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9 years ago
# minetest-chunkymap
A Minetest online web live map generator not requiring mods, with emphasis on compatibility without regard to speed, efficiency, or ease of use.
Compatible with GNU/Linux systems, Windows, or possibly other systems (but on Windows, must be scheduled by hand with Scheduled Tasks)
9 years ago
License: (see LICENSE in notepad or your favorite text editor)
This program comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
9 years ago
## Features:
* Runs as python script (loop by default to reduce disc reads since stores certain info) run like:
or to get back to it later with screen -r, instead install screen command (or tmux may work) then run:
screen -t chunkymapregen python /home/owner/minetest/util/
#where -t chunkymapregen just names the screen chunkymapregen
#Then if you are using screen and want to leave the output without terminating the process press Ctrl a d
#NOTE: now that loop is default, cron job scripts, which now disable loop for compatibility with new version, are ALL optional and NOT recommended
# ( to run only once, run: python --no-loop true )
* Change program options (or stop it) while looping or rendering by placing chunkymap-signals.txt in the same directory as (see chunkymap-signals example files)
* to maintain stability of your text editor, save the file, close it, then move/copy it to the directory (or save it as something else then rename it to chunkymap-signals.txt).
* alternatively, in *nix do something like:
echo "refresh_map_enable:False" > ~/minetest/util/chunkymap-signals.txt
sleep 15s
echo "loop_enable:False" > ~/minetest/util/chunkymap-signals.txt
* list of signals:
#verbose_enable is false for looped (default) mode and true for non-looped mode
#rerenders chunks that were rendered in this run:
#where 1 is number of seconds (only delays first iteration--further iterations continue until refreshing player is needed):
#where 1 is number of seconds:
* Can show a static html version of map (echo_chunkymap_table() php function) -- see viewchunkymap.php
9 years ago
* Zoom in and out
* optionally echo name of world that was detected by the scheduled py file
* shows player location (can optionally show only first characters of name, for privacy; there is no saved setting yet, so to adjust, you must change the value of $nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count in chunkymap.php)
* Ghost players if they stay in one spot long enough (see $player_file_age_idle_max_seconds in chunkymap.php)
* Hide players if they stay in one spot long enough (see $player_file_age_expired_max_seconds in chunkymap.php) avoiding logout detection, and not requiring mods
9 years ago
* Has optional script to add crontab entry (to schedule update script every minute that runs the py file unless the py file is not complete [took longer than 1 minute])
## Developer Notes:
* the map update function is only able to detect new chunks, and only checks edge chunks if player is present in one
* The following are saved to chunkymap.yml if not already set:
www_minetest_path (such as /var/www/html/minetest)
## Requirements:
* A minetest version compatible with Made by Jogge, modified by celeron55
* Python 2.7 (any 2.7.x)
* Other requirements for Windows are below; other requirements for GNU/Linux are flock command (only if you schedule the chunkymap-cronjob script), and anything installed by (for other distros, modify it and send me a copy as a GitHub issue as described below in the Installation section)
## Installation
(NOTE: map refresh skips existing tiles unless you delete the related png and text files in your chunkymapdata directory)
* If you are not using Ubuntu, first edit the installer for your distro (and please send the modified file to me [submit as new issue named such as: DISTRONAME installer except instead of DISTRONAME put the distro you made work])
* If you are using Ubuntu
* Install the git version of minetest (or otherwise install 0.4.13 or other version compatible with the map generators used by chunkymap)
OPTION 2: IF you are using Ubuntu go to a terminal, cd to this directory,
then switch user to the one that will run minetestserver
(since DOES replace "/home/owner" with current user's home [, which is automatically called by install, will change /home/owner to current user's directory in each script that install copies to $HOME/minetest/util])
then go to Terminal and run:
then when it is finished loading, press Ctrl C then run:
9 years ago
`chmod +x && ./`
Installing as cron job is OPTIONAL (and NOT recommended):
* IF you are using a distro such as Ubuntu 14.04 where first line of /etc/crontab is "m h dom mon dow user command" then if you want regular refresh of map then run:
9 years ago
(otherwise first edit the script to fit your crontab then)
(if you are not using /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata, edit chunkymap-cronjob script to use the correct directory, then)
9 years ago
`chmod +x && ./`
* IF you are using Linux
* Rename viewchunkymap.php so it won't be overwritten on update if you want to modify it (or anything you want) then make a link to it on your website or share the link some other way.
# The commands below will work if you are using the web installer, or have done mv minetest-chunkymap-master "$HOME/Downloads/minetest-chunkymap" (and if you are using /var/www/html/minetest -- otherwise change that below)
sudo cp -f "$HOME/Downloads/minetest-chunkymap/web/chunkymap.php" "$MT_MY_WEBSITE_PATH/chunkymap.php"
sudo cp -f "$HOME/Downloads/minetest-chunkymap/web/viewchunkymap.php" "$MT_MY_WEBSITE_PATH/viewchunkymap.php"
sudo cp -R --no-clobber "$HOME/Downloads/minetest-chunkymap/web/images/*" "$MT_MY_WEBSITE_PATH/images/"
#--no-clobber: do not overwrite existing
# after you do this, the update script will do it for you if you are using /var/www/html/minetest, otherwise edit the update script before using it to get these things updated
* IF you are using Windows
* Install Python 2.7
* Run install-chunkymap-on-windows.bat
(which just runs C:\Python27\python
(the installer will automatically download and install numpy and Pillow)
* OPTIONAL manual install:
* put these files anywhere
* python 2.7.x such as from
* run to make sure you know whether to download the following in 32-bit or 64-bit
Administrator Command Prompt (to find it in Win 10, right-click windows menu)
* update python package system:
`C:\python27\python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools`
* numpy such as can be installed via the easy unofficial installer wheel at
cd to the folder where you downloaded the whl file
`C:\python27\python -m pip install "numpy-1.10.4+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl"`
(but put your specific downloaded whl file instead)
* Pillow (instead of PIL (Python Imaging Library) which is a pain on Windows): there is a PIL installer wheel for Python such as 2.7 here:
as suggested on
`C:\python27\python -m pip install "Pillow-3.1.1-cp27-none-win32.whl"`
(but put your specific downloaded whl file instead, such as Pillow-3.1.1-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl)
* run (or if your python executable does not reside in C:\Python27\ then first edit the file):
(all the batch does is run C:\Python27\python
( will ask for configuration options on first run and ask for your www root)
## Known Issues
* Detect exceptions in mintestmapper (such as database locked) and do not mark the chunk as is_empty
* Move the following to config dict:
* chunkymap.php should read the size of the chunks -- see near is_file($chunk_genresult_path) in chunkymap.php
* optionally hide player location
* Make a method (in chunkymap.php) to echo the map as an html5 canvas (refresh players every 10 seconds, check for new map chunks every minute)