#!/usr/bin/env class Repo: ''' WARNING: The real Repo class is in enliven.py ''' print(__doc__) pass class GiteaRepo(Repo): ''' This class is deprecated since the "options" sequential argument replaces all of the keyword arguments, and the API and its defaults are detected from the URL (See enissue.py). ''' def __init__( self, repo_url, # instance_url="https://api.github.com", # repository_id="80873867", # api_repo_url_fmt="{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}", # api_issue_url_fmt="{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}/issues/{issue_no}", # search_issues_url_fmt="{instance_url}/search/issues?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+", # search_results_key="items", # page_size=30, # c_issues_name_fmt="issues_page={p}{q}.json", # c_issue_name_fmt="{issue_no}.json", # default_query={'state':'open'}, # hide_events=['renamed', 'assigned'], caches_path=None, # api_comments_url_fmt="{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}/issues/comments", ): print(GiteaRepo.__doc__) if repo_url.endswith(".git"): repo_url = repo_url[:-4] urlParts = repo_url.split("/") remote_user = urlParts[-2] repo_name = urlParts[-1] debug("* constructing GiteaRepo") debug(" * detected remote_user \"{}\" in url" "".format(remote_user)) debug(" * detected repo_name \"{}\" in url" "".format(repo_name)) instance_url = "/".join(urlParts[:-2]) debug(" * detected Gitea url " + instance_url) # NOTE: self.instance_url is set by super __init__ below. # base_query_fmt = "?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+" # search_issues_url_fmt = \ # "{instance_url}/api/v1/repos/issues/search"+base_query_fmt