This is an experimental copy for testing Poikilos' issue mirroring system. Note that Gitea's migration tool can import issues, but the "Issues" checkbox is disabled when "This repository will be a mirror" is enabled (it is for this repo).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
2.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import csv
import sys
mtdeltas_csv = "mtoldtonew.csv"
if not os.path.isfile(mtdeltas_csv):
print("ERROR: missing " + mtdeltas_csv)
# exit(1)
files = []
usageStr = '''
python3 <filename>
python3 <filenames>
python3 palm_oldnodes.we
python3 palm_oldnodes.we palm.we
* Example 2 yields: palm_newnodes.we and newpalm.we
with all nodes replaced according to csv.
(adds "new" to beginning if "old" is not in specified filename)
* only replaces node names surrounded by quotes
- you can change that behavior using python:
from mtoldtonew import oldToNew
oldToNew('file.we', quotechar='')
usageStr += "edit '%s' as needed (old name in column 1, new name in 2)"
def usage():
mtdeltas = {}
def stripQuotes(s, quotechar='"'):
if (len(s) >= 2) and (s[0] == quotechar) and (s[-1] == quotechar):
s = s[1:-1]
return s
def quoted(str1, quotechar='"'):
return(quotechar + str1 + quotechar)
def replaceQuoted(str1, deltas, quotechar='"'):
ret = str1
for k, v in deltas.items():
ret = ret.replace(quoted(k, quotechar), quoted(v, quotechar))
return ret
with open(mtdeltas_csv) as csvfile:
ins = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
lineI = 0
for row in ins:
lineI += 1
if (len(row) < 2):
oldStr = stripQuotes(row[0].strip())
newStr = stripQuotes(row[1].strip())
# csv doesn't strip quotes if a space is before an opening quote
# print("'%s', '%s'" % (oldStr, newStr))
if len(oldStr) > 0:
if len(newStr) > 0:
mtdeltas[oldStr] = newStr
print("Skipped empty destination for '" + oldStr
+ " on line " + str(lineI) + " in " + csvfile)
def oldToNew(path, quotechar='"'):
newName = path.replace("old", "new")
if newName == path:
newName = "new" + newName
if os.path.exists(newName):
print("WARNING: Overwriting '%s'..." % newName)
with open(path, 'r') as ins:
with open(newName, 'w') as outs:
oldLine = True
while oldLine:
oldLine = ins.readline()
if oldLine:
outs.write(replaceQuoted(oldLine, mtdeltas) + "\n")
print("* wrote '%s'" % newName)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
try_path = sys.argv[i]
if os.path.isfile(try_path):
print("MISSING file: '" + try_path + "'")
if len(files) < 1:
print("You must specify a plain-text schem such as a\n"
".we file, or any file containing double-quoted node names.")
for oldName in files:
print("Processing %s..." % oldName)