@ -45,4 +45,20 @@ Do not expect the mods from game-install-enliven-testing.sh to work. Also, do no
* minetest_game mods and modpacks are owned by root in the end, for some reason. This may cause serious problems on your server. Change the owner to your current user.
* minetest_game mods and modpacks are owned by root in the end, for some reason. This may cause serious problems on your server. Change the owner to your current user.
### Known issues in mods:
### Known issues in mods:
* compassgps crashes server for some players upon use--see yelby in etc/debugging (wrap sorting in "if player~=nil then...end" to avoid)
* compassgps crashes server for some players upon use--see yelby in etc/debugging (wrap sorting in "if player~=nil then...end" in mods/compassgps/init.lua to avoid):
function compassgps.sort_by_distance(table,a,b,player)