Name: nftools Source: Fork of upstream mod - Do not replace License: MIT rerelease of modified WTFPL source media and code ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nftools adds additional minerals and tools to minetest. New tools: * Battle Axe (low level weapon, does knockback occasionally) * Mace (high level weapon) * Scythe The Original version by Sam Hocevar adds the following minerals: Amber (block and "chip") Poikilos' fork is designed to compliment birthstones by making the following changes: * Changed alexandrite (overlap with birthstones): to bismuth (it already looked somewhat like bismuth) * Changed amethyst (modified texture until looked like black opal): to black opal. * Changed aquamarine: to turquoise * Use standard texture naming conventions (change nftools_*ore.png to nftools_mineral_*.png, nftools:*_ore to nftools:stone_with_*, nftools:amber to nftools:stone_with_amber) * The old minerals in the world converted to the one following the comma: `nftools:amethyst, nftools:black_opal` `nftools:alexandrite_ore, nftools:bismuth` `nftools:aquamarine, nftools:turquoise` Unrelated changes: * Battle Axe, Mace, and Scythe textures * Tint of amber nodes is now amber (with yellow highlights) instead of yellow. Blending is improved, and texture is 16% transparent. * Bismuth texture is more angular to look even more like bismuth * Improve ore textures (nftools_mineral_*.png) * fixed issue where aquamarine ore drops ore * removed all smelting (smelting gemstones? really? not anymore) except Bismuth (formerly nftools:alexandrite) * Register each craftitem before referencding it as a drop. * Make missing recipe for quartz crystals node (displayable quartz)