You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
343 lines
12 KiB
343 lines
12 KiB
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
//NOTE: for parse errors, MUST add the following line to php.ini (such as /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini): display_errors = on
if (is_file('browser.php')) {
else {
echo "<!--missing browser.php...-->";
$is_verbose = false;
if ($is_verbose) echo "REQUEST...";
foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
//in case auto_globals is not enabled
if ($is_verbose) echo "$key:$value...";
if ($is_verbose) echo "timezone...";
date_default_timezone_set('EST'); //required by PHP >=5.1.0
if ($is_verbose) echo "globals...";
if (!isset($chunkymap_view_x)) {
if (!isset($chunkymap_view_z)) {
if (!isset($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier)) {
$chunkymapdata_path = "chunkymapdata";
if ($chunkymap_tile_original_h<$chunk_dimension_min) $chunk_dimension_min=$chunkymap_tile_original_h;
$chunkymap_view_zoom_min=1.0/$chunk_dimension_min; //should be a number that would get to exactly 100 eventually if multiplied by 2 repeatedly (such as 0.09765625); 0.005 doesn't work since tiles are 80x80 pixels
function echo_error($val) {
if (!isset($val)) {
$val="Unknown Error";
echo '<span style="color:red">'.$val.'</span><br/>'."\n";
function get_dict_from_conf($path, $assignment_operator) {
global $is_verbose;
if ($is_verbose) echo "get_dict...";
$handle = fopen($path, "r");
$result = null;
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$line_strip = trim($line);
if (strlen($line_strip)>0) {
if (substr($line_strip,0,1)!="#") {
$ao_index = strpos($line_strip, $assignment_operator);
if ($ao_index>0 and $ao_index<(strlen($line_strip)-1)) { //skip blank variable OR value
$found_name = substr($line_strip, 0, $ao_index);
$found_value_index = $ao_index + 1;
$found_value = substr($line_strip, $found_value_index, strlen($line_strip)-$found_value_index);
if ($result===null) {
$result = array();
} else {
echo "<span style=\"color:read\">Failed to read $path</span> (run chunkymap-cronjob script as root first, otherwise see in minetest-chunkymap to ensure installation is correct).<br/>";
return $result;
}//end get_dict_from_conf
$map_dict = get_dict_from_conf($chunkymapdata_path."/generated.yml",":");
//startsWith and endsWith are from:
//Salmon A. stackoverflow. <>. 5 Feb 2016. 19 Feb, 2016.
function startsWith($haystack, $needle) {
// search backwards starting from haystack length characters from the end
return $needle === "" || strrpos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== false;
function endsWith($haystack, $needle) {
// search forward starting from end minus needle length characters
return $needle === "" || (($temp = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)) >= 0 && strpos($haystack, $needle, $temp) !== false);
//NOTE: This function is here since the builtin is_int checks type (which is not needed in this webapp) and the builtin is_numeric includes decimal and exponent (see
function is_int_string($val) {
global $is_verbose;
if ($is_verbose) echo "is_int_string...";
$result = true;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($val); $i++) {
$digit_index = strpos($int_chars, substr($val, $i, 1));
if ($digit_index===false) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function set_chunkymap_view($set_chunkymap_view_x, $set_chunkymap_view_z, $set_chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier) {
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
$chunkymap_view_x = $set_chunkymap_view_x;
$chunkymap_view_z = $set_chunkymap_view_z;
$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $set_chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
function echo_chunkymap_controls($callback_php_path) {
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_min;
$in_img_name = "chunkymap_zoom-in.png";
$out_img_name = "chunkymap_zoom-out.png";
$in_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
if ($in_zoom<$chunkymap_view_zoom_max) {
$in_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier*2.0;
//echo "in:$in_zoom ";
else $in_img_name = "chunkymap_zoom-in_disabled.png";
$out_zoom = $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
if ($out_zoom>$chunkymap_view_zoom_min) {
$out_zoom = ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier/2.0);
else $out_img_name = "chunkymap_zoom-out_disabled.png";
$zoom_clip = $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
while ($zoom_clip>=$chunkymap_view_zoom_min) {
if ($out_zoom>$zoom_clip) {
$zoom_clip = $zoom_clip/2;
if (!$found) {
//if ($in_zoom>$chunkymap_view_zoom_max) {
// $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
// echo "<!--clipping to max $chunkymap_view_zoom_max-->";
//elseif ($in_zoom>200) $in_zoom=400;
//elseif ($in_zoom>100) $in_zoom=200;
//elseif ($in_zoom>75) $in_zoom=100;
//if ($in_zoom>50) $in_zoom=75;
//elseif ($in_zoom>25) $in_zoom=50;
//elseif ($in_zoom>12) $in_zoom=25;
//elseif ($in_zoom>4) $in_zoom=12;
//elseif ($in_zoom>2) $in_zoom=4;
//elseif ($in_zoom>1) $in_zoom=2;
//else $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom_min; // if ($in_zoom>1) $in_zoom=5;
//echo "in:$in_zoom ";
// if ($out_zoom<$chunkymap_view_zoom_min) $out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom_min;
// elseif ($out_zoom<2) $out_zoom=1;
// elseif ($out_zoom<4) $out_zoom=2;
// elseif ($out_zoom<12) $out_zoom=4;
// elseif ($out_zoom<25) $out_zoom=12;
// elseif ($out_zoom<50) $out_zoom=25;
// elseif ($out_zoom<75) $out_zoom=50;
// elseif ($out_zoom<100) $out_zoom=75;
//elseif ($out_zoom<200) $out_zoom=100;
//elseif ($out_zoom<$chunkymap_view_zoom_max) $out_zoom=(int)($chunkymap_view_zoom_max/2);
//else $out_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom_max; //if ($out_zoom>76) $out_zoom=100;
while ($zoom_clip<=$chunkymap_view_zoom_max) {
if ($in_zoom<($zoom_clip*2)) {
$zoom_clip = $zoom_clip * 2;
if (!$found) $in_zoom=$chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
$in_html="<img src=\"images/$in_img_name\">";
$out_html="<img src=\"images/$out_img_name\">";
if ($is_in) $in_html="<a href=\"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$in_zoom\">$in_html</a>";
if ($is_out) $out_html="<a href=\"?chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier=$out_zoom\">$out_html</a>";
echo $in_html;
echo $out_html;
function echo_hold($val) {
global $is_echo_never_held;
global $held_echos;
if (!$is_echo_never_held) $held_echos.="$val";
else echo "$val";
function echo_release() {
global $held_echos;
global $is_echo_never_held;
if (!$is_echo_never_held) echo "$held_echos";
function echo_worldname() {
global $map_dict;
if (isset($map_dict["world_name"])) {
echo $map_dict["world_name"];
else echo "<span style=\"color:red\">(missing world name)</span>";
function echo_chunkymap_table() {
global $is_echo_never_held;
global $chunkymap_view_x;
global $chunkymap_view_z;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_min;
global $chunkymapdata_path;
global $map_dict;
global $is_verbose;
global $chunkymap_tile_original_w;
global $chunkymap_tile_original_h;
global $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier<$chunkymap_view_zoom_min) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_zoom_min;
if ($chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier>$chunkymap_view_zoom_max) $chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier = $chunkymap_view_zoom_max;
//$zoom_divisor = (int)(100/$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier);
$chunk_assoc = array(); // used for determining which chunks are on the edge, since not all generated map tiles are the same size (edge tile images are smaller and corner ones are smaller yet)
$chunk_count = 0;
$dot_and_ext = ".png";
$chunkx_min = 0;
$chunkz_min = 0;
$chunkx_max = 0;
$chunkz_max = 0;
//if ($map_dict != null) {
// $chunkx_min = $map_dict["chunkx_min"];
// $chunkz_min = $map_dict["chunkz_min"];
// $chunkx_max = $map_dict["chunkx_max"];
// $chunkz_max = $map_dict["chunkz_max"];
//else {
//echo "calculating range...";
//NOTE: even though *min and *max could be known from $map_dict, build a dict of chunks in order to align images properly since they are not all the same size:
if ($handle = opendir($chunkymapdata_path)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") {
$file_lower = strtolower($file);
if (endsWith($file_lower, $dot_and_ext) and startsWith($file_lower, $x_opener)) {
$z_opener_index = strpos($file_lower, $z_opener, strlen($x_opener));
if ($z_opener_index !== false) {
$x_len = $z_opener_index - strlen($x_opener);
$z_len = strlen($file_lower) - strlen($x_opener) - $x_len - strlen($z_opener) - strlen($dot_and_ext);
$x = substr($file_lower, strlen($x_opener), $x_len);
$z = substr($file_lower, $z_opener_index + strlen($z_opener), $z_len);
if (is_int_string($x) and is_int_string($z)) {
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z;
$chunk_assoc[$chunk_luid] = true;
if ($is_verbose) echo "$chunk_luid,";
if ($x<$chunkx_min) {
if ($x>$chunkx_max) {
if ($z<$chunkz_min) {
if ($z>$chunkz_max) {
else {
echo "misnamed chunk tile image '$file' had coordinates ".$x.",".$z." for x,z.";
if ($is_verbose) echo "checked all chunks.";
echo "<!--found chunks in x $chunkx_min to $chunkx_max and z $chunkz_min to $chunkz_max.-->";
else {
echo_error("could not open $chunkymapdata_path");
$x_count = $chunkx_max - $chunkx_min;
$z_count = $chunkz_max - $chunkz_min;
echo "\r\n";
echo "<center>\r\n";
echo_hold( " <table style=\"border-spacing: 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:gray;border-width:0px\">\r\n");
$z = (int)$chunkz_max;
$scale=(float)$chunkymap_view_zoom_multiplier; // no longer /100
while ($z >= $chunkz_min) {
echo_hold( " <tr>\r\n");
$x = (int)$chunkx_min;
while ($x <= $chunkx_max) {
echo_hold( " <td width=\"1\" style=\"padding:0px; background-color:lightgray\">");
$chunk_luid = "x".$x."z".$z;
$chunk_img_name = $x_opener.$x.$z_opener.$z."$dot_and_ext";
$chunk_img_path = $chunkymapdata_path.'/'.$chunk_img_name;
if (is_file($chunk_img_path)) {
echo_hold( "<img style=\"width:$zoomed_w; height:$zoomed_h\" class=\"maptileimg\" src=\"$chunk_img_path\"");
else {
//echo_hold( "<span style=\"font-size:1px\"> </span>");
//echo " <br/>".$x.",0,".$z;
echo_hold( "</td>\r\n");
echo_hold( " </tr>\r\n");
echo " </table>\r\n";
echo "</center>\r\n";