9 years ago
committed by
Jacob Gustafson
5 changed files with 607 additions and 157 deletions
After Width: | Height: | Size: 206 B |
@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ |
import os |
import sys |
import keyword |
#import types |
import inspect |
import traceback |
module_list = list() |
module_list.append("os") |
module_list.append("sys") |
module_list.append("keyword") |
module_list.append("inspect") |
module_list.append("traceback") |
def view_traceback(): |
ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() |
print(str(ex_type)) |
print(str(ex)) |
traceback.print_tb(tb) |
del tb |
class RegressionMismatch: |
side_a_string = None |
side_b_string = None |
endswith_enable = None |
startswith_enable = None |
def __init__(self, side_a_string, side_b_string, startswith_enable, endswith_enable): |
self.side_a_string = side_a_string |
self.side_b_string = side_b_string |
self.endswith_enable = endswith_enable |
self.startswith_enable = startswith_enable |
global_case_sensitive_enable = None |
y_enable = False |
print("Initializing...") |
regression_mismatches = list() |
independent_list = ["index","suffix","prefix","decachunk_x_path"] |
print(" (Ignoring the following independent variables:") |
print(','.join(independent_list)+")") |
#NOTE: "for decachunk_z_name in os.listdir(decachunk_x_path):" is ok since z folders are in x folder |
independent_endswith_list = list() |
for word in independent_list: |
independent_endswith_list.append("_"+word) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_x","_z",False,True)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_x","_y",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_y","_z",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_x_","_z_",False,False)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_x_","_y_",False,False)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_y_","_z_",False,False)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("x","z",False,True)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("x","y",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("y","z",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("x_","z_",True,False)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("x_","y_",True,False)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("y_","z_",True,False)) |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is True: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_X_","_Z_",False,False)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_X_","_Y_",False,False)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_Y_","_Z_",False,False)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_X","_Z",False,True)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_X","_Y",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("_Y","_Z",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("X","Z",False,True)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("X","Y",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("Y","Z",False,True)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("X_","Z_",True,False)) |
if y_enable: |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("X_","Y_",True,False)) |
regression_mismatches.append(RegressionMismatch("Y_","Z_",True,False)) |
#splits by any non-alphanumeric characters |
#print(keyword.kwlist) |
# DOESN'T WORK (from linuxbochs on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6315496/display-a-list-of-user-defined-functions-in-the-python-idle-session ): |
#function_list = [f for f in globals().values() if type(f) == types.FunctionType] |
#def dummy(): pass |
#function_list = [f.__name__ for f in globals().values() if type(f) == type(dummy)] |
function_list = list() |
for module_string in module_list: |
exec ("function_list += inspect.getmembers("+module_string+", inspect.isroutine)") |
# NOTE: isfunction does NOT include c-defined functions such as those in math |
function_names = list() |
for function_tuple in function_list: |
function_names.append(function_tuple[0]) |
print(" (Ignoring known routines:") |
print(','.join(function_names)+")") |
print("") |
print("") |
def split_non_alnum(haystack, strip_enable=True, skip_keywords_enable=True): |
results = list() |
index = 0 |
start_index = 0 |
while index <= len(haystack): |
if index==len(haystack) or not haystack[index].isalnum(): |
word = haystack[start_index:index] |
if (not skip_keywords_enable) or (word not in keyword.kwlist and word not in function_names): |
if strip_enable: |
results.append(word.strip()) |
else: |
results.append(word) |
start_index = index+1 |
index += 1 |
return results |
alpha_lower_chars = alpha_upper_chars.lower() |
alpha_chars = alpha_upper_chars+alpha_lower_chars |
numeric_chars = "1234567890" |
alnum_chars = alpha_chars+numeric_chars |
identifier_chars = alnum_chars+"_" |
issue_count = 0 |
file_list = list() |
def is_identifier(needle): |
result = True |
for index in range(0,len(needle)): |
if needle[index] not in identifier_chars: |
result = False |
break |
return result |
def split_non_identifier(haystack, strip_enable=True, skip_keywords_enable=True, skip_disoriented_enable=True): |
results = list() |
index = 0 |
start_index = 0 |
while index <= len(haystack): |
if index==len(haystack) or not is_identifier(haystack[index]): |
word = haystack[start_index:index] |
if (not skip_keywords_enable) or word not in keyword.kwlist: |
if (not skip_disoriented_enable) or (word not in independent_list and not endswith_any(word, independent_endswith_list)): |
if strip_enable: |
results.append(word.strip()) |
else: |
results.append(word) |
start_index = index+1 |
index += 1 |
return results |
def endswith(haystack, needle, case_sensitive_enable=False): |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is not None: |
case_sensitive_enable = global_case_sensitive_enable |
result = False |
if haystack is not None and needle is not None and len(needle)>0 and len(haystack)>=len(needle): |
if case_sensitive_enable: |
if haystack[-len(needle):] == needle: |
#print("haystack[-len(needle):] = "+haystack[-len(needle):]+" in "+haystack) |
result = True |
else: |
if haystack[-len(needle):].lower() == needle.lower(): |
#print("haystack[-len(needle):].lower() = "+haystack[-len(needle):].lower()+" in "+haystack) |
result = True |
return result |
def startswith(haystack, needle, case_sensitive_enable=False): |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is not None: |
case_sensitive_enable = global_case_sensitive_enable |
result = False |
if haystack is not None and needle is not None and len(needle)>0 and len(haystack)>=len(needle): |
if case_sensitive_enable: |
if haystack[:len(needle)] == needle: |
result = True |
else: |
if haystack[:len(needle)].lower() == needle.lower(): |
result = True |
return result |
def any_endswith(haystacks, needle, case_sensitive_enable=False): |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is not None: |
case_sensitive_enable = global_case_sensitive_enable |
result = False |
for haystack in haystacks: |
if endswith(haystack, needle, case_sensitive_enable): |
result = True |
break |
return result |
def endswith_any(haystack, needles, case_sensitive_enable=False): |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is not None: |
case_sensitive_enable = global_case_sensitive_enable |
result = False |
for needle in needles: |
if endswith(haystack, needle, case_sensitive_enable): |
result = True |
break |
return result |
def any_startswith(haystacks, needle, case_sensitive_enable=False): |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is not None: |
case_sensitive_enable = global_case_sensitive_enable |
result = False |
for haystack in haystacks: |
if startswith(haystack, needle, case_sensitive_enable): |
result = True |
break |
return result |
#only works on strings IF case_sensitive_enable, since then would do lower() on each element of haystacks |
def in_any_string(needle, haystacks, case_sensitive_enable=False): |
if global_case_sensitive_enable is not None: |
case_sensitive_enable = global_case_sensitive_enable |
result = False |
if needle is not None and len(needle)>0: |
for haystack in haystacks: |
if haystack is not None and len(haystack)>0: |
if case_sensitive_enable: |
if needle in haystack: |
result = True |
break |
else: |
if needle.lower() in haystack.lower(): |
result = True |
break |
return result |
min_indent = "" |
def increase_indent(): |
global min_indent |
min_indent+=" " |
def decrease_indent(): |
global min_indent |
if len(min_indent)>=2: |
min_indent = min_indent[:-2] |
def check_coord_mismatch(file_path): |
global file_list |
global issue_count |
global module_list |
print("Running check_coord_mismatch on "+file_path+"...") |
global function_list |
if (file_path not in file_list): |
file_list.append(file_path) |
line_counting_number = 1 |
ins = open(file_path, 'r') |
line = True |
global min_indent |
while line: |
line = ins.readline() |
if line: |
line_strip = line.strip() |
if (len(line_strip)>0) and (line_strip[0]!="#"): |
ao_index = line_strip.find("=") |
import_string = "import " |
from_string = "from " |
import_index = -1 |
if line_strip[:len(import_string)]==import_string: |
import_index = 0 |
elif line_strip[:len(from_string)]==from_string: |
import_string = from_string |
import_index = line_strip.find(import_string) |
if import_index>=0: |
module_string = line_strip[import_index+len(import_string):].strip() |
space_index = module_string.find(" ") |
if space_index>-1: |
module_string = module_string[:space_index] |
if module_string not in module_list: |
module_list.append(module_string) |
try: |
#tmp_tuples = list() |
import_string = "import "+module_string |
exec_string = "tmp_tuples = inspect.getmembers("+module_string+", inspect.isroutine)" |
#exec exec_string |
try_enable = False |
outs = open('expertmmregressiontmp.py','w') |
outs.write("def get_module_contents():"+"\n") |
outs_indent = " " |
outs.write(outs_indent+"results = None"+"\n") |
if try_enable: |
outs.write(outs_indent+"try:"+"\n") |
outs_indent = " " |
outs.write(outs_indent+"import inspect"+"\n") |
outs.write(outs_indent+import_string+"\n") |
outs.write(outs_indent+exec_string+"\n") |
outs.write(outs_indent+"results = list()"+"\n") |
outs.write(outs_indent+"for function_tuple in tmp_tuples:"+"\n") |
outs.write(outs_indent+" results.append(function_tuple[0])"+"\n") |
outs_indent = " " |
if try_enable: |
outs.write(outs_indent+"except:"+"\n") |
outs_indent = " " |
outs.write(outs_indent+"print(\"Could not finish get_module_contents\")"+"\n") |
outs_indent = " " |
outs.write(outs_indent+"return results"+"\n") |
outs.write("\n") |
outs.close() |
import expertmmregressiontmp |
tmp_list = expertmmregressiontmp.get_module_contents() |
new_list = None |
if tmp_list is not None: |
new_list = list() |
for routine_string in tmp_list: |
if routine_string not in function_list: |
new_list.append(routine_string) |
if new_list is not None: |
function_list += new_list |
print("Found "+str(len(new_list))+" new method(s) from '"+module_string+"' to ignore: "+','.join(new_list)) |
else: |
print("unable to import module named '"+module_string+"', so some routines may not be successfully ignored:") |
except: |
print("Could not finish importing module named '"+module_string+"', so some routines may not be successfully ignored:") |
view_traceback() |
if ao_index<0: |
ao_index = line_strip.find(">") |
if ao_index<0: |
ao_index = line_strip.find("<") |
if ao_index<0: |
ao_index = line_strip.find(" in ") |
if ao_index>0: # intentionally >0 instead of = |
increase_indent() |
names_string = line_strip[:ao_index].strip() |
values_string = line_strip[ao_index+1:].strip() |
name_list = split_non_identifier(names_string) |
value_list = split_non_identifier(values_string) |
message = None |
is_line_problematic = False |
for regression_mismatch in regression_mismatches: |
both_present = False |
message_prefix = " WARNING: " |
only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string = " ERROR (only has mismatch): " |
if regression_mismatch.startswith_enable: |
if (any_startswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string) and not any_startswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string)) and any_startswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string): |
name_index = line.find(regression_mismatch.side_a_string) + 1 |
if not both_present: |
both_present = any_startswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string) |
message_prefix = only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string |
if message is None: |
message = (file_path+" ("+str(line_counting_number)+","+str(name_index)+")"+message_prefix+"name starts with "+regression_mismatch.side_a_string+", but "+regression_mismatch.side_b_string+" on right in check/assignment") |
is_line_problematic = True |
break |
elif (any_startswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string) and not any_startswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string)) and any_startswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string): |
name_index = line.find(regression_mismatch.side_b_string) + 1 |
if not both_present: |
both_present = any_startswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string) |
message_prefix = only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string |
if message is None: |
message = (file_path+" ("+str(line_counting_number)+","+str(name_index)+")"+message_prefix+"name starts with "+regression_mismatch.side_b_string+", but "+regression_mismatch.side_a_string+" on right in check/assignment") |
is_line_problematic = True |
break |
elif regression_mismatch.endswith_enable: |
if (any_endswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string) and not any_endswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string)) and any_endswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string): |
name_index = line.find(regression_mismatch.side_a_string) + 1 |
if not both_present: |
both_present = any_endswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string) |
message_prefix = only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string |
if message is None: |
message = (file_path+" ("+str(line_counting_number)+","+str(name_index)+")"+message_prefix+"name ends with "+regression_mismatch.side_a_string+", but "+regression_mismatch.side_b_string+" on right in check/assignment") |
is_line_problematic = True |
break |
elif (any_endswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string) and not any_endswith(name_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string)) and any_endswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_a_string): |
name_index = line.find(regression_mismatch.side_b_string) + 1 |
if not both_present: |
both_present = any_endswith(value_list,regression_mismatch.side_b_string) |
message_prefix = only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string |
if message is None: |
message = (file_path+" ("+str(line_counting_number)+","+str(name_index)+")"+message_prefix+"name ends with "+regression_mismatch.side_b_string+", but "+regression_mismatch.side_a_string+" on right in check/assignment") |
is_line_problematic = True |
break |
else: |
if (in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_a_string, name_list) and not in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_b_string, name_list)) and in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_b_string, value_list): |
value_index = line.find(regression_mismatch.side_a_string) + 1 |
if not both_present: |
both_present = in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_a_string, value_list) |
message_prefix = only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string |
if message is None: |
message = (file_path+" ("+str(line_counting_number)+","+str(value_index)+")"+message_prefix+"name contains "+regression_mismatch.side_a_string+", but "+regression_mismatch.side_b_string+" on right in check/assignment") |
is_line_problematic = True |
break |
elif (in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_b_string, name_list) and not in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_a_string, name_list)) and in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_a_string, value_list): |
value_index = line.find(regression_mismatch.side_b_string) + 1 |
if not both_present: |
both_present = in_any_string(regression_mismatch.side_b_string, value_list) |
message_prefix = only_mismatched_coord_is_present_string |
if message is None: |
message = (file_path+" ("+str(line_counting_number)+","+str(value_index)+")"+message_prefix+"name contains "+regression_mismatch.side_b_string+", but "+regression_mismatch.side_a_string+" on right side of check/assignment") |
is_line_problematic = True |
break |
if message is not None: |
print("") |
print(message) |
print(line_strip) |
if is_line_problematic: |
issue_count += 1 |
line_counting_number += 1 |
ins.close() |
check_coord_mismatch("chunkymap-regen.py") |
check_coord_mismatch(os.path.join("web","chunkymap.php")) |
print("Found "+str(issue_count)+" issue(s) in "+str(len(file_list))+" file(s)") |
raw_input("Press enter to exit...") |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
def get_module_contents(): |
results = None |
import inspect |
import PIL |
tmp_tuples = inspect.getmembers(PIL, inspect.isroutine) |
results = list() |
for function_tuple in tmp_tuples: |
results.append(function_tuple[0]) |
return results |
Reference in new issue