This is an experimental copy for testing Poikilos' issue mirroring system. Note that Gitea's migration tool can import issues, but the "Issues" checkbox is disabled when "This repository will be a mirror" is enabled (it is for this repo).

20 lines
560 B

"root": true,
"extends": "@ljharb",
"rules": {
"complexity": [2, 28],
"consistent-return": 1,
"func-name-matching": 0,
"id-length": [2, { "min": 1, "max": 25, "properties": "never" }],
"indent": [2, 4],
"max-params": [2, 12],
"max-statements": [2, 45],
"no-continue": 1,
"no-magic-numbers": 0,
"no-restricted-syntax": [2, "BreakStatement", "DebuggerStatement", "ForInStatement", "LabeledStatement", "WithStatement"],
"operator-linebreak": [2, "before"],