#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import shutil # sys.argv[0] is name of script myPath = os.path.realpath(__file__) myDir = os.path.dirname(myPath) def customDie(msg, code=1): print("") print("ERROR:") print(msg) print("") print("") exit(code) def usage(): print("Usage:") print(sys.argv[0] + " mod [options]") print("") print("Options:") print( ''' --fill adds only missing files to an existing mod (instead of failing when directory exists). [alias to] (do not actually use brackets) If you specify any two options without --, the first will be an alias and the second will be convert_to. The alias options are only for mods that are aliases, as a shortcut to creating a mostly complete mod (other than copyright information and description) with only this script. ''' ) print("") print("Examples:") print(sys.argv[0] + " mod_name") print(sys.argv[0] + " mod_name --fill") print(sys.argv[0] + " mod_name modname:item_name other_modname:convert_to") print(sys.argv[0] + " mod_name mobsmod:mob_name other_mobsmod:convert_to") print("") print("") licSrc = "example_license.txt" licDestName = "LICENSE.txt" licDesc = "MIT License" if not os.path.isfile(licSrc): tryLicSrc = os.path.join(myDir, licSrc) if not os.path.isfile(tryLicSrc): print("ERROR: missing " + licSrc) exit(1) else: licSrc = tryLicSrc toMod = None fromName = None toName = None extraArgCount = 0 enableFill = False options = [] for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): if sys.argv[i] == "--fill": extraArgCount += 1 enableFill = True else: if (len(sys.argv[i]) >= 2) and (sys.argv[i][:2] == "--"): usage() customDie("Invalid option: " + sys.argv[i]) options.append(sys.argv[i]) if (len(options) != 1) and (len(options) != 3): usage() exit(1) thisName = options[0] if os.path.isdir(thisName): if not enableFill: print("") print("ERROR: A mod named " + thisName + " cannot be ") print("generated when the directory already exists.") print("") exit(1) else: os.mkdir(thisName) if (len(options) == 3): fromName = options[1] toName = options[2] delimI = toName.rfind(":") if delimI > -1: toMod = toName[:delimI] if toMod.find(":") > -1: usage() customDie("Your modname contains too many colons.") exit(1) else: toMod = "default" mobAPI = None if toMod is not None: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(thisName, "depends.txt")): dependsOut = open(os.path.join(thisName, "depends.txt"), 'w') dependsOut.write(toMod+"\n") dependsOut.close() if toMod.find("mob") > -1: mobAPI = toMod if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(thisName, "description.txt")): descOut = open(os.path.join(thisName, "description.txt"), 'w') descOut.write("\n") descOut.close() if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(thisName, "mod.conf")): confOut = open(os.path.join(thisName, "mod.conf"), 'w') confOut.write("name = "+thisName+"\n") confOut.close() if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(thisName, "readme.md")): readmeOut = open(os.path.join(thisName, "readme.md"), 'w') readmeLine1 = thisName + " Minetest Mod" readmeOut.write(readmeLine1+"\n") readmeOut.write("="*len(readmeLine1)+"\n") readmeOut.write("See description.txt\n") readmeOut.write("\n") readmeOut.write("## License\n") readmeOut.write("See " + licDestName + "\n") readmeOut.close() licDest = os.path.join(thisName, licDestName) if not os.path.isfile(licDest): shutil.copyfile(licSrc, licDest) luaOut = None if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(thisName, "init.lua")): luaOut = open(os.path.join(thisName, "init.lua"), 'w') # luaOut.write("#!/usr/bin/env lua\n") luaOut.write("-- " + sys.argv[0] + " (EnlivenMinetest) generated\n") luaOut.write("-- the original version of this file.\n") fromMod = None # not required step0 = "" if (len(options) == 3): delimI = fromName.find(":") if delimI > -1: fromMod = fromName[:delimI] else: fromMod = "" apiLinePrefix = "" mobLinePrefix = "" if luaOut is not None: if mobAPI is not None: apiLinePrefix = "-- " else: mobLinePrefix = "-- " luaOut.write("-- If your mobs API doesn't contain the\n") luaOut.write("-- word 'mobs', your alias method is not\n") luaOut.write("-- known. In that case, you may have to\n") luaOut.write("-- change minetest.register_alias to your\n") luaOut.write("-- mob API's (if your alias is for a mob).\n") luaOut.write(mobLinePrefix + mobAPI + ':alias_mob("' + fromName + '", "' + toName + '")' + "\n") luaOut.write(apiLinePrefix + 'minetest.register_alias("' + fromName + '", "' + toName + '")' + "\n") else: step0 = "Add your code init.lua." if luaOut is not None: luaOut.write("\n") luaOut.close() print("") print("") print(step0) print("The new mod is the " + thisName + " folder. Remember to:") ender = "." if (toMod is not None) and (len(toMod) > 0): ender = "" print("1. Edit depends.txt if your mod requires some mod" + ender) if (toMod is not None) and (len(toMod) > 0): print(" other than '" + toMod + "'.") print("") print("2. Edit description.txt to contain a brief description of") print(" your mod (less than 100 characters).") print("") print("3. Edit LICENSE.txt and add the year and the name of all ") print(" authors, and change the license if desired (The included") print(" " + licSrc) print(" should be the " + licDesc + ".") print( ''' The MIT License is good for Minetest mods so they can be used most widely such as on app stores where replacing the program as per the GPL v3 is not compliant with mobile OS security--the license of most Minetest releases is the MIT License). Some joke licenses exist but DO NOT protect your work in cases where they explicitly allow others to copy your work and claim it as their own especially if they modify it in any way. They would just be doing what you said they could do! ''' ) print("") print("")