50 lines
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50 lines
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Name: mods
Source: For of upstream mod - Do not replace
License: See "license.txt"
1. This is a fork of an upstream mod. Don't attempt to update or re-
place it.
To be documented.
2. Partial list of changes:
* Multiple bug fixes related to old models that are rotated relative
to today's standard.
* Bug fix related to behavior of mobs at the edge of cliffs.
* Mobs that are sensitive to light can now optionally be configured to
burst into flames when light damage occurs.
* Fix failure of API code to pass riding/driving parameters specified
by higher levels to riding/driving code.
* Add support for more sophisticated approach to assessing mob densi-
* Improve support for amphibious mobs.
* Better TNT smoke texture.
* Fix failure in riding/driving code to handle missing parameters.
* Add support for steering both ground vehicles and aircraft using
the keyboard as well as the mouse. Note: These are separate features.
* Talking mobs. Multiple languages are supported.
* New damage-related textures by Poikilos:
* Add section to "license.txt" to cover new code and media.