err_txt=$HOME/err-enliven.txt echo "# * minetestenv.rc started `date`" > "$err_txt" customExit() { echo errorLevel=1 if [ -z "$2" ]; then errorLevel=$2 fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Unknown error." else echo "ERROR:" echo "$1" >> "$err_txt" fi echo "$1" echo echo "'$err_txt' may contain more information." echo echo "This session will exit unless you press Ctrl-C to cancel script..." sleep 1 echo "4..." sleep 1 echo "3..." sleep 1 echo "2..." sleep 1 echo "1..." sleep 1 exit $errorLevel } CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/.config/EnlivenMinetest" CACHE_PATH="$HOME/.cache/EnlivenMinetest" if [ ! -d "$CONFIG_PATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ ! -d "$CACHE_PATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$CACHE_PATH" fi RELEASES_PATH="$CACHE_PATH/releases" if [ -d "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/releases" ]; then # upgrade/remove cache from older versions of this script if [ ! -d "$CACHE_PATH/releases" ]; then mv "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/releases" "$CACHE_PATH/" echo "upgraded cache from older version of this script (moved to $RELEASES_PATH)" else rm -Rf "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/releases" echo "removed redundant cache from older version of this script: $CONFIG_PATH/cache/releases" fi fi if [ ! -d "$RELEASES_PATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$RELEASES_PATH" fi GIT_REPOS_PATH="$CACHE_PATH/git" if [ -d "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/git" ]; then if [ ! -d "$CACHE_PATH/git" ]; then mv "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/git" "$CACHE_PATH/" echo "upgraded cache from older version of this script (moved to $GIT_REPOS_PATH)" else rm -Rf "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/git" echo "removed redundant cache from older version of this script: $CONFIG_PATH/cache/git" fi fi if [ ! -d "$GIT_REPOS_PATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$GIT_REPOS_PATH" fi GIT_BRANCHES_PATH="$CACHE_PATH/git-branches" if [ -d "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/git-branches" ]; then # upgrade/remove cache from older versions of this script if [ ! -d "$CACHE_PATH/git-branches" ]; then mv "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/git-branches" "$CACHE_PATH/" echo "upgraded cache from older version of this script (moved to $GIT_BRANCHES_PATH)" else rm -Rf "$CONFIG_PATH/cache/git-branches" echo "removed redundant cache from older version of this script: $CONFIG_PATH/cache/git-branches" fi fi if [ ! -d "$GIT_BRANCHES_PATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$GIT_BRANCHES_PATH" fi if [ -d "$CONFIG_PATH/cache" ]; then rmdir "$CONFIG_PATH/cache" fi MOD_LIST="$CONFIG_PATH/mod_list.txt" # * Git version uses /home/*/minetest/games and /usr/local/share/minetest/games but the latter is used for minetestserver (minetest-server package) # * Arch stable version uses /usr/share/minetest/ if [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then echo "This script installs ENLIVEN subgame for minetest. It uses individual git repositories, so please only run this once so as not to exceed their bandwidth." echo "Usage:" echo #echo "enable_version_0_5= (where value is true or false): forces 0.5 (if not specified, this script uses 0.5 versions of mods if minetest is at /usr/local/share/minetest)" #echo echo "local_enable= (where value is true or false): forces /usr/local/share/minetest (if not specified, script detects minetest but if exists both in /usr/share/ and /usr/local/share, prefers /usr/local/share/minetest)" echo exit 0 fi #NOTE: enable_version_0_5 is now detected further down instead of being specified #if [ "$1" = "enable_version_0_5=true" ]; then # enable_version_0_5="true" #elif [ "$2" = "enable_version_0_5=true" ]; then # enable_version_0_5="true" #elif [ "$1" = "enable_version_0_5=false" ]; then # enable_version_0_5="false" #elif [ "$2" = "enable_version_0_5=false" ]; then # enable_version_0_5="false" #fi if [ "$1" = "local_enable=true" ]; then local_enable="true" #elif [ "$2" = "local_enable=true" ]; then # local_enable="true" elif [ "$1" = "local_enable=false" ]; then # local_enable="false" #elif [ "$2" = "local_enable=false" ]; then local_enable="false" fi #echo "3..." #sleep 1 #echo "2..." #sleep 1 #echo "1..." #sleep 1 update_enable="true" shell_name="bash" # doesn't work if equal: [ $0 = *"$shell_name"* ] # could be -bash or bash #if [ "$0" = "-bash" ]; then #'[[' doesn't work in debian show_changes="true" #[[ doesn't work in debian: #if [[ $0 == *"$shell_name"* ]]; then #doesn't work on Fedora since shell_name is blank even when in shell and not pasting: #if [ "$shell_name" != "" ]; then #REPO_PATH="$HOME/GitHub/EnlivenMinetest" #echo "You must have pasted this into terminal, so assuming REPO_PATH:" #echo " $REPO_PATH" #else SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0") if [ "$SCRIPT" = "/bin/bash" ]; then SCRIPT=minetestenv.rc if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT" ]; then customExit "ERROR: could not find self (need location of self in order to get SCRIPTPATH and then REPO_PATH in order for patches directory to be found." fi fi # Absolute path this script is in, thus /home/user/bin SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "$SCRIPT") REPO_PATH="$SCRIPTPATH" #formerly, this script was in a subdir: #REPO_PATH=$(dirname "$SCRIPTPATH") #fi PATCHES_PATH="$REPO_PATH/patches" if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_PATH" ]; then if [ -d "$HOME/git/EnlivenMinetest" ]; then REPO_PATH=$HOME/git/EnlivenMinetest PATCHES_PATH="$REPO_PATH/patches" fi fi echo "PATCHES_PATH: $PATCHES_PATH" if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_PATH" ]; then # maybe moved somewhere or this code was pasted PATCHES_PATH=$HOME/GitHub/EnlivenMinetest/patches fi if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_PATH" ]; then # maybe running from root of repo PATCHES_PATH="patches" fi if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_PATH" ]; then # should work if ran from folder where exists PATCHES_PATH="../patches" fi if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_PATH" ]; then echo echo customExit "ERROR: could not find patches such as in $PATCHES_PATH" fi # NOTE: minetest mods (other than 0.4.16 client-side mods) are ALWAYS ONLY installed on server, unless you need them for singleplayer USR_SHARE_MINETEST=/usr/share/games/minetest try_path="/usr/share/minetest" if [ -d "$try_path" ]; then # Arch linux USR_SHARE_MINETEST="$try_path" fi if [ "$local_enable" != "false" ]; then # IF git version is installed try_path="/usr/local/share/minetest" if [ -d "$try_path" ]; then #if [ -z "$enable_version_0_5" ]; then # enable_version_0_5="true" #fi USR_SHARE_MINETEST="$try_path" fi fi enable_version_0_5="false" if [ -d "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game/mods/player_api" ]; then enable_version_0_5="true" fi if [ -f "$CONFIG_PATH/local_enable" ]; then local_enable=$(head -n 1 $CONFIG_PATH/local_enable) fi #if [ -f "$CONFIG_PATH/enable_version_0_5" ]; then # enable_version_0_5=$(head -n 1 $CONFIG_PATH/enable_version_0_5) #fi if [ -z "$local_enable" ]; then echo "$local_enable" > "$CONFIG_PATH/local_enable" fi #if [ -z "$enable_version_0_5" ]; then # echo "$enable_version_0_5" > "$CONFIG_PATH/enable_version_0_5" #fi mtgame_name="minetest_game" MT_MINETEST_GAME_PATH=$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/$mtgame_name #echo "3..." #sleep 1 #echo "2..." #sleep 1 #echo "1..." #sleep 1 # intentionally skip the slash in the following line since $USR_SHARE_MINETEST already starts with one: MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR=$HOME/.minetest/games-disabled SYSTEM_MT_GAMES_DIR=$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games MT_MYGAMES_DIR=$HOME/.minetest/games MT_MYGAME_BAK=$MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR/ENLIVEN_BAK MT_MYGAME_NAME=ENLIVEN MT_MYGAME_DIR="$MT_MYGAMES_DIR/$MT_MYGAME_NAME" # formerly MT_MYGAME_MODDIR: MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH="$MT_MYGAME_DIR/mods" MT_WORLDS_DIR="$HOME/.minetest/worlds" echo "Worlds in '$MT_WORLDS_DIR':" MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME="`ls $MT_WORLDS_DIR | grep -v tar.gz | grep --max-count=1 -v world`" # aka -m 1 (no '=' sign in that case) MT_MYWORLD_NAME="$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME" if [ -z "$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME" ]; then #if [ -z "`ls $MT_WORLDS_DIR | grep --max-count=1 -v world`" ]; then new_worlds="`ls $MT_WORLDS_DIR | grep --max-count=1 -v '^world$'`" if [ ! -z "$new_worlds" ]; then # anchors (`^` and `$`) ensure only exact match, so name containing world is not counted as a match # see also MT_MYWORLD_NAME="$new_worlds" else if [ -d "$MT_WORLDS_DIR/world" ]; then echo "Could not find any new worlds in $MT_WORLDS_DIR so using '$MT_MYWORLD_NAME'" else echo "Could not find any worlds in $MT_WORLDS_DIR" fi fi #if [ "$0" = "-bash" ]; then #'[[' doesn't work in debian: #if [[ $0 == *"$shell_name"* ]]; then #doesn't work on Fedora since shell_name is blank even when in shell and not pasting: #if [ "$shell_name" != "" ]; then # REPO_PATH="$HOME/GitHub/EnlivenMinetest" # MT_MYWORLD_NAME="world" # echo "You must have pasted this into terminal, so assuming MT_MYWORLD_NAME:" # echo " $MT_MYWORLD_NAME" # echo "Press Ctrl C to cancel, otherwise $MT_MYWORLD_NAME will be used..." # #sleep 1 # #echo " 3..." # #sleep 1 # #echo " 2..." # sleep 1 # echo " 1..." # sleep 1 #else read -e -p "Please enter a world (name only--must be in $MT_WORLDS_DIR): " -i "$MT_MYWORLD_NAME" MT_MYWORLD_NAME #$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME echo using "$MT_MYWORLD_NAME" #echo " 3..." #sleep 1 #echo " 2..." sleep 1 echo " 1..." sleep 1 #fi else #NOTE: $0 doesn't work because gives actual command (such as `./`--gives filename only if command was `bash`) #'[[' doesn't work in debian: #if [[ $0 == *"$shell_name"* ]]; then #if [ "$shell_name" = "" ]; then echo "running normally (not pasted)" #doesn't work on Fedora since shell_name is blank even when in shell and not pasting: #if [ "$shell_name" != "" ]; then # REPO_PATH="$HOME/GitHub/EnlivenMinetest" # MT_MYWORLD_NAME="$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME" # echo "You must have pasted this into terminal, so assuming MT_MYWORLD_NAME:" # echo " $MT_MYWORLD_NAME" #else ls $MT_WORLDS_DIR read -p "Please enter a world [blank for $MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME]: " MT_MYWORLD_NAME #$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME if [ -z "$MT_MYWORLD_NAME" ]; then MT_MYWORLD_NAME=$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME fi echo using "$MT_MYWORLD_NAME" echo " 3..." sleep 1 echo " 2..." sleep 1 echo " 1..." if [ -z "$MT_MYWORLD_NAME" ]; then MT_MYWORLD_NAME="$MT_DEFAULT_WORLD_NAME" fi #fi fi if [ ! -d "$MT_WORLDS_DIR/$MT_MYWORLD_NAME" ]; then customExit " ERROR: failed to find world path, so cannot continue." fi MT_MYWORLD_DIR=$MT_WORLDS_DIR/$MT_MYWORLD_NAME echo "Using world at $MT_MYWORLD_DIR" WORLD_MT_PATH=$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/ # see also reinstall_mt_game() { if [ "$MT_MINETEST_GAME_PATH" = "/usr/local/share/minetest/games/minetest_game" ]; then SRC_MT="$HOME/minetest" if [ -d "$HOME/Downloads/minetest/games/minetest_game" ]; then SRC_MT="$HOME/Downloads/minetest" fi if [ -d "$SRC_MT" ]; then SRC_MT_GAME="$SRC_MT/games/minetest_game" cd $SRC_MT_GAME echo "updating $SRC_MT_GAME..." git pull || echo "rm -Rf \"`pwd`\" # FAILED: cd \"`pwd`\" && git pull" >> "$err_txt" cd sudo rm -Rf "$MT_MINETEST_GAME_PATH" sudo cp -R "$SRC_MT_GAME" "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/" if [ -d "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game" ]; then echo "successfully recreated $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game" else customExit "failed to create $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game, so cannot continue." fi else echo "ERROR: refusing to reinstall minetest_game since missing sources (not at $HOME/minetest/games/minetest_game nor $HOME/Downloads/minetest/games/minetest_game" fi else echo "ERROR: refusing to reinstall minetest_game to packaged dir: $MT_MINETEST_GAME_PATH" fi } add_zip_mod() { cd $RELEASES_PATH MTMOD_DEST_NAME=$1 MTMOD_GOT_NAME=$2 URL=$3 MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=$ if [ ! -z "`ls | grep $MTMOD_GOT_NAME`" ]; then # works with wildcard in variable rm -Rf $MTMOD_GOT_NAME fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget -O $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP $URL unzip -q "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" add_mod_from_here $MTMOD_DEST_NAME $MTMOD_GOT_NAME } add_git_mod() { cd $GIT_REPOS_PATH MTMOD_DEST_NAME=$1 MTMOD_GOT_NAME=$2 URL=$3 BRANCH=$4 if [ ! -z "$BRANCH" ]; then cd $GIT_BRANCHES_PATH if [ ! -d "$BRANCH" ]; then mkdir "$BRANCH" fi cd "$BRANCH" fi if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME" ]; then if [ ! -z "$BRANCH" ]; then echo "BRANCH: Cloning $BRANCH branch..." this_git_cmd="git clone -b $BRANCH --single-branch $URL" echo "$this_git_cmd" git clone -b $BRANCH --single-branch $URL || echo "#FAILED: cd \"`pwd`\" && $this_git_cmd" >> "$err_txt" else #echo "Cloning main branch since no branch specified: $BRANCH" this_git_cmd="git clone $URL" echo "$this_git_cmd" git clone $URL || echo "#FAILED: cd \"`pwd`\" && $this_git_cmd" >> "$err_txt" fi else cd $MTMOD_GOT_NAME echo "updating mod $MTMOD_GOT_NAME in `pwd`..." git pull || echo "rm -Rf \"`pwd`\" # FAILED: cd \"`pwd`\" && git pull" >> "$err_txt" cd .. fi add_mod_from_here $MTMOD_DEST_NAME $MTMOD_GOT_NAME } add_mod_from_here() { MTMOD_DEST_NAME=$1 MTMOD_GOT_NAME=$2 if [ ! -f "$MOD_LIST" ]; then touch "$MOD_LIST"; fi echo "$MTMOD_DEST_NAME" >> "$MOD_LIST" MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -z "$MTMOD_DEST_NAME" ]; then customExit "ERROR: nothing done since add_mod_from_here FAILED to receive 'MTMOD_DEST_NAME' (1st param)" fi if [ -z "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME" ]; then customExit "ERROR: nothing done since add_mod_from_here FAILED to receive 'MTMOD_GOT_NAME' which is the exact downloaded or unzipped folder name (2nd param)" fi if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ] || [ "$update_enable" = "true" ]; then if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME" ]; then customExit "ERROR: nothing done since add_mod_from_here FAILED to find '$MTMOD_GOT_NAME'" fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then if [ ! -f "`command -v rsync`" ]; then echo "removing old $MTMOD_DEST_PATH" rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then customExit "FAILED to remove '$MTMOD_DEST_PATH'" fi fi fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME" ]; then # outer case is for safety in case variable is blank or something if [ ! -f "`command -v rsync`" ]; then cp -R $MTMOD_GOT_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ "$show_changes" != "false" ]; then echo "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi else if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi if [ "$show_changes" != "false" ]; then # rsync -rtv "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME/" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" echo " * preview of changes (before actual sync):" rsync -zvc "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME/" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" --dry-run | grep -v '\.git' | grep -v '\./' | grep -v 'screenshot\.png' | grep -v received | grep -v 'DRY RUN' fi echo " * synchronizing..." rsync -rt "$MTMOD_GOT_NAME/" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/.git" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/.git" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/.gitignore" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/.gitignore" fi # remove etc to make users downloading mods faster: if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/etc" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/etc" fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/src" ]; then if [ -z "`ls $MTMOD_DEST_PATH/src/*.lua`" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/src" fi fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/screenshot.png" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/screenshot.png" fi fi if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then customExit " MTMOD_DEST_PATH $MTMOD_DEST_PATH is not a directory." else echo " [ + ] added as $MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi cd #if [ -d GitHub/EnlivenMinetest ]; then # cd GitHub/EnlivenMinetest #fi else echo " [ ~ ] skipped existing $MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi } remove_mod() { cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DEST_NAME=$1 MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo " ERROR in remove_mod: failed to remove $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." > $err_txt cat $err_txt else echo " [ - ] removed $MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi else echo " [ - ] already not present: $MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi cd #if [ -d GitHub/EnlivenMinetest ]; then # cd GitHub/EnlivenMinetest #fi } #echo "MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH: $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH" echo echo echo "To preconfigure, write true or false to files in $CONFIG_PATH named:" echo " local_enable" #echo " enable_version_0_5" echo echo "Using following configuration:" #if [ -z "$enable_version_0_5" ]; then # echo " enable_version_0_5: (auto--set this var before pasting region into terminal)" #else echo " enable_version_0_5: $enable_version_0_5" #fi if [ -z "$local_enable" ]; then echo " local_enable: (auto--set this var before pasting region into terminal)" else echo " local_enable: $local_enable" fi echo " USR_SHARE_MINETEST: $USR_SHARE_MINETEST" echo " MT_MYGAMES_DIR: $MT_MYGAMES_DIR" echo " MT_MYGAME_DIR: $MT_MYGAME_DIR" echo " MT_WORLDS_DIR: $MT_WORLDS_DIR" echo " MT_MYWORLD_NAME: $MT_MYWORLD_NAME" echo " MT_MINETEST_GAME_PATH: $MT_MINETEST_GAME_PATH" if [ ! -f "`command -v rsync`" ]; then echo echo "The 'rsync' command was not found. Installing rsync will reduce writes to drive if you run install methods (as all use add_mod_from_here) more than once for the same mod." echo fi echo "# * minetestenv.rc finished loading." >> "$err_txt"