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# node-readlines
Reading file line by line may seem like a trivial problem, but in node, there is no straightforward way to do it. There are a lot of libraries using Transform Streams to achieve it, but it seems like a overkill, so I've wrote simple version using only the `filesystem` module of node. Note that this is *synchronous* library.

Install with
`npm install n-readlines`


## Documentation
### new readlines(filename, [options]);
### new readlines(fd, [options]);


* `filename` - String path to the file you want to read from
* `fd` - File descriptor
* `options` - Object
  * `readChunk` - Integer number of bytes to read at once. Default: 1024
  * `newLineCharacter` - String new line character, only works with one byte characters for now. Default: `\n` which is `0x0a` hex encoded

`node-readlines` can handle files without newLineCharacter after the last line


### readlines.next()
Returns `buffer` with the line data without the `newLineCharacter` or `false` if end of file is reached.

### readlines.reset()
Resets the pointer and starts from the beginning of the file. This works only if the end is not reached.


## Example
var lineByLine = require('n-readlines');
var liner = new lineByLine('./textFile.txt');

var line;
var lineNumber = 0;
while (line = liner.next()) {
    console.log('Line ' + lineNumber + ': ' + line.toString('ascii'));

console.log('end of line reached');