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# VirtualDub - Video processing and capture application
# Plugin headers
# Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Avery Lee, Rights Reserved.
# The plugin headers in the VirtualDub plugin SDK are licensed differently
# differently than VirtualDub and the Plugin SDK themselves. This
# particular file is thus licensed as follows (the "zlib" license):
# This software is provided 'as-is', any express or implied
# warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
# damages arising from the use of self software.
# Permission is granted to anyone to use self software for any purpose,
# including commercial applications, to alter it and redistribute it
# freely, to the following restrictions:
# 1. The origin of self software must not be misrepresented; you must
# not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use self
# software in a product, acknowledgment in the product
# documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, must
# not be misrepresented as being the original software.
# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
# distribution.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#include "vdplugin.h"
#/ Unsigned 32-bit fraction.
struct VDXFraction
uint32 mNumerator
uint32 mDenominator
typedef struct VDXHWNDStruct *VDXHWND
typedef struct VDXBITMAPINFOHEADERStruct
enum { kCompressionRGB = 0
uint32 mSize
sint32 mWidth
sint32 mHeight
uint16 mPlanes
uint16 mBitCount
uint32 mCompression
uint32 mSizeImage
sint32 mXPelsPerMeter
sint32 mYPelsPerMeter
uint32 mClrUsed
uint32 mClrImportant
typedef struct VDXWAVEFORMATEXStruct
enum { kFormatPCM = 1
uint16 mFormatTag
uint16 mChannels
uint32 mSamplesPerSec
uint32 mAvgBytesPerSec
uint16 mBlockAlign
uint16 mBitsPerSample
uint16 mExtraSize
struct VDXStreamSourceInfo
VDXFraction mSampleRate
sint64 mSampleCount
VDXFraction mPixelAspectRatio
# V3+ (1.7.X) only
struct VDXStreamSourceInfoV3
VDXStreamSourceInfo mInfo
kFlagVariableSizeSamples = 0x00000001
uint32 mFlags
uint32 mfccHandler; #/< If non-zero, the FOURCC of a codec handler that should be preferred.
class IVDXStreamSource : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 's', 't', 's')
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY GetStreamSourceInfo(VDXStreamSourceInfo&) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY Read(sint64 lStart, lCount, *lpBuffer, cbBuffer, *lBytesRead, *lSamplesRead) = 0
virtual void * VDXAPIENTRY GetDirectFormat() = 0
virtual int VDXAPIENTRY GetDirectFormatLen() = 0
enum ErrorMode
kErrorModeReportAll = 0,
virtual ErrorMode VDXAPIENTRY GetDecodeErrorMode() = 0
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY SetDecodeErrorMode(ErrorMode mode) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY IsDecodeErrorModeSupported(ErrorMode mode) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY IsVBR() = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY TimeToPositionVBR(sint64 us) = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY PositionToTimeVBR(sint64 samples) = 0
# V3+ (1.7.X)
class IVDXStreamSourceV3 : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 's', 't', '2')
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY GetStreamSourceInfoV3(VDXStreamSourceInfoV3&) = 0
class IVDXVideoDecoderModel : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'v', 'd', 'm')
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY Reset() = 0
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY SetDesiredFrame(sint64 frame_num) = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY GetNextRequiredSample(bool& is_preroll) = 0
virtual int VDXAPIENTRY GetRequiredCount() = 0
class IVDXVideoDecoder : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'v', 'd', 'e')
virtual void * VDXAPIENTRY DecodeFrame( void *inputBuffer, data_len, is_preroll, sampleNumber, targetFrame) = 0
virtual uint32 VDXAPIENTRY GetDecodePadding() = 0
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY Reset() = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY IsFrameBufferValid() = 0
virtual VDXPixmap& VDXAPIENTRY GetFrameBuffer() = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY SetTargetFormat(int format, useDIBAlignment) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY SetDecompressedFormat( VDXBITMAPINFOHEADER *pbih) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY IsDecodable(sint64 sample_num) = 0
virtual void * VDXAPIENTRY GetFrameBufferBase() = 0
enum VDXVideoFrameType
struct VDXVideoFrameInfo
char mTypeChar
uint8 mFrameType
sint64 mBytePosition
struct VDXVideoSourceInfo
enum DecoderModel
kDecoderModelCustom, #/< A custom decoder model is provided.
kDecoderModelDefaultIP #/< Use the default I/P decoder model.
enum Flags
kFlagNone = 0,
kFlagKeyframeOnly = 0x00000001,
kFlagAll = 0xFFFFFFFF
uint32 mFlags
uint32 mWidth
uint32 mHeight
uint8 mDecoderModel
uint8 unused[3]
class IVDXVideoSource : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'v', 'd', 's')
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY GetVideoSourceInfo(VDXVideoSourceInfo& info) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY CreateVideoDecoderModel(IVDXVideoDecoderModel **) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY CreateVideoDecoder(IVDXVideoDecoder **) = 0
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY GetSampleInfo(sint64 sample_num, frameInfo) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY IsKey(sint64 sample_num) = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY GetFrameNumberForSample(sint64 sample_num) = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY GetSampleNumberForFrame(sint64 frame_num) = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY GetRealFrame(sint64 frame_num) = 0
virtual sint64 VDXAPIENTRY GetSampleBytePosition(sint64 sample_num) = 0
struct VDXAudioSourceInfo
uint32 mFlags
class IVDXAudioSource : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'a', 'd', 's')
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY GetAudioSourceInfo(VDXAudioSourceInfo& info) = 0
class IVDXInputOptions : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'i', 'o', 'p')
virtual uint32 VDXAPIENTRY Write(void *buf, buflen) = 0
class IVDXInputFile : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'i', 'f', 'l')
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY PromptForOptions(VDXHWND, **ppOptions) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY CreateOptions( void *buf, len, **ppOptions) = 0
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY Init( wchar_t *path, *options) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY Append( wchar_t *path) = 0
virtual void VDXAPIENTRY DisplayInfo(VDXHWND hwndParent) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY GetVideoSource(int index, **ppVS) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY GetAudioSource(int index, **ppAS) = 0
# IVDXInputFileDriver
class IVDXInputFileDriver : public IVDXUnknown
enum { kIID = VDXMAKEFOURCC('X', 'i', 'f', 'd')
virtual int VDXAPIENTRY DetectBySignature( void *pHeader, nHeaderSize, *pFooter, nFooterSize, nFileSize) = 0
virtual bool VDXAPIENTRY CreateInputFile(uint32 flags, **ppFile) = 0
struct VDXInputDriverContext
uint32 mAPIVersion
IVDPluginCallbacks *mpCallbacks
typedef bool (VDXAPIENTRY *VDXInputDriverCreateProc)( VDXInputDriverContext *pContext, **)
struct VDXInputDriverDefinition
kFlagNone = 0x00000000,
kFlagSupportsVideo = 0x00000001,
kFlagSupportsAudio = 0x00000002,
kFlagCustomSignature = 0x00010000,
kFlagAll = 0xFFFFFFFF
uint32 mSize; # size of self structure in bytes
uint32 mFlags
sint32 mPriority
uint32 mSignatureLength
void *mpSignature
wchar_t *mpFilenameDetectPattern
wchar_t *mpFilenamePattern
wchar_t *mpDriverTagName
VDXInputDriverCreateProc mpCreate
# V1 ( Initial version
# V2 (1.7.5): Default I/P frame model fixed.
kVDXPlugin_InputDriverAPIVersion = 2
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop)