mapper_id = "minetest-mapper"
# NOTE: minetest-mapper is part of the minetest-data package, which can be installed alongside the git version of minetestserver
# BUT *buntu Trusty version of it does NOT have geometry option
# cmd_string = "/usr/games/minetest-mapper --input \""+self.mapvars ["world_path"]+"\" --draworigin --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix
# cmd_string = "/usr/games/minetest-mapper --input \""+self.config ["world_path"]+"\" --draworigin --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix
# such as sudo python minetestmapper --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry -32:-32+64+64 --output /var/www/html/minetest/try1.png
# OR try PYTHON version (looks for expertmm fork which has geometry option like C++ version does):
#script_path = "/home/owner/minetest/util/minetestmapper.py"
#region_capable_script_path = "/home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap/minetestmapper.py"
#if self.os_name=="windows":
# region_capable_script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "minetestmapper.py")
# if os.path.isfile(region_capable_script_path):
# script_path=region_capable_script_path
@ -768,8 +778,8 @@ class MTChunks:
#script_path = region_capable_script_path
geometry_string = str ( x_min ) + " : " + str ( z_min ) + " + " + str ( int ( x_max ) - int ( x_min ) + 1 ) + " + " + str ( int ( z_max ) - int ( z_min ) + 1 ) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for minetestmapper.py
#expertmm_region_string = str(x_min) + ":" + str(x_max) + "," + str(z_min) + ":" + str(z_max)
#cmd_string="sudo python "+script_path+" --input \""+self.mapvars ["world_path"]+"\" --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix
cmd_no_out_string = " sudo python " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " --input \" " + self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] + " \" --geometry " + geometry_string + " --output \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" "
#cmd_string="sudo python "+script_path+" --input \""+self.config ["world_path"]+"\" --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix
cmd_no_out_string = " sudo python " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " --input \" " + self . config [ " world_path " ] + " \" --geometry " + geometry_string + " --output \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" "
cmd_string = cmd_no_out_string + cmd_suffix
#sudo python /home/owner/minetest/util/minetestmapper.py --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --output /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata/entire.png > entire-mtmresult.txt
#sudo python /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap/minetestmapper.py --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry 0:0+16+16 --output /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata/chunk_x0z0.png > /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap-genresults/chunk_x0z0_mapper_result.txt
@ -860,10 +870,10 @@ class MTChunks:
def check_players ( self ) :
# NOT NEEDED: if os.path.isfile(self.minetestmapper_py_path) and os.path.isfile(self.colors_path):
#self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"]=os.path.join(self.website_root ,"chunkymapdata")
#self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"]=os.path.join(self.config["www_minetest_path"] ,"chunkymapdata")
#chunkymap_players_path = os.path.join(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"], chunkymap_players_name)
players_path = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " world_path " ] , " players " )
players_path = os . path . join ( self . config [ " world_path " ] , " players " )
player_count = 0
player_written_count = 0
players_moved_count = 0
@ -1213,47 +1223,48 @@ class MTChunks:
self . verify_correct_map ( )
def verify_correct_map ( self ) :
if os . path . isfile ( self . minetestmapper_py_path ) and os . path . isfile ( self . colors_path ) :
if self . mapvars is not None and set ( [ ' world_name ' ] ) . issubset ( self . mapvars ) :
#if self.verbose_enable:
# print (" (FOUND self.mapvars["world_name"])")
if self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] != self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] :
print ( " " )
print ( " " )
print ( " " )
print ( " " )
print ( " " )
print ( " Removing ALL map data since from WORLD NAME is different (map ' " + str ( self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] ) + " ' is not ' " + str ( self . mapvars [ " world_name " ] ) + " ' )... " )
print ( " " )
if os . path . isdir ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] ) :
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] ) :
for filename in filenames :
if filename [ 0 ] != " . " :
file_fullname = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , filename )
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " EXAMINING " + filename )
badstart_string = " chunk "
if ( len ( filename ) > = len ( badstart_string ) ) and ( filename [ : len ( badstart_string ) ] == badstart_string ) :
os . remove ( file_fullname )
elif filename == self . yaml_name :
os . remove ( file_fullname )
players_path = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , " players " )
if os . path . isdir ( players_path ) :
for dirname , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( players_path ) :
for filename in filenames :
if filename [ 0 ] != " . " :
file_fullname = os . path . join ( self . mapvars [ " chunkymap_data_path " ] , filename )
if self . verbose_enable :
print ( " EXAMINING " + filename )
badend_string = " .yml "
if ( len ( filename ) > = len ( badend_string ) ) and ( filename [ len ( filename ) - len ( badend_string ) : ] == badend_string ) :
os . remove ( file_fullname )
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_min " ] = 0
self . mapvars [ " chunkx_max " ] = 0
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_min " ] = 0
self . mapvars [ " chunkz_max " ] = 0
self . save_mapvars_if_changed ( )
#do not neet to run self.save_mapvars_if_changed() since already removed the yml
#if os.path.isfile(self.minetestmapper_py_path) and os.path.isfile(self.colors_path):
#if self.mapvars is not None and set(['world_name']).issubset(self.mapvars):
##if self.verbose_enable:
## print (" (FOUND self.config["world_name"])")
#if self.config["world_name"] != self.config["world_name"]:
#print ("Removing ALL map data since from WORLD NAME is different (map '"+str(self.config["world_name"])+"' is not '"+str(self.config["world_name"])+"')...")
#if os.path.isdir(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"]):
#for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"]):
#for filename in filenames:
#if filename[0] != ".":
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"],filename)
#if self.verbose_enable:
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
#badstart_string = "chunk"
#if (len(filename) >= len(badstart_string)) and (filename[:len(badstart_string)]==badstart_string):
#elif filename==self.yaml_name:
#players_path = os.path.join(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"], "players")
#if os.path.isdir(players_path):
#for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(players_path):
#for filename in filenames:
#if filename[0] != ".":
#file_fullname = os.path.join(self.mapvars["chunkymap_data_path"],filename)
#if self.verbose_enable:
#print (" EXAMINING "+filename)
#badend_string = ".yml"
#if (len(filename) >= len(badend_string)) and (filename[len(filename)-len(badend_string):]==badend_string):
##do not neet to run self.save_mapvars_if_changed() since already removed the yml
def save_mapvars_if_changed ( self ) :
is_changed = False
@ -1286,7 +1297,7 @@ class MTChunks:
self . mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file ( self . world_yaml_path , " : " )
#is_testonly == (self.os_name=="windows")
self . verify_correct_map ( )
@ -1308,9 +1319,9 @@ class MTChunks:
newchunk_luid_list = list ( )
this_iteration_generates_count = 1
#if str(self.mapvars["world_name"]) != str(self.mapvars ["world_name"]):
#if str(self.config["world_name"]) != str(self.config ["world_name"]):
# is_different_world = True
# print("FULL RENDER since chosen world name '"+self.mapvars["world_name"]+"' does not match previously rendered world name '"+self.mapvars ["world_name"]+"'")
# print("FULL RENDER since chosen world name '"+self.config["world_name"]+"' does not match previously rendered world name '"+self.config ["world_name"]+"'")
while this_iteration_generates_count > 0 :
this_iteration_generates_count = 0