import subprocess import os import shutil from minetestinfo import * #python_exe_path is from: from pythoninfo import * #from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageColor from PIL import Image class ChunkymapOfflineRenderer: minetestmapper_numpy_path = None minetestmapper_custom_path = None minetestmapper_py_path = None backend_string = None world_path = None world_name = None boundary_x_min = None boundary_x_max = None boundary_z_min = None boundary_z_max = None def __init__(self): self.boundary_x_min = -4096 #formerly -10000 self.boundary_x_max = 4096 #formerly 10000 self.boundary_z_min = -4096 #formerly -10000 self.boundary_z_max = 4096 #formerly 10000 #NOTE: 6144*2 = 12288 #NOTE: a 16464x16384 or 12288x12288 image fails to load in browser, but 6112x6592 works self.backend_string = get_world_var("backend") #region the following is also in self.minetestmapper_numpy_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "") self.minetestmapper_custom_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "") self.minetestmapper_py_path = self.minetestmapper_numpy_path #if (self.backend_string!="sqlite3"): # minetestmapper-numpy had trouble with leveldb but this fork has it fixed so use numpy always always instead of running the following line # self.minetestmapper_py_path = self.minetestmapper_custom_path print("Chose image generator script: "+self.minetestmapper_py_path) if not os.path.isfile(self.minetestmapper_py_path): print("ERROR: script does not exist, so exiting "+__file__+".") sys.exit(2) self.colors_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.minetestmapper_py_path)), "colors.txt") if not os.path.isfile(self.colors_path): print("ERROR: missing '"+self.colors_path+"', so exiting "+__file__+".") sys.exit(2) self.world_path = minetestinfo.get_var("primary_world_path") if not os.path.isdir(self.world_path): print("ERROR: missing world '"+self.world_path+"', so exiting "+__file__+".") sys.exit(2) else: self.world_name = os.path.basename(self.world_path) #endregion the following is also in def RenderSingleImage(self): genresults_folder_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "chunkymap-genresults"), self.world_name) if not os.path.isdir(genresults_folder_path): os.makedirs(genresults_folder_path) genresult_path = os.path.join(genresults_folder_path, "singleimage"+genresult_name_closer_string) gen_error_path = os.path.join(genresults_folder_path, "singleimage"+gen_error_name_closer_string) cmd_suffix = " 1> \""+genresult_path+"\"" cmd_suffix += " 2> \""+gen_error_path+"\"" #if self.boundary_x_min is None: # print("ERROR: boundary_x_min is None") #if self.boundary_x_max is None: # print("ERROR: boundary_x_max is None") #if self.boundary_z_min is None: # print("ERROR: boundary_z_min is None") #if self.boundary_z_max is None: # print("ERROR: boundary_z_max is None") geometry_string = str(self.boundary_x_min)+":"+str(self.boundary_z_min)+"+"+str(self.boundary_x_max-self.boundary_x_min)+"+"+str(self.boundary_z_max-self.boundary_z_min) # "-10000:-10000+20000+20000" #2nd two params are sizes #VERY BIG since singleimage mode (if no geometry param, minetestmapper-numpy reverts to its default which is -2000 2000 -2000 2000): region_string = str(self.boundary_x_min)+" "+str(self.boundary_x_max)+" "+str(self.boundary_z_min)+" "+str(self.boundary_z_max) # "-10000 10000 -10000 10000" #geometry_string = str(min_x)+":"+str(min_z)+"+"+str(int(max_x)-int(min_x)+1)+"+"+str(int(max_z)-int(min_z)+1) # +1 since max-min is exclusive and width must be inclusive for region_param = " --region "+region_string # --region xmin xmax zmin zmax geometry_param = " --geometry "+geometry_string # " --geometry -10000:-10000+20000+20000" # --geometry :++ limit_param = geometry_param #expertmm_region_string = str(min_x) + ":" + str(max_x) + "," + str(min_z) + ":" + str(max_z) #cmd_no_out_string = python_exe_path+" "+self.minetestmapper_py_path+" --bgcolor '"+self.FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR+"' --input \""+minetestinfo.get_var("primary_world_path")+"\" --geometry "+geometry_string+" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" png_name = "singleimage.png" tmp_png_path = os.path.join(genresults_folder_path, png_name) squote = "" if os_name!="windows": squote = "'" io_string = " --input \""+self.world_path+"\" --output \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" if "numpy" in self.minetestmapper_py_path: limit_param = region_param io_string = " \""+self.world_path+"\" \""+tmp_png_path+"\"" #geometry_param = " --region " + str(min_x) + " " + str(max_x) + " " + str(min_z) + " " + str(max_z) cmd_no_out_string = python_exe_path+" "+self.minetestmapper_py_path+" --bgcolor "+squote+FLAG_EMPTY_HEXCOLOR+squote+io_string+limit_param cmd_string = cmd_no_out_string + cmd_suffix print("") print("") print("Running") print(" "+cmd_string) print(" # (this may take a while...)") if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): os.remove(tmp_png_path), shell=True) final_png_path = tmp_png_path www_chunkymapdata_path = os.path.join(minetestinfo.get_var("www_minetest_path"), "chunkymapdata") www_chunkymapdata_worlds_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_path, "worlds") www_chunkymapdata_world_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_worlds_path, self.world_name) is_locked = False err_count = 0 if os.path.isfile(gen_error_path): ins = open(gen_error_path, 'r') line = True while line: line = ins.readline() if line: if len(line.strip())>0: err_count += 1 line_lower = line.lower() if (" lock " in line_lower) or ("/lock " in line_lower): is_locked = True lock_line = line result = None break ins.close() if err_count<1: os.remove(gen_error_path) if os.path.isfile(tmp_png_path): if not os.path.isdir(www_chunkymapdata_world_path): os.makedirs(www_chunkymapdata_world_path) if minetestinfo.contains("www_minetest_path"): dest_png_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_world_path, png_name) if os.path.isfile(dest_png_path): os.remove(dest_png_path) print("Moving temp image from "+tmp_png_path+" to "+dest_png_path+"...") #move_cmd_string = "mv" #if os_name=="windows": # move_cmd_string= "move" #this_move_cmd_string = move_cmd_string+" \""+tmp_png_path+"\" to \""+dest_png_path+"\"...", shell=True) shutil.move(tmp_png_path, dest_png_path) #avoids error below according to # os.rename(tmp_png_path, dest_png_path) # fails with the following output: # Moving temp image from /home/owner/chunkymap/chunkymap-genresults/FCAGameAWorld/singleimage.png to /var/www/html/minetest/chunkymapdata/worlds/FCAGameAWorld/singleimage.png... # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "chunkymap/", line 157, in # cmor.RenderSingleImage() # File "chunkymap/", line 118, in RenderSingleImage # os.rename(tmp_png_path, dest_png_path) # OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link final_png_path = dest_png_path print("Png image saved to:") print(" "+final_png_path) print("Converting to jpg...") pngim = #jpgim ='RGB', pngim.size, (0, 0, 0)) #jpgim.paste(pngim.convert("RGB"), (0,0,pngim.size[0],pngim.size[0])) jpg_name = "singleimage.jpg" dest_jpg_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_world_path, jpg_name) if os.path.isfile(dest_jpg_path): os.remove(dest_jpg_path) if not os.path.isfile(dest_jpg_path): print(" removed old '"+dest_jpg_path+"'") else: print(" failed to remove'"+dest_jpg_path+"'"), 'JPEG') if os.path.isfile(dest_jpg_path): print("jpg image saved to:") print(" "+dest_jpg_path) else: print("Could not write '"+dest_jpg_path+"'") if os.path.isfile(genresult_path): print("Results:") print(" "+genresult_path) mtchunk = MTChunk() mtchunk.set_from_genresult(genresult_path) mtchunk.metadata["is_traversed"] = True dest_yaml_name = "singleimage.yml" dest_yaml_path = os.path.join(www_chunkymapdata_world_path, dest_yaml_name) mtchunk.save_yaml(dest_yaml_path) else: print("No image could be generated from '"+self.world_path+"'") if is_locked: print("(database is locked--shutdown server first or try to render chunks individually).") cmor = ChunkymapOfflineRenderer() cmor.RenderSingleImage()