This is an experimental copy for testing Poikilos' issue mirroring system. Note that Gitea's migration tool can import issues, but the "Issues" checkbox is disabled when "This repository will be a mirror" is enabled (it is for this repo).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2503 lines
99 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Purpose: View and cache issues in the EnlivenMinetest repo.
Author: 2020-2021 Jake Gustafson
License: See license file at
This script caches issues (To
by default).
Known issues:
- Get attachments from GitHub
- Get inline files from GitHub (such as pasted images)
--cache-base <dir> Set the directory for cached files.
--verbose Enable verbose mode.
--debug Enable verbose mode (same as --debug).
--copy-meta-to <dbname> --db-type <db-type) --db-user <user> --db-password <password>
Write database entries for the issue, timeline events, and reactions
to each timeline event (overwrite ANY existing data if same id!).
Only "PostgresQL" is implemented for db-type.
The destination will be overwritten! Backup first:
- PostgreSQL (su <dbusername> then):
pg_dump dbname > outfile
--test Run unit tests then exit (0) if passed.
## Partial API documentation:
This part covers the use of enissue itself as a Python API such as via
`import enissue` (For using a web API, you must view the API
documentation at the website of the specific web API).
### options keys:
- default_dt_parser: This must be a method that returns a python
datetime object by accepting a single argument, which is a string
from the style of the Repo's API.
- token: This should be set to a token that you've generated using the
web interface of your repo. The token will cause you to "see your
rate limit bumped to 5,000 requests an hour" on Github according to
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import json
import os
import platform
import copy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
import urllib.request
request = urllib.request
# python2
print("* detected Python " + str(sys.version_info.major))
import urllib2 as urllib
request = urllib
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
# from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.parse import unquote
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import requests
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("If you try to use a token, you must have the"
" requests package for python3 such as via:\n"
" sudo apt-get install python3-requests")
# Python 2
# See <>
from urlparse import urlparse
# from urlparse import quote_plus
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib import quote
from urllib import unquote
from urllib2 import HTTPError
# ^ urllib.error.HTTPError doesn't exist in Python 2
import requests
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("If you try to use a token, you must have the"
" requests package for python2 such as via:\n"
" sudo apt-get install python-requests")
# see <>
def echo0(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
verbose = False
for argI in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
arg = sys.argv[argI]
if arg.startswith("--"):
if arg == "--debug":
verbose = True
elif arg == "--verbose":
verbose = True
default_options = {
# 'repo_url': "",
'repo_url': "",
sites_users_repos_meta = {
'': {
'poikilos': {
'EnlivenMinetest': {
'repository_id': "80873867"
# ^ Get repo metadata for known repos such as via:
site_users_repos_meta = sites_users_repos_meta.get(instance_url)
if site_users_repos_meta is not None:
user_repos_meta = site_users_repos_meta.get(remote_user)
if user_repos_meta is not None:
repo_meta = user_repos_meta.get(repo_name)
if repo_meta is not None:
if repository_id is None:
repository_id = repo_meta.get('repository_id')
def github_ts_to_dt(timestamp_s):
Use "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" for GitHub.
GitHub example (Z for UTC): 2018-09-13T16:59:38Z
return datetime.strptime(timestamp_s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
giteaSanitizedDtFmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
giteaDtExampleS = "2021-11-25T12:00:13-05:00"
sanitizedDtExampleS = "2021-11-25T12:00:13-0500"
giteaExtraColonAt = giteaDtExampleS.rfind(":")
giteaColonNegI = -3
if giteaExtraColonAt - len(giteaDtExampleS) != giteaColonNegI:
raise RuntimeError("The Gitea timestamp format description wasn't"
" prepared correctly.")
def gitea_ts_to_dt(timestamp_s):
Use giteaSanitizedDtFmt BUT last ':' must be removed before
parsing (but: datetime still does it right somehow either way)
or added after formatting.
Gitea example: "2021-11-25T12:00:13-05:00"
giteaSanitizedDtFmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
if len(timestamp_s) != len(giteaDtExampleS):
raise ValueError("Gitea {} is not like the expected {}"
"".format(timestamp_s, giteaDtExampleS))
timestamp_s_raw = timestamp_s
colonNegI = giteaColonNegI
timestamp_s = timestamp_s[:colonNegI] + timestamp_s[colonNegI+1:]
Remove the non-python-like : from %z
%z is "+0000 UTC offset in the form ?HHMM[SS[.ffffff]] (empty
string if the object is naive)." where '?' is +/-
- <>
return datetime.strptime(timestamp_s, giteaSanitizedDtFmt)
# See:
# - labels: <
# #list-labels-for-a-repository>
github_defaults = {
# 'repository_id': "", # Use sites_users_repos_meta instead.
'instance_url': "",
'api_repo_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}",
'api_issue_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}/issues/{issue_no}",
'search_issues_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/search/issues?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+",
# 'base_query_fmt': "?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+",
'search_results_key': "items",
'api_labels_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}/labels",
'page_size': 30,
'c_issues_name_fmt': "issues_page={p}{q}.json",
'c_issue_name_fmt': "{issue_no}.json",
'default_query': {'state':'open'},
'hide_events': ['renamed', 'assigned'],
'api_comments_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}/issues/comments",
'known_issue_keys': {
'created_at': 'created_at',
'updated_at': 'updated_at',
'closed_at': 'closed_at',
'body': 'body',
'title': 'title',
'default_dt_parser': github_ts_to_dt,
# See:
# - labels: <
# /_repos_owner_repo_labels?query=labels>
gitea_defaults = {
# 'repository_id': None, # Use sites_users_repos_meta instead.
'api_repo_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/api/v1/repos/{ru}/{rn}",
'api_issue_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/api/v1/repos/{ru}/{rn}/issues/{issue_no}",
'search_issues_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/api/v1/search/issues?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+",
# 'base_query_fmt': "?q=repo%3A{ru}/{rn}+", # TODO: Change for Gitea ??
'search_results_key': "items", # TODO: Change for Gitea ??
'api_labels_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/repos/{ru}/{rn}/labels",
'page_size': 30, # TODO: Change for Gitea ??
'c_issues_name_fmt': "issues_page={p}{q}.json",
'c_issue_name_fmt': "{issue_no}.json",
'default_query': {'state':'open'}, # TODO: Change for Gitea ??
'hide_events': ['renamed', 'assigned'],
'api_comments_url_fmt': "{instance_url}/api/v1/repos/{ru}/{rn}/issues/comments",
'known_issue_keys': {
'created_at': 'created_at',
'updated_at': 'updated_at',
'closed_at': 'closed_at',
'body': 'body',
'title': 'title',
'default_dt_parser': gitea_ts_to_dt,
# API documentation:
# says:
# > API Reference guide is auto-generated by swagger and available on: or on [gitea demo instance](
# > The OpenAPI document is at:
apis = {}
apis["GitHub"] = github_defaults
apis["Gitea"] = gitea_defaults
def tests():
for name, options in apis.items():
if options.get('default_query') is None:
raise AssertionError("There must be a 'default_query'"
" in apis['{}']."
if not isinstance(options.get('default_query'), dict):
raise AssertionError(" apis['{}']['default_query']"
" must be a dict."
for k,v in options['default_query']:
if v is None:
raise AssertionError("{} is None".format(k))
def debug(*args, **kwargs):
msg = ""
if verbose:
if len(args) > 0:
msg = args[0]
echo0("[debug] " + msg)
def set_verbose(on):
global verbose
if on is True:
verbose = True
elif on is False:
verbose = True
raise ValueError("on must be True or False.")
def decode_safe(b):
s = b.decode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
s = b.decode('utf-8')
return s
# me = sys.argv[0]
me = os.path.basename(__file__)
modes = {
"list": {
"help": ("List all issues. Provide one or more labels to narrow"
" down the list. Alternatively, provide a label only."
" Labels with spaces require quotes. The matching is"
" not case sensitive. The \"list\" command can be"
" implied by not using a label (any word that isn't a"
" command will select a label) and no command."),
"examples": ["list", " list Bucket_Game",
" list Bucket_Game urgent", " Bucket_Game",
" Bucket_Game urgent", " Bucket_Game --closed"]
"labels": {
"help": ("List all labels (just the labels themselves, not the"
" issues)."),
"examples": [" labels"]
"find": {
"parent": "list",
"help": ("To search using a keyword, say \"find\" or \"AND\""
" before each term."),
"examples": [
" find mobs # term=mobs",
" find mobs find walk # term[0]=mobs, term[1]=walk",
" find mobs AND walk # ^ same: term[0]=mobs, term[1]=walk",
" find \"open doors\" # term=\"open doors\"",
" find mobs Bucket_Game # term=mobs, label=Bucket_Game",
" find mobs # term=mobs",
(" find CREEPS find AND find WEIRDOS"
" # specifies (3) terms = [CREEPS, AND, WEIRDOS]"),
" # ^ same: specifies (3) terms = [CREEPS, AND, WEIRDOS]"),
" # specifies (2) terms = [CREEPS, WEIRDOS]"),
"AND_EXAMPLES": [6, 7], # indices in ['find']['examples'] list
"open": {
"parent": "list",
"help": ("Only show a closed issue, or show closed & open"
" (The default is open issues only)"),
"examples": [
" --closed",
" --closed --open",
" Bucket_Game --closed # closed, label=Bucket_Game",
" Bucket_Game --closed open # open, label=Bucket_Game",
5 years ago
"page": {
"parent": "list",
5 years ago
"help": ("GitHub only lists 30 issues at a time. Type page"
" followed by a number to see additional pages."),
"examples": [" page 2", " page 2 --closed"]
5 years ago
"<#>": {
"parent": "issue",
"help": "Specify an issue number to see details.",
"examples": [" 1"]
# ^ The parent mode is the actual operating mode whereas the submodes
# are only for documenting the keywords that apply to the parent mode.
modes["closed"] = modes["open"]
match_all_labels = []
trues = ["true", "on", "yes"]
falses = ["false", "off", "no"]
# TODO: Consider from pycodetool import to_syntax_error
# (to replace instances of {}:{}: formatted by `path, line` below).
def str_to_value(valueStr, typeName=None, lineN=-1, path="(generated)"):
Convert a string such as from a conf file to a value that may be of
a different type than string. The type will be detected by the
content of the string as follows (in order):
- If it is the string "None" then it will become None.
- It is int if it converts to int without ValueError.
- It is float if it converts to float without ValueError.
- It is bool if the string is (case insensitively) in the trues or
falses list.
- It is a string in all other cases. typeStr = None
Keyword arguments:
typeName -- Force it to be this type, otherwise raise ValueError.
If typeName is "bool", a number 0 or 1 will be converted to
False or True, respectively. Otherwise, the value has to be in
the global trues or falses list (case-insensitive). The typeName
must be: int, str, float, or bool, such as obtained via
path -- The file (used for error reporting only).
lineN -- The line number in the file (used for error reporting only).
valueL = None
if valueStr is not None:
valueL = valueStr.lower()
raise RuntimeError("A symbolic value is extracted from code or"
" a conf file, so it should never be None."
" If it were None in the source, it should"
" be an empty string or the string \"None\"")
if typeName is not None:
if valueStr == "None":
echo0("{}:{}: WARNING: The program expected a(n) '{}' but"
" the value was 'None' and will become"
" None."
"".format(conf_path, lineN, typeName))
return None
elif typeName == "bool":
moreTrues = ['1'] + trues
moreFalses = ['0'] + falses
if valueL in moreTrues:
return True
elif valueL in moreFalses:
return False
raise ValueError("{}:{}: A bool value is expected:"
" {} or {} (case insensitive) and if"
" the typeName is defined by the"
" program as 'bool' (which it is in"
" this case) then '0' or '1'"
" are also ok)."
"".format(conf_path, lineN, trues,
elif typeName == 'int':
return int(valueStr)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("{}:{}: An int value is expected:"
" the typeName is defined by the"
" program as 'int'."
"".format(conf_path, lineN, trues,
elif typeName == 'float':
return float(valueStr)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("{}:{}: A float value is expected:"
" the typeName is defined by the"
" program as 'float'."
"".format(conf_path, lineN, trues,
elif typeName == "str":
if valueStr.startswith("'") and valueStr.endswith("'"):
return valueStr[1:-1]
if valueStr.startswith('"') and valueStr.endswith('"'):
return valueStr[1:-1]
return valueStr
raise NotImplementedError("The type {} isn't implemented"
" in str_to_value."
if valueStr == "None":
return None
return int(valueStr)
except ValueError:
return float(valueStr)
except ValueError:
if valueL in trues:
return True
elif valueL in falses:
return False
if valueStr.startswith("'") and valueStr.endswith("'"):
return valueStr[1:-1]
if valueStr.startswith('"') and valueStr.endswith('"'):
return valueStr[1:-1]
return valueStr
def modify_dict_by_conf(options, conf_path, always_lower=False,
no_file_error=True, no_value_error=True,
Set values in the options dict using conf assignment operations
in the file at conf_path. If the key is in the dict, that will
determine the type. Otherwise, the type will be detected by
str_to_value. If there is nothing after the equal sign on the line,
the value will be None (or if no_value_error is True it will be
ignored and an error will be displayed).
Keyword arguments:
always_lower -- If True, options in the conf file won't be added
if they aren't lowercase.
no_file_error -- Show an error if the file doesn't exist.
no_value_error -- Show an error if the value is blank. If False,
set the value to None.
quiet -- Do not show when a value is set.
conf_name = os.path.basename(conf_path)
lineN = 0
if os.path.isfile(conf_path):
with open(conf_path, 'r') as ins:
for rawL in ins:
lineN += 1 # Counting numbers start at 1.
line = rawL.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
if line.startswith("#"):
signI = line.find("=")
if signI < 1:
echo0("{}:{}: A value is expected before '='."
"".format(conf_path, lineN))
name = line[:signI].strip()
valueStr = line[signI+1:].strip()
value = None
if valueStr == "":
value = None
if always_lower:
if name.lower() != name:
echo0("{}:{}: A lowercase name is expected."
"".format(conf_path, lineN))
if (valueStr is None) and no_value_error:
echo0("{}:{}: A value is expected."
"".format(conf_path, lineN))
typeName = None
oldValue = options.get(name)
if oldValue is not None:
typeName = type(oldValue).__name__
value = str_to_value(valueStr, typeName=typeName,
path=conf_path, lineN=lineN)
options[name] = value
if not quiet:
echo0("[settings] {}: Set {} to {}"
"".format(conf_name, name, value))
if no_file_error:
echo0("Error: \"{}\" Doesn't exist"
"".format(conf_path, lineN))
def toSubQueryValue(value):
Convert the value to one that will fit in a
key+urlencoded(colon)+value="+" string (can end in plus, so leave
it on the end to easily add more terms later) for GitHub queries.
This function is copied to multiple scripts so they have no
if " " in value:
value = '"' + value.replace(" ", "+") + '"'
return value
def to_error(results):
if hasattr(results, 'items'):
if results.get('documentation_url') is not None:
msg = results.get('message')
if msg is None:
msg = "There is nothing at the address."
return {
'code': 404, # Silly GitHub, I will force a 404 of course since you didn't.
'reason': msg,
return None
def usage():
left_w = 10
spacer = " -- "
line_fmt = "{: <" + str(left_w) + "}" + spacer + "{}"
for name, command in modes.items():
hlp = command["help"]
print(line_fmt.format(name, hlp))
if len(command["examples"]) > 0:
print(" "*(left_w+len(spacer)) + "Examples:")
for s in command["examples"]:
print(" "*(left_w+len(spacer)+2) + "./" + me + s)
5 years ago
class Repo:
profile = None
os_user = None
AppDatas = None
if platform.system() == "Windows":
profile = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
os_user = os.environ.get('USERNAME')
AppDatas = os.environ.get('APPDATA')
profile = os.environ['HOME']
os_user = os.environ.get('USER')
AppDatas = os.path.join(profile, ".config")
def __init__(
Keyword arguments:
options -- Set self.options. Any that aren't set will be
detected based on the URL, otherwise from
options['api_id'] (if there is an api name that
corresponds to your site's API in the apis global dict).
The options dict may have any of the following keys:
repo_url -- This is required. It can be an API or web URL
as long as it ends with username/reponame (except where
there is no username in the URL).
remote_user -- The repo user is used in api_repo_url_fmt,
and cache path if caches is not on single_cache mode
(If present, remote_user overrides the one detected from
the repo_url).
repo_name -- The repo name is used in api_repo_url_fmt,
and cache path if caches is not on single_cache mode
(If present, repo_name overrides the one detected from
the repo_url).
api_repo_url_fmt -- The format string where {ru} is where a repo
user goes, and {rn} is where a repo name
goes, is used for the format of
api_issue_url_fmt -- a format string where {issue_url} is
determined by api_repo_url_fmt and
{issue_no} is where an issue number goes.
api_comments_url_fmt -- Set the comments URL format (see the
default for an example).
page_size -- This must be set to the page size that is
compatible with the URL in api_repo_url_fmt, such
as exactly 30 for GitHub.
c_issues_name_fmt -- This converts a URL to a cache filename,
where {p} is the page number and {q} is any
additional query such as "&state=closed".
c_issue_name_fmt -- This converts a URL to a cache filename,
where {issue_no} is the issue number.
default_query -- This dictionary must contain all URL query
parameters that the API assumes and that don't
need to be provided in the URL.
hide_events -- Do not show these event types in an issue's
search_results_key -- If the URL described by
search_issues_url_fmt returns a dict, specify the key in
the dict that is a list of issues.
caches_path -- Store cached json files here: Specifically,
in an "issues" directory or other directory under the
user and repo directory. For example, if caches_path is
None and uses the default ~/.cache/enissue, the
numbered json files (and numbered folders containing
timeline.json or other connected data) for issues will
appear in
"~/.cache/enissue/poikilos/EnlivenMinetest/issues". To
set it later, use the setCachesPath method.
This is the default behavior, and the default is
os.path.join(userprofile, ".cache").
single_cache -- Store all issue data in one flat directory
structure (except for issues and other subdirectories
which mimic the web API routes). Only use this option
if you set a different single_cache for each repo!
api_id -- a key in the global apis dict which determines the
defaults for accessing the web API.
if options is None:
raise ValueError("options cannot be None.")
repo_url = options.get('repo_url')
debug("* using URL {}".format(repo_url))
if repo_url is None:
raise ValueError("repo_url is required (API or web URL).")
if repo_url.endswith(".git"):
repo_url = repo_url[:-4]
urlParts = repo_url.split("/")
self.remote_user = urlParts[-2]
self.api_id = options.get('api_id')
if urlParts[-2] == "":
self.remote_user = "" # Wuzzy2
if self.api_id is not None:
if self.api_id != 'git_instaweb':
echo0("WARNING: URL has [] but self.api_id was {}"
"".format(urlParts[-2], self.api_id))
self.api_id = "git_instaweb"
# Such as
# - locally, git instaweb is controlled via:
# git instaweb --httpd=webrick --start
# git instaweb --httpd=webrick --stop
remote_user = options.get('remote_user')
if remote_user is not None:
self.remote_user = remote_user
del remote_user
self.repo_name = urlParts[-1]
repo_name = options.get('repo_name')
if repo_name is not None:
self.repo_name = repo_name
del repo_name
if self.api_id is None:
if len(urlParts) > 2:
if "" in urlParts[2]:
# [0] is https:
# [1] is '' (because of //)
self.api_id = "GitHub"
debug("* detected GitHub in {}".format(urlParts))
debug("* no api detected in {}[2]".format(urlParts))
debug("* no generic urlParts were found in "
debug("* using specified API: {}".format(self.api_id))
if self.api_id is None:
self.api_id = "Gitea"
if "" in repo_url.lower():
echo0("WARNING: assuming Gitea but URL has")
echo0(" * assuming API is {} for {}"
"".format(self.api_id, ))
if self.api_id is None:
raise RuntimeError("api_id is not set")
api_meta = apis.get(self.api_id)
if api_meta is None:
raise NotImplementedError("{} api_id is not implemented"
for k, v in api_meta.items():
# Set it to the default if it is None:
if options.get(k) is None:
options[k] = v
debug("* constructing {} Repo".format(self.api_id))
debug(" * detected remote_user \"{}\" in url"
debug(" * detected repo_name \"{}\" in url"
if self.api_id == "Gitea":
instance_url = "/".join(urlParts[:-2])
debug(" * detected Gitea url " + instance_url)
instance_url = options.get('instance_url')
if instance_url is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Detecting the instance_url"
" is not implemented for"
" {}".format(self.api_id))
debug(" * detected instance_url " + instance_url)
# NOTE: self.instance_url is set by super __init__ below.
# base_query_fmt = options['base_query_fmt']
# search_issues_url_fmt = \
# "{instance_url}/api/v1/repos/issues/search"+base_query_fmt
self.repository_id = options.get('repository_id')
site_users_repos_meta = sites_users_repos_meta.get(instance_url)
if site_users_repos_meta is not None:
user_repos_meta = site_users_repos_meta.get(self.remote_user)
if user_repos_meta is not None:
repo_meta = user_repos_meta.get(self.repo_name)
if repo_meta is not None:
if self.repository_id is None:
self.repository_id = \
self.instance_url = instance_url
self.rateLimitFmt = ("You may be able to view the issues"
" at the html_url, and a login may be"
" required. The URL \"{}\" is not"
" accessible, so you may have exceeded the"
" rate limit and be blocked temporarily")
_caches_path = options.get('caches_path')
_single_cache = options.get('single_cache')
if _caches_path is not None:
if _single_cache is not None:
raise ValueError("You can't set both caches_path and"
" single_cache. The caches_path option"
" creates a"
" <caches_path>/<user>/<repo>/"
" structure.")
self.setCachesPath(_caches_path, flat=False)
elif _single_cache is not None:
self.setCachesPath(_single_cache, flat=True)
_caches_path = os.path.join(Repo.profile, ".cache",
self.setCachesPath(_caches_path, flat=False)
del _caches_path
del _single_cache
self.search_results_key = options.get('search_results_key') = options.get('page')
self.c_issue_name_fmt = options['c_issue_name_fmt']
self.api_repo_url_fmt = options['api_repo_url_fmt']
self.api_issue_url_fmt = options['api_issue_url_fmt']
self.api_labels_url_fmt = options['api_labels_url_fmt']
# ^ All of these are guaranteed not to be None due to
# "Set it to the default if it is None" further up.
self.repo_url = self.api_repo_url_fmt.format(
self.search_issues_url_fmt = \
self.search_issues_url = self.search_issues_url_fmt.format(
self.api_comments_url_fmt = options['api_comments_url_fmt']
self.comments_url = self.api_comments_url_fmt.format(
self.issues_url = self.repo_url + "/issues"
# self.labels_url = self.repo_url + "/labels"
self.labels_url = self.api_labels_url_fmt.format(
self.page_size = options['page_size']
self.log_prefix = "@ "
self.c_issues_name_fmt = options['c_issues_name_fmt']
self.label_ids = [] # all label ids in the repo
self.labels = [] # all labels in the repo (string only)
self.label_metas = None
self.default_query = options['default_query']
self.hide_events = options['hide_events']
self.issues = None
self.last_url = None
self.options = copy.deepcopy(options)
def getKnownKey(self, name):
Get an API-specific key that matches the given name. The name
variable will only be considered valid if it exists in
Sequential arguments:
name -- a well-known issue key such as 'body' that will be
translated to an API-specific key.
known_issue_keys = self.options.get('known_issue_keys')
if known_issue_keys is None:
raise RuntimeError("known_issue_keys shouldn't be None.")
key = known_issue_keys.get(name)
if key is None:
raise KeyError("{} is not a well-known key in"
" known_issue_keys. Try _getIssueValue to"
" forcefully get a value but only if you"
" ran load_issues first--otherwise use"
" getKnown.")
return key
def _getIssueValue(self, index, key):
Sequential arguments:
index -- an index in self.issues
key -- a key in self.options['known_issue_keys']
return self.issues[index][key]
def _getKnownAt(self, index, name):
Sequential arguments:
index -- an index in self.issues
name -- a well-known issue key such as 'body' that will be
translated to an API-specific key.
if self.issues is None:
raise RuntimeError("You cannot use _getKnownAt when there"
" no issues loaded (try getKnown).")
key = self.getKnownKey(name)
if key is None:
raise RuntimeError("getKnownKey should not be None.")
return self._getIssueValue(index, key)
def getKnown(self, issue, name):
Sequential arguments:
issue -- a full issue dict such as obtained via get_issue
name -- a well-known issue key such as 'body' that will be
translated to an API-specific key.
if issue is None:
raise ValueError("issue is None but must be an issue dict"
" such as obtained via get_issue.")
if not isinstance(issue, dict):
raise ValueError("issue must be an issue dict such as"
" obtained via get_issue.")
key = self.getKnownKey(name)
return issue[key]
def setCachesPath(self, path, flat=True):
This repo cache directory will be <remote_user>/<repo_name>/
unless flat is True, in which case it will be path.
The repo cache will contain issues/ and potentially other
directories that mimic the API web URL structure (See
_get_issues code for subdirectories and files).
if self.remote_user is None:
raise RuntimeError("self.remote_user must be initialized"
" before calling self.setCachesPath")
if path is None:
raise ValueError("path must not be None")
self.caches_path = path
if flat:
self.c_remote_user_path = self.caches_path
self.c_repo_path = self.caches_path
self.c_remote_user_path = os.path.join(self.caches_path,
self.c_repo_path = os.path.join(self.c_remote_user_path,
def _get_issues(self, options, query=None, issue_no=None,
Load the issues matching the query into self.issues, or load
one issue (len(self.issues) is 1 in that case). Only one or the
other keyword argument can be specified. This method is used
for both purposes so that the caching code only has to be
written once. The cached copy of the issue or result list will
be loaded if the cache has not expired (unless 'refresh' is
True in options, then the data will always be from the
This method is used internally by load_issues and the result is
placed in self.issues.
The consumer of this method must manually filter by label! The
page is cached regardless of label(s) because the page is the
same unless there is a query.
Sequential arguments:
options -- This dictionary where all keys are optional may have:
- 'refresh': Set to True to refresh the cache (load the data
from the internet and re-save the cached data).
- 'never_expire': Never download unless 'refresh' is set
or there is no cache file.
- 'token': The token such as generated by the web GUI of
your repo management system mitigates rate limiting to a
level that is probably not noticeable (5000/hr according
to GitHub API docs 2021-11-30).
Keyword arguments:
query -- Place keys & values in this dictionary directly into
the query part of the URL.
issue_no -- Match an exact issue number and convert the
resulting json object into a list so it behaves like a list
of matches (containing only 1 though). The query must be
None when using issue_no or a ValueError is raised.
search_terms -- Search for each of these terms.
A 2-long tuple of: (results, error_dict) where error_dict is
None if there is no error, otherwise contains a 'reason',
possibly a 'code' (standard website error code), and possibly a
ValueError if query is not None and issue_no is not None.
quiet = options.get('quiet') is True
# debug(" options={}".format(options))
# ^ By now, options is populated with defaults as well.
debug(" query={}".format(query))
if query is not None:
for k,v in query.items():
if v is None:
raise ValueError("{} is None.".format(k))
debug(" issue_no={}".format(issue_no))
debug(" search_terms={}".format(search_terms))
p = self.log_prefix
searchTermStr = ""
if search_terms is None:
search_terms = []
for search_term in search_terms:
searchTermStr += toSubQueryValue(search_term) + "+"
refresh = options.get('refresh')
never_expire = options.get('never_expire') is True
if issue_no is not None:
if query is not None:
raise ValueError("You cannot do a query when getting"
" only one issue because a single"
" issue has its own URL with only"
" one result (not a list).")
url = self.issues_url # changed below if issue_no
this_page = 1
query_part = ""
and_query_part = ""
if query is not None:
for k,v in query.items():
if v is not None:
# <>:
#url += (
# "&{}={}".format(quote_plus(k), quote_plus(v))
# <>:
query_part = urlencode(query) # urlencode takes a dict
and_query_part = "&" + query_part
and_query_part += searchTermStr
elif len(searchTermStr) > 0:
debug(" searchTermStr=\"{}\"".format(searchTermStr))
and_query_part = "&" + "q=" + searchTermStr
# NOTE: using urlencode(searchTermStr) causes
# "TypeError: not a valid non-string sequence or mapping
# object"
# - It should already be formed correctly by
# toSubQueryValue anyway, so don't filter it here.
debug(" and_query_part:{}".format(and_query_part))
if is not None:
this_page =
c_issues_name = self.c_issues_name_fmt.format(p=this_page,
# print("c_issues_name: {}".format(c_issues_name))
# print("query_part: {}".format(query_part))
if self.c_repo_path is None:
raise RuntimeError("self.c_repo_path must not be None."
" The __init__ method should call"
" setCachesPath so this should never"
" happen!")
c_issues_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, c_issues_name)
make_list = False
c_path = c_issues_path
c_issue_name = self.c_issue_name_fmt.format(issue_no=issue_no)
c_issues_sub_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, "issues")
results_key = None
url = None
if issue_no is not None:
if not os.path.isdir(c_issues_sub_path):
c_issue_path = os.path.join(c_issues_sub_path, c_issue_name)
c_path = c_issue_path
make_list = True
# Change url to the issue url (formerly issue_url):
url = self.api_issue_url_fmt.format(
prev_query_s = url
if len(searchTermStr) > 0:
url = self.search_issues_url
results_key = self.search_results_key
if "?" not in url:
url += "?q=" + searchTermStr
url += searchTermStr
debug(" changing url from {} to {}"
"".format(prev_query_s, url))
debug(" (issues will be set to the content of the {}"
" element)".format(results_key))
# else:
# raise ValueError(
# "The url is unknown for the action."
# " Maybe the code is trying to get labels instead"
# " of issues and should call _get_labels."
# )
# else issues list, it seems
# Labels are NOT in the URL, but filtered later (See docstring).
if is not None:
url = self.issues_url + "?page=" + str(
url += and_query_part
debug(" appended page query_part={} (c_path={})"
"".format(query_part, c_path))
elif len(query_part) > 0:
if url is None:
url = self.issues_url
# raise RuntimeError("url is None")
if query_part is None:
raise RuntimeError("query_part is None")
url += "?" + query_part
debug(" appended custom query_part={} (c_path={})"
"".format(query_part, c_path))
debug(" There was no custom query.")
self.last_url = url
# ^ Differs from self.last_src, which can be a file.
if os.path.isfile(c_path):
# See <
# comparing-dates-to-check-for-old-files>
max_cache_delta = timedelta(hours=12)
cache_delta = - max_cache_delta
c_issues_mtime = os.path.getmtime(c_path)
filetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(c_issues_mtime)
is_fresh = filetime > cache_delta
max_cache_d_s = "{}".format(max_cache_delta)
expires_s = "{}".format(filetime + max_cache_delta)
self.last_src = c_path # Changed later if doesn't return
if never_expire:
max_cache_d_s = "never_expire"
expires_s = "never_expire"
if (refresh is not True) and (is_fresh or never_expire):
if not quiet:
print(p+"Loading cache: \"{}\"".format(c_path))
debug(p+"Cache time limit: {}".format(max_cache_delta))
debug(p+" for URL: {}".format(url))
if not quiet:
print(p+"Cache expires: {}".format(expires_s))
with open(c_path) as json_file:
result = json.load(json_file)
max_issue = None
results = result
err = to_error(result)
if err is not None:
echo0("WARNING: a website error was saved"
" as an issue, so it will be deleted:"
" \"{}\""
result = None
err = None
elif results_key is not None:
if hasattr(results, results_key):
debug(" loaded result[{}]"
results = results[results_key]
echo0("WARNING: expected {} in dict"
if result is not None:
if hasattr(results, 'keys'):
debug(" issue not page: converting to list")
results = [result]
debug(p+"The cache file has"
" {} issue(s).".format(len(results)))
for issue in results:
issue_n = issue.get("number")
# debug("issue_n: {}".format(issue_n))
if issue_n is not None:
if (max_issue is None) or (issue_n > max_issue):
max_issue = issue_n
if issue_no is None:
# Only mention this if more than one issue
debug(" The highest cached issue# (this run)"
" is {}.".format(max_issue))
debug(" returning {} issue(s)".format(len(results)))
return results, None
# else load from URL (See os.remove() above for why)
if refresh is True:
if not quiet:
if not quiet:
print(p+"Cache time limit: {}".format(max_cache_delta))
print(p+"The cache has expired: \"{}\"".format(
if not quiet:
print(p+"There is no cache for \"{}\"".format(
self.last_src = url
# ^ If didn't return yet, the source is a URL.
req_is_complex = False
debug(p+"Query URL (url): {}".format(url))
headers = {}
token = self.options.get('token')
if token is not None:
headers['Authorization'] = "token " + token
if len(headers) > 0:
req_is_complex = True
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
# res = req.urlopen(url)
res_text = res.text
# NOTE: In python3, res.content is in bytes
# (<>).
res = request.urlopen(url)
res_text = decode_safe(
except HTTPError as ex:
msg = ex.reason
if ex.code == 410:
msg = ("The issue was apparently deleted ({})."
return (
'code': ex.code,
'reason': msg,
'headers': ex.headers,
'url': url,
# msg = str(ex) + ": " + self.rateLimitFmt.format(url)
return (
'code': ex.code,
'reason': msg,
'headers': ex.headers,
'url': url,
if not os.path.isdir(self.c_repo_path):
# if not quiet:
# print(p+"Saving issues cache: {}".format(c_path))
# with open(c_path, "w") as outs:
# outs.write(res_text)
result = json.loads(res_text)
err = to_error(result)
if err is not None:
return None, err
with open(c_path, "w") as outs:
json.dump(result, outs, indent=2)
debug(p+"Wrote {}".format(c_path))
if results_key is not None:
result = result[results_key]
if make_list:
# If an issue URL was used, there will be one dict only, so
# make it into a list.
results = [result]
results = result
return results, None
def _get_url(self, url, c_path=None, comment_prefix=""):
Keyword arguments:
c_path -- If not None, save the results as JSON to this path.
p = comment_prefix
self.last_src = url
headers = {}
token = self.options.get('token')
if token is not None:
headers['Authorization'] = "token " + token
if len(headers) > 0:
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
# res = req.urlopen(url)
res_text = res.text
# NOTE: In python3, res.content is in bytes
# (<>).
res = request.urlopen(url)
res_text = decode_safe(
if c_path is not None:
parent = os.path.split(c_path)[0]
if not os.path.isdir(parent):
data = json.loads(res_text)
err = to_error(data)
if err is not None:
return None, err
# Only save if loads didn't raise an exception.
if c_path is not None:
with open(c_path, 'w') as outs:
# outs.write(res_text)
json.dump(data, outs, indent=2)
debug(p+"Wrote {}".format(c_path))
except HTTPError as ex:
return (
'code': ex.code,
'reason': ex.reason,
'headers': ex.headers,
'url': url,
err = to_error(data)
if err is not None:
return None, err
return data, None
def _get_labels(self, options):
Get labels.
Sequential arguments:
options -- The following options are checked:
page -- This is added to the query.
refresh -- Always re-download the page of results.
never_expire -- Ignore the age of results and read the
cache if present instead of downloading data.
query_part = ""
page = options.get('page')
if page is not None:
query_part = "?page={}".format(page)
debug("* In _get_labels there is no page in"
" options.")
query_url = self.labels_url + query_part
refresh = False
if options.get('refresh') is True:
refresh = True
never_expire = False
if options.get('never_expire') is True:
never_expire = True
quiet = False
debug("* requesting cached URL: {}".format(query_url))
results, err = self.getCachedJsonDict(
result, err = self._get_url(query_url, comment_prefix=" * ")
return result, err
def getCachedJsonDict(self, url, refresh=False, never_expire=False,
Get a cached page, unless the 2nd returned param is not None in
which case that will contain a standard web response 'code'
(RFC 2616) number and 'reason' string.
The cached page is obtained using the cache location
cache directory specified in options['caches_path'] and further
narrowed down to self.c_repo_path then narrowed down using the
URL. For example,
should become something like:
which may contain files like "issues_page=1.json"
...unless options['single_path'] is set: then there will be no
automatically-created subdirectories (except for the usual
"issues" and other directories below that one described below).
The reactions to a timeline event are from a URL such as:
This method uses the following options from self.options:
token -- If set, then the header gets a new line like:
"Authorization: token ghp_16C7e42F292c6912E7710c838347Ae178B4a"
where ghp_16C7e42F292c6912E7710c838347Ae178B4a is just an
example from the GitHub documentation but you must set a
real token you've generated.
Keyword arguments:
quiet -- Set to True to hide messages (verbose mode will
override this).
- ValueError: If the issues list itself is tried, it will be
refused since self.issues_url is known to only show a partial
list in the GitHub API (denoted by a list that is the same
length as the max results count). Therefore, this method
refuses to handle such URLs.
if self.options is None:
raise RuntimeError("You must set options before running"
token = self.options.get('token')
result = None
p = self.log_prefix
# The known API URLs are already set as follows:
# self.issues_url = self.repo_url + "/issues"
# self.labels_url = self.repo_url + "/labels"
shmsg = print
if quiet:
shmsg = debug
c_path = None
if "?" in url:
raise NotImplementedError("getCachedJsonDict can't query")
# If this is implemented, use:
# c_issues_name_fmt
# Since even the first page should have "page" or something
# to denote there are potentially multiple pages.
elif url.startswith(self.comments_url):
# This code is not necessary since it startswith
# self.issues_url and that case creates any subdirectories
# necessary such as issues/comments/<#>/reactions
subUrl = url[len(self.comments_url):]
if subUrl.startswith("/"):
subUrl = subUrl[1:]
if subUrl.endswith("/"):
if len(subUrl) == 0:
raise ValueError("Refusing to cache partial list.")
subUrl += "index.json"
if len(subUrl) == 0:
raise ValueError("Refusing to cache partial list.")
subParts = subUrl.split("/")
c_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, "issues")
for subPart in subParts:
c_path = os.path.join(c_path, subPart)
fn = os.path.split(c_path)[1]
if "." not in fn:
fn += ".json"
c_path += ".json"
if url.startswith(self.issues_url):
subUrl = url[len(self.issues_url):]
if subUrl.startswith("/"):
subUrl = subUrl[1:]
if subUrl.endswith("/"):
if len(subUrl) == 0:
raise ValueError("Refusing to cache partial list.")
subUrl += "index.json"
if len(subUrl) == 0:
raise ValueError("Refusing to cache partial list.")
subParts = subUrl.split("/")
c_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, "issues")
for subPart in subParts:
c_path = os.path.join(c_path, subPart)
fn = os.path.split(c_path)[1]
if "." not in fn:
fn += ".json"
c_path += ".json"
elif url.startswith(self.labels_url):
subUrl = url[len(self.labels_url):]
if subUrl.startswith("/"):
subUrl = subUrl[1:]
if subUrl.endswith("/"):
if len(subUrl) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Refusing to cache partial list (labels url"
" {} has no page so the cache page would be"
" unmarked and seem to be the whole list but it"
" usually isn't due to the web API's page size"
" limit."
subUrl += "index.json"
if len(subUrl) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Refusing to cache partial list (labels url"
" {} has no page so the cache page would be"
" unmarked and seem to be the whole list but it"
" usually isn't due to the web API's page size"
" limit."
subParts = subUrl.split("/")
c_path = os.path.join(self.c_repo_path, "labels")
for subPart in subParts:
c_path = os.path.join(c_path, subPart)
fn = os.path.split(c_path)[1]
if "." not in fn:
fn += ".json"
c_path += ".json"
echo0("url: {}".format(url))
echo0("self.labels_url: {}".format(self.labels_url))
echo0("self.issues_url: {}".format(self.issues_url))
raise NotImplementedError("getCachedJsonDict"
" doesn't have a cache directory"
" for {}. Try --refresh"
" if you changed repos."
if os.path.isfile(c_path):
self.last_src = c_path # changed later if doesn't return
# See <
# comparing-dates-to-check-for-old-files>
max_cache_delta = timedelta(hours=12)
cache_delta = - max_cache_delta
c_issues_mtime = os.path.getmtime(c_path)
filetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(c_issues_mtime)
is_fresh = filetime > cache_delta
max_cache_d_s = "{}".format(max_cache_delta)
expires_s = "{}".format(filetime + max_cache_delta)
if never_expire is True:
max_cache_d_s = "never_expire"
expires_s = "never_expire"
if (refresh is not True) and (is_fresh or never_expire):
shmsg(p+"Loading cache: \"{}\"".format(c_path))
debug(p+" for URL: {}".format(url))
debug(p+"Cache time limit: {}".format(max_cache_d_s))
shmsg(p+"Cache expires: {}".format(filetime
+ max_cache_delta))
with open(c_path) as json_file:
result = json.load(json_file)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex:
echo0(p+"The file {} isn't valid JSON"
" and will be overwritten if loads"
result = None
# Do NOT set err NOR set to a tuple (A result
# of None means it will load from the web
# below)!
err = to_error(result)
if err is not None:
result = None
echo0("Error: An error was saved as an issue"
" so it will be deleted: {}"
if result is not None:
return result, None
result, err = self._get_url(
comment_prefix=" * ",
return result, err
def show_issue(self, issue, refresh=False, never_expire=False,
Display an issue dictionary as formatted text after getting the
issue body and other data from the internet. Gather all of the
additional metadata as well.
Sequential arguments:
issue -- Provide a partial issue dict such as from a list result
page that can be used to identify and obtain the full issue.
(full_issue_dict, None)
(full_issue_dict, error_dict) (where error_dict is something
non-fatal such as missing timeline)
(None, error_dict)
where (in both cases) error_dict contains a 'reason' key
and possibly a 'code' key (standard website error number, or
else 'code' is not present).
p = self.log_prefix
shmsg = print
if quiet:
shmsg = debug
shmsg("#{} {}".format(issue["number"], issue["title"]))
# shmsg(issue["html_url"])
issue_data = issue
html_url = issue['html_url']
issue_data, err = self.getCachedJsonDict(
if err is not None:
return None, err
markdown = issue_data.get("body")
# ^ It is (always?) present but allowed to be None by GitHub!
if markdown is not None:
markdown = markdown.replace("\\r\\n", "\n").replace(
left_w = 11
# ^ left_w must be >=11 or "updated_at:" will push the next col.
spacer = " "
line_fmt = "{: <" + str(left_w) + "}" + spacer + "{}"
shmsg(line_fmt.format("html_url:", issue["html_url"]))
shmsg(line_fmt.format("by:", issue_data["user"]["login"]))
shmsg(line_fmt.format("state:", issue_data["state"]))
assignees = issue_data.get("assignees")
if (assignees is not None) and len(assignees) > 1:
assignee_names = [a["login"] for a in assignees]
" ".join(assignee_names)))
elif issue_data.get("assignee") is not None:
assignee_name = issue_data["assignee"]["login"]
shmsg(line_fmt.format("assignee:", assignee_name))
labels_s = "None"
ll = None
if issue.get('labels') is not None:
if issue.get('lower_labels') is None:
issue['lower_labels'] = []
for oldL in issue.get('labels'):
labelURL = oldL.get('url')
if labelURL is not None:
lastSlashI = labelURL.rfind('/')
if lastSlashI > -1:
ll = labelURL[lastSlashI+1:]
lls = issue.get('lower_labels')
if (lls is not None) and (len(issue['lower_labels']) > 0):
neat_labels = []
for label_s in lls:
if " " in label_s:
neat_labels.append('"' + label_s + '"')
labels_s = ", ".join(neat_labels)
# moved further down: shmsg(line_fmt.format("labels:", labels_s))
if markdown is not None:
shmsg("(no description)")
comments = issue_data.get("comments")
if comments is None:
comments = 0
if comments > 0:
shmsg("({}) comment(s):".format(comments))
left_margin = " "
c_prop_fmt = (left_margin + "{: <" + str(left_w) + "}"
+ spacer + "{}")
# ^ Ensure that the second column is justified
# (in a Terminal using a monospaced font).
# NOTE: Timeline is nicer than events because it has both
# comments and events.
this_evts_json_url = issue_data.get('events_url')
if this_evts_json_url is not None:
evts_res = request.urlopen(this_evts_json_url)
evts_data_s = decode_safe(
evts_data = json.loads(evts_data_s)
# Example:
# <
# issues/202/events>
this_tmln_json_url = issue_data.get('timeline_url')
data = []
msg = None
if this_tmln_json_url is not None:
tmln_data, err = self.getCachedJsonDict(
if err is not None:
msg = ("Accessing the timeline URL failed: {}"
# Example:
# <
# issues/202/timeline>
data = tmln_data
elif comments > 0:
comments_url = issue_data.get("comments_url")
if comments_url is None:
# if self.api_id == "Gitea":
comments_url = self.api_comments_url_fmt.format(
instance_url = self.instance_url,
if comments_url is not None:
cmts_data, err = self.getCachedJsonDict(
if err is not None:
msg = ("Accessing the timeline URL failed: {}"
return (
'code': err.code,
'reason': msg,
'headers': err.headers,
data = cmts_data
msg = ("WARNING: comments={} but there is no"
" comments_url in:"
# echo0(msg)
# echo0(json.dumps(issue_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
for evt in data:
user = evt.get('user')
login = None
if user is not None:
login = user.get('login')
if login is not None:
shmsg(c_prop_fmt.format("from:", login))
updated_at = evt.get("updated_at")
if updated_at is not None:
body = evt.get("body")
if body is not None:
shmsg(left_margin + '"""')
shmsg(left_margin + body)
shmsg(left_margin + '"""')
rename = evt.get('rename')
event = evt.get('event')
ignore_events = ['commented']
if self.hide_events:
if event is not None:
actor = evt.get('actor')
if actor is not None:
login = actor.get('login')
created_at = evt.get('created_at')
if event in ignore_events:
elif event == "cross-referenced":
source = evt.get('source')
source_type = source.get('type')
source_issue = source.get('issue')
if source_issue is not None:
source_number = source_issue.get('number')
+"cross-reference: {} referenced this issue"
" in {} {}."
"".format(login, source_type, source_number))
elif event == "labeled":
label = evt.get('label')
if label is not None:
label_name = label.get('name')
label_color = label.get('color')
shmsg(left_margin+"{}: {} by {} {}"
"".format(event, label_name, login,
# elif (event == "closed") or (event == "reopened"):
elif event == "unlabeled":
# Example:
# <
# EnlivenMinetest/issues/448/timeline>
label = evt.get('label')
if label is not None:
label_name = label.get('name')
label_color = label.get('color')
shmsg(left_margin+"{}: {} by {} {}"
"".format(event, label_name, login,
shmsg(left_margin+"{} {} by {}"
"".format(event.upper(), created_at, login))
if (rename is not None) and ('renamed' not in ignore_events):
# already said "RENAMED" above (evt.get('event'))
# shmsg(left_margin+"renamed issue")
shmsg(left_margin+" from:{}".format(rename.get('from')))
shmsg(left_margin+" to:{}".format(rename.get('to')))
reactions = evt.get('reactions')
reactions_url = None
if reactions is not None:
reactions_url = reactions.get('url')
if reactions_url is not None:
reac_data = None
debug(p+" reactions_url: {}".format(reactions_url))
# Example: <
# EnlivenMinetest/
# issues/comments/968357490/reactions>
reac_data, err = self.getCachedJsonDict(
if err is not None:
echo0("Accessing the reactions URL failed: {}"
if reac_data is not None:
for reac in reac_data:
reac_user = reac.get('user')
reac_login = None
if reac_user is not None:
reac_login = reac_user.get('login')
reac_content = reac.get('content')
shmsg(left_margin + "- <{}> :{}:"
"".format(reac_login, reac_content))
shmsg(left_margin+"labels: {}".format(labels_s))
closed_by = issue_data.get('closed_by')
closed_at = issue_data.get('closed_at')
if (closed_by is not None) or (closed_at is not None):
# INFO: closed_by may be present even if reopened
# (determine this by getting 'state').
# The "REOPENED" and "CLOSED" events also appear in the
# timeline (see this_tmln_json_url).
state = issue_data.get('state')
if state is None:
state = options['default_query'].get('state')
closet_at_str = ""
if closed_at is not None:
closet_at_str = " {}".format(closed_at)
if state != "open":
closed_by_login = None
if closed_by is not None:
closed_by_login = closed_by.get("login")
if closed_by_login is not None:
shmsg(" (CLOSED{} by {})".format(
shmsg(" (CLOSED{})".format(closet_at_str))
if state == "open":
shmsg(" (REOPENED)")
elif closed_at is None:
shmsg(" (The closing date is unknown.)")
err = None
if msg is not None:
err = {
'reason': msg,
return issue_data, err
def load_labels(self, options): # query=None
See _get_labels for documentation.
results, err = self._get_labels(
# query=query,
if err is None:
self.label_metas = results
for label in self.label_metas:
if label['name'] not in self.labels:
return results, err
def load_issues(self, options, query=None, issue_no=None,
See _get_issues for documentation.
if issue_no is not None:
if query is not None:
raise ValueError("You cannot do a query when getting"
" only one issue because a single"
" issue has its own URL with only"
" one result (not a list).")
results, err = self._get_issues(
self.issues = results
return results, err
def get_match(self, mode, issue_no=None, match_all_labels_lower=[]):
Show a summary of matching issues in list mode or get a single
issue that will instead by shown by the show_issue method. In
single issue mode, this method can be skipped since load_issues
would have placed only one issue in self.issues in that case.
Sequential arguments:
mode -- This must be a valid mode
(a key in the modes dictionary).
Keyword arguments:
issue_no -- Match this issue number (None for multiple).
match_all_labels_lower -- Only match where all of these labels
are on the issue.
matching_issue = None
match_count = 0
p = self.log_prefix
# TODO: get labels another way, and make this conditional:
# if mode == "list":
for issue in self.issues:
this_issue_labels_lower = []
labels = issue["labels"]
except KeyError as ex:
dumpPath = os.path.join(Repo.profile,
with open(dumpPath, 'w') as outs:
json.dump(self.issues, outs, indent=2)
print("Error: dumped self.issues as {}"
raise ex
for label in issue["labels"]:
if label["url"].startswith(self.labels_url):
start = len(self.labels_url) + 1 # +1 for "/"
label_encoded = label["url"][start:]
label_s = unquote(label_encoded)
if label_s not in self.labels:
raise ValueError(p+"ERROR: The url '{}' does not"
" start with '{}'. Try refresh"
" if you've changed the"
" repository URL after a cached"
" page was saved"
if len(match_all_labels) > 0:
this_issue_match_count = 0
for try_label in match_all_labels_lower:
if try_label in this_issue_labels_lower:
this_issue_match_count += 1
# else:
# print(p+"{} is not a match ({} is not in"
# " {})".format(issue["number"], try_label,
# this_issue_labels_lower))
if this_issue_match_count == len(match_all_labels):
match_count += 1
print("#{} {}".format(issue["number"], issue["title"]))
elif (issue_no is None) and (mode == "list"):
# Show all since no criteria is set.
match_count += 1
print("#{} {}".format(issue["number"], issue["title"]))
if issue_no is not None:
# INFO: issue_no & issue["number"] are ints
if issue_no == issue["number"]:
matching_issue = issue
issue['lower_labels'] = this_issue_labels_lower
if (mode == 'issue') and (matching_issue is None):
raise RuntimeError("You must first call load_issues with"
" the issue_no option to ensure that"
" the single issue is loaded.")
# TODO: Do not use this method for getting a single issue
# since the page must be cached or it fails (use improved
# show_issue method instead).
return {'issue':matching_issue, 'count':match_count}
def create_issue(self, src_issue, src_repo):
Remotely create a new issue using the web API.
Sequential arguments:
src_issue -- The issue dictionary for one issue in the format of
the src_repo.
src_repo -- Provide the Repo object that originated the data
for the purpose of translating the issue format.
raise NotImplementedError("create_issue")
def update_issue(self, src_issue, src_repo):
Remotely update an existing issue using the web API.
Sequential arguments:
src_issue -- The issue dictionary for one issue in the format of
the src_repo.
src_repo -- Provide the Repo object that originated the data
for the purpose of translating the issue format.
raise NotImplementedError("update_issue")
def get_issue(self, issue_no):
Get a tuple of single issue dict and None, or if the second
value is not None, it is an error dict such as containing
'reason' and possibly 'code' (standard website error number)
and possibly 'url'.
if self.options is None:
raise RuntimeError("options is not initialized.")
results, err = self.load_issues(
if err is None:
never_expire = self.options.get('never_expire') is True
result, err = self.show_issue(
^ show_issue gets all of the attached data such as timeline
(issues/#/timeline.json) and reactions to comments
(issues/comments/<comment_id>/reactions.json) if present
results = [result]
if results is None:
if err is not None:
if err.get('code') == 410:
# echo0("The issue was deleted")
elif err.get('code') == 404:
# echo0("The issue doesn't exist")
return None, err
msg = ("Unknown error: Results should not be None unless"
" there is an error (issue_no={})."
return (
'reason': msg,
elif not isinstance(results, list):
raise RuntimeError("Results must be a list even if there is"
" only one result.")
elif len(results) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Results should have"
" only one result.")
issue = results[0]
match = self.get_match(
matching_issue = match['issue']
if matching_issue is not None:
never_expire=self.options.get('never_expire') is True,
return issue, None
def main(custom_args=None):
if custom_args is None:
custom_args = sys.argv
global verbose
mode = None
prev_arg = None
issue_no = None
state = None
options = {}
for k,v in default_options.items():
options[k] = v
myAppData = os.path.join(Repo.AppDatas, "enissue")
conf_path = os.path.join(myAppData, "source.conf")
if os.path.isfile(conf_path):
modify_dict_by_conf(options, conf_path, always_lower=True,
no_file_error=False, quiet=False)
search_terms = []
SEARCH_COMMANDS = ['find', 'AND'] # CLI-only commands
caches_path = None
logic = {} # CLI-only values
save_key = None
save_option = None
test_only = False
assume_values = {
'never_expire': True,
'refresh': True,
collect_options = ['--repo-url', '--never-expire', '--refresh']
# ^ Repo init data
# ^ These CLI arguments override default_options. For example:
# - repo_url is initially set to default_options['repo_url']
collect_logic = ['--copy-meta-to', '--db-type', '--db-user',
'--db-password', '--cache-base']
for i in range(1, len(custom_args)):
arg = custom_args[i]
isValue = False
if arg.startswith("#"):
arg = arg[1:]
if (mode is None) and (arg in modes.keys()):
# don't set the command to list unless the enclosing case is
# true. If a label was specified, paging is handled in the
# other case.
parent = modes[arg].get('parent')
if parent is not None:
if mode is None:
print("* setting mode to {} for {}"
"".format(parent, mode))
mode = parent
# else the mode is already set explicitly. Example:
# labels page 2
mode = arg
is_text = False
i = int(arg)
if prev_arg == "page":
options['page'] = i
isValue = True
if issue_no is not None:
echo0("Error: Only one issue number can be"
" specified but you also specified"
" {}.".format(arg))
return 1
issue_no = i
is_text = False
except ValueError:
is_text = True
# It is not a number, so put all other usual code in
# this area
if is_text:
if (mode is None) and (modes.get(arg) is not None):
mode = arg
if arg == "--closed":
state = 'closed'
elif arg == "--test":
echo0("All tests passed.")
return 0
elif arg == "--verbose":
verbose = True
elif arg == "--debug":
verbose = True
elif arg == "--help":
return 0
elif arg in collect_logic:
save_key = arg.strip("-").replace("-", "_")
elif arg in collect_options:
save_option = arg.strip("-").replace("-", "_")
assume_value = assume_values.get(save_option)
if assume_value is not None:
options[save_option] = assume_value
save_option = None
# else: the next arg will be the value.
elif arg.startswith("--"):
echo0("Error: The argument \"{}\" is not valid"
return 2
elif prev_arg in SEARCH_COMMANDS:
isValue = True
elif arg == "find":
# print("* adding criteria: {}".format(arg))
mode = "list"
elif (arg == "AND"):
# print("* adding criteria: {}".format(arg))
if len(search_terms) < 1:
echo0("You can only specify \"AND\" after"
" the \"find\" command. To literally"
" search for the word \"AND\", place"
" the \"find\" command before it."
" Examples:")
for andI in modes['find']['AND_EXAMPLES']:
+ modes['find']['examples'][andI])
return 3
mode = "list"
elif save_key is not None:
logic[save_key] = arg
save_key = None
elif save_option is not None:
options[save_option] = arg
save_option = None
elif arg != "page":
mode = "list"
prev_arg = arg
if isValue:
# It is not a command that will determine meaning for the
# next var.
prev_arg = None
debug("options: {}".format(options))
repo = Repo(options)
if mode is None:
if issue_no is not None:
mode = "issue"
elif len(match_all_labels) > 1:
mode = "list"
mode = "list"
debug("* defaulting to list mode (no command)")
# raise RuntimeError(
# "The command combination is not implemented"
# " (The mode couldn't be determined)."
# )
if save_key is not None:
raise ValueError("--{} requires a space then a value."
if save_option is not None:
raise ValueError("--{} requires a space then a value."
caches_path = logic.get('cache-base')
valid_modes = ["issue"]
debug("command metadata: {}".format(logic))
for k, v in modes.items():
if mode is None:
return 0
elif mode not in valid_modes:
print(mode + " is not a valid command.")
return 0
elif mode == "list":
if issue_no is not None:
print("Error: You must specify either an issue number"
" or query criteria, not both.")
return 4
if caches_path is not None:
debug("The cache is now at {}"
# print("Loading...")
# TODO: get labels another way, and make this conditional:
# if mode == "list":
msg = None
if mode == "labels":
debug(" * load_labels...")
# query = None
# if repo.default_labels_query is not None:
# query = copy.deepcopy(repo.default_labels_query)
# if options.get('page') is None
# print("* query: {}".format(query))
results, msg = repo.load_labels(
# query=query,
debug(" * done load_labels")
elif mode == "issue":
debug(" * load_issues for single issue...")
results, msg = repo.load_issues(options, issue_no=issue_no,
debug("* done load_issues for single issue")
debug("* load_issues for list...")
query = None
if repo.default_query is not None:
if (state != repo.default_query.get('state')):
if state is not None:
query = {
'state': state
query = copy.deepcopy(repo.default_query)
results, msg = repo.load_issues(options, query=query,
debug(" * done load_issues for list")
dstRepoUrl = logic.get('copy-meta-to')
if dstRepoUrl is not None:
if mode != "issue":
raise ValueError("Only rewriting one Gitea issue at a time"
" is implemented. Specify a number.")
db_type = logic.get('db-type')
if db_type is None:
db_type = "PostgresQL"
echo0("WARNING: No db-type was specified, so db-type was"
" set to the default: {}".format(db_type))
db_u = logic.get("db-user")
if db_u is None:
db_u = Repo.os_user
echo0("WARNING: No db-type was specified, so db-user was"
" set to the default: {}".format(db_u))
db_p = logic.get('db-password')
is_deleted = False
if msg is not None:
if "deleted" in msg:
is_deleted = True
if db_p is None:
echo0("WARNING: No db-password was specified, so the db"
" operation will be attempted without it."
" Success will depend on your database type and"
" settings.")
dstRepo = Repo({
'repo_url': dstRepoUrl,
# print("* rewriting Gitea issue {}...".format(issue_no))
return 5 # TODO: Change based on return of the method.
if msg is not None:
if "deleted" in msg:
return 0
return 6
total_count = 0
# ^ This blank line goes after "@ Cache" messages and before
# the list items or other output.
if mode == "labels":
if repo.labels is None:
print("There were no labels.")
return 0
if repo.issues is None:
print("There were no issues.")
return 0
match_all_labels_lower = []
p = repo.log_prefix
for s in match_all_labels:
" {} to match_all_labels_lower.".format(s.lower()))
total_count = len(repo.issues)
match = repo.get_match(
matching_issue = match['issue']
never_expire = options.get('never_expire') is True
if matching_issue is not None:
debug("* showing matching_issue...")
refresh = options.get('refresh') is True
# ^ Never refresh, since that would already have been done.
state_msg = repo.default_query.get('state')
if state_msg is None:
state_msg = repo.last_url
if state_msg != "open":
print("(showing {} issue(s))".format(state_msg.upper()))
# ^ such as CLOSED
debug("* There is no matching_issue; matching manually...")
# TODO: This code doesn't work since it isn't cached.
if mode == 'issue':
state = 'closed'
repo.load_issues(options, query={'state':"closed"},
total_count = len(repo.issues)
match = repo.get_match(
matching_issue = match['issue']
if matching_issue is None:
if mode == "issue":
# print("mode: {}".format(mode))
# print("issue_no: {}".format(issue_no))
# print("match_all_labels_lower: {}"
# "".format(match_all_labels_lower))
print("(the issue wasn't visible)")
if mode == "labels":
total_count = 0
for label_s in repo.labels:
total_count += 1
# print(label_s)
# Each item in repo.label_metas is formatted like:
# {'id': 1285230160, 'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxMjg1MjMwMTYw',
# 'url': '
# EnlivenMinetest/labels/
# 'name': '2016-2018 unconfirmed on',
# 'color': 'e2a353', 'default': False, 'description': ''}
# caption = label_s
print("* got {} label(s)".format(len(repo.labels)))
if total_count >= repo.page_size:
print("The maximum issue count per page was reached.")
next_page = 2
if is not None:
next_page = + 1
print(" ./" + me + " labels page " + str(next_page))
print("to see labels on additional pages.")
elif mode == "list":
if len(match_all_labels) > 0:
if total_count >= repo.page_size:
print("{} found but only {} searched, which is the"
" maximum number per page."
"".format(match['count'], total_count))
next_page = 2
if is not None:
next_page = + 1
print(" ./" + me + " " + " ".join(match_all_labels)
+ " page " + str(next_page))
print("to see additional pages.")
pageMsg = "."
if is not None:
pageMsg = " (There are no more pages)."
print("{} issue(s) matched {}{}".format(
" + ".join("'{}'".format(s) for s in match_all_labels),
5 years ago
if is not None:
print("{} issue(s) are showing for page"
" {}.".format(match['count'],
print("{} issue(s) are showing.".format(match['count']))
if total_count >= repo.page_size:
print("That is the maximum number per page. Type")
next_page = 2
if is not None:
next_page = + 1
print(" ./" + me + " page " + str(next_page))
print("to see additional pages.")
if match['count'] > 0:
# Note that if a label and issue number are both provided,
# the mode is still "list".
if issue_no is not None:
print("Warning: The issue number was ignored since you"
" used an option that lists multiple issues.")
print("To view details of one of these issues, type")
print(" ./" + me)
# print(" {}".format(custom_args[0]))
# ^ Doesn't help: changes to full path including $PATH
print("followed by a number.")
elif total_count >= repo.page_size:
print("* There were {} matches by the end of the page so"
" page {} will appear automatically..."
"".format(match['count'], next_page))
new_args = []
prevArg = None
pageDone = False
for arg in custom_args:
if prevArg == "page":
pageDone = True
prevArg = arg
if not pageDone:
debug("* constructed new_args {} from {}"
"".format(new_args, custom_args))
ret = main(custom_args=new_args)
return ret
debug("There is no summary output due to mode={}".format(mode))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":