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-- Ostrich. Descended from Sapier version.
-- ===================================================================
-- Media license. Applies to model and associated texture.
-- You may copy, use, modify or do nearly anything but remove this
-- copyright notice. Of course, you're not allowed to pretend you've
-- created or written the Sapier, Poikilos, or OldCoder pieces.
-- CC-BY-SA 3.0. Attribution: Sapier, Poikilos, and OldCoder.
-- ===================================================================
local lcname = "ostrich"
local ucname = "Ostrich"
local msname = "codermobs_" .. lcname
local obj_name = "codermobs:" .. lcname
-- ===================================================================
mobs_param = {
lcname = lcname ,
ucname = ucname ,
obj_name = obj_name ,
aoc = -1 ,
spawn_chance = 80000 ,
day_mode = true ,
min_light = 14 ,
max_light = 20 ,
min_height = 0 ,
max_height = 200 ,
spawn_type = "animal" ,
spawn_nodes = {
"default:dirt_with_dry_grass" ,
"ethereal:mushroom_dirt" ,
} ,
spawn_by = {
"group:dry_grass" ,
"group:grass" ,
"flowers:mushroom_brown" ,
} ,
add_egg = true ,
egg_image = "wool_pink.png" ,
-- ===================================================================
-- ===================================================================
-- local mcname = "codermobs_chicken"
local mcname = "codermobs_ostrich"
local msname_cooked = mcname .. "_cooked"
local msname_raw = mcname .. "_raw"
local msname_img = mcname .. ".png"
local msname_cooked_img = msname_cooked .. ".png"
local msname_raw_img = msname_raw .. ".png"
local msname_egg = mcname .. "_egg"
local msname_egg_fried = msname_egg .. "_fried"
-- local msname_egg_fried_img = "animal_materials_egg_big_fried.png"
-- ^ by Poikilos (no upstream)
-- local msname_egg_img = "animal_materials_egg_big.png"
-- ^ upstream name is animalmaterials_egg_big.png (brown, but real ostrich eggs are offwhite)
local msname_egg_fried_img = msname_egg_fried .. ".png"
local msname_egg_img = msname_egg .. ".png"
local obj_name_cooked = obj_name .. "_cooked"
-- local obj_name_raw = obj_name .. "_raw"
-- ^ formerly codermobs:ostrich_raw (It is a dup of the one in
-- animal_materials.lua or animalmaterials/init.lua.
-- See the alias further down.)
local global_obj_name_raw = "animal_materials:meat_ostrich"
local obj_name_raw = ":" .. global_obj_name_raw
if not minetest.get_modpath("animalmaterials") then
obj_name_raw = ":animalmaterials:meat_ostrich"
local obj_name_egg = obj_name .. "_egg"
local obj_name_egg_entity = obj_name_egg .. "_entity"
local obj_name_egg_fried = obj_name_egg .. "_fried"
-- ===================================================================
mobs_param.core_param = {
type = mobs_param.spawn_type ,
makes_footstep_sound = true ,
armor = 200 ,
attack_npcs = false ,
attack_type = "dogfight" ,
damage = 2 ,
fear_height = 3 ,
floats = 0 ,
group_attack = true ,
hp_max = 15 ,
hp_min = 5 ,
stepheight = 1.2 ,
jump_height = 0 ,
jump = false ,
owner_loyal = true ,
passive = false ,
pushable = true ,
reach = 2 ,
run_velocity = 3 ,
runaway = true ,
type = "animal" ,
view_range = 10 ,
walk_velocity = 2 ,
lava_damage = 5 ,
light_damage = 0 ,
water_damage = 1 ,
collisionbox = { -0.50, -0.85, -0.50, 0.50, 0.60, 0.50 } ,
mesh = "codermobs_ostrich.b3d" ,
rotate = 270 ,
textures = { "codermobs_ostrich_mesh.png" } ,
visual = "mesh" ,
sounds = {
} ,
follow = { "default:apple", "farming:potato" } ,
drops = {
chance=1, min=1, max=3
} ,
} ,
specific_attack = codermobs.make_mob_list ({
"chicken", "bunny",
}) ,
animation = {
speed_normal = 10 ,
stand_start = 1 ,
stand_end = 40 ,
walk_start = 41 ,
walk_end = 81 ,
on_rightclick = function (self, clicker)
if mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 8, true, true) then return end
if mobs:protect(self, clicker) then return end
if mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, 0, 5, 50, false, nil) then
-- ===================================================================
-- ===================================================================
-- Egg-throwing item
local egg_GRAVITY = 9
local egg_VELOCITY = 19
-- Shoot egg
local mobs_shoot_egg = function (item, player, pointed_thing)
local playerpos = player:getpos()
minetest.sound_play ("default_place_node_hard", {
pos = playerpos,
gain = 1.0,
max_hear_distance = 5,
local obj = minetest.add_entity({
x = playerpos.x,
y = playerpos.y +1.5,
z = playerpos.z
}, obj_name_egg_entity)
local ent = obj:get_luaentity()
local dir = player:get_look_dir()
ent.velocity = egg_VELOCITY -- needed for api internal timing
ent.switch = 1 -- needed so that egg doesn't despawn straight away
x = dir.x * egg_VELOCITY,
y = dir.y * egg_VELOCITY,
z = dir.z * egg_VELOCITY
x = dir.x * -3,
y = -egg_GRAVITY,
z = dir.z * -3
-- pass player name to egg for chick ownership
local ent2 = obj:get_luaentity()
ent2.playername = player:get_player_name()
return item
-- ===================================================================
-- Egg.
minetest.register_node (obj_name_egg, {
description = ucname .. " Egg",
inventory_image = msname_egg_img ,
wield_image = msname_egg_img ,
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = true,
sunlight_propagates = true,
drawtype = "mesh" ,
mesh = "animal-materials-egg.b3d" ,
tiles = { "animal_materials_egg_ent_mesh.png" } ,
visual_scale = 0.24 ,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed" ,
fixed = { -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.24 } ,
} ,
groups = {snappy = 2, dig_immediate = 3},
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
if placer:is_player() then
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = obj_name_egg, param2 = 1})
end ,
on_use = mobs_shoot_egg ,
-- ===================================================================
-- Egg entity.
mobs:register_arrow (obj_name_egg_entity, {
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x=.5, y=.5},
textures = { msname_egg_img } ,
velocity = 6,
hit_player = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 1},
}, nil)
hit_mob = function(self, player)
player:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 1},
}, nil)
hit_node = function (self, pos, node)
local num = math.random (1, 10)
-- RJK 191223: This code is disabled for now because it'll presently
-- crash if it's used.
if false and num == 1 then
pos.y = pos.y + 1
local nod = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
if not nod
or not minetest.registered_nodes[]
or minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable == true then
local mob = minetest.add_entity (pos, obj_name)
local ent2 = mob:get_luaentity()
textures = ent2.child_texture[1],
visual_size = {
x = ent2.base_size.x / 2,
y = ent2.base_size.y / 2
collisionbox = {
ent2.base_colbox[1] / 2,
ent2.base_colbox[2] / 2,
ent2.base_colbox[3] / 2,
ent2.base_colbox[4] / 2,
ent2.base_colbox[5] / 2,
ent2.base_colbox[6] / 2
ent2.child = true
ent2.tamed = true
ent2.owner = self.playername
-- ===================================================================
-- Fried egg.
minetest.register_craftitem (obj_name_egg_fried, {
description = "Fried " .. ucname .. " Egg" ,
inventory_image = msname_egg_fried_img ,
on_use = minetest.item_eat (3) ,
minetest.register_craft ({
type = "cooking" ,
recipe = obj_name_egg ,
output = obj_name_egg_fried ,
-- ===================================================================
-- Raw bird.
if not minetest.registered_items[global_obj_name_raw] then
minetest.log("warning", "ostrich.lua is registering a new "..global_obj_name_raw)
minetest.register_craftitem (obj_name_raw, {
description = "Raw " .. ucname ,
inventory_image = msname_raw_img ,
on_use = function (itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
local name = player:get_player_name()
local msg = name .. " ate raw " .. ucname .. ". Salmonella!"
minetest.chat_send_all (msg)
player:set_hp (player:get_hp() - 2)
end ,
minetest.register_alias("codermobs:ostrich_raw", "animal_materials:meat_ostrich")
-- ^ only necessary for old versions of codermobs
-- ===================================================================
-- Cooked bird.
-- For the register_craftitem and register_craft calls below,
-- the cooking mod from the animals_modpack or animalmaterials modpacks
-- do the same as below except for with ostrich:
-- - raw craftitems are in the animalmaterials namespace,
-- - cooked versions are in the cooking namespace
-- - but cooking doesn't have ostrich
-- minetest.log("action", "ostrich.lua is registering a new "..obj_name_cooked)
minetest.register_craftitem (obj_name_cooked, {
description = "Cooked " .. ucname ,
inventory_image = msname_cooked_img ,
on_use = minetest.item_eat (6) ,
minetest.register_craft ({
type = "cooking" ,
recipe = global_obj_name_raw,
output = obj_name_cooked ,
-- ===================================================================
-- ===================================================================
-- End of file.