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#!/usr/bin/env python
collisionbox Lua generator
1. Select a mob mesh or an Empty
2. Press the "Run Script" button below
- The script copies the collisionbox the the clipboard.
- An 'Empty' with the object's name will appear,
which visually represents the collisionbox
(which MUST be symmetrical on horizontal axes and
centered at 0,0,0 for Minetest, since
collision boxes to not turn).
3. To adjust, scale the Empty.collisionbox.* object
in Blender then repeat steps 1-2. To keep the Empty
symmetrical for Minetest, scale ONLY with one
of the following hotkey sequences (with
the mouse pointer in the 3D View):
- 's'
- 's', 'z'
- 's', "shift z"
How to use: Paste this script into a Blender"
Text Editor panel, select an object,"
press the 'Run Script' button")
STARTING generate_lua_collisionbox...
y_up = True
enable_minetest = True
enable_lowest_h = False
enable_center_h = False
if enable_minetest:
enable_lowest_h = True
enable_center_h = True
hs = (0, 1) # horizontal axis indices
v = 2 # vertical axis index
# Do NOT swap until end.
#if y_up:
# hs = (0, 2)
# v = 1
import bpy
except ImportError:
# from mathutils import Matrix
from mathutils import Vector
# from mathutils import Euler
def calculate_one():
ob1 = None
ob1 = bpy.context.active_object # works with 2.7 or 2.8
class MessageBox(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "message.messagebox"
bl_label = ""
message = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "message",
description = "message",
default = ''
def execute(self, context):{'INFO'}, self.message)
# print(self.message)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self,
def draw(self, context):
# col = self.layout.column(align = True)
# col.prop(context.scene, "my_string_prop")
msgSuffix = ""
def calculate_collisionbox(ob1):
global msgSuffix
mesh = None
if ob1 is None:
if len(bpy.context.selected_objects) > 0:
ob1 = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
if ob1 is not None:
mesh =
if ob1 is None:
msg = "Nothing is selected."
bpy.ops.message.messagebox('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message = msg)
elif (mesh is not None) and (not hasattr(mesh, 'vertices')):
msg = ("A collision box cannot be calculated for a non-mesh"
" object.")
bpy.ops.message.messagebox('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message = msg)
# extents1 = ob1.dimensions.copy()
obj1Loc = ob1.location
# See
# bbox_corners = [ob1.matrix_world * Vector(corner) for corner in ob1.bound_box]
# See
# print("mesh:" + str(mesh))
# print("hasattr(mesh, 'vertices'):"
# + str(hasattr(mesh, 'vertices')))]
mins = [None, None, None] # minimums; in outer scope for checks.
maxes = [None, None, None] # minimums; in outer scope for checks.
if mesh is not None:
wm = ob1.matrix_world
for vert in mesh.vertices:
# This matrix multiplication is NOT transitive.
loc = wm @
except TypeError:
loc = wm * # Blender <2.8
# NOTE: swap y and z for Minetest (y-up) LATER
coords = (loc.x, loc.y, loc.z)
for i in range(3):
if (mins[i] is None) or (coords[i] < mins[i]):
mins[i] = coords[i]
if (maxes[i] is None) or (coords[i] > maxes[i]):
maxes[i] = coords[i]
# print(str(extents1))
# print("--by vertices (raw):")
# print(" collisionbox = {{{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f},"
# " {:.2f}, {:.2f}}}".format(mins[0], mins[2], mins[1],
# maxes[0], maxes[2], maxes[1]))
# Use ob1.matrix_world (above) instead of incrementing
# ob1.location.x, y, and z
# newNamePrefix = "Empty.EDGE." +
# i = 0
# wm = ob1.matrix_world
# for vert in mesh.vertices:
# newName = newNamePrefix + "." + str(i)
# # This matrix multiplication is NOT transitive.
# try:
# loc = wm @
# except TypeError:
# loc = wm * # Blender <2.8
# isFar = False
# if loc.x == maxes[0] or loc.y == maxes[1] or loc.z == maxes[2]:
# isFar = True
# elif loc.x == mins[0] or loc.y == mins[1] or loc.z == mins[2]:
# isFar = True
# if isFar:
# pass
# # result = bpy.ops.object.add(type='EMPTY', radius=.25,
# # location=loc)
# # NOTE: result is merely {'FINISHED'}
# # print("{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}".format(loc.x, loc.y,
# # loc.z))
# bpy.ops.object.add_named(name=newName, type='EMPTY',
# radius=.25, location=loc)
# i += 1
extents1 = ob1.scale.copy()
# Object is an empty, so scale up for Minetest
extents1.x = extents1.x * (ob1.empty_display_size * 2.0)
extents1.y = extents1.y * (ob1.empty_display_size * 2.0)
extents1.z = extents1.z * (ob1.empty_display_size * 2.0)
except AttributeError:
# Blender 2.7
extents1.x = extents1.x * (ob1.empty_draw_size * 2.0)
extents1.y = extents1.y * (ob1.empty_draw_size * 2.0)
extents1.z = extents1.z * (ob1.empty_draw_size * 2.0)
mins[0] = obj1Loc.x - extents1.x / 2.0
maxes[0] = obj1Loc.x + extents1.x / 2.0
mins[1] = obj1Loc.y - extents1.y / 2.0
maxes[1] = obj1Loc.y + extents1.y / 2.0
mins[2] = obj1Loc.z - extents1.z / 2.0
maxes[2] = obj1Loc.z + extents1.z / 2.0
msgSuffix = " (using Empty object's scale)"
# print("--using empty object:")
# use ground as bottom (don't do this--it is not the Minetest way)
# if mins[2] < 0.0:
# maxes[1] -= mins[1]
# mins[1] = 0.0
# print(" collisionbox = {{{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f},"
# " {:.2f}}}".format(mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], maxes[0], maxes[1], maxes[2]))
sizes = [None, None, None]
centers = [None, None, None]
for i in range(3):
sizes[i] = maxes[i] - mins[i]
centers[i] = mins[i] + sizes[i] / 2.0
if enable_lowest_h:
# OK to use z as up, since will y&z will be swapped if y_up
hSize = None
for i in range(len(hs)):
axis_i = hs[i]
if (hSize is None) or (sizes[axis_i] < hSize):
hSize = sizes[axis_i]
for i in range(len(hs)):
axis_i = hs[i]
sizes[axis_i] = hSize
mins[axis_i] = centers[axis_i] - hSize / 2
maxes[axis_i] = mins[axis_i] + hSize
if enable_center_h:
for i in range(len(hs)):
axis_i = hs[i]
centers[i] = 0
mins[axis_i] = centers[axis_i] - sizes[axis_i] / 2
maxes[axis_i] = mins[axis_i] + sizes[axis_i]
loc = (centers[0], centers[1], centers[2])
bpy.ops.object.add(type='EMPTY', radius=.5, location=loc)
collisionboxName = "Empty.collisionbox." +
newEmpty = bpy.context.object # works with 2.7 or 2.8
# newEmpty = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
except AttributeError:
# Blender 2.7
pass = collisionboxName
newEmpty.location = (centers[0], centers[1], centers[2])
newEmpty.empty_display_type = 'CUBE'
# newEmpty.empty_display_size = (sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2])
except AttributeError:
# Blender 2.7:
newEmpty.empty_draw_type = 'CUBE'
# newEmpty.empty_draw_size = (sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2])
# newEmpty.dimensions = (sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2])
# newEmpty.scale = (sizes[0]/2.0, sizes[1]/2.0, sizes[2]/2.0)
newEmpty.scale = (sizes[0], sizes[1], sizes[2])
if enable_minetest:
for i in range(3):
mins[i] /= 10.0
maxes[i] /= 10.0
msg = ('Size is not available. Make sure you have a mesh object'
' selected.')
if mins[0] is not None:
# swap y and z for Minetest (y-up):
if y_up:
tmp = mins[1]
mins[1] = mins[2]
mins[2] = tmp
tmp = maxes[1]
maxes[1] = maxes[2]
maxes[2] = tmp
msg = (" collisionbox = {{{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f},"
" {:.2f}, {:.2f}}}".format(mins[0], mins[1], mins[2],
maxes[0], maxes[1], maxes[2]))
if len(msgSuffix) > 0:
msgSuffix = " -- " + msgSuffix
bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard = msg + msgSuffix
msg += " --copied to clipboard"
# if enable_minetest:
# msg += " -- *10"
bpy.ops.message.messagebox('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message=msg)
# Unregistering before user clicks the MessageBox will crash Blender!
# bpy.utils.unregister_class(MessageBox)