@ -13,6 +13,58 @@ import traceback
#sector_ymax = args.self.maxheight/16
#region server-specific options
def get_dict_from_conf_file ( path , assignment_operator = " = " ) :
results = None
print ( " Checking " + str ( path ) + " for settings... " )
if os . path . isfile ( path ) :
results = { }
ins = open ( path , ' r ' )
line = True
while line :
line = ins . readline ( )
if line and len ( line ) > 0 :
line_strip = line . strip ( )
if not line_strip [ 0 ] == " # " : # if not comment
if not line_strip [ 0 ] == " - " : # ignore yaml arrays
ao_index = line_strip . find ( assignment_operator )
if ao_index > = 1 : # intentionally skip zero-length variable names
if ao_index < len ( line_strip ) - 1 : # skip yaml implicit nulls or yaml objects
result_name = line_strip [ : ao_index ] . strip ( )
result_value = line_strip [ ao_index + 1 : ] . strip ( )
print ( " CHECKING... " + result_name + " : " + result_value )
results [ result_name ] = result_value
ins . close ( )
return results
def get_tuple_from_notation ( line , debug_src_name = " <unknown object> " ) :
result = None
if line is not None :
# mark chunk
tuple_noparen_pos_string = line . strip ( " () \n \r " )
pos_strings = tuple_noparen_pos_string . split ( " , " )
if len ( pos_strings ) == 3 :
try :
player_x = float ( pos_strings [ 0 ] )
player_y = float ( pos_strings [ 1 ] )
player_z = float ( pos_strings [ 2 ] )
except :
player_x = int ( pos_strings [ 0 ] )
player_y = int ( pos_strings [ 1 ] )
player_z = int ( pos_strings [ 2 ] )
result = player_x , player_y , player_z
else :
print ( " ' " + debug_src_name + " ' has bad position data--should be 3-length (x,y,z) in position value: " + str ( pos_strings ) )
return result
def is_same_fvec3 ( list_a , list_b ) :
result = False
if list_a is not None and list_b is not None :
if len ( list_a ) > = 3 and len ( list_b ) > = 3 :
result = ( float ( list_a [ 0 ] ) == float ( list_b [ 0 ] ) ) and ( float ( list_a [ 1 ] ) == float ( list_b [ 1 ] ) ) and ( float ( list_a [ 2 ] ) == float ( list_b [ 2 ] ) )
return False
class MTChunk :
x = None
z = None
@ -252,28 +304,6 @@ class MTChunks:
ins . close ( )
def get_dict_from_conf_file ( self , path , assignment_operator = " = " ) :
results = None
print ( " Checking " + str ( path ) + " for settings... " )
if os . path . isfile ( path ) :
results = { }
ins = open ( path , ' r ' )
line = True
while line :
line = ins . readline ( )
if line and len ( line ) > 0 :
line_strip = line . strip ( )
if not line_strip [ 0 ] == " # " : # if not comment
if not line_strip [ 0 ] == " - " : # ignore yaml arrays
ao_index = line_strip . find ( assignment_operator )
if ao_index > = 1 : # intentionally skip zero-length variable names
if ao_index < len ( line_strip ) - 1 : # skip yaml implicit nulls or yaml objects
result_name = line_strip [ : ao_index ] . strip ( )
result_value = line_strip [ ao_index + 1 : ] . strip ( )
print ( " CHECKING... " + result_name + " : " + result_value )
results [ result_name ] = result_value
ins . close ( )
return results
def deny_http_access ( self , dir_path ) :
@ -484,6 +514,7 @@ class MTChunks:
return result
def check_players ( self ) :
self . chunkymap_data_path = os . path . join ( self . website_root , " chunkymapdata " )
@ -526,45 +557,67 @@ class MTChunks:
ins . close ( )
player_dest_path = os . path . join ( chunkymap_players_path , filename + " .yml " )
if player_position is not None :
# mark chunk
tuple_noparen_pos_string = player_position . strip ( " () \n \r " )
pos_strings = tuple_noparen_pos_string . split ( " , " )
if len ( pos_strings ) == 3 :
player_x = None
player_y = None
player_z = None
try :
player_x = float ( pos_strings [ 0 ] )
player_y = float ( pos_strings [ 1 ] )
player_z = float ( pos_strings [ 2 ] )
except :
player_x = int ( pos_strings [ 0 ] )
player_y = int ( pos_strings [ 1 ] )
player_z = int ( pos_strings [ 2 ] )
chunk_x = int ( ( float ( player_x ) / self . chunk_size ) )
chunk_y = int ( ( float ( player_y ) / self . chunk_size ) )
chunk_z = int ( ( float ( player_z ) / self . chunk_size ) )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunk_x , chunk_z )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid )
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . is_player_in_this_chunk = True
else :
print ( " Player ' " + filename + " ' has bad position data--should be 3-length (x,y,z) in position value: " + str ( pos_strings ) )
player_x = None
player_y = None
player_z = None
chunk_x = None
chunk_y = None
chunk_z = None
player_position_tuple = get_tuple_from_notation ( player_position , filename )
if player_position_tuple is not None :
player_x , player_y , player_z = player_position_tuple
player_x = float ( player_x )
player_y = float ( player_y )
player_z = float ( player_z )
chunk_x = int ( ( float ( player_x ) / self . chunk_size ) )
chunk_y = int ( ( float ( player_y ) / self . chunk_size ) )
chunk_z = int ( ( float ( player_z ) / self . chunk_size ) )
chunk_luid = self . get_chunk_luid ( chunk_x , chunk_z )
self . prepare_chunk_meta ( chunk_luid )
self . chunks [ chunk_luid ] . is_player_in_this_chunk = True
#if is_enough_data:
#if player_name!="singleplayer":
map_player_dict = self . get_dict_from_conf_file ( player_dest_path , " : " )
if ( map_player_dict is None ) or ( map_player_dict [ " position " ] != player_position ) :
map_player_dict = get_dict_from_conf_file ( player_dest_path , " : " )
#map_player_position_tuple = None
saved_player_x = None
saved_player_y = None
saved_player_y = None
if map_player_dict is not None :
#map_player_position_tuple = saved_player_x, saved_player_y, saved_player_z
if " x " in map_player_dict . keys ( ) :
saved_player_x = float ( map_player_dict [ " x " ] )
if " y " in map_player_dict . keys ( ) :
saved_player_y = float ( map_player_dict [ " y " ] )
if " z " in map_player_dict . keys ( ) :
saved_player_z = float ( map_player_dict [ " z " ] )
#if (map_player_dict is None) or not is_same_fvec3( map_player_position_tuple, player_position_tuple):
if ( map_player_dict is None ) or ( saved_player_x is None ) or ( saved_player_z is None ) or ( int ( saved_player_x ) != int ( player_x ) ) or ( int ( saved_player_z ) != int ( player_z ) ) :
# don't check y since y is elevation in minetest, don't use float since subblock position doesn't matter to map
if map_player_dict is not None and saved_player_x is not None and saved_player_z is not None :
#print("PLAYER MOVED: "+str(player_name)+" moved from "+str(map_player_position_tuple)+" to "+str(player_position_tuple))
print ( " PLAYER MOVED: " + str ( player_name ) + " moved from " + str ( saved_player_x ) + " , " + str ( saved_player_y ) + " , " + str ( saved_player_z ) + " to " + str ( player_x ) + " , " + str ( player_y ) + " , " + str ( player_z ) )
outs = open ( player_dest_path , ' w ' )
if player_name is not None :
outs . write ( " name: " + player_name + " \n " ) # python automatically uses correct newline for your os when you put "\n"
if player_position is not None :
outs . write ( " position: " + player_position + " \n " )
#if player_position is not None:
# outs.write("position:"+player_position+"\n")
if player_x is not None :
outs . write ( " x: " + str ( player_x ) + " \n " )
if player_y is not None :
outs . write ( " y: " + str ( player_y ) + " \n " )
if player_z is not None :
outs . write ( " z: " + str ( player_z ) + " \n " )
outs . write ( " is_enough_data: " + str ( is_enough_data ) )
outs . close ( )
player_written_count + = 1
else :
print ( " DIDN ' T MOVE: " + str ( player_name ) )
player_count + = 1
def is_player_at_luid ( self , chunk_luid ) :
result = False
@ -593,7 +646,7 @@ class MTChunks:
if not os . path . isfile ( htaccess_path ) :
self . deny_http_access ( self . chunkymap_data_path )
mapvars = self . get_dict_from_conf_file ( world_yaml_path , " : " )
mapvars = get_dict_from_conf_file ( world_yaml_path , " : " )
#is_testonly == (os_name=="windows")
if mapvars is not None and set ( [ ' world_name ' ] ) . issubset ( mapvars ) :