dls_path="$HOME/Downloads" dl_name="MinetestIDEvers1(dot)0.zip" dl_path="$dls_path/$dl_name" if [ ! if "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Nothing done since you must first download $dl_name from" echo " https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=12923" echo " such that it exists as $dl_path" echo "Press Ctrl C to cancel otherwise this terminal will exit..." echo "3..." sleep 1 echo "2..." sleep 1 echo "1..." sleep 1 exit 1 fi share_path=/opt/zbstudio try_path=/usr/share/zbstudio if [ -d "$try_path/api" ]; then share_path="$try_path" elif [ ! -d "$share_path" ]; then echo "Neither $share_path nor $try_path was found." echo " Make sure ZeroBrane is installed, or modify share_path in this script." echo "Press Ctrl C to cancel otherwise this terminal will exit..." echo "3..." sleep 1 echo "2..." sleep 1 echo "1..." sleep 1 exit 2 fi cd "$dls_path" zb_tmp_name="tmp_zb_minetest" if [ -d "$zb_tmp_name" ]; then rm -Rf "$zb_tmp_name" fi mkdir "$zb_tmp_name" cd "$zb_tmp_name" unzip ../$dl_name cd .. sudo cp -Rf $zb_tmp_name/* "$share_path/" echo "You must close ZeroBrain Studio if already for this to take effect." echo echo echo "(For each project) after opening your lua file, click:" echo " * Project" echo " * Lua Interpreter" echo " * minetest" echo sleep 4