#this is the backend--don't call it directly. instead do include_once('chunkymap.php'); for further info, see example.php
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
//NOTE: for parse errors, MUST add the following line to php.ini (such as /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini): display_errors = on
if (is_file('browser.php')) {
else {
echo "<!-- missing browser.php... --> ";
$is_verbose = false;
if ($is_verbose) echo "REQUEST...";
foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
//in case auto_globals is not enabled
if ($is_verbose) echo "$key:$value...";
if ($is_verbose) echo "timezone...";
date_default_timezone_set('EST'); //required by PHP >=5.1.0
if ($is_verbose) echo "globals...";
if (!isset($chunkymap_view_x)) {
if (!isset($chunkymap_view_z)) {
if (!isset($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier)) {
$chunkymapdata_path = "chunkymapdata";
$chunkymapdata_worlds_path = $chunkymapdata_path."/worlds";
$chunkymapdata_thisworld_path = null;
if ($chunkymap_tile_original_h< $chunk_dimension_min) $chunk_dimension_min=$chunkymap_tile_original_h;
$chunkymap_view_min_zoom=1.0/$chunk_dimension_min; //should be a number that would get to exactly 100 eventually if multiplied by 2 repeatedly (such as 0.09765625); 0.005 was avoided since tiles used to be 80x80 pixels
function echo_error($val) {
if (!isset($val)) {
$val="Unknown Error";
echo '< span style = "color:red" > '.$val.'< / span > < br / > '."\n";
function get_dict_from_conf($path, $assignment_operator) {
global $is_verbose;
if ($is_verbose) echo "get_dict...";
$handle = fopen($path, "r");
$result = null;
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$line_strip = trim($line);
if (strlen($line_strip)>0) {
if (substr($line_strip,0,1)!="#") {
$ao_index = strpos($line_strip, $assignment_operator);
if ($ao_index>0 and $ao_index< (strlen($line_strip)-1)) { //skip blank variable OR value
$found_name = substr($line_strip, 0, $ao_index);
$found_value_index = $ao_index + 1;
$found_value = substr($line_strip, $found_value_index, strlen($line_strip)-$found_value_index);
if ($result===null) {
$result = array();
} else {
echo "< span style = \"color:read\" > Failed to read $path< / span > (run chunkymap-cronjob script as root first, otherwise see README.md in minetest-chunkymap to ensure installation is correct).< br / > ";
return $result;
}//end get_dict_from_conf
$map_dict = null;
//startsWith and endsWith are from:
//Salmon A. stackoverflow. < http: / / stackoverflow . com / questions / 834303 / startswith-and-endswith-functions-in-php > . 5 Feb 2016. 19 Feb, 2016.
function startsWith($haystack, $needle) {
// search backwards starting from haystack length characters from the end
return $needle === "" || strrpos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== false;
function endsWith($haystack, $needle) {
// search forward starting from end minus needle length characters
return $needle === "" || (($temp = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)) >= 0 & & strpos($haystack, $needle, $temp) !== false);
//NOTE: This function is here since the builtin is_int checks type (which is not needed in this webapp) and the builtin is_numeric includes decimal and exponent (see http://php.net/manual/en/function.is-numeric.php)
function is_int_string($val) {
global $is_verbose;
if ($is_verbose) echo "is_int_string...";
$result = true;
for ($i=0; $i< strlen ( $ val ) ; $ i + + ) {
$digit_index = strpos($int_chars, substr($val, $i, 1));
if ($digit_index===false) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function set_chunkymap_view($set_chunkymap_view_x, $set_chunkymap_view_z, $set_chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier) {
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
$chunkymap_view_x = $set_chunkymap_view_x;
$chunkymap_view_z = $set_chunkymap_view_z;
$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $set_chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
function echo_chunkymap_anchor() {
global $chunkymap_anchor_name;
echo "< a name = \"$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > < / a > ";
function echo_chunkymap_controls() {
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
global $chunkymap_view_min_zoom;
global $chunkymap_anchor_name;
$in_img_name = "zoom-in.png";
$out_img_name = "zoom-out.png";
$in_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
if ($in_zoom< $chunkymap_view_max_zoom) {
$in_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier*2.0;
//echo "in:$in_zoom ";
else $in_img_name = "zoom-in_disabled.png";
$out_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
if ($out_zoom>$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) {
$out_zoom = ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier/2.0);
else $out_img_name = "zoom-out_disabled.png";
$zoom_clip = $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
while ($zoom_clip>=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom) {
if ($out_zoom>$zoom_clip) {
$zoom_clip = $zoom_clip/2;
if (!$found) {
//if ($in_zoom>$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) {
// $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
// echo "<!-- clipping to max $chunkymap_view_max_zoom --> ";
//elseif ($in_zoom>200) $in_zoom=400;
//elseif ($in_zoom>100) $in_zoom=200;
//elseif ($in_zoom>75) $in_zoom=100;
//if ($in_zoom>50) $in_zoom=75;
//elseif ($in_zoom>25) $in_zoom=50;
//elseif ($in_zoom>12) $in_zoom=25;
//elseif ($in_zoom>4) $in_zoom=12;
//elseif ($in_zoom>2) $in_zoom=4;
//elseif ($in_zoom>1) $in_zoom=2;
//else $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom; // if ($in_zoom>1) $in_zoom=5;
//echo "in:$in_zoom ";
// if ($out_zoom< $chunkymap_view_min_zoom) $out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_min_zoom;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 2 ) $ out_zoom = 1;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 4 ) $ out_zoom = 2;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 12 ) $ out_zoom = 4;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 25 ) $ out_zoom = 12;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 50 ) $ out_zoom = 25;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 75 ) $ out_zoom = 50;
// elseif ($out_zoom< 100 ) $ out_zoom = 75;
//elseif ($out_zoom< 200 ) $ out_zoom = 100;
//elseif ($out_zoom< $chunkymap_view_max_zoom) $out_zoom=(int)($chunkymap_view_max_zoom/2);
//else $out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom; //if ($out_zoom>76) $out_zoom=100;
while ($zoom_clip< =$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) {
if ($in_zoom< ($zoom_clip*2)) {
$zoom_clip = $zoom_clip * 2;
if (!$found) $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
$in_html="< img src = \"chunkymapdata/images/$in_img_name\" style = \"width:16pt; height:16pt \ " / > ";
$out_html="< img src = \"chunkymapdata/images/$out_img_name\" style = \"width:16pt; height:16pt \ " / > ";
global $world_name;
if (isset($world_name)) {
$prefix = "";
if (strlen($append_vars)>0 & & !endsWith($append_vars,"& ") ) {
$prefix = "&";
if ($is_in) $in_html="< a href = \"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$in_zoom"."$append_vars"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > $in_html< / a > ";
if ($is_out) $out_html="< a href = \"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$out_zoom"."$append_vars"."#$chunkymap_anchor_name\" > $out_html< / a > ";
echo $in_html;
echo $out_html;
function echo_hold($val) {
global $is_echo_never_held;
global $held_echos;
if (!$is_echo_never_held) $held_echos.="$val";
else echo "$val";
function echo_release() {
global $held_echos;
global $is_echo_never_held;
if (!$is_echo_never_held) echo "$held_echos";
function echo_map_heading_text() {
echo "Chunkymap";
//echo "Map of ";
// function echo_worldname() {
// global $map_dict;
// if (isset($map_dict["world_name"])) {
// echo $map_dict["world_name"];
// }
// else echo "< span style = \"color:red\" > (missing world name)< / span > ";
// }
function get_chunk_folder_path_from_chunky_coords($chunky_x, $chunky_z) {
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
//NOTE: floor converts -.5 to -1 (and -1.5 to -2) but .5 to 0
$decachunk_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord($chunky_x);
$decachunk_z = get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord($chunky_z);
//if ($x< 0 ) { $ decachunk_x = $x + $ x % 10 ; }
//else { $decachunk_x = $x - $x%10; }
//if ($z< 0 ) { $ decachunk_z = $z + $ z % 10 ; }
//else { $decachunk_z = $z - $z%10; }
$result = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/16px/'.$decachunk_x.'/'.$decachunk_z;
return $result;
function get_decachunk_folder_path_from_location($x, $z) {
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
//NOTE: floor converts -.5 to -1 (and -1.5 to -2) but .5 to 0
$chunky_x = get_chunky_coord_from_location($x);
$chunky_z = get_chunky_coord_from_location($z);
$decachunky_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord($chunky_x);
$decachunky_z = get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord($chunky_z);
$hectochunk_x = get_hectochunky_coord_from_decachunky_coord($decachunky_x);
$hectochunk_z = get_hectochunky_coord_from_decachunky_coord($decachunky_z);
$result = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/160px/'.$hectochunk_x.'/'.$hectochunk_z;
return $result;
function get_decachunk_folder_path_from_decachunk($chunky_x, $chunky_z) {
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
//NOTE: floor converts -.5 to -1 (and -1.5 to -2) but .5 to 0
$hectochunk_x = get_hectochunky_coord_from_decachunky_coord($chunky_x);
$hectochunk_z = get_hectochunky_coord_from_decachunky_coord($chunky_z);
$result = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/160px/'.$hectochunk_x.'/'.$hectochunk_z;
return $result;
function get_chunky_coord_from_location($location_x) {
$chunk_x = intval($location_x/16);
return $chunk_x;
function get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord($chunky_x) {
return intval(floor((float)$chunky_x/10.0));
function get_hectochunky_coord_from_decachunky_coord($chunky_x) {
return intval(floor((float)$chunky_x/10.0));
function get_decachunky_coord_from_location($location_x) {
$chunk_x = get_chunky_coord_from_location($location_x);
$decachunk_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_chunky_coord($chunk_x);
return $decachunk_x;
function get_decachunk_image_name_from_decachunk($x, $z) {
return "decachunk_x"."$x"."z"."$z".".jpg";
function echo_chunkymap_canvas() {
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
global $chunkymap_view_min_zoom;
global $showplayers;
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
global $world_name;
global $chunkymapdata_worlds_path;
$dot_and_ext = ".jpg";
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier< $chunkymap_view_min_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_min_zoom;
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier>$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
$decachunks_per_page = intval(1.0/$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier);
if ($decachunks_per_page< 1 ) {
$decachunks_per_page = 1;
$view_w = (($decachunks_per_page*160.0));
$view_h = (($decachunks_per_page*160.0));
$view_left = (($chunkymap_view_x)) - (($view_w/2.0));
$view_right = $view_left + $view_w;
//z is cartesian still:
$view_top = (($chunkymap_view_z)) + (($view_h/2.0));
$view_bottom = $view_top - $view_h;
echo "\r\n";
echo " ".($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier*100.0)."%\r\n";//(string)((int)($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier*100+.5));
$decachunky_min_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_left);
$decachunky_min_z = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_bottom);
$decachunky_max_x = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_right);
$decachunky_max_z = get_decachunky_coord_from_location($view_top);
$decachunky_count_x = $decachunky_max_x-$decachunky_min_x+1;
$decachunky_count_z = $decachunky_max_z-$decachunky_min_z+1;
//#region local vars
$generated_yml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/generated.yml";
//#endregion local vars
//echo "< br / > ";
//echo "$decachunky_min_x:$decachunky_max_x,$decachunky_min_z:$decachunky_max_z< br / > ";
$td_placeholder_content="<!-- widening table --> < img src = \"chunkymapdata/images/decachunk-blank.jpg\" style = \"width:100%; -webkit-filter: opacity ( 40 % ) ; filter: opacity ( 40 % ) ; background-color:black \ " / > ";
$td_1px_placeholder_content="<!-- widening table --> < img src = \"chunkymapdata/images/decachunk-blank.jpg\" style = \"width:1px; -webkit-filter: opacity ( 40 % ) ; filter: opacity ( 40 % ) ; background-color:black \ " / > ";
echo '< table id = "chunkymap_table" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" style = "width:100%" > '."\r\n";
echo ' < tr > '."\r\n";
echo ' < td style = "width:5%" > '."$td_placeholder_content".'< / td > '."\r\n";
echo " < td style = \"width:95%\" > < a href = \"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier&chunkymap_view_x=$chunkymap_view_x&chunkymap_view_z=".($chunkymap_view_z+($view_h/2.0))."#chunkymap_top\" > ".'< img src = "chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-up.png" style = "width:90%" / > '.'< / a > < / td > '."\r\n";
echo ' < td style = "width:5%" > '."$td_placeholder_content".'< / td > '."\r\n";
echo ' < / tr > '."\r\n";
echo ' < tr > '."\r\n";
echo " < td style = \"width:5%\" > < a href = \"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier&chunkymap_view_x=".($chunkymap_view_x-($view_w/2.0))."&chunkymap_view_z=$chunkymap_view_z#chunkymap_top\" > ".'< img src = "chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-left.png" style = "width:90%" / > '.'< / a > < / td > '."\r\n";
echo ' < td style = "width:95%" > '."\r\n";
echo ' < table id = "decachunk_table" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" style = "width:100%; background-color:black" > '."\r\n";
while ($decachunky_z>=$decachunky_min_z) {
echo ' < tr > '."\r\n";
while ($decachunky_x< =$decachunky_max_x) {
$decachunk_file_name=get_decachunk_image_name_from_decachunk($decachunky_x, $decachunky_z);
$decachunk_file_path=get_decachunk_folder_path_from_decachunk($decachunky_x, $decachunky_z).'/'.$decachunk_file_name;
$td_content="<!-- no decachunk $decachunk_file_path --> < img src = \"chunkymapdata/images/decachunk-blank.jpg\" style = \"width:100%\"/ > ";
if (is_file($decachunk_file_path)) {
$td_content="< img src = \"$decachunk_file_path\" style = \"width:100%\"/ > ";
if ($cell_perc_remaining>=$this_cell_perc) {
echo " < td style = \"width:$this_cell_perc%\" > "."$td_content".'< / td > '."\r\n";
//echo ' < td > '."$decachunky_x,$decachunky_z".'< / td > '."\r\n";
if ($cell_perc_remaining>0) {
echo " < td > $td_content< / td > "."\r\n";
echo ' < / tr > '."\r\n";
echo ' < / table > '."\r\n";
echo ' < / td > '."\r\n";
echo " < td style = \"width:5%\" > < a href = \"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier&chunkymap_view_x=".($chunkymap_view_x+($view_w/2.0))."&chunkymap_view_z=$chunkymap_view_z#chunkymap_top\" > ".'< img src = "chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-right.png" style = "width:100%" / > '.'< / a > < / td > '."\r\n";
echo ' < / tr > '."\r\n";
echo ' < tr > '."\r\n";
echo ' < td style = "width:5%" > '."$td_placeholder_content".'< / td > '."\r\n";
echo " < td style = \"width:90%\" > < a href = \"?world_name=$world_name&chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier&chunkymap_view_x=$chunkymap_view_x&chunkymap_view_z=".($chunkymap_view_z-($view_h/2.0))."#chunkymap_top\" > ".'< img src = "chunkymapdata/images/arrow-wide-down.png" style = "width:100%" / > '.'< / a > < / td > '."\r\n";
echo ' < td style = "width:5%" > '."$td_placeholder_content".'< / td > '."\r\n";
echo ' < / tr > '."\r\n";
echo '< / table > '."\r\n";
function check_world() {
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
global $world_name;
global $chunkymapdata_worlds_path;
if (!isset($world_name)) {
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymapdata_worlds_path)) {
while (false !== ($file_name = readdir($handle))) {
if (substr($file_name, 0, 1) != ".") {
$file_path = $chunkymapdata_worlds_path."/".$file_name;
if (is_dir($file_path)) {
if (isset($world_name)) {
$chunkymapdata_thisworld_path = $chunkymapdata_worlds_path."/".$world_name;
//formerly echo_chunkymap_table
function echo_chunkymap_as_chunk_table($show_all_enable) {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
global $is_echo_never_held;
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
global $chunkymap_view_min_zoom;
global $chunkymapdata_path;
global $chunkymapdata_worlds_path;
global $map_dict;
global $is_verbose;
global $chunkymap_tile_original_w;
global $chunkymap_tile_original_h;
global $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
global $world_name;
echo " ".($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier*100.0)."%";//(string)((int)($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier*100+.5));
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier< $chunkymap_view_min_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_min_zoom;
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier>$chunkymap_view_max_zoom) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_max_zoom;
//$zoom_divisor = (int)(100/$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier);
$chunk_assoc = array(); // used for storing players; and used for determining which chunks are on the edge, since not all generated map tiles are the same size (edge tile images are smaller and corner ones are smaller yet)
$chunk_count = 0;
$dot_and_ext = ".png";
$min_chunkx = 0;
$min_chunkz = 0;
$max_chunkx = 0;
$max_chunkz = 0;
$chunks_per_page = (1.0/$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier)*10;
$view_w = (($chunks_per_page*16.0));
$view_h = (($chunks_per_page*16.0));
$view_left = (($chunkymap_view_x)) - (($view_w/2.0));
$view_right = $view_left + $view_w;
//z is cartesian still:
$view_top = (($chunkymap_view_z)) + (($view_h/2.0));
$view_bottom = $view_top - $view_h;
if (!$show_all_enable) {
global $showplayers;
$players = array();
$player_count = 0;
global $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path;
if (isset($world_name)) {
$generated_yml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/generated.yml";
if (is_file($generated_yml_path)) {
$map_dict = get_dict_from_conf($generated_yml_path,":");
else {
echo_error("Missing '".$generated_yml_path."'");
if ($showplayers==true) {
$chunkymap_players_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/players";
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymap_players_path)) {
while (false !== ($file_name = readdir($handle))) {
if (substr($file_name, 0, 1) != ".") {
$file_lower = strtolower($file_name);
if (endsWith($file_lower, ".yml")) {
$player_id=substr($file_name,0,strlen($file_name)-4); //-4 for .yml
$file_path = $chunkymap_players_path."/".$file_name;
if (is_file($file_path)) {
$player_dict = get_dict_from_conf($file_path,":");
else {
echo_error("Missing '$player_dict'");
//if (isset($player_dict["position"])) {
if (isset($player_dict["x"]) and isset($player_dict["z"])) {
//if ( startsWith($tuple_string, "(") and endsWith($tuple_string, ")") ) {
// $tuple_string=substr($tuple_string,1,strlen($tuple_string)-2);
//$coordinates = explode(",", $tuple_string);
//if (count($coordinates)==3) {
$x = (int)( $nonchunky_x/$chunkymap_tile_original_w );
$z = (int)( $nonchunky_z/$chunkymap_tile_original_h );
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z;
$rel_x = $nonchunky_x - ($x*$chunkymap_tile_original_w);
$rel_z = $nonchunky_z - ($z*$chunkymap_tile_original_h);
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = array();
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"] = array();
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] = 0;
//already checked for position in outer case
//DEPRECATED: $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "position" ] = $player_dict["position"];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "x" ] = $player_dict["x"];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "z" ] = $player_dict["z"];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "rel_x" ] = $rel_x;
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "rel_z" ] = $rel_z;
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "file_path" ] = $file_path;
if (isset($player_dict["name"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "text" ] = $player_dict["name"];
else {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] ][ "text" ] = $player_dict["id"];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"] += 1;
//else {
// echo_error("Bad coordinates $tuple_string for player.");
else {
echo_error("Missing player location in data: ".implode(" ",$player_dict));
$chunkymap_markers_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path."/markers";
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymap_markers_path)) {
while (false !== ($file_name = readdir($handle))) {
if (substr($file_name, 0, 1) != ".") {
$file_name_lower = strtolower($file_name);
if (endsWith($file_name_lower, ".yml")) {
$file_path = $chunkymap_markers_path."/".$file_name;
$marker_vars = get_dict_from_conf($file_path, ":");
$abs_pos = explode(",",$marker_vars["location"]);
if (count($abs_pos)==3) {
//convert from 3d to 2d:
//$text = "";
//if (isset($marker_vars["text"])) {
// $text = $marker_vars["text"];
if (count($abs_pos)>=2) {
$chunky_x = intval($abs_pos[0]/$chunkymap_tile_original_w);
$chunky_z = intval($abs_pos[1]/$chunkymap_tile_original_h);
$rel_x = intval($abs_pos[0]) - ($chunky_x*$chunkymap_tile_original_w);
$rel_z = intval($abs_pos[1]) - ($chunky_z*$chunkymap_tile_original_h);
$chunk_luid = 'x'.$chunky_x.'z'.$chunky_z;
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = array();
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"] = array();
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] = 0;
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "x" ] = $abs_pos[0];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "z" ] = $abs_pos[1];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "rel_x" ] = $rel_x;
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "rel_z" ] = $rel_z;
if (isset($marker_vars["image"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "image" ] = $marker_vars["image"];
if (isset($marker_vars["text"])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] ][ "text" ] = $marker_vars["text"];
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"] += 1;
else {
echo_error("Bad location in marker file '$file_path'");
//if ($map_dict != null) {
// $min_chunkx = $map_dict["min_chunkx"];
// $min_chunkz = $map_dict["min_chunkz"];
// $max_chunkx = $map_dict["max_chunkx"];
// $max_chunkz = $map_dict["max_chunkz"];
//else {
//echo "calculating range...";
//NOTE: even though *min and *max could be known from $map_dict, build a dict of chunks in order to align images properly since they are not all the same size:
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'."16px";
if ($chunks_16px_handle = opendir($chunks_16px_path)) {
while (false !== ($decachunk_x_name = readdir($chunks_16px_handle))) {
$decachunk_x_path = $chunks_16px_path."/".$decachunk_x_name;
if ((substr($decachunk_x_name, 0, 1) != ".") and is_dir($decachunk_x_path)) {
$decachunk_x_handle = opendir($decachunk_x_path);
while (false !== ($decachunk_z_name = readdir($decachunk_x_handle))) {
$decachunk_folder_path = $decachunk_x_path."/".$decachunk_z_name;
if ((substr($decachunk_z_name, 0, 1) != ".") and is_dir($decachunk_folder_path)) {
$decachunk_z_handle = opendir($decachunk_folder_path);
while (false !== ($chunk_name = readdir($decachunk_z_handle))) {
$file_lower = strtolower($chunk_name);
if (endsWith($file_lower, $dot_and_ext) and startsWith($file_lower, $x_opener)) {
$z_opener_index = strpos($file_lower, $z_opener, strlen($x_opener));
if ($z_opener_index !== false) {
$x_len = $z_opener_index - strlen($x_opener);
$remaining_len = strlen($file_lower) - strlen($x_opener) - $x_len - strlen($z_opener) - strlen($dot_and_ext);
$x = substr($file_lower, strlen($x_opener), $x_len);
$z = substr($file_lower, $z_opener_index + strlen($z_opener), $remaining_len);
if (is_int_string($x) and is_int_string($z)) {
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z;
if (!isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid])) {
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = array();
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["is_rendered"] = true;
if ($is_verbose) echo "$chunk_luid,";
if ($show_all_enable) {
if ($x< $min_chunkx) {
if ($x>$max_chunkx) {
if ($z< $min_chunkz) {
if ($z>$max_chunkz) {
else {
echo "misnamed chunk tile image '$chunk_name' had coordinates ".$x.",".$z." for x,z.";
if ($is_verbose) echo "checked all chunks.";
echo "<!-- found chunks in x $min_chunkx to $max_chunkx and z $min_chunkz to $max_chunkz. --> ";
else {
echo_error("could not open $chunks_16px_path");
$x_count = $max_chunkx - $min_chunkx;
$z_count = $max_chunkz - $min_chunkz;
echo "\r\n";
echo "< center > \r\n";
//cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" still needed for IE
echo_hold( " < table id = \"chunkymapstatictable\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" style = \"border-spacing: 0px ; border-style:solid ; border-color:gray ; border-width:0px \ " > \r\n");
$z = (int)$max_chunkz;
$scale=(float)$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier; // no longer /100
$chunks_16px_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'."16px";
while ($z >= $min_chunkz) {
echo_hold( " < tr > \r\n");
$x = (int)$min_chunkx;
while ($x < = $max_chunkx) {
$this_zoomed_w = $zoomed_w;
$this_zoomed_h = $zoomed_h;
$chunk_yaml_name = $x_opener.$x.$z_opener.$z.$dot_yaml;
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'.$chunk_yaml_name;
//$chunk_yaml_path = $chunks_16px_path.'/'.
$chunk_yaml_path = get_chunk_folder_path_from_chunky_coords($x, $z).'/'.$chunk_yaml_name;
//$chunk_genresult_name = $x_opener.$x.$z_opener.$z.$genresult_suffix_then_dot_then_ext;
//$chunk_genresult_path = $chunkymapdata_thisworld_path.'/'.$chunk_img_name;
//if (is_file($chunk_genresult_path)) {
// contains lines such as:
// Result image (w=80 h=64) will be written to chunk_x0z1.png
// ('PNG Region: ', [0, 64, 80, 128])
// ('Pixels PerNode: ', 1)
// where PNG Region's list value is an exclusive rect ordered as x1, y1, x2, y2
//$found_original_w = null;
//$found_original_h = null;
if (is_file($chunk_yaml_path)) {
// contains lines such as:
// where if is_marked_empty, the remaining values don't exist
$expected_left = (int)$x * (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_w;
$expected_top = (int)$z * (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_h;
$expected_right = (int)$x + (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_w;
$expected_bottom = (int)$z + (int)$chunkymap_tile_original_h;
$chunk_dict = get_dict_from_conf($chunk_yaml_path,":");
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_w"])) {
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_h"])) {
//TODO: use image_* to determine (if the doesn't touch certain sides of image_w x image_h rect, change the following accordingly)
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_left"])) {
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_right"])) {
if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_left"] > $expected_left ) {
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_left:".$chunk_dict["image_left"]." is greater than expected $expected_left --> ";
//elseif ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_right"] < $expected_right ) {
// $td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;";
else {
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_left:".$chunk_dict["image_left"]." was the expected $expected_left --> ";
//if (isset($chunk_dict["image_right"])) {
// if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_right"] != $expected_right ) {
// $td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;";
// }
// //else {
// // $td_style_suffix.="text-align:left;";
// //}
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_top"])) {
if (isset($chunk_dict["image_bottom"])) {
if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_top"] > $expected_top) {
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_top:".$chunk_dict["image_top"]." is greater than expected $expected_top --> ";
//elseif ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_bottom"] < $expected_bottom) {
// $element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:top;";
else {
//$alignment_comment.="<!-- image_top:".$chunk_dict["image_top"]." was the expected $expected_top --> ";
//if (isset($chunk_dict["image_bottom"])) {
// if ( (int)$chunk_dict["image_bottom"] != $expected_bottom) {
// $element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:top;";
// }
// //else {
// // $element_align_style_suffix.="vertical-align:bottom;";
// //}
echo_hold( " < td width = \"1\" style = \"padding:0px; background-color:lightgray ; $ td_style_suffix $ element_align_style_suffix \ " > ");
echo_hold("< div style = \"position: relative \ " > "); //causes child's absolute position to be relative to this div's location, as per http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_position_absolute
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z;
$chunk_img_name = $x_opener.$x.$z_opener.$z."$dot_and_ext";
$chunk_img_path = get_chunk_folder_path_from_chunky_coords($x, $z).'/'.$chunk_img_name;
if (is_file($chunk_img_path)) {
echo_hold( "< img class = \"maptileimg\" style = \"width:$this_zoomed_w; height: $ this_zoomed_h ; \ " src = \"$chunk_img_path\"/ > ");
else {
//echo_hold( "< span style = \"font-size:1px\" > < / span > ");
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"])) {
echo "<!-- CHUNK $chunk_luid: players_count=".$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"]." --> ";
$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count = 20;
for ($player_count=0; $player_count< $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players_count"]; $player_count++) {
$rel_x = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["rel_x"];
$rel_z = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["rel_z"];
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["file_path"])) {
$last_player_update_time=filemtime($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "players" ][ $player_count ]["file_path"]);
if (time()-$last_player_update_time > $player_file_age_expired_max_seconds) {
elseif (time()-$last_player_update_time > $player_file_age_idle_max_seconds) {
$text = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"][$player_count]["text"];
if (strlen($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["players"][$player_count]["text"])>$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count) {
$text = substr($text, 0, $nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count)."*";
//show head full size (not zoomed):
$rel_x -= (int)($zoomed_head_w/2);
$rel_z -= (int)($zoomed_head_h/2);
//$img_style="position:absolute; ";
$img_border_style="border: 1px solid white;";
if ($is_expired==false) {
if ($is_idle==true) {
$img_border_style="border: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,.5);";
$img_style.="opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below
$text_style="color:white; opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below
echo_hold( "< div style = \"position:absolute; z-index:999 ; left: $ rel_x ; top: $ rel_z ; width: $ zoomed_head_w ; height: $ zoomed_head_h ; $ img_border_style \ " > < img src = \"$chunkymapdata_thisworld_path/players/singleplayer.png\" style = \"$img_style\"/ > < span style = \"$text_style\" > $text< / span > < / div > " );
else echo "<!-- CHUNK $chunk_luid: no player count --> ";
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"])) {
echo "<!-- CHUNK $chunk_luid: markers_count=".$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"]." --> ";
$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count = 20;
for ($marker_count=0; $marker_count< $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers_count"]; $marker_count++) {
$rel_x = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["rel_x"];
$rel_z = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["rel_z"];
// if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["file_path"])) {
// $last_marker_update_time=filemtime($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid][ "markers" ][ $marker_count ]["file_path"]);
// if (time()-$last_marker_update_time > $marker_file_age_expired_max_seconds) {
// $is_expired=true;
// }
// elseif (time()-$last_marker_update_time > $marker_file_age_idle_max_seconds) {
// $is_idle=true;
// }
// }
$text = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["text"];
$image_path = "";
if (isset($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["image"])) {
$image_path = $chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["image"];
if (strlen($chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid]["markers"][$marker_count]["text"])>$nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count) {
$text = substr($text, 0, $nonprivate_name_beginning_char_count)."*";
//show head full size (not zoomed):
$rel_x -= (int)($zoomed_image_w/2);
$rel_z -= (int)($zoomed_image_h/2);
//$img_style="position:absolute; ";
//$img_border_style="border: 1px solid white;";
if ($is_expired==false) {
if ($is_idle==true) {
//$img_border_style="border: 1px solid rgba(128,128,128,.5);";
$img_style.="opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below
$text_style="color:white; opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40);"; //filter is for IE8 and below
echo_hold( "< div style = \"position:absolute; z-index:999 ; left: $ rel_x ; top: $ rel_z ; width: $ zoomed_image_w ; height: $ zoomed_image_h ; $ img_border_style \ " > < img src = \"$image_path\" style = \"$img_style\"/ > < span style = \"$text_style\" > $text< / span > < / div > " );
else echo "<!-- CHUNK $chunk_luid: no player count --> ";
//echo " < br / > ".$x.",0,".$z;
echo_hold("< / div > ");
echo_hold( "< / td > \r\n");
echo_hold( " < / tr > \r\n");
echo " < / table > \r\n";
echo "< / center > \r\n";
else { //not isset($world_name)
echo "< h4 > Choose world:< / h4 > ";
echo "< ul > ";
if ($chunkymapdata_handle = opendir($chunkymapdata_worlds_path)) {
if (isset($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier)) {
$prefix = "";
if (strlen($append_vars)>0 and !endsWith($append_vars,"& ")) {
$prefix = "&";
if (isset($chunkymap_anchor_name)) {
$prefix = "";
if (strlen($append_vars)>0) {
$prefix = "&";
global $chunkymap_anchor_name;
while (false !== ($this_world_name = readdir($chunkymapdata_handle))) {
if (substr($this_world_name, 0, 1) != ".") {
$this_world_path = $chunkymapdata_worlds_path."/".$this_world_name;
echo "< li > < a href = \"?world_name=$this_world_name"."$append_vars#$chunkymap_anchor_name"."\" > $this_world_name< / a > < / li > ";
echo "< / ul > ";