This is an experimental copy for testing Poikilos' issue mirroring system. Note that Gitea's migration tool can import issues, but the "Issues" checkbox is disabled when "This repository will be a mirror" is enabled (it is for this repo).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# General Test Documentation
This documentation covers how to generate testing procedures. For an
example of actual test documentation designed using this document, see
4 years ago
_NOTICE: I originally created the original version of this document
(and the original document that led to creating the article
[Minetest's Scope Issue](,
and the initial version of
for my Software Development II class. I didn't do it here nor elsewhere
before that nor plagiarize._
## Overview
Implementing each manual test document’s "Instructions for testers" as
a web form where they can enter results is the most efficient way to
implement the tests. Choosing the web form from a list of test forms
should reset the test environment and start the server. Each result
area should contain a radio group where the user can choose "pass" or
"fail" and enter an optional comment. The user should only be able to
run the test once until a new git commit appears in the branch on git
or administrators manually reset the test. Resetting the test includes
restoring everything backed up in the "Backup" step(s) of the General
Test Design section.
The tests can either integrate with GitHub or use another issue tracker
with a network API. If the issue exists, the issue will receive the new
comment from the given user. If the test fails for a closed issue, the
issue will reopen.
## General Test Design Guide
This section is a template for the "Test Design Guide" section of each
test document.
1. Set the configuration.
2. Backup the configuration.
3. Setup the world (this will only include entering the world and
changing it in the case of non-mapgen test documents).
4. Backup the world (for comparison with the original or for other kinds
of analysis).
4 years ago