209 lines
5.3 KiB
209 lines
5.3 KiB
3 years ago
-- ===================================================================
-- "ufoods" common header.
local S
if minetest.get_modpath ("intllib") then
S = intllib.Getter()
S = function (s) return s end
local item_eat = unified_foods.item_eat
local keep_vessels = unified_foods.keep_vessels
local mra = minetest.registered_aliases
local mri = minetest.registered_items
local reg_alias = ocutil.safe_register_alias
local reg_craft = minetest.register_craft
local reg_food = unified_foods.register_food
local reg_item = ocutil.safe_register_item
local reg_juice = unified_foods.register_juice
local needitem
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("juicer",
description = "Juicer" ,
external_items = "farming:juicer" ,
reg_craft ({
output = neednode ,
recipe = {
{ "" , "default:stone" , "" } ,
{ "default:stone" , "" , "default:stone" } ,
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("sugar",
description = "Sugar" ,
external_items = {
"farming:sugar" , "jkfarming:sugar" ,
"bushes:sugar" , "mtfoods:sugar" ,
if ocutil.thing_exists ("default:papyrus") then
reg_craft ({
output = needitem .. " 20" ,
recipe = {
{ "default:papyrus" } ,
-- ===================================================================
-- Note: The fallback definition provided here isn't fully functional.
-- However, the expectation is that "bucket" is usually present, so
-- the fallback usually shouldn't be needed.
needitem = reg_food ("bucket_water",
description = "Bucket of water" ,
extra_groups = { bucket_water=1 } ,
external_items = "bucket:bucket_water" ,
reg_alias ("bucket:bucket_water", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("salt",
description = "Salt" ,
satiate = 0 ,
external_items = "farming:salt" ,
reg_craft ({
type = "cooking" ,
cooktime = 15 ,
output = needitem ,
recipe = "group:bucket_water" ,
replacements = keep_vessels ,
reg_alias ("farming:salt", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("wheat",
description = "Wheat" ,
external_items = {
"farming:wheat", "plantlib:wheat"
} ,
reg_craft ({
output = needitem ,
recipe = {
{ "default:dry_shrub" } ,
reg_alias ("farming:wheat", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("flour",
description = "Flour" ,
external_items = "farming:flour" ,
reg_craft ({
output = needitem ,
recipe = {
{ "group:food_wheat" } ,
{ "group:food_wheat" } ,
reg_alias ("farming:flour", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("bread",
description = "Bread" ,
stack_max = 3 ,
satiate = 5 ,
external_items = "farming:bread" ,
reg_craft ({
type = "cooking" ,
cooktime = 15 ,
output = needitem ,
recipe = "group:food_flour" ,
reg_alias ("farming:bread", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("egg",
description = "Egg" ,
stack_max = 10 ,
satiate = 1 ,
external_items = {
"mobs:egg" , "animalmaterials:egg" ,
"animalmaterials:egg_big" , "jkanimals:egg" ,
} ,
reg_alias ("mobs:egg", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("meat_raw",
description = "Raw Meat" ,
stack_max = 25 ,
satiate = 1 ,
extra_groups = { meat=1 } ,
external_items = {
"mobs:meat_raw", "animalmaterials:meat_raw"
} ,
reg_alias ("mobs:meat_raw", needitem)
-- ===================================================================
needitem = reg_food ("meat",
description = "Cooked Meat" ,
satiate = 6 ,
extra_groups = { meat=1 } ,
external_items = {
"mobs:meat" , "jkanimals:meat" ,
"mobfcooking:cooked_pork" ,
"mobfcooking:cooked_beef" , "mobfcooking:cooked_chicken" ,
"mobfcooking:cooked_lamb" , "mobfcooking:cooked_venison" ,
} ,
reg_craft ({
type = "cooking" ,
output = needitem ,
recipe = "group:food_meat_raw" ,
cooktime = 30 ,
-- ===================================================================
-- End of file.