#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2017 expertmm. License: # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #First make sure all folders in $HOME/.minetest are created (I am not sure whether this is required!): # minetestserver # Mods were found at https://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?f=11 # * Git version uses /home/*/minetest/games and /usr/local/share/minetest/games but the latter is used for minetestserver (minetest-server package) #(Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Server) folders were found using: # cd / # sudo find -name 'worlds' (worlds folder is in $HOME/.minetest) # sudo find -name 'minimal' (stable build [such as 0.4.9 games folder is /usr/share/games/minetest/games, but git version games folder is /usr/local/share/minetest/games) #NOTE: minetest mods are ALWAYS ONLY installed on server USR_SHARE_MINETEST=/usr/share/games/minetest #IF git version is installed: if [ -d "/usr/local/share/minetest" ]; then USR_SHARE_MINETEST=/usr/local/share/minetest fi #UNUSED (unknown use): MT_GAMES_DIR=$HOME/.minetest/mods #intentionally skip the slash in the following line since $USR_SHARE_MINETEST already starts with one: MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR=$HOME/Backup$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games MT_GAMES_DIR=$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games MT_MYGAME_NAME=ENLIVEN MT_MYGAME_DIR=$MT_GAMES_DIR/$MT_MYGAME_NAME #formerly MT_MYGAME_MODDIR: MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_DIR/mods MT_MYWORLD_NAME=FCAGameAWorld MT_MYWORLD_DIR=$HOME/.minetest/worlds/$MT_MYWORLD_NAME #BACKUP THE WORLD: sudo chown $USER "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" sudo chown $USER "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt.1st" if [ ! -d "$MT_MYGAME_DIR" ]; then sudo mkdir "$MT_MYGAME_DIR" fi if [ -f "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt.1st" ]; then echo "Already backed up world.mt to $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt.1st" else cp "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt.1st" echo "The original world.mt is now backed up at $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt.1st" fi touch "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" mv -f "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt.bak" # REMAKE world.mt cd echo "gameid = $MT_MYGAME_NAME" > "world.mt" sudo mv "world.mt" "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" sudo chown $USER "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" sudo chgrp $USER "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" echo "backend = leveldb" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" #mv "world.mt" $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt #MT_MYGAME_DIR (a Minetest "game") is the equivalent of a Minecraft modpack, however, in this case it is actually a collection of mods and modpacks, either of which can be in the mods folder #cd if [ ! -d "$HOME/Downloads" ]; then mkdir "$HOME/Downloads" fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" if [ -d "$MT_MYGAME_DIR BAK" ]; then echo "already backed up $MT_MYGAME_DIR" else sudo mv "$MT_MYGAME_DIR" "$MT_MYGAME_DIR BAK" fi #sudo mkdir "$MT_MYGAME_DIR" #sudo mkdir "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to create $MT_MYGAME_DIR, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #sudo cp -R $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game/mods/* "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/mods/" sudo cp -R $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game/* "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/" #wget https://github.com/BlockMen/cme/releases/download/v2.3/cme-2_3-BlockMen.zip #unzip cme-2_3-BlockMen.zip #sudo mv cme "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/cme" ##DO NOT DO THIS (since cme is a modpack): echo "load_mod_cme = true" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" #echo "#cme Creatures MOB-Engine (cme) is a modpack" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=mobs_redo.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=mobs_redo-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=mobs MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #sudo rm -Rvf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" echo "Installing TenPlus1's mobs.zip from https://github.com/tenplus1/mobs_redo/archive/master.zip" echo "Installing TenPlus1's mobs.zip from https://github.com/tenplus1/mobs_redo/archive/master.zip" > mobs.zip.txt #SEE ALSO RELEASE VERSION (must be logged in to download): https://forum.minetest.net/download/file.php?id=5282 #wget https://github.com/tenplus1/mobs/archive/master.zip wget https://github.com/tenplus1/mobs_redo/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_mobs = true" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=mobs_monster.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=mobs_monster-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=mobs_monster MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME wget https://github.com/tenplus1/mobs_monster/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_mobs_monster = true" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=mobs_animal.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=mobs_animal-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=mobs_animal MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME wget https://github.com/tenplus1/mobs_animal/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_mobs_animal = true" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" #the following downloads protector (REDO version posted at https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9376) not the original 2012 protector or 2012 fork of 2012 protector #rm protector.zip #wget https://forum.minetest.net/download/file.php?id=5046 #mv -f "file.php?id=5046" protector.zip #USE GIT VERSION INSTEAD: cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=protector.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=protector-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=protector MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #as of 2016-02-20, CRASHES on default 0.4.9 minetesterver 0.4.13 git 2016-02-20: wget https://github.com/tenplus1/protector/archive/master.zip #expertmm fork to work in above situation: #wget https://github.com/expertmm/protector/archive/master.zip #results in UNKNOWN NODE for all protected blocks: wget https://github.com/MinetestForFun/protector/archive/master.zip mv -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #sudo rm -Rf "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/protector-master" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #sudo su - #WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF=$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME/minetest.conf WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF=$HOME/minetest.conf rm -f "$HOME/minetest.conf" if [ ! -f "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME/minetest.conf" ]; then sudo cp "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game/minetest.conf" "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME/minetest.conf.1st" fi cp "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game/minetest.conf" "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" touch "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" #4080 since boundaries in chunkymap/singleimage.py (to be compatible with approximate browser max image size) are -4096 to 4096 echo "map_generation_limit = 4096" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" #NOTE: map_generation_limit (aka world boundary, world border, or world limit) must be divisible by 64, so for example, 5000 results in invisible wall at 4928 echo "protector_radius = 7" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "protector_flip = true" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "protector_pvp = true" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "protector_pvp_spawn = 10" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "protector_drop = false" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "protector_hurt = 3" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "default_privs = interact,shout,home" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "max_users = 50" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "motd = \"Actions and chat messages are logged. Use inventory to see recipes (use web for live map if available).\"" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "disallow_empty_passwords = true" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "secure.trusted_mods = advanced_npc" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "server_dedicated = false" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" echo "hudbars_bar_type = statbar_modern" >> "$WRITEABLE_MINETEST_CONF" sudo mv -f $HOME/minetest.conf "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME/minetest.conf" echo "load_mod_protector = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.tar.gz MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=xban2.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest-xban2-master MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=xban2-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=xban2 MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #wget https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-xban2/archive/master.tar.gz wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/xban2/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #tar -xzvf $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP # As http://wiki.minetest.net/Installing_Mods specifies, a mod MUST be renamed to official name as in the official thread of the mod: mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME $MTMOD_DEST_NAME sudo mv $MTMOD_DEST_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_xban2 = true" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=areas.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=areas-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=areas MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME echo "Installing ShadowNinja's " echo "Installing ShadowNinja's " >> $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP.txt if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME wget https://github.com/ShadowNinja/areas/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_areas = true" >> "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" if [ -f "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf.1st" ]; then echo "Already backed up $MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf to $MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf.1st" else sudo cp "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf" "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf.1st" fi echo "name = $MT_MYGAME_NAME" > "$HOME/game.conf" sudo mv -f "$HOME/game.conf" "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf" #su - #FAILS: echo "name = $MT_MYGAME_NAME" > "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf" #sudo nano "$MT_MYGAME_DIR/game.conf" echo "" echo "You should see $MT_MYGAME_NAME in the list below if the game was configured properly:" minetestserver --gameid list echo "" #ls "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR" #-p to make parent recursively fi if [ -d "$MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR/minetest_game_1st" ]; then echo "already backed up $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game" else sudo cp -R "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game" "$MT_BACKUP_GAMES_DIR/" fi #sudo mv "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/fca-game-a" "$USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game" #UNUSED, and is based on a much older version of minetest_game: #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=carbone-ng.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=carbone-ng-master #MTMOD_DEST_NAME=carbone-ng ##MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_GAMES_DIR/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME ##if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then #rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME ##fi #if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then # rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" #fi #if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then # rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #fi #cd "$HOME/Downloads" #wget https://github.com/Calinou/carbone-ng/archive/master.zip #mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" #if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then # echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." # exit 1 #fi #sudo cp -R /usr/share/games/minetest/games/carbone-ng /usr/local/share/minetest/games/carbone-ng #IF git version is installed: #if [ -d "/usr/local/share/minetest/games" ]; #then #sudo cp -R $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME /usr/local/share/minetest/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME #sudo mv $HOME/Downloads/cme /usr/local/share/minetest/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME/mods/cme #sudo mv $HOME/Downloads/protector /usr/local/share/minetest/games/$MT_MYGAME_NAME/mods/protector #fi # actually farming REDO as per https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9019 #wget https://forum.minetest.net/download/file.php?id=5045 #mv "file.php?id=5045" farming.zip #unzip farming.zip #sudo rm -Rf $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/farming #sudo mv farming $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/farming # breaks 0.4.13 dev version 2016-02-17 (says height_max deprecated, use y_max; and later #2016-02-17 11:10:19: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/enliven/mods/farming/init.lua: #2016-02-17 11:10:19: ERROR[Main]: ...share/minetest/games/enliven/mods/farming/pumpkin.lua:78: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'LIGHT_MAX' (a nil value) #2016-02-17 11:10:19: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback: #2016-02-17 11:10:19: ERROR[Main]: ...share/minetest/games/enliven/mods/farming/pumpkin.lua:78: in main chunk #2016-02-17 11:10:19: ERROR[Main]: [C]: in function 'dofile' #2016-02-17 11:10:19: ERROR[Main]: ...al/share/minetest/games/enliven/mods/farming/init.lua:65: in main chunk # Remove & overwrite Farming REDO since it crashes 0.4.13 git 2016-02-16: #sudo rm -Rf $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/farming #sudo cp -R $USR_SHARE_MINETEST/games/minetest_game/mods/farming $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/farming MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=unified_inventory.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=unified_inventory-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=unified_inventory MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/minetest-technic/unified_inventory/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_unified_inventory = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=technic.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=technic-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=technic MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi #wget https://github.com/minetest-technic/technic/archive/master.zip wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/technic/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_technic = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt #uninstall: #if [ -d "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/unified_inventory" ]; then # if [ -d "$HOME/Backup/unified_inventory" ]; then # rm -Rf "$HOME/Backup/unified_inventory" # fi # sudo mv "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/unified_inventory" "$HOME/Backup/unified_inventory" #fi #reinstall: #sudo mv "$HOME/Backup/unified_inventory" "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/unified_inventory" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=treasurer0.2.0.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=treasurer0.2.0.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=treasurer MTMOD_DEST_NAME=treasurer MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f "tsm_gift_example" ]; then rm "tsm_gift_example" fi if [ -d "tsm_gift_example" ]; then rm -Rvf "tsm_gift_example" fi if [ -f "tsm_chests_example" ]; then rm "tsm_chests_example" fi if [ -f "trm_default_example" ]; then rm "trm_default_example" fi if [ -f "tsm_default_example" ]; then rm "tsm_default_example" fi #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget http://axlemedia.net/abiyahh/users/Wuzzy/downloads/treasurer0.2.0.zip unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "load_mod_treasurer = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt #DEPRECATED, replaced by spawners (which includes pyramids worldgen mod) #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=ebf839579197053b2ead85072757f23158960319.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=tsm_pyramids.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=tsm_pyramids-* #MTMOD_DEST_NAME=tsm_pyramids #MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME ##if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then #rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME ##fi #if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then # rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" #fi #if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then # rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #fi #wget http://repo.or.cz/w/minetest_pyramids/tsm_pyramids.git/snapshot/ebf839579197053b2ead85072757f23158960319.zip #mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" #if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then # echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." # exit 1 #fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=akiba-* wget http://git.akiba.fr:81/minetest/akiba/repository/archive.zip?ref=af571404a27a2cb06842c644930344f565a0b786 rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP wget https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/raw/master/mods/trm_pyramids/depends.txt wget https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/raw/master/mods/trm_pyramids/init.lua wget https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/raw/master/mods/trm_pyramids/more_trms.lua #Wuzzy's hudbars (no builtin bars; used by sprint, hbhunger, and hbarmor) https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11153&hilit=hunger cd $HOME/Downloads #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=hudbars.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest_hudbars MTMOD_DEST_NAME=hudbars MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi git clone git://repo.or.cz/minetest_hudbars.git #aka http://repo.or.cz/w/minetest_hudbars.git sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hudbars" ]; then cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=hud_hunger-2_x_1-BlockMen.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=hud_hunger-2_x_1-BlockMen.zip MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=hud_hunger.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=hud_hunger MTMOD_DEST_NAME=hud_hunger MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #in case someone installed the mods apart from the modpack: if [ -d "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hud" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hud" fi if [ -d "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hunger" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hunger" fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #BlockMen's is not maintained, & has problem on hud/buildin line 79 (crash since air can be nil) #wget https://github.com/BlockMen/hud_hunger/releases/download/2.x.1/hud_hunger-2_x_1-BlockMen.zip #FozLand's has a couple fixes #wget https://github.com/FozLand/hud_hunger/archive/master.zip #tenplus1's fixes nil air, nil player, and sprint wget https://github.com/tenplus1/hud_hunger/archive/master.zip unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" sudo rm "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/functions_UNUSED_sprint.lua" sudo mv "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/functions.lua" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/functions_UNUSED_sprint.lua" sudo mv "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/functions_(nosprint).lua" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/functions.lua" sudo rm "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/init_UNUSED_sprint.lua" sudo mv "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/init.lua" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/init_UNUSED_sprint.lua" sudo mv "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/init_(nosprint).lua" "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/hunger/init.lua" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi # END IF no hudbars mod else if [ -d "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hud_hunger" ]; then sudo rm -Rvf "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/hud_hunger" fi fi #Wuzzy's hbarmor for hudbars https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11153&hilit=hunger cd $HOME/Downloads #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=hudbars.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest_hbarmor MTMOD_DEST_NAME=hbarmor MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi git clone git://repo.or.cz/minetest_hbarmor.git #aka http://repo.or.cz/minetest_hbarmor.git/snapshot/bfc5f8cbb560eff6f206eec3242f8401d11c1310.zip sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #Wuzzy's hbhunger for hudbars https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11153&hilit=hunger cd $HOME/Downloads #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=hbhunger.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest_hbhunger MTMOD_DEST_NAME=hbhunger MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi git clone git://repo.or.cz/minetest_hbhunger.git #aka http://repo.or.cz/minetest_hbhunger.git/snapshot/da70eba4fd0a9644cdb0a5b0d7ee3d93f7e61acf.zip sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=moreblocks.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=moreblocks-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=moreblocks MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "moreblocks-master" ]; then rm -Rf moreblocks-master fi if [ -f "master.zip" ]; then rm master.zip fi if [ -f "moreblocks.zip" ]; then rm moreblocks.zip fi #wget https://gitorious.com/calinou/moreblocks/archive/master.zip wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/moreblocks/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=pipeworks.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=pipeworks-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=pipeworks MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/VanessaE/pipeworks/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=plantlife_modpack.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=plantlife_modpack-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=plantlife_modpack MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/VanessaE/plantlife_modpack/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #NOTE: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12368 # has blocks, but OTHER ONE ONLY HAS DYE (not used): https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11287 cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=lapis_Napiophelios.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=LapisLazuli-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=lapis MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/Napiophelios/LapisLazuli/archive/master.zip mv "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=helicopter.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=helicopter-master #MTMOD_DEST_NAME=helicopter #if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then # rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" #fi #if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then # rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #fi #wget https://github.com/SokolovPavel/helicopter/archive/master.zip #mv "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #sudo mv "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME" #UNINSTALL since crashes 0.4.13 git 2016-02: #sudo mv "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME" "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=biome_lib.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=biome_lib-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=biome_lib MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/VanessaE/biome_lib/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=moretrees.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=moretrees-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=moretrees MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/VanessaE/moretrees/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=minetest-3d_armor.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest-3d_armor-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=3d_armor MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/stujones11/minetest-3d_armor/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #mv minetest-3d_armor-master minetest-3d_armor_MODPACK #sudo mv minetest-3d_armor_MODPACK/wieldview $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/wieldview #sudo mv minetest-3d_armor_MODPACK/3d_armor $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/3d_armor #sudo mv minetest-3d_armor_MODPACK/shields $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/shields #echo "load_mod_wieldview = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt echo "load_mod_3d_armor = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt #echo "load_mod_shields = true" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt #echo "load_mod_technic_armor = false" >> $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=caverealms.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest-caverealms-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=caverealms MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/HeroOfTheWinds/minetest-caverealms/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #if [ -f "master.zip" ]; then #rm master.zip #fi #wget https://github.com/Splizard/minetest-mod-snow/archive/master.zip #mv master.zip snow.zip #unzip snow.zip #mv minetest-mod-snow-master snow #sudo mv snow "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/snow" # (since snow prevents server 0.4.13 git 2016-02-16 from starting): #sudo mv $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/snow $HOME/Downloads/snow MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=moreores.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=moreores-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=moreores MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/Calinou/moreores/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=sprint.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=sprint-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=sprint MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi # sprint https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9650 wget https://github.com/GunshipPenguin/sprint/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #the following is NOT needed, since one of the mods above adds the home gui and home permission (but no /home or /sethome command) #if [ -f "master.zip" ]; then #rm master.zip #fi #wget https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-home_gui/archive/master.zip #mv master.zip minetest-home_gui.zip #unzip minetest-home_gui.zip #sudo mv minetest-home_gui-master/home_gui "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/home_gui" #echo "snow:snow 255 255 255" >> $HOME/minetest/util/colors.txt #echo "snow:snow_block 255 255 255" >> $HOME/minetest/util/colors.txt #echo "snow:ice 144 217 234" >> $HOME/minetest/util/colors.txt #sh chunkymap/install-ubuntu.sh cd "$HOME/Downloads" #does NOT have a zip extension when downloaded via wget: MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=mesecons_modpack.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=Jeija-minetest-mod-mesecons-* MTMOD_DEST_NAME=mesecons MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi wget https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/zipball/master mv master mesecons_modpack.zip unzip mesecons_modpack.zip sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to create $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #cd Jeija-minetest-mod-mesecons-* #sudo mv -f mesecons* "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/" ############ REQUIRES MESECONS ############ ##### NEEDED since carts in minetest_game added much of this functionality but not yet startstoprail or detectorrail ##### #See also carts plus, a fork of carts (the PilzAdam one later added to minetest_game) https://github.com/Kilarin/minetest-mod-carts-plus which adds touring rails, a hand break, switching, and view locking #NOTE: boost_cart has handbrake (back key), Rail junction switching with the 'right-left' walking keys #So either install this mod or do (less functionality): #minetest.register_alias("boost_cart:detectorrail", "carts:rail") #minetest.register_alias("boost_cart:startstoprail", "carts:powerrail") #-- carts:brakerail #-- carts:cart #-- carts:powerrail #-- carts:rail cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=boost_cart.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=boost_cart-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=boost_cart MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi wget https://github.com/SmallJoker/boost_cart/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10172&hilit=boost+cart sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=archive.zip MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=throwing_Echoes91.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=throwing_MinetestForFun.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=server-minetestforfun-master/mods/throwing MTMOD_DEST_NAME=throwing MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "Removing old version of throwing..." sudo rm -Rf $MTMOD_DEST_PATH fi echo "Installing MinetestForFun's PvP fork of Echoes91's (NOT Echoes91's Throwing enhanced NOT PilzAdam's NOT Jeija's) Throwing " if [ -f "throwing_Echoes91.zip" ]; then rm throwing_Echoes91.zip fi #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_DL_ZIP" fi if [ -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ]; then rm -f "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" fi #wget https://github.com/PilzAdam/throwing/zipball/master #wget https://gitlab.com/echoes91/throwing/repository/archive.zip wget https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=* MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=tsm_mines.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=tsm_mines-* MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=tsm_mines MTMOD_DEST_NAME=tsm_mines MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d tsm_mines ]; then rm -Rf tsm_mines fi if [ -f tsm_mines.zip ]; then rm tsm_mines.zip fi if [ -d tsm_mines_zipped ]; then rm -Rf tsm_mines_zipped fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi #if [ ! -d tsm_mines_zipped ]; then # mkdir tsm_mines_zipped #fi #cd tsm_mines_zipped #wget http://repo.or.cz/w/tsm_mines.git/snapshot/7ff7f5c24c05b463ecfbf80cbd5e8f6f4a4f4520.zip #wget http://repo.or.cz/tsm_mines.git/shortlog/refs/heads/master #mv master master.zip #unzip master.zip #unzip * git clone git://repo.or.cz/tsm_mines.git sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=* MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=tsm_railcorridors.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=tsm_railcorridors-* MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=tsm_railcorridors MTMOD_DEST_NAME=tsm_railcorridors MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -d $MTMOD_DEST_NAME ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_DEST_NAME fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d tsm_railcorridors_zipped ]; then rm -Rf tsm_railcorridors_zipped fi #if [ ! -d tsm_railcorridors_zipped ]; then # mkdir tsm_railcorridors_zipped #fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi #cd "tsm_railcorridors_zipped" #wget http://repo.or.cz/w/RailCorridors/tsm_railcorridors.git/snapshot/7fab088e813b777ceddaa56fc980ccc55b0b3f01.zip git clone git://repo.or.cz/RailCorridors/tsm_railcorridors.git #unzip * sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=fishing_Minetestforfun.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=fishing-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=fishing MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME echo "Installing Minetestforfun's (NOT wulfsdad's) fishing " echo "Installing Minetestforfun's (NOT wulfsdad's) fishing " >> $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP.txt #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/MinetestForFun/fishing/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=compassgps.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=compassgps-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=compassgps MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME echo "Installing Kilarin's compassgps (NOT TeTpaAka, nor Echo, nor PilzAdam compass) " echo "Installing Kilarin's compassgps (NOT TeTpaAka, nor Echo, nor PilzAdam compass) " >> $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP.txt #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/Kilarin/compassgps/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=whitelist.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=whitelist-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=whitelist MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME echo "Installing ShadowNinja's whitelist " echo "Installing ShadowNinja's whitelist " >> $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP.txt #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/ShadowNinja/whitelist/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi MTMOD_DEST_NAME=playereffects MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f playereffects_Wuzzy.zip ]; then rm playereffects_Wuzzy.zip fi if [ -f "3b860c74ae9803f9a979b12c6f6beb74f96ae62c.zip" ]; then rm "3b860c74ae9803f9a979b12c6f6beb74f96ae62c.zip" fi if [ -d "minetest_playereffects-3b860c7" ]; then rm -Rf minetest_playereffects-3b860c7 fi if [ -d "minetest_playereffects" ]; then rm -Rf minetest_playereffects fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" git clone http://repo.or.cz/minetest_playereffects.git #wget http://repo.or.cz/minetest_playereffects.git/snapshot/3b860c74ae9803f9a979b12c6f6beb74f96ae62c.zip #mv "3b860c74ae9803f9a979b12c6f6beb74f96ae62c.zip" playereffects_Wuzzy.zip #unzip playereffects_Wuzzy.zip #sudo mv minetest_playereffects* "$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/playereffects" sudo mv minetest_playereffects "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" #Byakuren. . #monoidal_effects by Byakuren [raymoo on GitHub] is deprecated by player_monoids by Byakuren [raymoo on GitHub] +playereffects by Wuzzy #according to the author https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=13941 #cd $HOME\Downloads #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=monoidal_effects.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=monoidal_effects-master #MTMOD_DEST_NAME=monoidal_effects #MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME ##if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then #rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME ##fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then # rm $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #fi #wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/monoidal_effects/archive/master.zip #mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" #if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then # echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." # exit 1 #fi cd $HOME\Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=player_monoids.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=player_monoids-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=player_monoids MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/player_monoids/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP unzip $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=worldedit.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=Uberi-Minetest-WorldEdit-* MTMOD_DEST_NAME=worldedit MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME echo "Installing sfan5's " echo "Installing sfan5's " >> $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP.txt if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME wget https://github.com/Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit/zipball/master mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=u_skins.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest-u_skinsdb-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=u_skins MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #NOTE: a skin database is at http://minetest.fensta.bplaced.net/ #bell07's 2016 (FORK of Krock's fork of dmonty's) u_skins (u_skins is a skin GUI that works with unified_inventory, whereas other skin GUIs often use inventory++) # Krock's is outdated and has remaining bugs such as in updater: wget https://github.com/SmallJoker/minetest-u_skinsdb/archive/master.zip wget https://github.com/bell07/minetest-u_skinsdb/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi # Update skins database: #(jq is a json processor, required for the updater bash script:) sudo apt-get install jq cd "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" # cd u_skins #bell07's version is a mod, not a modpack cd updater # Only download entire skins database if you # REALLY, REALLY MEAN IT: # ./update_skins_db.sh # (note, bell07 has the fixed bash script, but the python3 script is still bugged as of 2016-01-29, and the .NET assembly seems to only work for Windows (has meta directory not found error on mono for Linux) #MarkBu's ambience/ambiance ambient sounds (burli on https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14814 ) #cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=ambianceplus.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=ambianceplus-master #MTMOD_DEST_NAME=ambianceplus #MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #fi #rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #wget https://github.com/MarkuBu/ambianceplus/archive/master.zip ##git clone https://github.com/MarkuBu/ambianceplus.git #mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" #if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then # echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." # exit 1 #fi #tenplus1's ambience/ambiance ambient sounds (fork linked at original's thread at https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2807&start=275 ) cd "$HOME/Downloads" MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=ambience.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=ambience-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=ambience MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi rm -Rvf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME wget https://github.com/tenplus1/ambience/archive/master.zip #git clone https://github.com/tenplus1/ambience.git mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #[mod-pack] sky critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_sky] #requires mobs redo cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=mobs_sky.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=mobs_sky-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=mobs_sky MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/blert2112/mobs_sky/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #requires xpanes (now part of minetest_game), fake_fire (or not, since only uses fire:flint_and_steel, and fire is in minetest_game), and mobs redo or creatures #REPLACES pyramids cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=spawners.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest_gamers-spawners-* MTMOD_DEST_NAME=spawners MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://bitbucket.org/minetest_gamers/spawners/get/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #mv minetest_gamers-spawners-* minetest_gamers-spawners sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "SPAWN_PYRAMIDS = true" > settings.txt echo "SPAWNERS_GENERATE = true" >> settings.txt echo "CHESTS_GENERATE = true" >> settings.txt sudo mv settings.txt "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/" echo "NOTE: in spawners, only SPAWNERS_GENERATE or CHESTS_GENERATE, not both (SPAWNERS_GENERATE overrides) spawn in world for now. See thread for updated info: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13857&start=25" echo "see also expertmm's game-install-enliven-testing-SPAWNERS_BOTH_DEBUG.txt" #REPLACES PilzAdam's, modified by kaeza, maintained by VenessaE; FORMERLY in homedecor_modpack #forum post: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=13762 cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=signs_lib.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=signs_lib-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=signs_lib MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/signs_lib/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #cd $HOME/Downloads #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=minetest-signs_lib-extrafonts.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest-signs_lib-extrafonts-master #MTMOD_DEST_NAME=signs_lib/textures #MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME ##if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then #rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME ##fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP #fi #if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then # rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP #fi #if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then # sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" #fi #wget https://github.com/kaeza/minetest-signs_lib-extrafonts/archive/master.zip #mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" #unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" ##sudo cp -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME/15px/* "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/" #sudo cp -f $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME/31px/* "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/" #if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then # echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." # exit 1 #fi cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=playeranim.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=playeranim-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=playeranim MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/playeranim/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=homedecor_modpack.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=homedecor_modpack-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=homedecor_modpack MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/homedecor_modpack/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #a rather non-maintained mod--forum link is at https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3663 cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=birthstones.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=birthstones-mod-master MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest-birthstones-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=birthstones MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi #wget https://github.com/Doc22/birthstones-mod/archive/master.zip wget https://github.com/expertmm/birthstones-mod/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=bakedclay.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=bakedclay-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=bakedclay MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi wget https://github.com/tenplus1/bakedclay/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=farming.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=farming-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=farming MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi wget https://github.com/tenplus1/farming/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #Forum post: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10423 #Wuzzy's slimenodes mod (only available via give). cd "$HOME/Downloads" #MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip #MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=slimenodes.zip #MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=slimenodes-master MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=minetest_slimenodes MTMOD_DEST_NAME=slimenodes MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi # web view: http://repo.or.cz/w/minetest_slimenodes.git git clone git://repo.or.cz/minetest_slimenodes.git sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=file.php?id=6140 MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=invhack.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=invhack MTMOD_DEST_NAME=invhack MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi wget https://forum.minetest.net/download/file.php?id=6140 mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=unifieddyes.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=unifieddyes-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=unifieddyes MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi wget https://github.com/minetest-mods/unifieddyes/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #(a trmp is just a modpack of TRMs for treasurer. At least one trm must be installed for treasurer to to anything) cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=file.php?id=1301 MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=trmp_minetest_game.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=trmp_minetest_game MTMOD_DEST_NAME=trmp_minetest_game MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi wget https://forum.minetest.net/download/file.php?id=1301 mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi #Sokomine's original version has no security ( https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4877 ) cd $HOME/Downloads MTMOD_DL_ZIP=master.zip MTMOD_SRC_ZIP=travelnet.zip MTMOD_UNZ_NAME=travelnet-master MTMOD_DEST_NAME=travelnet MTMOD_DEST_PATH=$MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/$MTMOD_DEST_NAME #if [ -d "$MTMOD_UNZ_NAME" ]; then rm -Rf $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME #fi if [ -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_DL_ZIP fi if [ -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP ]; then rm -f $MTMOD_SRC_ZIP fi if [ -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" fi #wget https://github.com/Sokomine/travelnet/archive/master.zip wget https://github.com/expertmm/travelnet/archive/master.zip mv $MTMOD_DL_ZIP "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" unzip "$MTMOD_SRC_ZIP" sudo mv $MTMOD_UNZ_NAME "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" sudo rm -Rf "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH/etc" if [ ! -d "$MTMOD_DEST_PATH" ]; then echo "ERROR: failed to unzip $MTMOD_DEST_PATH, so cannot continue." exit 1 fi echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "#### $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt: ####" cat "$MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt" echo "### end $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/world.mt ##" echo "" echo "" echo "" #echo "Remember, if you are using Better HUD + Hunger, add the values for the new meat to hunger.lua" #echo "--see " echo "NOTE: hud_hunger/hunger/food.lua now comes with values for food from mobs." #hud_hunger now includes mobs food (see /usr/local/share/minetest/games/enliven/mods/hud_hunger/hunger/food.lua ) echo "" echo "NOW MAKE SURE YOU EDIT $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/protector/init.lua near line 325 to block comment ( --[[ then afterward --]]) the on_rightclick registration (since protection block right-clicked by its owner crashes server)" echo "Then make sure you login, REMEMBERING to put a password in second box, then logout then:" echo " nano $MT_MYWORLD_DIR/players/username where username is YOUR username, give yourself the following permissions to edit areas, edit protector blocks (and other protector nodes), and do other things: areas,delprotect,home,noclip,fly,rollback,settime,teleport,bring,fast,password,give,ban,privs,kick,worldedit" echo " bring: allows to you teleport other players" echo " ban: allows /ban ip and /unban ip (and /whitelist add player and /whitelist remove player commands if whitelist mod is installed)" echo " kick: allows /kick player" echo " privs: allows grant and revoke commands" echo " delprotect: circumvents protector blocks, including allowing removing them" echo "" echo "Also remember to:" echo " nano $MT_MYGAME_MODS_PATH/teleporter/config.lua" echo " #then change:" echo " teleporter.requires_pairing = true" echo " # also see other lines in this script that wouldn't echo as non-root" echo " #otherwise people can type any coordinates for destination (approaching infinite distance)!" echo " * uncomment columns in lapis mod" echo " * set number = 0 or number = {min=0, max=0} in cme since only using cme for creatures:*_spawner nodes and for compatibility with old worlds" echo " * remember to /grant yourself invhack and then /giveme invhack:tool for editing player inventories as moderator" echo " * Make sure client (server done already above) minetest.conf has secure.trusted_mods = advanced_npc" echo " * Make sure writable minetest conf was successfully written" echo " over /usr/local/share/minetest/games/enliven/minetest.conf with:" echo "protector_radius = 7" echo "protector_pvp = true" echo "protector_pvp_spawn = 10" echo "protector_drop = true" echo "protector_hurt = 1" echo "" echo "default_privs = interact,shout,home" echo "max_users = 50" echo "motd = \"Actions and chat messages are logged. Visit fcacloud.com/minetest for recipes and live map.\"" echo "disallow_empty_passwords = true" echo "" echo "#not all settings can be changed in this minetest.conf (see minetest.conf.example in THIS folder)" echo "#some settings can only be changed in client's local copy of minetest.conf (see or login scripts in network)"