#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function import sys import json import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta python_mr = sys.version_info.major try: import urllib.request request = urllib.request except ImportError: # python2 # python_mr = 2 print("* detected Python " + str(python_mr)) import urllib2 as urllib request = urllib try: from urllib.parse import urlparse # from urllib.parse import quote_plus from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.parse import unquote from urllib.error import HTTPError except ImportError: # Python 2 # See from urlparse import urlparse # from urlparse import quote_plus from urllib import urlencode from urllib import quote from urllib import unquote from urllib2 import HTTPError # ^ urllib.error.HTTPError doesn't exist in Python 2 # see def error(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) # https://api.github.com/repos/poikilos/EnlivenMinetest/issues/475/timeline verbose = False def debug(msg): if verbose: error("[debug] " + msg) def decode_safe(b): try: s = b.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: s = b.decode('utf-8') return s # me = sys.argv[0] me = os.path.basename(__file__) modes = { "list": { "help": ("List all issues. Provide one or more labels to narrow" " down the list. Alternatively, provide a label only." " Labels with spaces require quotes. The matching is" " not case sensitive. The \"list\" command can be" " implied by not using a label (any word that isn't a" " command will select a label) and no command."), "examples": ["list", " list Bucket_Game", " list Bucket_Game urgent", " Bucket_Game", " Bucket_Game urgent", " Bucket_Game --closed"] }, "labels": { "help": ("List all labels (just the labels themselves, not the" " issues)."), "examples": [" labels"] }, "find": { "help": ("To search using a keyword, say \"find\" or \"AND\"" " before each term."), "examples": [ " find mobs # term=mobs", " find mobs find walk # term[0]=mobs, term[1]=walk", " find mobs AND walk # ^ same: term[0]=mobs, term[1]=walk", " find \"open doors\" # term=\"open doors\"", " find mobs Bucket_Game # term=mobs, label=Bucket_Game", " find mobs # term=mobs", (" find CREEPS find AND find WEIRDOS" " # specifies (3) terms = [CREEPS, AND, WEIRDOS]"), (" find CREEPS AND AND AND WEIRDOS " " # ^ same: specifies (3) terms = [CREEPS, AND, WEIRDOS]"), (" find CREEPS AND WEIRDOS" " # specifies (2) terms = [CREEPS, WEIRDOS]"), ], "AND_EXAMPLES": [6, 7], # indices in ['find']['examples'] list }, "closed or open": { "help": ("Only show a closed issue, or show closed & open" " (The default is open issues only)"), "examples": [ " --closed", " --closed --open", " Bucket_Game --closed # closed, label=Bucket_Game", " Bucket_Game --closed open # open, label=Bucket_Game", ] }, "page": { "help": ("GitHub only lists 30 issues at a time. Type page" " followed by a number to see additional pages."), "examples": [" page 2", " page 2 --closed"] }, "<#>": { "help": "Specify an issue number to see details.", "examples": [" 1"] }, } match_all_labels = [] def toSubQueryValue(value): ''' Convert the value to one that will fit in a key+urlencoded(colon)+value string for GitHub queries. This function is copied to multiple scripts so they have no dependencies: - enissue.py - enlynx.py ''' if " " in value: value = '"' + value.replace(" ", "+") + '"' return value def usage(): print("") print("Commands:") left_w = 10 spacer = " -- " line_fmt = "{: <" + str(left_w) + "}" + spacer + "{}" for name, command in modes.items(): hlp = command["help"] print(line_fmt.format(name, hlp)) if len(command["examples"]) > 0: print(" "*(left_w+len(spacer)) + "Examples:") for s in command["examples"]: print(" "*(left_w+len(spacer)+2) + "./" + me + s) print("") print("") class Repo: caches_path = "/tmp/enissue" def __init__( self, remote_user = "poikilos", repo_name = "EnlivenMinetest", repository_id = "80873867", api_repo_url_fmt = "https://api.github.com/repos/{ru}/{rn}", api_issue_url_fmt = "{api_url}/issues/{issue_no}", search_issues_url_fmt = "https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+", search_results_key="items", page_size = 30, c_issues_name_fmt = "issues_page={p}{q}.json", c_issue_name_fmt = "issues_{issue_no}.json", default_query = {'state':'open'}, hide_events = ['renamed', 'assigned'], ): ''' Keyword arguments: remote_user -- The repo user may be used in api_repo_url_fmt. repo_name -- The repo name may be used in api_repo_url_fmt. api_repo_url_fmt -- a format string where {ru} is where a repo user goes, and {rn} is where a repo name goes. api_issue_url_fmt -- a format string where {issue_url} is determined by api_repo_url_fmt and {issue_no} is where an issue number goes. page_size -- This must be set to the page size that is compatible with the URL in api_repo_url_fmt, such as exactly 30 for GitHub. c_issues_name_fmt -- This converts a URL to a cache filename, where {p} is the page number and {q} is any additional query such as "&state=closed". c_issue_name_fmt -- This converts a URL to a cache filename, where {issue_no} is the issue number. default_query -- This dictionary must contain all URL query parameters that the API assumes and that don't need to be provided in the URL. hide_events -- Do not show these event types in an issue's timeline. search_results_key -- If the URL described by search_issues_url_fmt returns a dict, specify the key in the dict that is a list of issues. ''' self.search_results_key = search_results_key self.page = None self.remote_user = remote_user self.repo_name = repo_name self.repository_id = repository_id self.c_remote_user_path = os.path.join(Repo.caches_path, self.remote_user) self.c_repo_path = os.path.join(self.c_remote_user_path, self.repo_name) self.c_issue_name_fmt = c_issue_name_fmt self.api_repo_url_fmt = api_repo_url_fmt self.api_issue_url_fmt = api_issue_url_fmt self.repo_url = self.api_repo_url_fmt.format( ru=remote_user, rn=repo_name, ) self.search_issues_url = search_issues_url_fmt.format( ru=remote_user, rn=repo_name, ) self.issues_url = self.repo_url + "/issues" self.labels_url = self.repo_url + "/labels" self.page_size = page_size self.log_prefix = "@ " self.c_issues_name_fmt = c_issues_name_fmt self.label_ids = [] # all label ids in the repo self.labels = [] # all labels in the repo self.default_query = default_query self.hide_events = hide_events self.issues = None def _get_issues(self, options, query=None, issue_no=None, search_terms=[]): ''' Load the issues matching the query into self.issues, or load one issue (len(self.issues) is 1 in that case). Only one or the other keyword argument can be specified. This method is used for both purposes so that the caching code only has to be written once. The cached copy of the issue or result list will be loaded if the cache has not expired (unless 'refresh' is True in options, then the data will always be from the internet). This method is used internally by load_issues and the result is placed in self.issues. Sequential arguments: options -- This dictionary where all keys are optional may have: - 'refresh': Set to True to refresh the cache (load the data from the internet and re-save the cached data). Keyword arguments: query -- Place keys & values in this dictionary directly into the query part of the URL. issue_no -- Match an exact issue number and convert the resulting json object into a list so it behaves like a list of matches (containing only 1 though). The query must be None when using issue_no or a ValueError is raised. Keyword arguments: query -- Use keys & values in this dictionary to the URL query. issue_no -- Load only this issue (not compatible with query). search_terms -- Search for each of these terms. Raises: ValueError if query is not None and issue_no is not None. ''' p = self.log_prefix searchTermStr = "" if search_terms is None: search_terms = [] for search_term in search_terms: searchTermStr += toSubQueryValue(search_term) + "+" refresh = options.get('refresh') if issue_no is not None: if query is not None: raise ValueError("You cannot do a query when getting" " only one issue because a single" " issue has its own URL with only" " one result (not a list).") query_s = self.issues_url # changed below if issue_no this_page = 1 query_part = "" and_query_part = "" if query is not None: ''' for k,v in query.items(): if v is not None: # : #query_s += ( # "&{}={}".format(quote_plus(k), quote_plus(v)) #) # # : ''' query_part = urlencode(query) and_query_part = "&" + query_part and_query_part += searchTermStr elif len(searchTermStr) > 0: debug(p+"searchTermStr=\"{}\"".format(searchTermStr)) and_query_part = "&" + "q=" + searchTermStr # NOTE: using urlencode(searchTermStr) causes # "TypeError: not a valid non-string sequence or mapping # object" # - It should already be formed correctly by # toSubQueryValue anyway, so don't filter it here. if self.page is not None: this_page = self.page c_issues_name = self.c_issues_name_fmt.format(p=this_page, q=and_query_part) # print("c_issues_name: {}".format(c_issues_name)) # print("query_part: {}".format(query_part)) c_issues_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, c_issues_name) make_list = False c_path = c_issues_path c_issue_name = self.c_issue_name_fmt.format(issue_no=issue_no) c_issues_sub_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, "issues") results_key = None if issue_no is not None: if not os.path.isdir(c_issues_sub_path): os.makedirs(c_issues_sub_path) c_issue_path = os.path.join(c_issues_sub_path, c_issue_name) c_path = c_issue_path make_list = True # Change query_s to the issue url (formerly issue_url): query_s = self.api_issue_url_fmt.format( api_url=self.repo_url, issue_no=issue_no, ) else: prev_query_s = query_s if len(searchTermStr) > 0: query_s = self.search_issues_url results_key = self.search_results_key if "?" not in query_s: query_s += "?q=" + searchTermStr else: query_s += searchTermStr debug("Changing query_s from {} to {}" "".format(prev_query_s, query_s)) if os.path.isfile(c_path): # See max_cache_delta = timedelta(hours=12) cache_delta = datetime.now() - max_cache_delta c_issues_mtime = os.path.getmtime(c_path) filetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(c_issues_mtime) if (refresh is not True) and (filetime > cache_delta): print(p+"Loading cache: \"{}\"".format(c_path)) # print(p+"Cache time limit: {}".format(max_cache_delta) print(p+"Cache expires: {}".format(filetime + max_cache_delta)) with open(c_path) as json_file: result = json.load(json_file) # print(p+"The cache file has" # " {} issue(s).".format(len(results))) max_issue = None results = result if hasattr(results, 'keys'): # It is an issue not a page, so convert to list: results = [result] for issue in results: issue_n = issue.get("number") if issue_n is not None: if (max_issue is None) or (issue_n > max_issue): max_issue = issue_n print(p+"The highest cached issue# is {}.".format( max_issue )) return results else: if refresh is True: print(p+"Refreshing...".format(max_cache_delta)) else: print(p+"Cache time limit: {}".format(max_cache_delta)) print(p+"The cache has expired: \"{}\"".format( c_path )) else: print(p+"There is no cache for \"{}\"".format( c_path )) if self.page is not None: query_s = self.issues_url + "?page=" + str(self.page) query_s += and_query_part elif len(query_part) > 0: query_s += "?" + query_part try: debug(p+"Query URL (query_s): {}".format(query_s)) response = request.urlopen(query_s) except HTTPError as e: print(p+"You may be able to view the issues on GitHub") print(p+"at the 'html_url', and a login may be required.") print(p+"The URL \"{}\" is not accessible, so you may have" " exceeded the rate limit and be blocked" " temporarily:".format(query_s)) print(str(e)) return None response_s = decode_safe(response.read()) if not os.path.isdir(self.c_repo_path): os.makedirs(self.c_repo_path) print(p+"Saving issues cache: {}".format(c_path)) with open(c_path, "w") as outs: outs.write(response_s) result = json.loads(response_s) if results_key is not None: result = result[results_key] if make_list: # If an issue URL was used, there will be one dict only, so # make it into a list. results = [result] else: results = result return results def show_issue(self, issue): ''' Display an issue dictionary as formatted text after getting the issue body and other data from the internet. ''' p = self.log_prefix print("") print("#{} {}".format(issue["number"], issue["title"])) # print(issue["html_url"]) print("") this_issue_json_url = issue["url"] issue_data_bytes = None try: response = request.urlopen(this_issue_json_url) issue_data_bytes = response.read() except HTTPError as e: print(str(e)) print(p+"The URL \"{}\" is not accessible, so you may have" " exceeded the rate limit and be blocked" " temporarily:".format(this_issue_json_url)) html_url = issue.get("html_url") print(p+"You may be able to view the issue on GitHub") print(p+"at the 'html_url', and a login may be required:") print(p+"html_url: {}".format(html_url)) return False issue_data_s = decode_safe(issue_data_bytes) issue_data = json.loads(issue_data_s) markdown = issue_data.get("body") # ^ It is (always?) present but allowed to be None by GitHub! if markdown is not None: markdown = markdown.replace("\\r\\n", "\n").replace( "\\t", "\t" ) left_w = 11 # ^ left_w must be >=11 or "updated_at:" will push the next col. spacer = " " line_fmt = "{: <" + str(left_w) + "}" + spacer + "{}" print(line_fmt.format("html_url:", issue["html_url"])) print(line_fmt.format("by:", issue_data["user"]["login"])) print(line_fmt.format("state:", issue_data["state"])) assignees = issue_data.get("assignees") if (assignees is not None) and len(assignees) > 1: assignee_names = [a["login"] for a in assignees] print(line_fmt.format("assignees:", " ".join(assignee_names))) elif issue_data.get("assignee") is not None: assignee_name = issue_data["assignee"]["login"] print(line_fmt.format("assignee:", assignee_name)) labels_s = "None" if len(issue['lower_labels']) > 0: neat_labels = [] for label_s in issue['lower_labels']: if " " in label_s: neat_labels.append('"' + label_s + '"') else: neat_labels.append(label_s) labels_s = ", ".join(neat_labels) print(line_fmt.format("labels:", labels_s)) print("") if markdown is not None: print('"""') print(markdown) print('"""') else: print("(no description)") comments = issue_data.get("comments") if comments is None: comments = 0 if comments > 0: print("") print("") print("({}) comment(s):".format(comments)) left_margin = " " c_prop_fmt = (left_margin + "{: <" + str(left_w) + "}" + spacer + "{}") # ^ Ensure that the second column is justified # (in a Terminal using a monospaced font). # NOTE: Timeline is nicer than events because it has both # comments and events. ''' this_evts_json_url = issue_data.get('events_url') if this_evts_json_url is not None: evts_res = request.urlopen(this_evts_json_url) evts_data_s = decode_safe(evts_res.read()) evts_data = json.loads(evts_data_s) # Example: # ''' this_tmln_json_url = issue_data.get('timeline_url') data = [] if this_tmln_json_url is not None: tmln_res = request.urlopen(this_tmln_json_url) tmln_data_s = decode_safe(tmln_res.read()) tmln_data = json.loads(tmln_data_s) # Example: # # data = tmln_data elif comments > 0: this_cmts_json_url = issue_data["comments_url"] response = request.urlopen(this_cmts_json_url) cmts_data_s = decode_safe(response.read()) cmts_data = json.loads(cmts_data_s) data = cmts_data for evt in data: user = evt.get('user') login = None if user is not None: print("") print("") login = user.get('login') if login is not None: print(c_prop_fmt.format("from:", login)) updated_at = evt.get("updated_at") if updated_at is not None: print(c_prop_fmt.format("updated_at:", updated_at)) body = evt.get("body") if body is not None: print("") print(left_margin + '"""') print(left_margin + body) print(left_margin + '"""') print("") rename = evt.get('rename') event = evt.get('event') ignore_events = ['commented'] if self.hide_events: ignore_events.extend(self.hide_events) if event is not None: actor = evt.get('actor') if actor is not None: login = actor.get('login') created_at = evt.get('created_at') if event in ignore_events: pass elif event == "cross-referenced": source = evt.get('source') source_type = source.get('type') source_issue = source.get('issue') if source_issue is not None: source_number = source_issue.get('number') print(left_margin +"cross-reference: {} referenced this issue" " in {} {}." "".format(login, source_type, source_number)) elif event == "labeled": label = evt.get('label') if label is not None: label_name = label.get('name') label_color = label.get('color') print(left_margin+"{}: {} by {} {}" "".format(event, label_name, login, created_at)) # elif (event == "closed") or (event == "reopened"): elif event == "unlabeled": # Example: # label = evt.get('label') if label is not None: label_name = label.get('name') label_color = label.get('color') print(left_margin+"{}: {} by {} {}" "".format(event, label_name, login, created_at)) else: print(left_margin+"{} {} by {}" "".format(event.upper(), created_at, login)) if (rename is not None) and ('renamed' not in ignore_events): # already said "RENAMED" above (evt.get('event')) # print(left_margin+"renamed issue") print(left_margin+" from:{}".format(rename.get('from'))) print(left_margin+" to:{}".format(rename.get('to'))) reactions = evt.get('reactions') reactions_url = None if reactions is not None: reactions_url = reactions.get('url') if reactions_url is not None: reac_data = None try: reactions_res = request.urlopen(reactions_url) reac_data_s = decode_safe(reactions_res.read()) reac_data = json.loads(reac_data_s) # print(left_margin + "downloaded " + reactions_url) # Example: for reac in reac_data: reac_user = reac.get('user') reac_login = None if reac_user is not None: reac_login = reac_user.get('login') reac_content = reac.get('content') print(left_margin + "- <{}> :{}:" "".format(reac_login, reac_content)) except HTTPError as e: print(left_margin + "Error downloading {}:" "".format(reactions_url)) print(left_margin + str(e)) print(left_margin + "{}".format(reac_data)) closed_by = issue_data.get('closed_by') closed_at = issue_data.get('closed_at') if (closed_by is not None) or (closed_at is not None): # INFO: closed_by may be present even if reopened # (determine this by getting 'state'). # The "REOPENED" and "CLOSED" events also appear in the # timeline (see this_tmln_json_url). print() state = issue_data.get('state') closet_at_str = "" if closed_at is not None: closet_at_str = " {}".format(closed_at) if state != "open": closed_by_login = closed_by.get("login") if closed_by_login is not None: print(" (CLOSED{} by {})".format( closet_at_str, closed_by_login )) else: print(" (CLOSED{})".format(closet_at_str)) if state == "open": print(" (REOPENED)") elif closed_at is None: print(" (The closing date is unknown.)") print("") print("") return True def load_issues(self, options, query=None, issue_no=None, search_terms=None): ''' See _get_issues for documentation. ''' if issue_no is not None: if query is not None: raise ValueError("You cannot do a query when getting" " only one issue because a single" " issue has its own URL with only" " one result (not a list).") self.issues = self._get_issues( options, query=query, issue_no=issue_no, search_terms=search_terms, ) def get_match(self, mode, issue_no=None, match_all_labels_lower=[]): ''' Show a summary of matching issues in list mode or get a single issue that will instead by shown by the show_issue method. In single issue mode, this method can be skipped since load_issues would have placed only one issue in self.issues in that case. Sequential arguments: mode -- This must be a valid mode (a key in the modes dictionary). Keyword arguments: issue_no -- Match this issue number (None for multiple). match_all_labels_lower -- Only match where all of these labels are on the issue. ''' matching_issue = None match_count = 0 # TODO: get labels another way, and make this conditional: # if mode == "list": for issue in self.issues: this_issue_labels_lower = [] for label in issue["labels"]: self.label_ids.append(label["id"]) if label["url"].startswith(self.labels_url): start = len(self.labels_url) + 1 # +1 for "/" label_encoded = label["url"][start:] label_s = unquote(label_encoded) this_issue_labels_lower.append(label_s.lower()) if label_s not in self.labels: self.labels.append(label_s) else: raise ValueError(p+"ERROR: The url '{}' does not" " start with '{}'" "".format(label["url"], self.labels_url)) if len(match_all_labels) > 0: this_issue_match_count = 0 for try_label in match_all_labels_lower: if try_label in this_issue_labels_lower: this_issue_match_count += 1 # else: # print(p+"{} is not a match ({} is not in" # " {})".format(issue["number"], try_label, # this_issue_labels_lower)) if this_issue_match_count == len(match_all_labels): match_count += 1 print("#{} {}".format(issue["number"], issue["title"])) elif (issue_no is None) and (mode == "list"): # Show all since no criteria is set. match_count += 1 print("#{} {}".format(issue["number"], issue["title"])) if issue_no is not None: # INFO: issue_no & issue["number"] are ints if issue_no == issue["number"]: matching_issue = issue issue['lower_labels'] = this_issue_labels_lower if (mode == 'issue') and (matching_issue is None): raise RuntimeError("You must first call load_issues with" " the issue_no option to ensure that" " the single issue is loaded.") # TODO: Do not use this method for getting a single issue # since the page must be cached or it fails (use improved # show_issue method instead). return {'issue':matching_issue, 'count':match_count} def main(): global verbose mode = None repo = Repo() prev_arg = None issue_no = None state = repo.default_query.get('state') options = {} search_terms = [] SEARCH_COMMANDS = ['find', 'AND'] for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): arg = sys.argv[i] isValue = False if arg.startswith("#"): arg = arg[1:] if (mode is None) and (arg in modes.keys()): # don't set the command to list unless the enclosing case is # true. If a label was specified, paging is handled in the # other case. if arg == "page": mode = "list" else: mode = arg else: is_text = False try: i = int(arg) if prev_arg == "page": repo.page = i isValue = True else: if issue_no is not None: usage() error("Error: Only one issue number can be" " specified but you also specified" " {}.".format(arg)) exit(1) issue_no = i is_text = False except ValueError: is_text = True # It is not a number, so put all other usual code in # this area if is_text: if (mode is None) and (modes.get(arg) is not None): mode = arg else: if arg == "--closed": state = 'closed' elif arg == "--refresh": options['refresh'] = True elif arg == "--verbose": verbose = True elif arg == "--debug": verbose = True elif arg == "--help": usage() exit(0) elif arg.startswith("--"): usage() error("Error: The argument \"{}\" is not valid" "".format(arg)) exit(1) elif prev_arg in SEARCH_COMMANDS: search_terms.append(arg) isValue = True elif arg == "find": # print("* adding criteria: {}".format(arg)) mode = "list" elif (arg == "AND"): # print("* adding criteria: {}".format(arg)) if len(search_terms) < 1: usage() error("You can only specify \"AND\" after" " the \"find\" command. To literally" " search for the word \"AND\", place" " the \"find\" command before it." " Examples:") for andI in modes['find']['AND_EXAMPLES']: error(me + modes['find']['examples'][andI]) exit(1) mode = "list" elif arg != "page": mode = "list" match_all_labels.append(arg) prev_arg = arg if isValue: # It is not a command that will determine meaning for the # next var. prev_arg = None if mode is None: if len(match_all_labels) > 1: mode = "list" if issue_no is not None: mode = "issue" valid_modes = ["issue"] for k, v in modes.items(): valid_modes.append(k) if mode is None: print() print() usage() print() print() sys.exit(0) elif mode not in valid_modes: print() print() usage() print() print(mode + " is not a valid command.") print() print() sys.exit(0) elif mode == "list": if issue_no is not None: print("Error: You must specify either an issue number" " or query criteria, not both.") sys.exit(1) print("") # print("Loading...") # TODO: get labels another way, and make this conditional: # if mode == "list": if (mode != "issue") and (state != repo.default_query.get('state')): query = { 'state': state } repo.load_issues(options, query=query, search_terms=search_terms) else: repo.load_issues(options, issue_no=issue_no, search_terms=search_terms) if repo.issues is None: print("There were no issues.") sys.exit(0) match_all_labels_lower = [] p = repo.log_prefix for s in match_all_labels: # print(p+"appending" # " {} to match_all_labels_lower.".format(s.lower())) match_all_labels_lower.append(s.lower()) total_count = len(repo.issues) match = repo.get_match( mode, issue_no=issue_no, match_all_labels_lower=match_all_labels_lower, ) matching_issue = match['issue'] if matching_issue is not None: repo.show_issue(matching_issue) if state != "open": print("(showing {} issue(s))".format(state.upper())) # ^ such as CLOSED else: # TODO: This code doesn't work since it isn't cached. if mode == 'issue': state = 'closed' repo.load_issues(options, query={'state':"closed"}, search_terms=search_terms) total_count = len(repo.issues) match = repo.get_match( mode, issue_no=issue_no, match_all_labels_lower=match_all_labels_lower, ) matching_issue = match['issue'] if matching_issue is None: if mode == "issue": print("") # print("mode: {}".format(mode)) # print("issue_no: {}".format(issue_no)) # print("match_all_labels_lower: {}" # "".format(match_all_labels_lower)) print("{}".format(match)) print("(the issue wasn't visible)") if mode == "labels": # print("Labels:") # print("") for label_s in repo.labels: print(label_s) print("") print("The repo has {} label(s).".format(len(repo.labels))) print("") if total_count >= repo.page_size: print("The maximum issue count per page was reached.") next_page = 2 if repo.page is not None: next_page = repo.page + 1 print(" ./" + me + " labels page " + str(next_page)) print("to see labels on additional pages.") elif mode == "list": print() if len(match_all_labels) > 0: print("{} issue(s) matched {}".format( match['count'], " + ".join("'{}'".format(s) for s in match_all_labels) )) if total_count >= repo.page_size: print("{} searched, which is the maximum number" " per page.".format(total_count)) next_page = 2 if repo.page is not None: next_page = repo.page + 1 print(" ./" + me + " " + " ".join(match_all_labels) + " page " + str(next_page)) print("to see additional pages.") else: if repo.page is not None: print("{} issue(s) are showing for page" " {}.".format(match['count'], repo.page)) else: print("{} issue(s) are showing.".format(match['count'])) if total_count >= repo.page_size: print("That is the maximum number per page. Type") next_page = 2 if repo.page is not None: next_page = repo.page + 1 print(" ./" + me + " page " + str(next_page)) print("to see additional pages.") if match['count'] > 0: # Note that if a label and issue number are both provided, # the mode is still "list". if issue_no is not None: print() print() print("Warning: The issue number was ignored since you" " used an option that lists multiple issues.") else: print() print() print("To view details, type") print(" ./" + me) print("followed by a number.") print("") if __name__ == "__main__": main()