9 years ago
committed by
Jacob Gustafson
13 changed files with 615 additions and 190 deletions
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.5 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ |
0 |
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5 |
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7 |
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9 |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
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1a |
1b |
1c |
1d |
1e |
1f |
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21 |
ethereal:willow_trunk |
moretrees:oak_trunk |
technic:mineral_lead |
moretrees:apple_tree_trunk |
ethereal:banana |
bushes:BushLeaves1 |
bushes:BushLeaves2 |
flowers:dandelion_white |
ethereal:bush |
tsm_pyramids:deco_stone3 |
tsm_pyramids:deco_stone2 |
whiteshell:whiteshell |
ethereal:onion_4 |
ethereal:quicksand2 |
bushes:youngtree2_bottom |
default:stone_with_iron |
moretrees:apple_tree_leaves |
seacoral:seacoraldirtcyan |
ethereal:gray_dirt |
seacoral:seacoraldirtlime |
youngtrees:youngtree_middle |
vines:vine_end |
seaplants:seaplantsdirtseagrassgreen |
ferns:fern_trunk_big |
noairblocks:water_sourcex |
ethereal:mushroom_dirt |
default:pine_tree |
ignore |
seacoral:seacoraldirtmagenta |
flowers:mushroom_red |
ethereal:sandy |
ethereal:jungle_dirt |
ethereal:mushroom |
clams:dirtalgae |
flowers:tulip |
seacoral:seacoralsandcyan |
ethereal:willow_twig |
default:sandstonebrick |
ferns:tree_fern_leaves_giant |
ethereal:orange |
moretrees:sequoia_leaves |
trunks:twig_9 |
trunks:twig_7 |
trunks:twig_5 |
seacoral:seacoraldirtskyblue |
moreores:mineral_silver |
ethereal:banana_trunk |
moretrees:pine_cone |
seacoral:coralredviolet |
moretrees:acorn |
vines:vine_middle |
technic:marble |
seacoral:seacoralsandskyblue |
ferns:fern_03 |
ferns:fern_02 |
ferns:fern_01 |
moretrees:palm_trunk |
seacoral:seacoralsandmagenta |
seacoral:seacoralsandlime |
default:pine_needles |
ferns:fern_trunk_big_top |
seaplants:seaplantsdirtkelpbrown |
tsm_pyramids:trap |
ethereal:birch_trunk |
ferns:horsetail_02 |
ferns:horsetail_03 |
bushes:bushbranches4 |
ferns:horsetail_01 |
bushes:bushbranches2 |
bushes:bushbranches3 |
ferns:horsetail_04 |
bushes:bushbranches1 |
clams:sandalgae |
moretrees:oak_leaves |
ethereal:mushroom_pore |
ferns:tree_fern_leave_big |
bakedclay:orange |
seacoral:seacoraldirtaqua |
moretrees:sequoia_trunk |
bakedclay:red |
seaplants:seaplantssandkelpgreen |
stairs:stair_cobble |
ethereal:snowygrass |
woodsoils:dirt_with_leaves_1 |
moreores:mineral_tin |
flowers:seaweed |
ethereal:bamboo_leaves |
ethereal:palm_trunk |
seacoral:seacoralsandaqua |
trunks:moss |
seaplants:seaplantsdirtseagrassred |
default:acacia_tree |
default:jungleleaves |
flowers:viola |
seacoral:seacoralsandredviolet |
flowers:rose |
ethereal:bamboo |
default:stone_with_copper |
moretrees:jungletree_leaves_yellow |
moretrees:coconut |
ethereal:palmleaves |
ethereal:green_dirt |
seaplants:seaplantssandseagrassgreen |
trunks:twig_8 |
trunks:moss_fungus |
air |
flowers:waterlily |
ethereal:redwood_leaves |
trunks:twig_10 |
trunks:twig_11 |
trunks:twig_12 |
trunks:twig_13 |
seacoral:corallime |
technic:mineral_zinc |
ethereal:strawberry_7 |
ethereal:prairie_dirt |
default:grass_1 |
default:grass_3 |
default:grass_2 |
default:grass_5 |
default:grass_4 |
ethereal:coconut |
ethereal:bamboo_dirt |
cavestuff:desert_pebble_2 |
cavestuff:desert_pebble_1 |
flowers:geranium |
ethereal:bananaleaves |
moretrees:jungletree_trunk |
flowers:mushroom_brown |
bakedclay:grey |
default:acacia_leaves |
youngtrees:youngtree_bottom |
ferns:tree_fern_leave_big_end |
lapis:pyrite_ore |
flowers:dandelion_yellow |
flowers:seaweed_2 |
flowers:seaweed_3 |
flowers:seaweed_4 |
ethereal:orange_leaves |
tsm_mines:dummy |
moretrees:jungletree_leaves_red |
seaplants:seaplantsdirtkelpgreen |
ethereal:grove_dirt |
tsm_pyramids:spawner_mummy |
ethereal:mushroom_trunk |
ethereal:fern |
ethereal:birch_leaves |
moretrees:palm_leaves |
seacoral:coralcyan |
ethereal:redwood_trunk |
seaplants:seaplantssandkelpbrown |
youngtrees:youngtree_top |
seacoral:seacoraldirtredviolet |
seaplants:seaplantssandseagrassred |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
import os |
from expertmm import * |
python_exe_path = "python" |
if os_name=="windows": |
try: |
alt_path = "C:\\python27\python.exe" |
if os.path.isfile(alt_path): |
python_exe_path = alt_path |
#else may be in path--assume installer worked |
except: |
pass # do nothing |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
import subprocess |
import os |
from minetestinfo import * |
#python_exe_path is from: |
from pythoninfo import * |
class ChunkymapOfflineRenderer: |
minetestmapper_fast_sqlite_path = None |
minetestmapper_custom_path = None |
minetestmapper_py_path = None |
backend_string = None |
world_path = None |
world_name = None |
def __init__(self): |
self.backend_string = get_world_var("backend") |
#region the following is also in singleimage.py |
self.minetestmapper_fast_sqlite_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "minetestmapper-numpy.py") |
self.minetestmapper_custom_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "minetestmapper-expertmm.py") |
self.minetestmapper_py_path = self.minetestmapper_fast_sqlite_path |
if (self.backend_string!="sqlite3"): |
# Since minetestmapper-numpy has trouble with leveldb: |
self.minetestmapper_py_path = self.minetestmapper_custom_path |
print("Chose image generator script: "+self.minetestmapper_py_path) |
if not os.path.isfile(self.minetestmapper_py_path): |
print("ERROR: script does not exist, so exiting "+__file__+".") |
sys.exit(2) |
self.colors_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.minetestmapper_py_path)), "colors.txt") |
if not os.path.isfile(self.colors_path): |
print("ERROR: missing '"+self.colors_path+"', so exiting "+__file__+".") |
sys.exit(2) |
self.world_path = minetestinfo.get_var("primary_world_path") |
if not os.path.isdir(self.world_path): |
print("ERROR: missing world '"+self.world_path+"', so exiting "+__file__+".") |
sys.exit(2) |
else: |
self.world_name = os.path.basename(self.world_path) |
#endregion the following is also in singleimage.py |
def RenderSingleImage(self): |
genresults_folder_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "chunkymap-genresults"), self.world_name) |
if not os.path.isdir(genresults_folder_path): |
os.makedirs(genresults_folder_path) |
genresult_path = os.path.join(genresults_folder_path, "singleimage"+genresult_name_closer_string) |
cmd_suffix = " > \""+genresult_path+"\"" |
#blank since singleimage mode: |
#geometry_string = str(min_x)+":"+str(min_z)+"+"+str(int(max_x)-int(min_x)+1)+"+"+str(int(max_z)-int(min_z)+1) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for minetestmapper.py |
#geometry_param = " --geometry "+geometry_string |
geometry_param = "" |
#expertmm_region_string = str(min_x) + ":" + str(max_x) + "," + str(min_z) + ":" + str(max_z) |
#cmd_no_out_string = python_exe_path+" "+self.minetestmapper_py_path+" --bgcolor '"+self.FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR+"' --input \""+minetestinfo.get_var("primary_world_path")+"\" --geometry "+geometry_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" |
png_name = "singleimage.png" |
tmp_png_path = os.path.join(genresults_folder_path, png_name) |
squote = "" |
if os_name!="windows": |
squote = "'" |
io_string = " --input \""+self.world_path+"\" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" |
if "numpy" in self.minetestmapper_py_path: |
io_string = " \""+self.world_path+"\" \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" |
#geometry_param = " --region " + str(min_x) + " " + str(max_x) + " " + str(min_z) + " " + str(max_z) |
cmd_no_out_string = python_exe_path+" "+self.minetestmapper_py_path+" --bgcolor "+squote+FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR+squote+io_string |
cmd_string = cmd_no_out_string + cmd_suffix |
print("") |
print("") |
print("Running") |
print(" "+cmd_string) |
print(" # (this may take a while...)") |
if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): |
os.remove(tmp_png_path) |
subprocess.call(cmd_string, shell=True) |
final_png_path = tmp_png_path |
www_chunkymapdata_path = os.path.join(minetestinfo.get_var("www_minetest_path"), "chunkymapdata") |
www_chunkymapdata_worlds_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_path, "worlds") |
www_chunkymapdata_world_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_worlds_path, self.world_name) |
if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): |
if not os.path.isdir(www_chunkymapdata_world_path): |
os.makedirs(www_chunkymapdata_world_path) |
if minetestinfo.contains("www_minetest_path"): |
dest_png_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_world_path, png_name) |
if os.path.isfile(dest_png_path): |
os.remove(dest_png_path) |
os.rename(tmp_png_path, dest_png_path) |
final_png_path = dest_png_path |
print("Map image saved to:") |
print(" "+final_png_path) |
if os.path.isfile(genresult_path): |
print("Results:") |
print(" "+genresult_path) |
mtchunk = MTChunk() |
mtchunk.set_from_genresult(genresult_path) |
mtchunk.metadata["is_traversed"] = True |
dest_yaml_name = "singleimage.yml" |
dest_yaml_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_world_path, dest_yaml_name) |
mtchunk.save_yaml(dest_yaml_path) |
else: |
print("No image could be generated from '"+self.world_path+"'") |
cmor = ChunkymapOfflineRenderer() |
cmor.RenderSingleImage() |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
Reference in new issue