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Store last_src for reporting and detecting whether cache or url was loaded. Outline code for using a token. Improve documentation. Handle options and usage more predictably.

poikilos 3 years ago
  1. 42
  2. 260


@ -25,11 +25,20 @@ Options:
pg_dump dbname > outfile
--test Run unit tests then exit (0) if passed.
Partial API documentation:
options keys:
## Partial API documentation:
This part covers the use of enissue itself as a Python API such as via
`import enissue` (For using a web API, you must view the API
documentation at the website of the specific web API).
### options keys:
- default_dt_parser: This must be a method that returns a python
datetime object by accepting a single argument, which is a string
from the style of the Repo's API.
- token: This should be set to a token that you've generated using the
web interface of your repo. The token will cause you to "see your
rate limit bumped to 5,000 requests an hour" on Github according to
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
@ -345,10 +354,11 @@ class Repo:
Keyword arguments:
options -- The options dict have any of the following keys (any
that aren't set will be detected based on the URL--if
there is an api name that corresponds to your site's
API in the apis global dict):
options -- Set self.options. Any that aren't set will be
detected based on the URL, otherwise from
options['api_id'] (if there is an api name that
corresponds to your site's API in the apis global dict).
The options dict may have any of the following keys:
repo_url -- This is required. It can be an API or web URL
as long as it ends with username/reponame (except where
there is no username in the URL).
@ -402,7 +412,11 @@ class Repo:
if you set a different single_cache for each repo!
api_id -- a key in the global apis dict which determines the
defaults for accessing the web API.
if options is None:
raise ValueError("options cannot be None.")
repo_url = options.get('repo_url')
debug("* using URL {}".format(repo_url))
if repo_url is None:
@ -833,6 +847,7 @@ class Repo:
if not quiet:
print(p+"Cache expires: {}".format(expires_s))
with open(c_path) as json_file:
self.last_src = c_path
result = json.load(json_file)
max_issue = None
results = result
@ -876,7 +891,7 @@ class Repo:
print(p+"There is no cache for \"{}\"".format(
self.last_src = query_s
debug(p+"Query URL (query_s): {}".format(query_s))
response = request.urlopen(query_s)
@ -952,6 +967,13 @@ class Repo:
The reactions to a timeline event are from a URL such as:
This method uses the following options from self.options:
token -- If set, then the header gets a new line like:
"Authorization: token ghp_16C7e42F292c6912E7710c838347Ae178B4a"
where ghp_16C7e42F292c6912E7710c838347Ae178B4a is just an
example from the GitHub documentation but you must set a
real token you've generated.
Keyword arguments:
quiet -- Set to True to hide messages (verbose mode will
override this).
@ -963,6 +985,10 @@ class Repo:
length as the max results count). Therefore, this method
refuses to handle such URLs.
if self.options is None:
raise RuntimeError("You must set options before running"
token = self.options.get('token')
result = None
p = self.log_prefix
# The known API URLs are already set as follows:
@ -1066,6 +1092,7 @@ class Repo:
+ max_cache_delta))
with open(c_path) as json_file:
self.last_src = c_path
result = json.load(json_file)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex:
@ -1079,6 +1106,7 @@ class Repo:
if result is not None:
return result, None
self.last_src = url
res = request.urlopen(url)
data_s = decode_safe(


@ -14,34 +14,45 @@ See the license file in the included EnlivenMinetest directory or at
data_directory: The data directory for this service daemon is
os.path.join(profile, ".cache", "pyissuesyncd").
- data_directory: The data directory for this service daemon is
os.path.join(profile, ".cache", "pyissuesyncd").
- repo: In this context, repo refers to a project management system with
a web API.
DST_REPO= pyissuesyncd
pyissuesyncd --dst-repo
The two _CACHE directories below are used as the single_cache option
for the Repo (see's Repo class for documentation).
__old_doc__ = '''
required arguments:
--dst-repo (or set the DST_REPO environment variable)
Issues and dependent data will be overwritten at this API URL.
optional arguments:
Environment variables get be set, but a CLI argument will override the
corresponding variable noted below in all caps.
The two _CACHE directories below are used as the single_cache option
for the Repo (see's Repo class for documentation).
--src-cache: Set the directory to store a cached version of the source repo's data.
* defaults to SRC_CACHE or os.path.join(data_directory, "source")
--dst-cache: Set the directory to store a cached version of the destination repo's data.
* defaults to DST_CACHE or os.path.join(data_directory, "destination")
--src-repo-token: Set the token you generated using the repo's web interface.
* defaults to SRC_REPO_TOKEN or None
DST_REPO= pyissuesyncd
pyissuesyncd --dst-repo
--src-min-issue: Set what issue number to check first.
* defaults to SRC_MIN_ISSUE or None
--src-max-issue: Set what issue number to check last.
* defaults to SRC_MAX_ISSUE or None
import os
import sys
@ -140,6 +151,23 @@ def get_issue(repo, options, issue_no):
def start_issuesyncd(src_options, dst_options):
src_s_c = src_options.get("single_cache")
dst_s_c = dst_options.get("single_cache")
if src_s_c is None:
raise ValueError("single_cache is None in src_options but"
" it should be set to a directory that will"
" contain the issues directory.")
if dst_s_c is None:
raise ValueError("single_cache is None in dst_options but"
" it should be set to a directory that will"
" contain the issues directory.")
if src_s_c == dst_s_c:
raise ValueError("single_cache for dst and src are both"
" {} but must be different."
# src_never_expire = src_options.get('never_expire') is True
max_issue = src_options.get('max_issue')
if max_issue is None:
@ -149,7 +177,11 @@ def start_issuesyncd(src_options, dst_options):
max_issue = int(max_issue)
issue_no = 0 # This is incremented to 1 before use.
min_issue = src_options.get("min_issue")
if min_issue is None:
min_issue = 1
issue_no = min_issue - 1 # This is incremented to 1 before use.
# issue_no = max_issue - 1 # debug only
src_res_code = 0
end_codes = [404, 403]
@ -216,12 +248,25 @@ def start_issuesyncd(src_options, dst_options):
error("However, an issue was returned.")
error("Got issue {}".format(issue_no))
got_fmt = "#{}: got (source not recorded)"
if src_repo.last_src is not None:
if src_repo.last_src.startswith("http:"):
got_fmt = "#{} downloaded"
elif os.path.isfile(src_repo.last_src):
got_fmt = "#{} loaded from cache"
# Example: ~/.cache/pyissuesyncd/source/issues/1.json
src_dt_parser = src_repo.options['default_dt_parser']
src_created_dt_s = src_repo.getKnown(src_issue, 'created_at')
src_updated_dt_s = src_repo.getKnown(src_issue, 'updated_at')
src_updated_dt = src_dt_parser(src_updated_dt_s)
src_updated_dt = src_dt_parser(src_updated_dt_s)
except ValueError as ex:
error("Error in {}".format(src_repo.last_src))
error("If you changed repos and used the same cache dir,"
" manually delete the cache file or directory above.")
src_updated_ts = int(src_updated_dt.strftime("%s"))
# ^ See <
# datetime-to-unix-timestamp-and-convert-it-back-in-python>
@ -294,70 +339,179 @@ def start_issuesyncd(src_options, dst_options):
# dst_repo.update_issue(src_issue, src_repo)
manual_args = ['--dst-repo', '--src-repo', '--src-cache',
'--dst-cache', '--src-max-issue', '--src-repo-token']
prev_arg = None
collect_src_keys = {
'SRC_REPO': "repo_url",
'SRC_CACHE': "single_cache",
'SRC_MAX_ISSUE': "max_issue",
'SRC_REPO_TOKEN': "token",
'SRC_MIN_ISSUE': "min_issue",
collect_dst_keys = {
'DST_REPO': "repo_url",
'DST_CACHE': "token",
src_args = {}
for envVarName, option in collect_src_keys.items():
_arg = "--{}".format(envVarName).replace("_", "-").lower()
src_args[_arg] = option
dst_args = {}
for envVarName, option in collect_dst_keys.items():
_arg = "--{}".format(envVarName).replace("_", "-").lower()
dst_args[_arg] = option
env_help = {
'DST_REPO': "Issues and dependent data will be overwritten at this API URL.",
'SRC_CACHE': "Set the directory to store a cached version of the source repo's data.",
'DST_CACHE': "Set the directory to store a cached version of the destination repo's data.",
'SRC_REPO_TOKEN': "Set the token you generated using the repo's web interface.",
'SRC_MIN_ISSUE': "Set what issue number to check first.",
'SRC_MAX_ISSUE': "Set what issue number to check last.",
src_option_defaults = {
'repo_url': '',
'api_id': 'GitHub',
env_default_help = {
'SRC_CACHE': '(default = os.path.join(data_directory, "source"))',
'DST_CACHE': 'os.path.join(data_directory, "destination")',
'SRC_MIN_ISSUE': 'None',
'SRC_MAX_ISSUE': 'None',
'SRC_REPO': src_option_defaults['repo_url'],
required_env_names = ['DST_REPO']
def usage():
print("All options:")
arg_w = 17
env_w = 27
line_fmt = "{:"+str(arg_w)+"} {:"+str(env_w)+"} {}"
p = " " # option help prefix
for _arg, option in src_args.items():
help_msg = "Set src_options['{}']".format(option)
envVarName = None
envVarMsg = None
for k, v in collect_src_keys.items():
if v == option:
envVarName = k
envVarMsg = "(or env var {})".format(envVarName)
# arg_msg = _arg
# if envVarName in required_env_names:
# arg_msg += " (required)"
print(line_fmt.format(_arg, envVarMsg, help_msg))
if envVarName is not None:
env_help_msg = env_help.get(envVarName)
if env_help_msg is not None:
env_default_help_msg = env_default_help.get(envVarName)
if env_default_help_msg is not None:
print(p+"(default: {})".format(env_default_help_msg))
if envVarName in required_env_names:
for _arg, option in dst_args.items():
help_msg = "Set dst_options['{}']".format(option)
envVarName = None
envVarMsg = None
for k, v in collect_dst_keys.items():
if v == option:
envVarName = k
envVarMsg = "(or env var {})".format(envVarName)
print(line_fmt.format(_arg, envVarMsg, help_msg))
if envVarName is not None:
env_help_msg = env_help.get(envVarName)
if env_help_msg is not None:
env_default_help_msg = env_default_help.get(envVarName)
if env_default_help_msg is not None:
print(p+"(default: {})".format(env_default_help_msg))
if envVarName in required_env_names:
if __name__ == "__main__":
src_options = {
'repo_url': "",
'repo_url': src_option_defaults['repo_url'],
'never_expire': True,
'quiet': True,
'api_id': "GitHub",
'api_id': src_option_defaults['api_id'],
dst_options = {
'never_expire': True,
'quiet': True,
'api_id': "Gitea",
DST_REPO = os.environ.get('DST_REPO')
if DST_REPO is not None:
dst_options['repo_url'] = DST_REPO
SRC_REPO = os.environ.get('SRC_REPO')
if DST_REPO is not None:
src_options['repo_url'] = SRC_REPO
SRC_CACHE = os.environ.get('SRC_CACHE')
if SRC_CACHE is None:
SRC_CACHE = os.path.join(data_directory, "source")
DST_CACHE = os.environ.get('DST_CACHE')
if DST_CACHE is None:
DST_CACHE = os.path.join(data_directory, "destination")
SRC_MAX_ISSUE = os.environ.get('SRC_MAX_ISSUE')
prev_arg = None
manual_args = ['--dst-repo', '--src-repo', '--src-cache',
'--dst-cache', '--src-max-issue']
for envVarName, option in collect_src_keys.items():
_VAL = os.environ.get(envVarName)
if _VAL is not None:
src_args[option] = _VAL
error("* environment set src_options['{}'] to {} via {}"
"".format(option, _VAL, envVarName))
for envVarName, option in collect_dst_keys.items():
_VAL = os.environ.get(envVarName)
if _VAL is not None:
dst_args[option] = _VAL
error("* environment set dst_options['{}'] to {} via {}"
"".format(option, _VAL, envVarName))
set_obj_name = None
set_key = None
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if prev_arg == "--dst-repo":
dst_options['repo_url'] = arg
elif prev_arg == "--src-repo":
src_options['repo_url'] = arg
elif prev_arg == "--src_cache":
elif prev_arg == "--dst_cache":
elif prev_arg == "--src-max-issue":
SRC_MAX_ISSUE = int(arg)
elif arg in manual_args:
if set_key is not None:
if set_obj_name == "dst":
dst_options[set_key] = arg
error("* set dst_options['{}'] to {}"
"".format(set_key, arg))
elif set_obj_name == "src":
src_options[set_key] = arg
error("* set src_options['{}'] to {}"
"".format(set_key, arg))
raise RuntimeError("set_obj_name must be dst or src.")
set_key = None
set_obj_name = None
elif arg in ['-h', '--help']:
elif arg in src_args.keys():
set_key = src_args[arg]
set_obj_name = "src"
elif arg in dst_args.keys():
set_key = dst_args[arg]
set_obj_name = "dst"
error("Error: The argument is not valid: {}".format(arg))
prev_arg = arg
if set_key is not None:
error("Error: You must provide a value after {}"
src_options['single_cache'] = SRC_CACHE
src_options['max_issue'] = SRC_MAX_ISSUE
# ^ INFO: start_issuesyncd warns if SRC_MAX_ISSUE is None.
dst_options['single_cache'] = DST_CACHE
# INFO: start_issuesyncd warns if SRC_MAX_ISSUE is None.
if src_options.get('single_cache') is None:
src_options['single_cache'] = os.path.join(data_directory, "source")
if dst_options.get('single_cache') is None:
dst_options['single_cache'] = os.path.join(data_directory, "destination")
error("SRC_REPO (--src-repo) is {}"
