#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os import subprocess import traceback # REQUIRES: see README.md # The way to do a full render is deleting all files from the folder self.chunkymap_data_path such as /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata (or chunkymap in current directory on Windows) #minetestmapper-numpy.py calculates the region as follows: #(XMIN','XMAX','ZMIN','ZMAX'), default = (-2000,2000,-2000,2000) #sector_xmin,sector_xmax,sector_zmin,sector_zmax = numpy.array(args.region)/16 #sector_ymin = args.self.minheight/16 #sector_ymax = args.self.maxheight/16 #region server-specific options def get_dict_from_conf_file(path,assignment_operator="="): results = None print ("Checking "+str(path)+" for settings...") if os.path.isfile(path): results = {} ins = open(path, 'r') line = True while line: line = ins.readline() if line and len(line)>0: line_strip=line.strip() if not line_strip[0]=="#": # if not comment if not line_strip[0]=="-": # ignore yaml arrays ao_index = line_strip.find(assignment_operator) if ao_index>=1: # intentionally skip zero-length variable names if ao_index=3 and len(list_b)>=3: result = (float(list_a[0]) == float(list_b[0])) and (float(list_a[1]) == float(list_b[1])) and (float(list_a[2]) == float(list_b[2])) return False class MTChunk: x = None z = None is_player_in_this_chunk = None is_fresh = None width = None height = None is_marked = None is_marked_empty = None image_w = None image_h = None image_left = None image_top = None image_right = None image_bottom = None def __init__(self): self.is_player_in_this_chunk = False self.is_fresh = False self.is_marked = False self.is_marked_empty = False def save_yaml(self, yml_path): try: outs = open(yml_path, 'w') outs.write("is_marked_empty:"+str(self.is_marked_empty)+"\n") outs.write("is_marked:"+str(self.is_marked)+"\n") if self.width is not None: outs.write("width:"+str(self.width)+"\n") if self.height is not None: outs.write("height:"+str(self.height)+"\n") if self.image_w is not None: outs.write("image_w:"+str(self.image_w)+"\n") if self.image_h is not None: outs.write("image_h:"+str(self.image_h)+"\n") if self.image_left is not None: outs.write("image_left:"+str(self.image_left)+"\n") if self.image_top is not None: outs.write("image_top:"+str(self.image_top)+"\n") if self.image_right is not None: outs.write("image_right:"+str(self.image_right)+"\n") if self.image_bottom is not None: outs.write("image_bottom:"+str(self.image_bottom)+"\n") outs.close() except: print("Could not finish saving chunk metadata to '"+str(yml_path)+"': "+str(traceback.format_exc())) class MTChunks: website_root = None username = None os_name = None chunkymap_data_path = None profiles_path = None profile_path = None worlds_path = None is_save_output_ok = None mtmn_path = None colors_path = None python_exe_path = None chunks = None #region values to save to YAML world_name = None world_path = None chunkx_min = 0 chunkz_min = 0 chunkx_max = 0 chunkz_max = 0 chunk_size = None #values for command arguments: maxheight = 50 minheight = -25 pixelspernode = 1 #ALSO save to YAML: #total_generated_count = 0 #endregion values to save to YAML world_blacklist = None def __init__(self): #formerly checkpaths() in global scope self.chunks = {} self.username = "owner" self.website_root="/var/www/html/minetest" self.world_name = "FCAGameAWorld" os_name="linux" input_string = "" if (os.path.sep!="/"): os_name="windows" #input_string = input("Which self.username contains minetest/util/minetestmapper-numpy.py (minetest not .minetest) ["+self.username+"]?") if (len(input_string)>0): self.username = input_string #input_string = input("What is the root folder of your minetest website ["+self.website_root+"]?") if (len(input_string)>0): self.website_root = input_string self.chunkymap_data_path=os.path.join(self.website_root,"chunkymapdata") #input_string = input("What is the game name ["+self.world_name+"]") if (len(input_string)>0): self.world_name = input_string #region server-specific options self.profiles_path = "/home" if os_name=="windows": self.profiles_path = "C:\\Users" self.profile_path = os.path.join(self.profiles_path, self.username) #if (not os.path.isdir(self.profile_path)): # self.profile_path = os.path.join(self.profiles_path, "jgustafson") self.dotminetest_path = os.path.join(self.profile_path,".minetest") if (os_name=="windows"): self.dotminetest_path = "C:\\games\\Minetest" self.worlds_path = os.path.join(self.dotminetest_path,"worlds") self.world_path = os.path.join(self.worlds_path, self.world_name) auto_chosen_world = False self.world_blacklist = list() self.world_blacklist.append("abiyahhgamebv7world1") if not os.path.isdir(self.world_path): #for item in os.walk(self.worlds_path): print ("LOOKING FOR WORLDS IN " + self.worlds_path) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.worlds_path): #index = 0 #for j in range(0,len(dirnames)): # i = len(dirnames) - 0 - 1 # if dirnames[i][0] == ".": # print (" SKIPPING "+dirnames[i]) # dirnames.remove_at(i) for subdirname in dirnames: print (" EXAMINING "+subdirname) if subdirname[0]!=".": #if (index == len(dirnames)-1): # skip first one because the one on my computer is big if subdirname not in self.world_blacklist: self.world_name = subdirname self.world_path = os.path.join(dirname, subdirname) # os.path.join(self.worlds_path, "try7amber") print (" CHOSE "+self.world_path) auto_chosen_world = True break #index += 1 if auto_chosen_world: break self.python_exe_path = "python" self.is_save_output_ok = True # this is probably required to avoid minutely writes try: alt_path = "C:\\python27\python.exe" if os.path.isfile(alt_path): self.python_exe_path = alt_path except: pass # do nothing, probably linux self.mtmn_path = os.path.join( self.profile_path, "minetest/util/minetestmapper-numpy.py" ) self.colors_path = os.path.join( self.profile_path, "minetest/util/colors.txt" ) if os_name=="windows": self.mtmn_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "minetestmapper-numpy.py") self.colors_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "colors.txt") self.website_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.chunkx_min = 0 self.chunkz_min = 0 self.chunkx_max = 0 self.chunkz_max = 0 self.chunk_size = 16 self.maxheight = 64 self.minheight = -32 self.pixelspernode = 1 def set_from_genresult(self, mtchunk, chunk_luid): dest_genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) result = False if os.path.isfile(dest_genresult_path): #may have data such as: #Result image (w=16 h=16) will be written to chunk_x0z0.png #Unknown node names: meze:meze default:stone_with_iron air default:dirt_with_snow default:stone_with_copper default:snow #Unknown node ids: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 #Drawing image #Saving to: chunk_x0z0.png #('PNG Region: ', [0, 64, 0, 64]) #('Pixels PerNode: ', 1) #('border: ', 0) mtchunk.is_marked = True ins = open(dest_genresult_path, 'r') line = True while line: line = ins.readline() if line: line_strip = line.strip() if "data does not exist" in line_strip: mtchunk.is_marked_empty = True break elif "Result image" in line_strip: oparen_index = line_strip.find("(") if (oparen_index>-1): cparen_index = line_strip.find(")", oparen_index+1) if (cparen_index>-1): operations_string = line_strip[oparen_index+1:cparen_index] operation_list = operations_string.split(" ") #if len(operation_list)==2: for operation_string in operation_list: if "=" in operation_string: chunks = operation_string.split("=") if len(chunks)==2: if chunks[0].strip()=="w": try: mtchunk.image_w=int(chunks[1].strip()) except: print("Bad value for image w:"+str(chunks[1])) elif chunks[0].strip()=="h": try: mtchunk.image_h=int(chunks[1].strip()) except: print("Bad value for image h:"+str(chunks[1])) else: print("Bad name for image variable so ignoring variable named '"+str(chunks[0])+"'") else: print("Bad assignment (not 2 sides) so ignoring command '"+operation_string+"'") else: print("Bad assignment (operator) so ignoring command '"+operation_string+"'") #else: # print("Bad assignment count so ignoring operations string '"+operations_string+"'") elif "PNG Region" in line_strip: obracket_index = line_strip.find("[") if obracket_index>-1: cbracket_index = line_strip.find("]", obracket_index+1) if cbracket_index>-1: rect_values_string = line_strip[obracket_index+1:cbracket_index] rect_values_list = rect_values_string.split(",") if len(rect_values_list)==4: #pngregion=[pngminx, pngmaxx, pngminz, pngmaxz] #from minetestmapper-numpy.py mtchunk.image_left=int(rect_values_list[0].strip()) mtchunk.image_right=int(rect_values_list[1].strip()) mtchunk.image_top=int(rect_values_list[2].strip()) mtchunk.image_bottom=int(rect_values_list[3].strip()) else: print("Bad map rect, so ignoring: "+rect_values_string) ins.close() def deny_http_access(self, dir_path): htaccess_name = ".htaccess" htaccess_path = os.path.join(dir_path, htaccess_name) outs = open(htaccess_path, 'w') outs.write("IndexIgnore *"+"\n") outs.write(""+"\n") outs.write("order allow,deny"+"\n") outs.write("deny from all"+"\n") outs.write(""+"\n") outs.write(""+"\n") outs.write("order allow,deny"+"\n") outs.write("deny from all"+"\n") outs.write(""+"\n") outs.close() #locally unique identifier (unique to world only) def get_chunk_luid(self, x,z): return "x"+str(x)+"z"+str(z) def get_chunk_image_name(self, chunk_luid): return "chunk_"+chunk_luid+".png" def get_chunk_image_tmp_path(self, chunk_luid): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.get_chunk_image_name(chunk_luid)) def get_chunk_image_path(self, chunk_luid): return os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, self.get_chunk_image_name(chunk_luid)) def get_chunk_genresult_name(self, chunk_luid): return "chunk_"+chunk_luid+"_mapper_result.txt" def get_chunk_genresult_tmp_path(self, chunk_luid): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.get_chunk_genresult_name(chunk_luid)) def get_chunk_yaml_name(self, chunk_luid): return "chunk_"+chunk_luid+".yml" def is_chunk_yaml_present(self, chunk_luid): return os.path.isfile(self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid)) def get_chunk_yaml_path(self, chunk_luid): return os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, self.get_chunk_yaml_name(chunk_luid)) def is_chunk_yaml_marked(self, chunk_luid): yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid) result = False if os.path.isfile(yaml_path): result = True #ins = open(yaml_path, 'r') #line = True #while line: # line = ins.readline() # if line: # line_strip = line.strip() # if "is_marked_empty:" in line_strip: # result = True # break #ins.close() return result def is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(self, chunk_luid): yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid) result = False if os.path.isfile(yaml_path): ins = open(yaml_path, 'r') line = True while line: line = ins.readline() if line: line_strip = line.strip() prevalue_string="is_marked_empty:" if line_strip[:len(prevalue_string)]==prevalue_string: result = bool(line_strip[len(prevalue_string):].strip()) break ins.close() return result def get_chunk_genresult_path(self, chunk_luid): return os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, self.get_chunk_genresult_name(chunk_luid)) #deprecated def is_genresult_marked(self, chunk_luid): result = False dest_genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) if os.path.isfile(dest_genresult_path): result = True return result #deprecated def is_genresult_marked_empty(self, chunk_luid): dest_genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) result = False if os.path.isfile(dest_genresult_path): ins = open(dest_genresult_path, 'r') line = True while line: line = ins.readline() if line: line_strip = line.strip() if "data does not exist" in line_strip: result = True break ins.close() return result def remove_genresult(self, chunk_luid): result = False dest_genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) if os.path.isfile(dest_genresult_path): result = True os.remove(dest_genresult_path) return result def remove_chunk_image(self, chunk_luid): result = False tmp_png_path = self.get_chunk_image_path(chunk_luid) if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): result = True os.remove(tmp_png_path) return result def remove_chunk(self, chunk_luid): result = False out_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) tmp_png_path = self.get_chunk_image_path(chunk_luid) if os.path.isfile(out_path): os.remove(out_path) result = True if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): os.remove(tmp_png_path) result = True return result def is_chunk_rendered_on_dest(self, chunk_luid): #formerly is_chunk_empty_on_dest (reversed) is_rendered = False #is_chunk_out_empty = self.is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(chunk_luid) #dest_genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) dest_png_path = self.get_chunk_image_path(chunk_luid) if os.path.isfile(dest_png_path): #os.remove(dest_genresult_path) is_rendered = True return is_rendered def prepare_chunk_meta(self, chunk_luid): if chunk_luid not in self.chunks.keys(): self.chunks[chunk_luid] = MTChunk() def render_chunk(self, x, z): result = False chunk_luid = self.get_chunk_luid(x,z) png_name = self.get_chunk_image_name(chunk_luid) tmp_png_path = self.get_chunk_image_tmp_path(chunk_luid) cmd_suffix = "" genresult_name = self.get_chunk_genresult_name(chunk_luid) genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_tmp_path(chunk_luid) if self.is_save_output_ok: cmd_suffix = " > \""+genresult_path+"\"" x_min = x * self.chunk_size x_max = x * self.chunk_size + self.chunk_size - 1 z_min = z * self.chunk_size z_max = z * self.chunk_size + self.chunk_size - 1 #print ("generating x = " + str(x_min) + " to " + str(x_max) + " , z = " + str(z_min) + " to " + str(z_max)) cmd_string = self.python_exe_path + " \""+self.mtmn_path + "\" --region " + str(x_min) + " " + str(x_max) + " " + str(z_min) + " " + str(z_max) + " --maxheight "+str(self.maxheight)+" --minheight "+str(self.minheight)+" --pixelspernode "+str(self.pixelspernode)+" \""+self.world_path+"\" \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" + cmd_suffix dest_png_path = self.get_chunk_image_path(chunk_luid) dest_genresult_path = self.get_chunk_genresult_path(chunk_luid) #is_empty_chunk = is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid) and is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(chunk_luid) print (cmd_string) subprocess.call(cmd_string, shell=True) # TODO: remember not to allow arbitrary command execution, which could happen if input contains ';' when using shell=True if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): result = True try: if (os.path.isfile(dest_png_path)): os.remove(dest_png_path) except: print ("Could not finish deleting '"+dest_png_path+"'") try: os.rename(tmp_png_path, dest_png_path) print("(moved to '"+dest_png_path+"')") self.prepare_chunk_meta(chunk_luid) self.chunks[chunk_luid].is_fresh = True except: print ("Could not finish moving '"+tmp_png_path+"' to '"+dest_png_path+"'") try: if (os.path.isfile(dest_genresult_path)): os.remove(dest_genresult_path) if self.is_save_output_ok: #os.rename(genresult_path, dest_genresult_path) #print("(moved to '"+dest_genresult_path+"')") tmp_chunk = MTChunk() self.set_from_genresult(tmp_chunk,chunk_luid) chunk_yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid) tmp_chunk.save_yaml(chunk_yaml_path) print("(saved yaml to '"+chunk_yaml_path+"')") os.remove(genresult_path) else: if os.path.isfile(genresult_path): os.remove(genresult_path) except: print ("Could not finish deleting/moving output") return result def check_players(self): self.chunkymap_data_path=os.path.join(self.website_root,"chunkymapdata") chunkymap_players_name = "players" chunkymap_players_path = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, chunkymap_players_name) htaccess_path = os.path.join(chunkymap_players_path,".htaccess") if not os.path.isdir(chunkymap_players_path): os.makedirs(chunkymap_players_path) if not os.path.isfile(htaccess_path): self.deny_http_access(chunkymap_players_path) players_path = os.path.join(self.world_path, "players") player_count = 0 player_written_count = 0 for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(players_path): for filename in filenames: file_fullname = os.path.join(players_path,filename) #print (" EXAMINING "+filename) badstart_string = "." player_name = None player_position = None if (filename[:len(badstart_string)]!=badstart_string): ins = open(file_fullname, 'r') line = True is_enough_data = False while line: line = ins.readline() if line: ao_index = line.find("=") if ao_index > 0: found_name = line[:ao_index].strip() found_value = line[ao_index+1:].strip() if found_name=="name": player_name = found_value elif found_name=="position": player_position = found_value if (player_name is not None) and (player_position is not None): is_enough_data = True break ins.close() player_dest_path = os.path.join(chunkymap_players_path,filename+".yml") player_x = None player_y = None player_z = None chunk_x = None chunk_y = None chunk_z = None player_position_tuple = get_tuple_from_notation(player_position, filename) if player_position_tuple is not None: player_x, player_y, player_z = player_position_tuple player_x = float(player_x) player_y = float(player_y) player_z = float(player_z) chunk_x = int((float(player_x)/self.chunk_size)) chunk_y = int((float(player_y)/self.chunk_size)) chunk_z = int((float(player_z)/self.chunk_size)) chunk_luid = self.get_chunk_luid(chunk_x, chunk_z) self.prepare_chunk_meta(chunk_luid) self.chunks[chunk_luid].is_player_in_this_chunk = True #if is_enough_data: #if player_name!="singleplayer": map_player_dict = get_dict_from_conf_file(player_dest_path,":") #map_player_position_tuple = None saved_player_x = None saved_player_y = None saved_player_y = None if map_player_dict is not None: #map_player_position_tuple = saved_player_x, saved_player_y, saved_player_z if "x" in map_player_dict.keys(): saved_player_x = float(map_player_dict["x"]) if "y" in map_player_dict.keys(): saved_player_y = float(map_player_dict["y"]) if "z" in map_player_dict.keys(): saved_player_z = float(map_player_dict["z"]) #if (map_player_dict is None) or not is_same_fvec3( map_player_position_tuple, player_position_tuple): if (map_player_dict is None) or (saved_player_x is None) or (saved_player_z is None) or (int(saved_player_x)!=int(player_x)) or (int(saved_player_z)!=int(player_z)): # don't check y since y is elevation in minetest, don't use float since subblock position doesn't matter to map if map_player_dict is not None and saved_player_x is not None and saved_player_z is not None: #print("PLAYER MOVED: "+str(player_name)+" moved from "+str(map_player_position_tuple)+" to "+str(player_position_tuple)) print("PLAYER MOVED: "+str(player_name)+" moved from "+str(saved_player_x)+","+str(saved_player_y)+","+str(saved_player_z)+" to "+str(player_x)+","+str(player_y)+","+str(player_z)) else: print("SAVING YAML for player '"+str(player_name)+"'") outs = open(player_dest_path, 'w') if player_name is not None: outs.write("name:"+player_name+"\n") # python automatically uses correct newline for your os when you put "\n" #if player_position is not None: # outs.write("position:"+player_position+"\n") if player_x is not None: outs.write("x:"+str(player_x)+"\n") if player_y is not None: outs.write("y:"+str(player_y)+"\n") if player_z is not None: outs.write("z:"+str(player_z)+"\n") outs.write("is_enough_data:"+str(is_enough_data)) outs.close() player_written_count += 1 else: print("DIDN'T MOVE: "+str(player_name)) player_count += 1 def is_player_at_luid(self, chunk_luid): result = False if chunk_luid in self.chunks.keys(): result = self.chunks[chunk_luid].is_player_in_this_chunk return result def is_chunk_fresh(self, chunk_luid): result = False if chunk_luid in self.chunks.keys(): result = self.chunks[chunk_luid].is_fresh return result def run(self): if os.path.isfile(self.mtmn_path) and os.path.isfile(self.colors_path): self.check_players() self.chunkymap_data_path=os.path.join(self.website_root,"chunkymapdata") yaml_name = "generated.yml" world_yaml_path = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, yaml_name) if not os.path.isdir(self.chunkymap_data_path): os.mkdir(self.chunkymap_data_path) htaccess_path = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path,".htaccess") if not os.path.isdir(self.chunkymap_data_path): os.makedirs(self.chunkymap_data_path) if not os.path.isfile(htaccess_path): self.deny_http_access(self.chunkymap_data_path) mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file(world_yaml_path,":") #is_testonly == (os_name=="windows") if mapvars is not None and set(['world_name']).issubset(mapvars): #print (" (FOUND self.world_name)") if mapvars["world_name"] != self.world_name: print ("REMOVING data since from different world (map '"+str(mapvars["world_name"])+"' is not '"+str(self.world_name)+"')...") for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.chunkymap_data_path): #index = 0 #for j in range(0,len(filenames)): # i = len(filenames) - 0 - 1 # if filenames[i][0] == ".": # print (" SKIPPING "+filenames[i]) # filenames.remove_at(i) for filename in filenames: if filename[0] != ".": file_fullname = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path,filename) print (" EXAMINING "+filename) badstart_string = "chunk" if (len(filename) >= len(badstart_string)) and (filename[:len(badstart_string)]==badstart_string): os.remove(file_fullname) elif filename==yaml_name: os.remove(file_fullname) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path, "players")): #for j in range(0,len(filenames)): # i = len(filenames) - 0 - 1 # if filenames[i][0] == ".": # print (" SKIPPING "+filenames[i]) # filenames.remove_at(i) for filename in filenames: if filename[0] != ".": file_fullname = os.path.join(self.chunkymap_data_path,filename) print (" EXAMINING "+filename) badend_string = ".yml" if (len(filename) >= len(badend_string)) and (filename[len(filename)-len(badend_string):]==badend_string): os.remove(file_fullname) self.chunkx_min = 0 self.chunkz_min = 0 self.chunkx_max = 0 self.chunkz_max = 0 total_generated_count = 0 newchunk_luid_list = list() outline_generates_count = 1 is_changed = False is_different_world = False #if str(self.world_name) != str(mapvars["world_name"]): # is_different_world = True # print("FULL RENDER since chosen world name '"+self.world_name+"' does not match previously rendered world name '"+mapvars["world_name"]+"'") while outline_generates_count > 0: outline_generates_count = 0 for z in range (self.chunkz_min,self.chunkz_max+1): for x in range(self.chunkx_min,self.chunkx_max+1): #python ~/minetest/util/minetestmapper-numpy.py --region -1200 800 -1200 800 --drawscale --maxheight 100 --minheight -50 --pixelspernode 1 ~/.minetest/worlds/FCAGameAWorld ~/map.png #sudo mv ~/map.png /var/www/html/minetest/images/map.png #only generate the edges (since started with region 0 0 0 0) and expanding from there until no png is created: is_outline = (x==self.chunkx_min) or (x==self.chunkx_max) or (z==self.chunkz_min) or (z==self.chunkz_max) if is_outline: chunk_luid = self.get_chunk_luid(x,z) #if (is_different_world): #instead, see above where all chunk files and player files are deleted # self.remove_chunk(chunk_luid) is_player_in_this_chunk = self.is_player_at_luid(chunk_luid) is_render_needed = False if not self.is_chunk_fresh(chunk_luid): if is_player_in_this_chunk: if self.is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid): if self.is_chunk_yaml_marked_empty(chunk_luid): is_render_needed = True print (chunk_luid+": RENDERING nonfresh previously marked empty (player in it)") else: print (chunk_luid+": SKIPPING nonfresh previously marked (player in it)") else: is_render_needed = True print (chunk_luid+": RENDERING nonfresh unmarked (player in it)") else: if (not self.is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid)): is_render_needed = True print (chunk_luid+": RENDERING nonfresh unmarked (simple check since has no player)") else: print (chunk_luid+": SKIPPING nonfresh previously marked (simple check since has no player)") else: print (chunk_luid+": SKIPPING fresh chunk") #if (not self.is_chunk_yaml_marked(chunk_luid)): #is_render_needed = True # This should never happen since keeping the output of minetestmapper-numpy.py (after analyzing that output) is deprecated: #if self.is_genresult_marked(chunk_luid) and not self.is_chunk_yaml_present(chunk_luid): # tmp_chunk = MTChunk() # self.set_from_genresult(tmp_chunk,chunk_luid) # chunk_yaml_path = self.get_chunk_yaml_path(chunk_luid) # tmp_chunk.save_yaml(chunk_yaml_path) # print("(saved yaml to '"+chunk_yaml_path+"')") if is_render_needed: if (self.render_chunk(x,z)): total_generated_count += 1 outline_generates_count += 1 else: if self.is_chunk_rendered_on_dest(chunk_luid): total_generated_count += 1 outline_generates_count += 1 tmp_png_path = self.get_chunk_image_path(chunk_luid) print(chunk_luid+": Skipping existing map tile file " + tmp_png_path + " (delete it to re-render)") #elif is_empty_chunk: #print("Skipping empty chunk " + chunk_luid) #else: #print(chunk_luid+": Not rendered on dest.") print ("") # blank line before next z so output is more readable self.chunkx_min -= 1 self.chunkz_min -= 1 self.chunkx_max += 1 self.chunkz_max += 1 #end while square outline (1-chunk-thick outline) generated any png files new_map_dict = {} new_map_dict["world_name"]=str(self.world_name) new_map_dict["chunk_size"]=str(self.chunk_size) new_map_dict["pixelspernode"]=str(self.pixelspernode) new_map_dict["chunkx_min"]=str(self.chunkx_min) new_map_dict["chunkx_max"]=str(self.chunkx_max) new_map_dict["chunkz_min"]=str(self.chunkz_min) new_map_dict["chunkz_max"]=str(self.chunkz_max) new_map_dict["maxheight"]=str(self.maxheight) new_map_dict["minheight"]=str(self.minheight) new_map_dict["world_path"]=str(self.world_path) new_map_dict["chunkymap_data_path"]=str(self.chunkymap_data_path) new_map_dict["total_generated_count"]=str(total_generated_count) if mapvars is None: print ("SAVING '" + world_yaml_path + "' since nothing was loaded or it did not exist") is_changed = True else: for this_key in new_map_dict.iterkeys(): if (this_key not in mapvars.keys()): is_changed = True print ("SAVING '" + world_yaml_path + "' since " + str(this_key) + " not in mapvars") break elif (str(mapvars[this_key]) != str(new_map_dict[this_key])): is_changed = True print ("SAVING '" + world_yaml_path + "' since new " + this_key + " value " + str(new_map_dict[this_key]) + " not same as saved value " + str(mapvars[this_key]) + "") break if is_changed: outs = open(world_yaml_path, 'w') outs.write("world_name:"+str(self.world_name) + "\n") outs.write("chunk_size:"+str(self.chunk_size) + "\n") outs.write("pixelspernode:"+str(self.pixelspernode) + "\n") outs.write("chunkx_min:"+str(self.chunkx_min) + "\n") outs.write("chunkx_max:"+str(self.chunkx_max) + "\n") outs.write("chunkz_min:"+str(self.chunkz_min) + "\n") outs.write("chunkz_max:"+str(self.chunkz_max) + "\n") #values for command arguments: outs.write("maxheight:"+str(self.maxheight) + "\n") outs.write("minheight:"+str(self.minheight) + "\n") #ALSO save to YAML: outs.write("world_path:"+str(self.world_path) + "\n") outs.write("chunkymap_data_path:"+str(self.chunkymap_data_path) + "\n") outs.write("total_generated_count:"+str(total_generated_count) + "\n") outs.close() else: print ("(Not saving '"+world_yaml_path+"' since same value of each current variable is already in file as loaded)") else: print ("failed since this folder must contain colors.txt and minetestmapper-numpy.py") def main(): #args = parse_args() mtchunks = MTChunks() mtchunks.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()