@ -7,41 +7,96 @@ import os
from datetime import datetime
from expertmm import *
from minetestinfo import *
minetest_players_path = " C: \\ Users \\ jgustafson \\ Desktop \\ Backup \\ fcalocal \\ home \\ owner \\ .minetest \\ worlds \\ FCAGameAWorld \\ players "
#minetest_players_path = "C:\\Users\\jgustafson\\Desktop\\Backup\\fcalocal\\home\\owner\\.minetest\\worlds\\FCAGameAWorld\\players"
players_path = os . path . join ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) , " players " )
debugs_list = list ( )
debugs_list . append ( " C: \\ Users \\ jgustafson \\ Desktop \\ Backup \\ fcalocal \\ home \\ owner \\ .minetest \\ debug_archived \\ 2016 \\ 03 \\ 16.txt " )
debugs_list . append ( " C: \\ Users \\ jgustafson \\ Desktop \\ Backup \\ fcalocal \\ home \\ owner \\ .minetest \\ debug_archived \\ 2016 \\ 03 \\ 17.txt " )
min_date_string = " 2016-03-15 12:12:00 "
global_player_storage_path = " C: \\ Users \\ jgustafson \\ Desktop \\ Backup \\ fcalocal \\ home \\ owner \\ .minetest \\ worlds \\ FCAGameAWorld \\ player_storage "
real_names_path = " H: \\ Minetest \\ FCAGameAWorld - Minetest Users - Real Names.txt "
after_broken = { }
after_broken [ " default:stone " ] = " default:cobble "
after_broken [ " default:stone_with_iron " ] = " default:iron_lump "
after_broken [ " default:stone_with_copper " ] = " default:copper_lump "
after_broken [ " default:stone_with_coal " ] = " default:coal_lump "
after_broken [ " default:dirt_with_grass " ] = " default:dirt "
after_broken [ " moreores:mineral_tin " ] = " moreores:tin_lump "
after_broken [ " default:stone_with_mese " ] = " default:mese_crystal "
after_broken [ " moreores:mineral_silver " ] = " moreores:silver_lump "
after_broken [ " default:stone_with_gold " ] = " default:gold_lump "
after_broken [ " default:stone_with_diamond " ] = " default:diamond "
#after_broken[""] = ""
#after_broken[""] = ""
#after_broken[""] = ""
#after_broken[""] = ""
#after_broken[""] = ""
#debugs_list = list()
debug_txt_path = os . path . join ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " profile_minetest_path " ) , " debug.txt " )
min_date_string = None
#min_date_string = "2016-03-15 12:12:00"
DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING = " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S "
is_start_now = False
while min_date_string is None :
default_min_date_string = datetime . strftime ( datetime . now ( ) , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING )
print ( " " )
print ( " Please enter starting date for player locations and block obtaining to be replayed (only used for inventory recovery feature). " )
answer = raw_input ( " Replay Start [YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-SS format] (blank for " + default_min_date_string + " ): " )
if len ( answer . strip ( ) ) > 0 :
try :
min_date = datetime . strptime ( answer , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING )
tmp_string = datetime . strftime ( min_date , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING )
confirm = raw_input ( tmp_string + " ok [Y/n]? " )
if confirm . strip ( ) . lower ( ) == " y " or confirm . strip ( ) . lower ( ) == " yes " :
min_date_string = tmp_string
except :
print ( " Bad date format. Please try again. " )
else :
is_start_now = True
min_date_string = default_min_date_string
print ( " Using start " + min_date_string )
if is_start_now :
print ( " (which is the current time, so nothing will be replayed [this is the default just be extra careful, because if you run the replay function on the same part of the log more than once, that will double #of each item each player digs and double the quantity of those items in players offline storage folder]) " )
print ( " " )
players_offline_storage_name = " players_offline_storage "
deprecated_players_offline_storage_name = " player_storage "
players_offline_storage_path = os . path . join ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) , players_offline_storage_name )
deprecated_players_offline_storage_path = os . path . join ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) , deprecated_players_offline_storage_name )
if os . path . isdir ( deprecated_players_offline_storage_path ) :
print ( " moving \" " + deprecated_players_offline_storage_path + " \" to " )
print ( " " + players_offline_storage_path )
shutil . move ( deprecated_players_offline_storage_path , players_offline_storage_path )
print ( " Using offline players_offline_storage_path: " )
print ( " " + players_offline_storage_path )
print ( " (used for inventory recovery and other offline storage features) " )
#players_offline_storage_path = os.path.join("C:\\Users\\jgustafson\\Desktop\\Backup\\fcalocal\\home\\owner\\.minetest\\worlds\\FCAGameAWorld", players_offline_storage_name)
irl_person_csv_name = None
irl_person_csv_path = None
world_name = None
try :
world_name = os . path . basename ( os . path . abspath ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) ) )
print ( " " )
print ( " Using world_name ' " + str ( world_name ) + " ' " )
except :
print ( " Could not finish getting world folder name. " )
view_traceback ( )
try :
deprecated_irl_person_csv_name = world_name + " - Minetest Users - Real Names.txt "
irl_person_csv_name = " irl_person_info.csv "
print ( " " )
if os . path . isdir ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) ) :
irl_person_csv_path = os . path . join ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) , irl_person_csv_name )
if os . sep == " \\ " :
deprecated_irl_person_csv_path = os . path . join ( " H: \\ Minetest " , deprecated_irl_person_csv_name )
if os . path . isfile ( deprecated_irl_person_csv_name ) :
print ( " moving \" " + deprecated_irl_person_csv_path + " \" to " )
print ( " " + irl_person_csv_path )
os . rename ( deprecated_irl_person_csv_path , irl_person_csv_path )
print ( " Using irl_person_csv_path: " )
print ( " " + str ( irl_person_csv_path ) )
print ( " " )
else :
print ( " No world folder found, so leaving irl_person_csv_path as None " )
except :
print ( " Could not finish building irl_person_csv_path. " )
view_traceback ( )
print ( " " )
class MinetestInventoryItem :
owner = None # optional, only used for debug output
name = None
qty = None
param = None
suffix = None
#If addend is negative, will return negative if can't take that many, otherwise 0
def push_qty ( self , addend ) :
leftover = 0
@ -56,7 +111,7 @@ class MinetestInventoryItem:
self . param = None
self . suffix = None
return leftover
def get_item_as_inventory_line ( self ) :
result = None
is_msg = False
@ -71,7 +126,7 @@ class MinetestInventoryItem:
result + = " " + self . param
if self . suffix is not None :
result + = " " + self . suffix
else :
owner_msg = " "
if self . owner is not None :
@ -89,7 +144,7 @@ class MinetestInventoryItem:
if is_msg :
raw_input ( " Press enter to continue... " )
return result
def set_from_inventory_line ( self , line ) :
self . name = None
self . qty = None
@ -127,10 +182,10 @@ class MinetestInventory:
name = None
width = None
items = None
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . items = list ( ) # IS allowed to have duplicate names
def push_item ( self , item_id , qty ) :
for index in range ( 0 , len ( self . items ) ) :
if self . items [ index ] . name == item_id :
@ -148,7 +203,7 @@ class MinetestInventory:
if qty == 0 :
return qty
def write_to_stream ( self , outs ) :
if self . name is not None :
#if self.width is not None:
@ -177,7 +232,7 @@ class MinetestPlayer:
player_args = None
inventories = None
oops_list = None
def __init__ ( self , playerid ) :
self . player_args = { }
self . player_args [ " breath " ] = 11
@ -190,7 +245,7 @@ class MinetestPlayer:
self . player_args [ " yaw " ] = 0.0
self . playerid = playerid
self . inventories = list ( )
# returns how many didnt' fit in any inventory lists
def push_item ( self , item_id , qty ) :
main_index = - 1
@ -208,10 +263,10 @@ class MinetestPlayer:
qty = self . inventories [ index ] . push_item ( item_id , qty )
return qty
def save ( self ) :
if " name " in self . player_args :
player_path = os . path . join ( minetest_ players_path, self . playerid )
player_path = os . path . join ( players_path , self . playerid )
self . save_as ( player_path )
def save_as ( self , player_path ) :
@ -232,14 +287,14 @@ class MinetestPlayer:
outs . close ( )
else :
print ( " ERROR in minetestplayer.save: missing ' name ' in player_args " )
def load ( self ) :
if self . playerid is not None and len ( self . playerid . strip ( ) ) > 0 :
player_path = os . path . join ( minetest_ players_path, self . playerid )
player_path = os . path . join ( players_path , self . playerid )
self . load_from_file ( player_path )
else :
print ( " ERROR in minetestplayer.load: ' playerid ' member was not set (unique filename for players folder) " )
def load_from_file ( self , player_path ) :
section = " PlayerArgs "
ins = None
@ -318,7 +373,7 @@ class MinetestPlayer:
except :
DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING = " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S "
player_file_indicator_string = " PlayerArgsEnd "
player_file_extension = " " # player files have no extension in minetest
replay_file_ao = " = "
@ -364,13 +419,13 @@ def recover_player_files_by_content(recovery_source_path, dest_players_path):
shutil . copyfile ( sub_path , dest_path )
print ( " recovered to ' " + dest_path + " ' " )
players = None
def load_player_storage ( player_storage_path ) :
def load_players_offline _storage ( this_ players_offline _storage_path) :
global players
players = { }
if not os . path . exists ( player_storage_path ) :
os . makedirs ( player_storage_path )
if not os . path . exists ( this_ players_offline _storage_path) :
os . makedirs ( this_ players_offline _storage_path)
else :
folder_path = player_storage_path
folder_path = this_ players_offline _storage_path
for sub_name in os . listdir ( folder_path ) :
sub_path = os . path . join ( folder_path , sub_name )
if os . path . isfile ( sub_path ) :
@ -380,17 +435,17 @@ def load_player_storage(player_storage_path):
players [ playerid ] = get_dict_from_conf_file ( sub_path , replay_file_ao )
#returns list of give commands if has problem
def move_storage_to_players ( storage_path , output_players_folder_path , leftover_give_commands_folder_path , change_player_position_enable = True ) :
def move_storage_to_players ( this_players_offline_ storage_path, output_players_folder_path , leftover_give_commands_folder_path , change_player_position_enable = True ) :
give_commands_by_playerid = { }
if os . path . isdir ( storage_path ) :
folder_path = storage_path
if os . path . isdir ( this_players_offline_ storage_path) :
folder_path = this_players_offline_ storage_path
for sub_name in os . listdir ( folder_path ) :
sub_path = os . path . join ( folder_path , sub_name )
if os . path . isfile ( sub_path ) :
if ( sub_name [ : 1 ] != " . " ) :
if len ( sub_name ) > len ( PLAYER_STORAGE_FILE_DOT_THEN_EXT ) :
playerid = sub_name [ : - len ( PLAYER_STORAGE_FILE_DOT_THEN_EXT ) ]
player_path = os . path . join ( minetest_ players_path, playerid )
player_path = os . path . join ( players_path , playerid )
if os . path . isfile ( player_path ) :
this_storage = get_dict_from_conf_file ( sub_path , " = " )
minetestplayer = MinetestPlayer ( playerid )
@ -432,13 +487,13 @@ def move_storage_to_players(storage_path, output_players_folder_path, leftover_g
else :
print ( " WARNING: no playerid ' " + playerid + " ' , so keeping storage file " )
else :
print ( " ERROR: missing storage folder ' " + storage_path + " ' " )
print ( " ERROR: missing players ' offline storage folder ' " + this_players_offline_storage_path + " ' " )
def convert_storage_to_give_commands_DEPRECATED ( storage_path , output_folder_path , real_names_path ) :
def convert_storage_to_give_commands_DEPRECATED ( this_players_offline_storage_path , output_folder_path , irl_person_csv_path ) :
global players
#if players is None:
# load_player_storage(player_storage_path)
# load_players_offline _storage(this_ players_offline _storage_path)
while True :
print ( " " )
playerid = raw_input ( " Minetest Username: " )
@ -446,12 +501,12 @@ def convert_storage_to_give_commands_DEPRECATED(storage_path, output_folder_path
identifiable_user_description = " first initial + last name + grad year "
identifiable_user_string = raw_input ( identifiable_user_description + " : " )
if len ( playerid ) > 0 :
player_storage_path = os . path . join ( storage_path , playerid )
player_storage_path = os . path . join ( this_players_offline_ storage_path, playerid )
if os . path . isfile ( player_storage_path ) :
#if len(real_name_string)>0:
identifiable_user_string_strip = identifiable_user_string . strip ( )
if len ( identifiable_user_string_strip ) > 0 :
appends = open ( real_names _path, ' a ' )
appends = open ( irl_person_csv _path, ' a ' )
#line = playerid.strip().replace(","," ")+","+real_name_string.replace(","," ")+","
line = playerid . strip ( ) . replace ( " , " , " " ) + " , " + real_name_string + " , " + identifiable_user_string_strip . replace ( " , " , " " )
appends . append ( line + " \n " )
@ -475,22 +530,23 @@ def convert_storage_to_give_commands_DEPRECATED(storage_path, output_folder_path
appends . close ( )
else :
print ( identifiable_user_description + " not accepted, so nothing will be done. " )
else :
print ( " No storage file was found named ' " + player_storage_path + " ' " )
else :
def modify_player_storage_from_debug ( debug_txt_path , player_storage_path , min_date_string ) :
def debug_log_replay_to_offline_player_storage ( debug_txt_path , this_ players_offline _storage_path, min_date_string ) :
global players
min_date = None
if min_date_string is not None :
min_date = datetime . strptime ( min_date_string , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING )
print ( " Using min date " + str ( min_date ) )
raw_input ( " press enter to continue... " )
print ( " This will only work if server is offline. " )
print ( " (Using min date " + str ( min_date ) + " ) " )
raw_input ( " press enter to continue, otherwise exit this Window or Ctrl-C to terminate script in GNU/Linux systems... " )
if players is None :
load_player_storage ( global_player_storage_path )
load_players_offline _storage ( this_players_offline_storage_path )
ins = open ( debug_txt_path , ' r ' )
line = True
while line :
@ -500,7 +556,7 @@ def modify_player_storage_from_debug(debug_txt_path, player_storage_path, min_da
ao_index = line . find ( ao )
#look for lines such as:
#2016-03-03 11:42:17: ACTION[Server]: 1234567your digs default:stone at (-21,-81,-80)
if ao_index > - 1 :
date_string = line [ : ao_index ] . strip ( )
action_date = datetime . strptime ( date_string , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING )
@ -524,7 +580,7 @@ def modify_player_storage_from_debug(debug_txt_path, player_storage_path, min_da
playerid = action_string [ : name_ender_index ]
print ( " playerid: " + playerid )
item_ender_index = action_string . find ( " " , name_ender_index + len ( name_ender ) )
if item_ender_index > - 1 :
item_string = action_string [ name_ender_index + len ( name_ender ) : item_ender_index ]
is_enough_information = True
@ -549,7 +605,7 @@ def modify_player_storage_from_debug(debug_txt_path, player_storage_path, min_da
if playerid not in players :
players [ playerid ] = { }
this_player = players [ playerid ]
if is_enough_information :
at_delimiter_index = action_string . find ( at_delimiter )
if at_delimiter_index > - 1 :
@ -567,18 +623,18 @@ def modify_player_storage_from_debug(debug_txt_path, player_storage_path, min_da
print ( " note: Saving since min_date is None " )
else :
print ( " note: Saving since " + datetime . strftime ( action_date , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING ) + " >= " + datetime . strftime ( min_date , DEBUG_TXT_TIME_FORMAT_STRING ) )
if position_string is not None :
this_player [ " position " ] = position_string
print ( " position: " + position_string )
if position_one_to_one_string is not None :
#this_player["position"] = position_string
print ( " block: " + position_one_to_one_string )
for playerid in players . keys ( ) :
player_replay_path = os . path . join ( player_storage_path , playerid + PLAYER_STORAGE_FILE_DOT_THEN_EXT )
player_replay_path = os . path . join ( this_ players_offline _storage_path, playerid + PLAYER_STORAGE_FILE_DOT_THEN_EXT )
save_conf_from_dict ( player_replay_path , players [ playerid ] , replay_file_ao )
#outs = open(output_path, 'w')
@ -589,17 +645,18 @@ def modify_player_storage_from_debug(debug_txt_path, player_storage_path, min_da
##modify_player_storage_from_debug("C:\\Users\\jgustafson\\Desktop\\Backup\\fcalocal\\home\\owner\\.minetest\\debug.txt", global_player_storage_path, min_date_string)
##debug_log_replay_to_offline_player_storage("C:\\Users\\jgustafson\\Desktop\\Backup\\fcalocal\\home\\owner\\.minetest\\debug.txt", players_offline_storage_path, min_date_string)
##for debug_path in debugs_list:
## debug_log_replay_to_offline_player_storage(debug_path, players_offline_storage_path, min_date_string)
#debug_log_replay_to_offline_player_storage(debug_txt_path, players_offline_storage_path, min_date_string)
#for debug_path in debugs_list:
# modify_player_storage_from_debug(debug_path, global_player_storage_path, min_date_string)
give_path = os . path . join ( global_ player_storage_path, " give " )
#convert_storage_to_give_commands(global_player_storage_path, give_path, real_names _path)
give_path = os . path . join ( players_offline _storage_path , " give " )
#convert_storage_to_give_commands_DEPRECATED(players_offline_storage_path, give_path, irl_person_csv _path)
#move_storage_to_players(global_ player_storage_path, minetest_ players_path, give_path, change_player_position_enable=True)
#move_storage_to_players(players_offline _storage_path, players_path, give_path, change_player_position_enable=True)
@ -613,4 +670,9 @@ give_path = os.path.join(global_player_storage_path, "give")
#minetestplayer.playerid = "mrg-try1"
if os . sep == " \\ " :
print ( " REMEMBER if you plan on using these player files on a ' nix-like system, run dos2unix * on your world ' s players folder after copying from this Windows machine to convert line endings, otherwise inventory will be blanked out! " )
print ( " # REMEMBER If you later copy player files to a GNU/Linux machine cd to your world ' s players folder then run dos2unix such as: " )
print ( " sudo apt-get update " )
print ( " sudo apt-get install dos2unix " )
print ( " cd " + os . path . join ( minetestinfo . get_var ( " primary_world_path " ) , " players " ) )
print ( " dos2unix * " )
print ( " # to convert line endings, otherwise inventory and all PlayerArgs will be loaded as blank (if using player files with Windows line endings on GNU/Linux copy of minetest). " )