# ENLIVEN ## Info about included copy of Minetest minetest-0.4.15-8729e7d-win64 from sfan5's builds available at https://minetest.kitsunemimi.pw/builds/ ### Changes from sfan5's build * removed Voxelgarden subgame * added minetest.conf similar to the one generated by ENLIVEN scripts for schools, except with public servers enabled * added files specific to ENLIVEN, including ENLIVEN subgame (including optional child-friendly changes for schools), launcher, other files, and related licenses. ## LICENSE Minetest: Please read README.txt in doc folder for Minetest license. Qt 5.7.0 files are under the LGPLv3 unless required by licenses in qtlicenses folder. Sources for Qt 5.7.0 are available via http://www.qt.io The following files belong to Qt 5.7.0: iconengines\* imageformats\* platforms\* translations\* D3Dcompiler_47.dll libEGL.dll libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll libGLESV2.dll libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll opengl32sw.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Svg.dll Qt5Widgets.dll For any additional files not originally a part of minetest (via the EnlivenMinetest project), the following applies: This installer package (expertmm's repack of Minetest) is released under LPGL v2.1 license (included). The primary purpose of this installer is to install ENLIVEN, and to automatically install Minetest and a usable minetest.conf. * scripts and sources for recreating ENLIVEN subgame are at the EnlivenMinetest project page: https://github.com/expertmm/EnlivenMinetest Further steps needed to recreate: * extract entire zip from sfan5 * run postinstall.bat * change version number in C:\Users\Owner\Documents\GitHub\EnlivenMinetest\winclient\install ENLIVEN.iss * change version number in C:\Users\Owner\Documents\GitHub\EnlivenMinetest\winclient\launcher-src\ENLIVEN.pro Fallback licenses apply (only to ENLIVEN repack and subgame) where not otherwise specified: - see file called ENLIVEN fallback license ## Credits Included build is sfan5's build from https://minetest.kitsunemimi.pw/builds/ * release minetest-0.4.15-8729e7d-win64