print("How to use: paste into a Blender Text Editor panel, select object, Run Script") y_up = True enable_minetest = True import bpy #from mathutils import Matrix from mathutils import Vector #from mathutils import Euler ob1 = None try: ob1 = obj.select_get() except: # < 2.8 ob1 = class MessageBox(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "message.messagebox" bl_label = "" message = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = "message", description = "message", default = '' ) def execute(self, context):{'INFO'}, self.message) print(self.message) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width = 400) def draw(self, context): self.layout.label(self.message) self.layout.label("") #col = self.layout.column(align = True) #col.prop(context.scene, "my_string_prop") bpy.utils.register_class(MessageBox) #print(str(thisO)) #extents1 = ob1.dimensions.copy() #if (extents1.x == 0.0) and (extents1.y == 0.0) and (extents1.z == 0.0) and (ob1.scale.x > 0.0): #extents1.x = extents1.x / 10.0 #extents1.y = extents1.y / 10.0 #extents1.z = extents1.z / 10.0 loc1 = ob1.location #loc1 = ob1.matrix_world.translation #print(str(extents1)) #see #bbox_corners = [ob1.matrix_world * Vector(corner) for corner in ob1.bound_box] #use ground as bottom #if zMin < 0.0: # yMax -= yMin # yMin = 0.0 #print( # " collisionbox = {{{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}}}".format(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) #) #see mesh = #print("mesh:" + str(mesh)) #print("hasattr(mesh, 'vertices'):" + str(hasattr(mesh, 'vertices')))] xMin = None if (mesh is not None) and (not hasattr(mesh, 'vertices')): print("--can't calculate collisionbox for skeleton") elif mesh is not None: xMin = None yMin = None zMin = None xMax = None yMax = None zMax = None for vert in mesh.vertices: # switch y and z for Minetest (y-up) if (xMin is None) or ( < xMin): xMin = if (xMax is None) or ( > xMax): xMax = if (yMin is None) or ( < yMin): yMin = if (yMax is None) or ( > yMax): yMax = if (zMin is None) or ( < zMin): zMin = if (zMax is None) or ( > zMax): zMax = #print(str(extents1)) #print("--by vertices (raw):") #print( # " collisionbox = {{{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}}}".format(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) #) xMax += ob1.location.x xMin += ob1.location.x yMax += ob1.location.y yMin += ob1.location.y zMax += ob1.location.z zMin += ob1.location.z print("--by vertices:") else: extents1 = ob1.scale.copy() # Object is an empty, so scale up for Minetest extents1.x = extents1.x * 2.0 extents1.y = extents1.y * 2.0 extents1.z = extents1.z * 2.0 xMin = loc1.x - extents1.x / 2.0 xMax = loc1.x + extents1.x / 2.0 yMin = loc1.y - extents1.y / 2.0 yMax = loc1.y + extents1.y / 2.0 zMin = loc1.z - extents1.z / 2.0 zMax = loc1.z + extents1.z / 2.0 print("--using empty object:") #switch y and z for Minetest (y-up): if enable_minetest: xMin /= 10.0 xMax /= 10.0 yMin /= 10.0 yMax /= 10.0 zMin /= 10.0 zMax /= 10.0 msg = 'Size is not available. Make sure you have a mesh object selected.' if xMin is not None: if y_up: tmp = yMin yMin = zMin zMin = tmp tmp = yMax yMax = zMax zMax = tmp msg = " collisionbox = {{{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}}}".format(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) # print(msg) bpy.ops.message.messagebox('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message = msg) bpy.utils.unregister_class(MessageBox)