# volcanic (minetest mod) Using worldedit, make permanent lava flow shapes. ## Usage * select "lava fall" with worldedit * replace "default:lava_flowing" with "volcanic:crusted_lava_flowing" * replace "default:lava_source" with "volcanic:crusted_lava_source" ## Licenses * Code: Open LICENCE file in your favorite text editor (code from the Minetest default mod is trivial) * Crusted Lava Texture CC BY-SA 3.0 Attribution: Cisoun's texture pack, edited by Poikilos * Crusted Lava Bucket Texture based on: - CC BY-SA 3.0 Lava from Cisoun's texture pack, edited by Poikilos - (c) 2015-2019 and CC BY-SA 3.0: Realistic Bucket by ElementW, modified by Poikilos.