This is an experimental copy for testing Poikilos' issue mirroring system. Note that Gitea's migration tool can import issues, but the "Issues" checkbox is disabled when "This repository will be a mirror" is enabled (it is for this repo).

23 lines
1.2 KiB

2018-04-25 13:08:48: [Main]: Using world specified by --worldname on the command line
2018-04-25 13:08:49: [Main]: [playereffects] inactive_effects = {
poikilos = {
poikilos2 = {
2018-04-25 13:08:52: WARNING[Main]: Not registering alias, item with same name is already defined: homedecor:beer_mug -> homedecor_ua:drink_mug
.__ __ __
_____ |__| ____ _____/ |_ ____ _______/ |_
/ \| |/ \_/ __ \ __\/ __ \ / ___/\ __\
| Y Y \ | | \ ___/| | \ ___/ \___ \ | |
|__|_| /__|___| /\___ >__| \___ >____ > |__|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
2018-04-25 13:08:52: ACTION[Main]: World at [/home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAWorldB]
2018-04-25 13:10:13: ACTION[Server]: [playereffects] Autosaving mod data to ...
2018-04-25 13:10:13: ACTION[Server]: [playereffects] Wrote playereffects data into /home/owner/.minetest/worlds/FCAWorldB/
2018-04-25 15:33:31: ACTION[Server]: poikilos2 [] joins game.
2018-04-25 15:33:31: ACTION[Server]: poikilos2 joins game. List of players: poikilos poikilos2
2018-04-25 15:33:31: ACTION[Server]: poikilos2 leaves game. List of players: poikilos