This is an experimental copy for testing Poikilos' issue mirroring system. Note that Gitea's migration tool can import issues, but the "Issues" checkbox is disabled when "This repository will be a mirror" is enabled (it is for this repo).

160 lines
3.6 KiB

'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
function LineByLine(file, options) {
options = options || {};
if (!options.readChunk) {
options.readChunk = 1024;
if (!options.newLineCharacter) {
options.newLineCharacter = 0x0a; //linux line ending
} else {
options.newLineCharacter = options.newLineCharacter.charCodeAt(0);
if (typeof file === 'number') {
this.fd = file;
} else {
this.fd = fs.openSync(file, 'r');
this.options = options;
this.newLineCharacter = options.newLineCharacter;
LineByLine.prototype._searchInBuffer = function(buffer, hexNeedle) {
var found = -1;
for (var i = 0; i <= buffer.length; i++) {
var b_byte = buffer[i];
if (b_byte === hexNeedle) {
found = i;
return found;
LineByLine.prototype.reset = function() {
this.bufferData = null;
this.bytesRead = 0;
this.bufferPosition = 0;
this.eofReached = false;
this.line = '';
this.linesCache = [];
this.lastBytePosition = null;
this.fdPosition = 0;
LineByLine.prototype._extractLines = function(buffer) {
var line;
var lines = [];
var bufferPosition = 0;
var lastNewLineBufferPosition = 0;
while (true) {
var bufferPositionValue = buffer[bufferPosition++];
if (bufferPositionValue === this.newLineCharacter) {
line = buffer.slice(lastNewLineBufferPosition, bufferPosition);
lastNewLineBufferPosition = bufferPosition;
} else if (!bufferPositionValue) {
var leftovers = buffer.slice(lastNewLineBufferPosition, bufferPosition);
if (leftovers.length) {
return lines;
LineByLine.prototype._readChunk = function(lineLeftovers) {
var totalBytesRead = 0;
var bytesRead;
var buffers = [];
do {
var readBuffer = new Buffer(this.options.readChunk);
bytesRead = fs.readSync(this.fd, readBuffer, 0, this.options.readChunk, this.fdPosition);
totalBytesRead = totalBytesRead + bytesRead;
this.fdPosition = this.fdPosition + bytesRead;
} while (bytesRead && this._searchInBuffer(buffers[buffers.length-1], this.options.newLineCharacter) === -1);
var bufferData = Buffer.concat(buffers);
if (bytesRead < this.options.readChunk) {
this.eofReached = true;
bufferData = bufferData.slice(0, totalBytesRead);
if (bytesRead) {
this.linesCache = this._extractLines(bufferData);
if (lineLeftovers) {
this.linesCache[0] = Buffer.concat([lineLeftovers, this.linesCache[0]]);
return totalBytesRead;
}; = function() {
var line = false;
if (this.eofReached && this.linesCache.length === 0) {
return line;
var bytesRead;
if (!this.linesCache.length) {
bytesRead = this._readChunk();
if (this.linesCache.length) {
line = this.linesCache.shift();
var lastLineCharacter = line[line.length-1];
if (lastLineCharacter !== 0x0a) {
bytesRead = this._readChunk(line);
if (bytesRead) {
line = this.linesCache.shift();
if (this.eofReached && this.linesCache.length === 0) {
this.fd = null;
if (line && line[line.length-1] === this.newLineCharacter) {
line = line.slice(0, line.length-1);
return line;
module.exports = LineByLine;