#!/bin/bash clear me=`basename "$0"` echo echo echo scripting_rc_path=~/.config/EnlivenMinetest/scripting.rc if [ -f "$EM_CONFIG_PATH/scripting.rc" ]; then echo "* [$MT_ENV_RUP_NAME] using $scripting_rc_path..." source $scripting_rc_path fi if [ -z "$REPO_PATH" ]; then REPO_PATH="$HOME/git/EnlivenMinetest" fi MT_BASH_RC_NAME="minetestenv-in-place.rc" CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR="$HOME/.local/bin" MT_BASH_RC_PATH="$CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR/$MT_BASH_RC_NAME" TRY_CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR="$REPO_PATH" TRY_MT_BASH_RC_PATH="$TRY_CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR/$MT_BASH_RC_NAME" if [ -f "$TRY_MT_BASH_RC_PATH" ]; then CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR="$TRY_CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR" MT_BASH_RC_PATH="$TRY_MT_BASH_RC_PATH" #fi #if [ ! -f "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" ]; then else if [ ! -d "$CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$CURRENT_MT_SCRIPTS_DIR" fi MT_BASH_RC_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/poikilos/EnlivenMinetest/master/$MT_BASH_RC_NAME curl $MT_BASH_RC_URL -o "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #if [ ! -f "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" ]; then # This is necessary on cygwin for some reason. curl $MT_BASH_RC_URL > "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" fi #if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -f "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" ]; then # This is necessary on cygwin for some reason. wget -O "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" $MT_BASH_RC_URL fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: Downloading $MT_BASH_RC_URL to $MT_BASH_RC_PATH failed." echo sleep 10 exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -f "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH" ]; then echo echo "$MT_BASH_RC_PATH is not present." echo sleep 10 exit 1 fi source $MT_BASH_RC_PATH # ^ same as install-minetest-linux64.sh, versionize.sh INSTALL_MTS_NAME="install-mts.sh" echo "* starting install from source..." date enable_server=true dest_programs="$HOME" #NOTE: $HOME is still used further down, for $HOME/.* and $HOME/i_am_dedicated_minetest_server flag file (which can be empty) #TODO: change $HOME/i_am_dedicated_minetest_server to $HOME/.config/EnlivenMinetest/i_am_dedicated_minetest_server or rc file EXTRACTED_SRC_NAME="linux-minetest-kit" # EM_CONFIG_PATH is from "minetestenv-in-place.rc". EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH="$EM_CONFIG_PATH/$EXTRACTED_SRC_NAME" flag_dir_rel="$EXTRACTED_SRC_NAME/mtsrc" code_flag_dir_path="$EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/mtsrc" if [ ! -d "$code_flag_dir_path" ]; then echo echo echo "ERROR: The minetest sources directory \"$code_flag_dir_path\" is missing. Try running reset-minetest-install-source.sh first." echo exit 1 fi cd "$EM_CONFIG_PATH" || customExit "[$INSTALL_MTS_NAME] cd \"$EM_CONFIG_PATH\" failed." if [ -z "$CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH" ]; then CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH="$HOME" fi MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_1=archive-minetestserver-debug.sh # scripting_rc_path is set in minetestenv-in-place.rc if [ -z "$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2" ]; then MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2="mts.sh" if [ -f "$CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH/mts-CenterOfTheSun.sh" ]; then MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2="mts-CenterOfTheSun.sh" else if [ ! -f $CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH/$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2 ]; then cat <& program.log echo "Compiling via perl (this may take a while--output redirected to `pwd`/program.log)..." perl mtcompile-program.pl build --server $extra_options >& program.log else # NOTE: no pl in $EXTRACTED_SRC_NAME, assuming bash: if [ -f mtcompile-program.sh ]; then echo "Compiling via bash (this may take a while--output redirected to `pwd`/program.log)..." bash -e mtcompile-program.sh build --server $extra_options >& program.log else echo echo "ERROR: Install cannot finish since there is no" echo " mtcompile-program.pl nor mtcompile-program.pl" echo " in the extracted $EXTRACTED_SRC_NAME directory." echo echo fi fi end=`date +%s` compile_time=$((end-start)) echo "Compiling the program finished in $compile_time seconds." cp $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/release.txt $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest/ || customWarn "Cannot copy $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/release.txt to $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest/" else echo "* using existing $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest..." fi if [ ! -f "$this_src_flag_path" ]; then customExit "The build did not complete since '$this_src_flag_path' is missing. Maybe you didn't compile the libraries. Running reset-minetest-install-source.sh should do that automatically, but you can also do: cd $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH && ./mtcompile-libraries.sh build" fi if [ -f "$this_dst_flag_path" ]; then mv -f "$this_dst_flag_path" "$this_dst_flag_path.bak" fi if [ -f "$this_dst_flag_path" ]; then customExit "Install is incomplete because it can't move '$this_dst_flag_path'." fi if [ ! -d "$EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest" ]; then customExit "Install is incomplete because \"$EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest\" is missing." fi echo "* finished compiling." INSTALL_PATH="$HOME/minetest" echo "* installing Minetest..." if [ -z "$EM_TMP" ]; then customWarn "EM_TMP was not set." EM_TMP="/tmp/EnlivenMintest" fi tmp_mt_copy=$EM_TMP/minetest if [ -d "$tmp_mt_copy" ]; then echo "* removing old $tmp_mt_copy..." rm -Rf "$tmp_mt_copy" || customExit "rm -Rf \"$tmp_mt_copy\" failed." elif [ ! -d "$EM_TMP" ]; then mkdir -p "$EM_TMP" || customExit "mkdir -p \"$EM_TMP\" failed." fi old_release_line= old_release_version= detect_installed_mt_version "1st" "bak" echo "* making temporary copy at $tmp_mt_copy..." cp -R "$EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest" "$tmp_mt_copy" detect_mt_version_at "$tmp_mt_copy" installOrUpgradeMinetest "$tmp_mt_copy" "$INSTALL_PATH" echo " - old:$old_release_version; new:$new_release_version" echo "* installing ENLIVEN..." installOrUpgradeENLIVEN "$INSTALL_PATH" echo "* analyzing settings..." analyzeGameSettings $EXTRACTED_SRC_PATH/minetest/games/Bucket_Game if [ "@$enable_run_after_compile" = "@true" ]; then echo "Trying to run minetest or other custom post-install script" echo "(enable_run_after_compile is true in '$scripting_rc_path')." if [ -d "$CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH" ]; then cd "$CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH" || customExit "cd $CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_PATH failed." if [ -f "$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_1" ]; then ./$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_1 echo "NOTE: if you put $MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_1" echo " in `pwd`, it would run at this point if" echo " marked executable." fi if [ -f "$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2" ]; then ./$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2 echo "$MT_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_2 finished (exit code $?)" else cat <