protector:door_steel_b_2 142 142 142 protector:door_steel_b_1 142 142 142 doors:door_wood_a 66 49 22 protector:door_wood_b_1 66 49 22 tsm_pyramids:deco_stone3 161 145 111 protector:door_wood_b_2 66 49 22 flowers:sunflower 82 110 23 moretrees:jungletree_trunk 47 33 11 flowers:mushroom_brown 101 94 68 lapis:lapis_block 47 56 153 tsm_pyramids:deco_stone2 161 145 111 lapis:pyrite_ore 118 114 98 protector:door_steel_t_1 142 142 142 protector:door_steel_t_2 142 142 142 creatures:zombie_spawner 41 49 54 tsm_pyramids:spawner_mummy 41 49 54 protector:protect 86 82 81 tsm_pyramids:trap 180 162 121 # same as VenessaE's default:sandstone (average color of normal sandstone texture would be 198 193 44) since should look same on map doors:door_wood_b 66 49 22 doors:door_steel_b 142 142 142 flowers:mushroom_red 156 94 76 protector:door_wood_t_2 120 94 53 protector:door_wood_t_1 120 94 53