@ -67,10 +67,11 @@ def view_traceback():
del tb
def print_file ( path , indent = " " ) :
line_count = 0
try :
if path is not None :
if os . path . isfile ( path ) :
line_count = 0
if indent is None :
indent = " "
ins = open ( path , ' r ' )
@ -83,12 +84,19 @@ def print_file(path, indent=""):
ins . close ( )
if line_count == 0 :
print ( indent + " print_file WARNING: " + str ( line_count ) + " line(s) in ' " + path + " ' " )
else :
#print(indent+"# "+str(line_count)+" line(s) in '"+path+"'")
else :
print ( indent + " print_file: file does not exist " )
else :
print ( indent + " print_file: path is None " )
except :
print ( indent + " print_file: could not finish " )
try :
ins . close ( )
except :
return line_count
def get_dict_modified_by_conf_file ( this_dict , path , assignment_operator = " = " ) :
results = None
@ -717,7 +725,8 @@ class MTChunks:
cmd_suffix = " "
cmd_suffix = " > \" " + genresult_path + " \" "
#self.mapper_id = "minetestmapper-region"
cmd_string = self . python_exe_path + " \" " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " \" --region " + str ( x_min ) + " " + str ( x_max ) + " " + str ( z_min ) + " " + str ( z_max ) + " --maxheight " + str ( self . maxheight ) + " --minheight " + str ( self . minheight ) + " --pixelspernode " + str ( self . pixelspernode ) + " \" " + self . world_path + " \" \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" " + cmd_suffix
cmd_no_out_string = self . python_exe_path + " \" " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " \" --region " + str ( x_min ) + " " + str ( x_max ) + " " + str ( z_min ) + " " + str ( z_max ) + " --maxheight " + str ( self . maxheight ) + " --minheight " + str ( self . minheight ) + " --pixelspernode " + str ( self . pixelspernode ) + " \" " + self . world_path + " \" \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" "
cmd_string = cmd_no_out_string + cmd_suffix
if self . minetestmapper_py_path == self . minetestmapper_custom_path : #if self.backend_string!="sqlite3": #if self.mapper_id=="minetestmapper-region": #if self.os_name!="windows": #since windows client doesn't normally have minetest-mapper
# Since minetestmapper-numpy has trouble with leveldb:
@ -740,7 +749,8 @@ class MTChunks:
geometry_string = str ( x_min ) + " : " + str ( z_min ) + " + " + str ( int ( x_max ) - int ( x_min ) + 1 ) + " + " + str ( int ( z_max ) - int ( z_min ) + 1 ) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for minetestmapper.py
#expertmm_region_string = str(x_min) + ":" + str(x_max) + "," + str(z_min) + ":" + str(z_max)
#cmd_string="sudo python "+script_path+" --input \""+self.world_path+"\" --geometry "+geometry_value_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\""+cmd_suffix
cmd_string = " sudo python " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " --input \" " + self . world_path + " \" --geometry " + geometry_string + " --output \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" " + cmd_suffix
cmd_no_out_string = " sudo python " + self . minetestmapper_py_path + " --input \" " + self . world_path + " \" --geometry " + geometry_string + " --output \" " + tmp_png_path + " \" "
cmd_string = cmd_no_out_string + cmd_suffix
#sudo python /home/owner/minetest/util/minetestmapper.py --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --output /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata/entire.png > entire-mtmresult.txt
#sudo python /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap/minetestmapper.py --input "/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld" --geometry 0:0+16+16 --output /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata/chunk_x0z0.png > /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap-genresults/chunk_x0z0_mapper_result.txt
# sudo mv entire-mtmresult.txt /home/owner/minetest/util/chunkymap-genresults/
@ -775,7 +785,8 @@ class MTChunks:
else :
if self . is_chunk_traversed_by_player ( chunk_luid ) :
print ( min_indent + " WARNING: no chunk data though traversed by player: " )
print_file ( genresult_path , min_indent + " " )
line_count = print_file ( genresult_path , min_indent + " " )
print ( indent + " #EOF: " + str ( line_count ) + " line(s) in ' " + genresult_path + " ' " )
try :
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid ) # DOES load existing yml if exists
this_chunk = self . chunks [ chunk_luid ]